11-20-05 1

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters involved: Terrance & Taye.

Salamandastron: Caverns - Boxing Chamber

Terrance is doing his best to beat the stuffing out of one of the heavy punching bags. His face almost looks angry with a clenched jaw and a determined look on his face as he throws hard punches at the bag at a fast pace. Granted, he's still a runt so there's not all that much umph to his punches but still, whatever hare that is holding the bag is probably getting slightly shaken.

Taye stands in the doorway, looking torn between feeling bad for the dummy and feeling bad for the spotter. In the end, he merely shakes his head and pushes off the door frame and towards Terrance and his angry training. He snorts as he approaches, mostly in order to signal his presence. "He call yer mom somethin' bad, or what? If he did, we could always just rip the stuffin' outta him. Fastah, I think."

Terrance throws a few more punches before straitening and acknowledging Taye. "Figuah that it's just as thick as Tom's skull though." He says, breathing heavily the meanwhile. The recruit wipes some sweat from his forehead and then rubs his arm a little. "How's it goin' Taye?"

Taye frowns in a slightly puzzled manner. "I would've thought thickah." He shrugs, though, and leaves it go. "All righ'... what's goin' on with you, though?"

Terrance smirks a little at that and hehs. "Yeah, probably right there, eh wot." He continues to rub his right arm a bit and shrugs, "Oh Tom and them are at it again. Set them up so Darklett would catch them in tha act again tha othah night but it didn't really help things this time."

Taye eyes the arm rub with distinct displeasure. "They're still messin' with you? Even aftah that battle where you cleaned the floor with 'em?" He makes a face, then himself gives the dummy a punch. "What'd they do?"

Terrance shrugs, "Well they laid off for a couple o' weeks after Lt. Darklett walked in while they were tossing me around in tha dormitory hall but they started again a couple o' weeks ago. Just the usual tossing me around between the four of them and giving me a slug in the same spot."

Taye is eyeing the dummy curiously throughout Terrance's explanation, and as he finishes the other buck leans forward, poking at the dummy's side, where in fact a bit of stuffing has been forced out a loose seam. "Wow," he murmurs, then looks around at Terrance. "Yer really fussed about this, aincha?" Which isn't to say he shouldn't be.

Terrance glances at the stuffing that Taye is poking at and nods, "Aye a bit. Gettin' awfully tired o' it all." The recruit snorts, "It's interesting. When Lt. Darklett first cracked down on Tom and them, 'e said that I shouldn't fight them. Then last night 'e said that 'e's suprised that I haven't had at 'em yet. He said 'I didn't expect you ta last this long without fightin' back.' Not quite sure if that was a complement or not."

Taye looks as if he's not sure, either. He shrugs. "I'm s'prised ya haven't, eithah..." Squint. "Ya... want to?"

Terrance dons a crooked smile and says, "Why do ya think I'm workin' on my boxin' chap?" Giving the dummy a punch for good measure. "Just need ta figure out what ta do when I get tha guts up ta stan' up ta 'em."

Taye grins cheekily. "Beat the stuffin' outta 'em, a'course. I wouldn't mind gettin' in on that..." He glances over his shoulder, to make sure no one's near. "Could always... lay down a challenge. O' sorts."

Terrance hehs, "Easier said then done when you're my size chap." He then arches his brow and gets an interested look on his face at his suggestion. "Go on." The recruit says, glancing about himself.

Taye leans in towards Terrance, once more looking both ways before speaking. His words are a whisper. "Well... y'know what goes on here some nights." Not a question. "We could... invite folks to a bit of a boxin' match." He raises his eyebrows significantly. Eh, eh?

Terrance smiles at the possibilities of that one, "Make it a bit of a public humiliation when a runt takes Tom out eh?"

Taye dips his head in a nod, grinning with his head close down to Terrance's. "Jus' exactly righ'." And hey, if he gets a chance to rough up ole Flatpaw, it's a good deal all around. "Whatcha think?"

Terrance scratches beneath his chin a little as he smiles sardonically and visualizes the posabilities. "How about a double featuah? I know you've been itchin' ta get at Flatpaw. They might be more willing to agree if it is more then just a single challenge."

Taye's smile blossoms, stretching almost from ear to ear. He slaps Terrance happily on the back - no where near the sensitive arm, of course. "Terr, that's the best birthday present ya coulda given me, 'n' it's not even my birthday."

Terrance grins and chuckles, "I just can't wait ta 'ave this bruise go away finally. A new healer recruit helped me out a little. She put on some polstice or somethin' like that ta help reduce tha swellin'. Was working pretty good, until Tom started back up anyhow."

Taye grins. "Poultice," he suggests. Healer's son and all. "Well... we could make it a bet, like. We win, they've got to publicly apologize to ya, 'n'.... well. Do whatevah else we want. They win... well. I guess that's up to them?"

Terrance nods, "Sounds good." His smile dampens a little. "Still got ta wonder though if I can win. At tha mock battle, I had a shield ta an' sword ta even things out. Tom has the size advantage that comes into play with boxin' more." He frowns a little, "As much as I've gotten stronger since I arrived, I'm still a runt."

Taye snickers at Terrance. "We're both runts, Terr'." Though Taye's looking less like one with every passing week; he's starting to sprout up, finally. "We've got smarts on our side, though. We c'n outsmart 'em. We c'n be fastah than 'em, too."

Terrance nods and says, "Aye, that's true enough. Tom did move like a brick back in that mock battle. Guess I'll just have ta make sure nothing makes contact..." scratching at his neck once more.

"Just stay s'far away from him as y'can - let 'im tire. Then go in quick. He won't know what th'ell hit him, y'know?" Taye looks like he's already plotting what he's got planned for Flatpaw. You can tell, because he's grinning and scratching thoughtfully at an ear. He looks towards the ring, happily anticipating this newly hatched scheme.

Terrance chuckles at the look on taye's face but his own expression is probably not to far behind. "So then we just need ta worry about keepin' tha officahs from findin' out."

Taye rolls his eyes. "They nevah know nothin'... Only beasts awake'r sentries, 'n' they don't bothah with the caverns." Griiiiin. So much with the grin.

Terrance huhs and shrugs, "Sounds good enough then." He then looks at that grin and can't help but laugh quietly. "Look like yer in tha middle o' an all ya can eat feast chap."

Taye taps a finger-tip to his temple. "Oh I am, Terr, I am - all up here. It's a righ' five-course meal." He winks. "Candied yams 'n' /all/ that good stuff." Assuming candied yams translates into Flatpaw's face and his fist.

Terrance laughs a little bit at that and shake his head, "You're a bit vengful ya know that?"

Taye bobs his head in ready agreement. "Yeah. Flatpaw used t' mess with me when we were youngah, whenevah he had the chance. Nevah was so glad s'when I graduated on to second level classes." And when he got left behind. XD "He's a coward. Only messes with folks who won't give 'im whatfor for it."

Terrance nods, "Didn't know you two went that far back, eh wot." It's his turn to grin once more. "This is goin' ta be fun I'd say."

Taye shrugs. "I don't think he even remembahs me. Just anothah face t' him, I guess." He waves this off without much concern, then nods. His grin also returns, mirroring Terrance's. "When d'ya want to do it?"

Terrance hms at that, "How about next weekend?" He answers. "That way when all tha beasts who come are sleepy tha next day, it's a normal thing, eh wot."

Taye wraps his arm Terr's shoulder, giving his opposite shoulder a pat. "I like the way you think, pal." Then, with a glance to the door. "Let's head up, huh? Gettin' late. Young folks like us oughtn't be up so late." Grin.

Terrance chuckles and nods, "Aye, sounds good chap." The recruit replies and goes along with Taye, starting to unwrap the gauze around his paw.

Taye moves away from Terr in order to push the door open, which he then holds open for the other. "Aftah you, sah," he says with a bow.

Terrance chuckles and nods, "Thank ya sah." And with that he heads through.

Created by Oklina