08-20-05 1
Characters involved: Zoe_Lang, Jarril, Daclon, Rothal, Seven, Ren, Oxeye, Ral, Keita, Loki, Kalthas, Akakios, Zeraph, Valencia, Breaden, Icepaw, Windrunner, Brawnblade, & Terrance.
Halyard Village: Main Street(#123920RJ)
Standing on the hare side of the barricade, Zoe is presently ignoring the large amassing of hare troops standing just behind her. Her sword is sheathed at her side, but her paw rests on the hilt, and she stares off towards the opposite, vermin barricade. She turns and looks for Jarril, who commands the archers.
Standing there, thankful for the new numbers to the patrol. Jarril looks over the barricade himself, deep in thought. No longer the one in command of everything, just his own patrol and other archers. Nonetheless he has his own sword just in case. Noticing Zoe looking at him, Jarril nods his head. "Colonel, all ready here. So exactly who's going to make the first move here?"
Daclon leans against the vermin barricade, pipe smoking in his paw, although he's ignoring it. Vermin line the barricade, looking down the street at the hares, with more vermin appearing now and then. Everybeast can tell that something is brewing.
Rothal stands in the rear, watching the proceedings. Sadly, it might be added. The hare doesn't appear to have a chance of joining in the battle, in the condition he is in. He probably shouldn't even be up and about, to tell the truth.
Zoe_Lang eyes Jarril thoughtfully and grins. "You." She chuckles, "That is, the arcahs. I want ya t' keep 'em down 'n' coverin' their arses 'stead o' attackin' us while we get across. A'right?" Not surpsisingly, the fighters are at the forefront with the archers back behind them.
Seven is within the group of archers, holding his longbow already, though it is more 'hugged' to his chest than anything, ears tilted back and just staring out over the beasts assembled. The young buck looks more nervous than he did in the last fight.
A breath away from the barricade, as if to touch it might compel her to rush right in far too soon, Ren stands firm, eyes scanning the opposite side of the street. Her sights stop here and there, falling on one hare or another, and she silently dares them to make a move-- any move, and give her more reason to strike them down than Bloodthirster orders alone.
Reinforcements boost morale, and Oxeye is all for morale-boosting. The buck brings with him, for their greater part, neither archers nor runners. Fighters, like Ox. Most of them lightly armed and equally lightly armored, equipped to maneuver in a fast and tight formation. He's been drilling them for the past few days, so they're prepared. The officer's also brought along the stragglers, those who were left behind initially but have since opted to take up arms. Oxeye separates from his patrol, trotting towards Zoe and the rest of the Long Patrol. "Not too late, then, eh?"
Jarril nods his head. "Aye, as ya command. Shame, would've liked ta finish off that sparring though." Looking over again. "Ah well, they won't make it ta us anyways. I'll head back and prepare. We be ready when ya give the ordah, colonel." Nodding his head again, the major gives another look to where the square lies, before giving a salute and then marching off to give out orders to the archers and any slingshot carrying hares.
Ral is in that patrol behind Oxeye staying quiet in a darkened patrol uniform
Keita is actually standing up on one of the roofs, with a heavy-looking sack of /something/ or other hoisted over one shoulder. She's still on the hare side of the barricade, though, and watching both sides with an amused smirk. "All this fer one little village..."
Loki strides to the vermin barricade, bringing with him quite a few more, these ones carrying the large shields and spears favored by many of the vermin. These begin the tedious process of shoving their way through to the front of the barricade, Loki growling orders.
Kalthas looks towards Loki and waits. Then with a flick of two fingers a score of floret archers move to the vermin barricade followed by a standard barer.
Akakios crouches on a roof, hare longbow in paw, the arrow already on string, string pulled back to his chin, bending the bow to its limit. The wildcat's aim drifts about, looking for a good target.
Zeraph makes his way up close to Rothal, the buck too unsure if he is allowed to join the battle after the arrow wound he obtained not too long ago. He swallows and gazes around at the other hares present, focusing on Jarril and Zoe_Lang for a moment, before looking at Roth beside him.
Zoe_Lang gives Jarril a sharp salute, something that she doesn't often bother with in more casual settings. "Good. I'll send the ordah when 'm ready." She turns, however, when Oxeye approaches. Immediately she grins. "No, yer not too ready." She reaches out, resting a paw on his shoulder and giving it a squeeze. "Glad yer here." She then turns back to the barricade and takes a deep breath. "Ready?" She squints.
Her heart thumps in her chest, her adrenaline pumps, and Ren fuels for the battle ahead, a taste for blood upon her tongue. She licks the corner of her muzzle lightly, enjoying the bitter taste imagined to be there, and trains her hungry eyes on the barricade of hare directly across from her.
The Floret archers at the vermin barricade all have arrows on tight strings aimed at the hare barricade, waiting for orders to fire.
Daclon looks back, nodding to a larger ferret carrying two shields. Taking one, he shifts it onto his arm. It'll do for the opening exercises. Glancing up and down the line, noting the ragged banners and shields, he turns his attention back to the hares, showing no sign of nervousness.
Ral stands quietly near the back of Ox's patrol not wanting to really draw attention to himself.
Jarril begins to give out orders to his section of the patrol. Main lot ta aim behind that barrier. I want a few of ya ta scan other areas, roofs and whatnot. Anything up there. Aim for them." Taking a step to the side he gives out another firmer order. "Alright. Get into formation now. Remember ta hold ya breath in when ya firing." Moving his gaze back to the front, his ears twitch to the sound of arrows being shafted into their bows.
In return, Ox's paw briefly presses against the small of Zoe's back, turning with the doe to face the barricade. An eartwitch is the signal for Oxeye's patrol to prepare themselves for the signal, as Ox murmurs to Zoe. "Jus' a moment. Say, C'nel, where exactly d'ye plan on rushin' these fightahs? Ah don't want t'bump int'ye."
Ral starts to get ready for battle loosening his sword in it's sheathe and watching Ox for the signal
Kalthas grabs his own tall rectangular shield and yells to the word 'FIRE!' to his archers and a score of arrows wizz to the hare barricade
Paw trained upon the dagger at her side, symbolizing her readiness to fight, Ren takes note of every obvious move one hare or another makes and files it away in her mind for later predictability of further actions they may take.
"Straight at 'em... righ' down the centah." Zoe's absolutely fine with taking the direct approach. The archers should cover their attack well enough. She unsheathes her sword, but just then the arrows are leased in their direction. Zoe immediately ducks, as several other hares do, but in this ducking, Zoe whistles sharply - the signal to Jarril.
Kalthas archer's first volley was a warning, he waits for for the hares next move his archers not firing
Seven nods sharply his understanding of the orders they are given, and shifts with the other archers as they move into the formation. The buck has already begun to stare about at the buildings, because of the wildcat with the bow last time and he actually spots Akakios, though his attention is averted from this as arrows fly towards them..
Jarril acts immediately, the training in full control now. Barking out orders. "Right, first line fire over our fightahs. Now. Fall back, second line move into place, third line get ready. Second line fire!" Several lines of arrows come over the heads of the hare fighters fast, moving towards the vermin ranks.
Akakios doesn't fire with the others. It'd be a pity to attract attention. Although Seven has already spotted him. He waits, almost completely concealed, for the best target he can find.
Oxeye considers, but isn't apt to argue Zoe's approach. After all, the battle is joined. And Ox is just as eager to meet paw to skull as any other. He merely crouches as the arrows fly overhead, paw loosely holding his newly-hardened javelin. Silence is Ox's response, signifying further questions are not forthcoming.
Vermin lift their shields as the archers begin to fire, and most of the arrows are deflected, only a few finding targets in fur and flesh. A volley is fired off at the hares in return.
Seven is too distracted to think on the feline's presence anyway. He fires with the second line.
Detesting the absolutel humiliation of being forced to hide behind the solid protection of the barricade, Ren quickly ducks and shoves aside her pride for the sake of the battle. Pride gets you killed, after all.
A few hares fall in Jarril's ranks but the major barks out orders for those spaces to be replaced, signaling the third line to fire, quickly followed by the first line.
Kalthas signals to his archers and they fire at will at the hare side.
Seven jumps back quickly as an arrow thuds into the ground beside his footpaws, readying another shaft into his bow for the next round.
Valencia unsheaths her two swords, dressed in full battle armor as she approaches her mate. "You sent for me, Milord?"
Daclon keeps his shield lifted, waiting for the hares to charge before giving any sort of commands. Safety from arrows is their concern at the moment, and the large shields give then plenty of cover.
As soon as she sees the arrows fly over her head towards the vermin side, Zoe jumps up and, sword still in paw, jerks it forward and points forward - the signal to the fighting troops. "Eulalia!" She hops over the barricade - first, of course, though she imagines Oxeye will follow not too long after. Despite her age, she moves with an impressive speed, dodging left and right at staying at a crouch, to provide the least target possible. She scans the street quickly for any potential cover. Mostly this consists of the occasional alley to duck into, and one or two turned over carts.
Ral waits for Ox's signal quietly
Kalthas glances at valencia and nods. signaling for a few soldiers to surround her as they do him.
Valencia glances over the scene quickly, murmuring in the fox's ear, "If you must go into that fray, I am accompanying you."
Moving across the roofs at a crouch - fortunately on the roofs on the opposite side of the street from Akakios, Keita doesn't stop until she's reached the middle region of the street. She drops down onto her knees, turning the sack and dumping out its contents. A sizeable pile of rocks, most small though some larger than others. They average golf-ball sized. She holds one in her left paw and another in her right, waiting.
Akakios pulls the bow back to it's limit, following Zoe_Lang's dodging with his aim, waiting for anything, finally seeing his chance, and firing the bow. The arrow hisses towards the hare with vicious speed.
Jarril gives the order. "Archers, forward march." Wanting to keep the distance between the fighters and the archers to a minimal if possible. "Second line, aim and fire, fall back. Third line... Halt, we stand here." The archers are at the edge of the barricade now as the major looks out into the square. "Fire! Fall back, first line forward..."
"That'll do," Ox mutters to himself, following suit. He'll take the silver, being the second to vault the barricade. He thuds down on the open street, raising slowly as more hares rush over the barricade. "Ye know the drill, lads," Ox calls, speaking directly to his own patrol. "Close-knit. Covah eachothah's backs. ... G'damn luck." As for Ox? Well. He sprints forward, never staying directly behind Zoe. Rather, the buck intends to match her pace, falling in line beside her. "Bet Ah can off more'n ye, darlin'." Buwhaha.
She waits-- she forces herself to wait for Daclon's orders to charge. Otherwise Ren would be over top of that barricade and across the street sooner than an order could be given. The lust for victory is nearly overwhelming, and momentarily fogs her mind, stealing clarity of vision. She shakes her head, straightens her lame shoulder, and waits as Zoe_Lang charges toward the vermin barricade.
Loki growls as arrows fly about. "Hold... Keep yer shields up..." One of the vermin nearby is hit, and he curses angrily. "Keep them up!"
Floret archers are dropping rather quickly with only leather armor and no shield, they continue to fire into the hare lines. the troops around the two foxes also raise their shields.
Ral moves forwards with Ox's patrol being careful to dodge arrows
Seven doesn't have time to think now, and just does as Jarril commands, ears pitched forward to listen to everything that goes on around him. He falls back again and puts another arrow to his bow, having a chance to glance around for a moment. Akakios is spotted again, before he is distracted once more with the fighting.
Daclon motions for several vermin to cover the Floret archers, these stepping up and holding their shields forward protectively.
Akakios' arrow flies just to the right of her head, wizzing over her shoulder and burying itself into the sandy dirt. She looks in the direction of the arrow and Akakios is spotted, though she does nothing about him other than point her sword in his direction, hoping that some of the archers will notice. When Oxeye comes up at her side, she smirks but doesn't look at him as she continues ducking and dodging. "You've got some catchin' up t' do, then." Zoe hears a scream behind her, followed by another even closer. Well, there go two fighters.
Jarril doesn't flinch as an arrow just whizzes over his head, the major keeping the firing maching in full fluid motion, the arrows coming from the three lines continue to move and fire at his command, some other hares fall but are quickly removed by healers to be replaced by another hare that can fire a bow. However, they do lose one hare length now on the line.
Kalthas nods again to his mate 'be smart though, i think this will get ugly' he says watching the scene
Valencia smiles craftily, her eyes glinting. "When haven't I been? When.. If, I mean. If we get back to Floret, I must tell you something of the utmost importance."
Akakios fires again, then once more. One at Zoe, one at Ox. Sinew and muscle stands out plainly as he fires the bow, the wood strained and groaning as his pulls it to its limit.
Seven does notice Zoe's gesture and turns his attention to the rooftops again, the buck having to pull the longbow's string back further than he normally would to fire off the shaft at the wildcat. Gotta protect his Colonel. ;)
Jarril spots the order and calls out. "Second line. Aim for that roof.. Fire!" He watches as arrows zoom off in the direction of Akakios before quickly giving orders. "Fall back, third line, fire back at the barricade. Fire!"
Loki pushes forward to Daclon, growling in the back of his throat. "When do we charge? We'll get picked off if we don't!"
Ral climbs over the barrier quickly staying with the patrol he's standing near the back of.
Kalthas does not look frightened in fact he shows no emotion at all. A few hare arrows thunk into the shields of the floret troops.
"Considah th'challenge accepted," is Ox's short reply, as the buck's eyes roll to one side and up, following the line of Zoe's sword. In time, of course, to see the wildcat pulling an arrow in their direction. "Sorry, deah, Ah know this is goin' t'throw off ye game, but -- " He plants and pushes into a tight spring, low and close to the ground, intending to knock Zoe forward mid-duck'n'weave. And bring the both of them out of line of Akakios' arrows. Just as quickly, Ox parts from the doe. "Ye owe me." Hee. And on they go again.
Daclon grimaces. "We'll wait. Keep calm, Loki. It won't be to long." He shifts the shield a little, looking slightly irritated.
Zeraph head off in another direction, keeping out of the way of the fighting, but he will join in if he has to. He is looking for Keita as well.
Impatience courses her veins like a poison, and Ren dares touch a paw to the barricade, tempting herself, urging herself to move forward despite any indication of orders from Daclon. She barely contains herself, but is distracted as an arrow shoots past her, barely grazing her bad shoulder. She curses in pain, all she'll allow herself to vocalize. Showing weakness is the ultimate weakness.
Keita tosses the rock in her left paw up and down, up and down, just waiting for the vermin to charge so that they're near enough. Leave it to Keita to pick such an annoying weapon - rocks. She's grinning like a mad hare.
Akakios hisses, pulling back out of sight as arrows bounce around him. When he looks about, he sees Keita on the roof, and sends an arrow her way.
Zoe_Lang is knocked forward by Oxeye, and she too drops into a duck and roll, glancing back long enough to see the arrow plant where she would have been. Holding her sword close to her chest she charges forward again, bobbing and weaving like a good little not-wanting-to-die Colonel. She's three quarters of the way across at this point, as are many of the other hares.
Loki growls again, looking to the approaching hares, forcing himself to remain silent. The saber in his paw shakes with pent-up emotion.
Daclon waits another moment, watching the fighters charge forward. "Archers! Roofs!" The command seems to have been explained before, and quite a few archers clamber onto low roofs, firing two volleys of arrows into the charging hares.
The arrow digs itself into the fleshy part of Keita's arm, on the outside, and hitting so shallowly, it rips through her flesh and continues past. She drops the rock in her right paw and crouches, holding her other paw to her arm, hissing. She lifts the paw, studying the wound. Superficial. She searches across the street to the roofs opposite and Akakios is spotted. Not like she could throw a rock that far.
Kalthas waits patiently his standard barer gurgles as he falls into the main street an arrow in his throat
Jarril begins to touch his own blade as well as his pouch of pebbles, keeping an eye on the fighters progress as he keeps the volley of arrows coming. "Fall back. Second line, fire at that roof again." The major frowning a bit. "Prepare ta stop firing..." Looking about, he moves to a hare beside him, a lieutenant. "Prepare a line to fall back, I don't want any vermin to get past here. See who can fight or use slings. We be splitting up in case they need backup." The major goes back to the usual commands again. Blinking, he lifts a paw up to try and see what is going on over there and barks out orders. "Second line. Fall back, get onto the roofs. Give our fightah's, protection!"
Akakios leans out, firing another arrow at Keita, for good measure. Then one at Jarril, before he ducks back under cover.
Seven continues the 'fire, fall back' at Jarril's commands, another of his arrows firing at Akakios's position, then he clambers up onto one of the roofs with some of his other companions, readying his bow for cover fire again.
Blood seeps into the torn material of her jirkin and Ren silently curses that she wore so little in the way or armored protection. But she ignores the shoulder for the most part. It was a bad shoulder in the first place, so the wound does little to hinder her mindset or her thirst for battle. She turns her gaze briefly, narrowed, toward Daclon, and then shoots her shining eyes back across the street, craving a good fight, a swing of her axes, the crunch of bones, and the ripping of flesh.
Ral follows the patrol he's with being careful not to die by arrows.
Zoe_Lang is not too far off from the barricade when she raises her sword again, twisting it around counter-clockwise and then stabbing it forward. This little move is the signal for the pikesbeasts amongst the fighters to take the forefront. Zoe drops back behind them, and the pikesbeasts charge forward at the barricade, clambering up the barricade and hoping to impail vermin shields and render them useless. It's hard to carry a shield with a pike sticking out of the end of it.
Daclon watches, as the arrows the vermin on the roof fire hit the charging hares, nodding. "Right. Shields an' spears first, those without behind 'em. Knock the barricade down if ye have to. This is it." Several captains relay the command, and parts of the barricade are broken down, vermin spilling out. Archers in the rear continue to fire over the troops heads. Quite a few are impeded by the hares with their pikes.
Jarril feels Akakios arrow hit his ear. Cursing, the major falls back to deal with the injury, seeing his temporary second move in to continue giving out commands to the archers. Sitting down, he allows the healer to quickly begin to fix the ear as best as the female can, wincing to the pain as it's taken out. "Bally 'ell. Ah well, not like it doesn't get the blood flowing. Having been dealt with quickly he gets up and marches back again to the front. Seeing that the fighters have made it, he calls out. "Cease fire, the fighters are ta near now ta be shot." Looking up. "Seven, make sure those up there on their side can't fire down from the roofs."
With a command from kalthas the remaining Floret archers retreat and are replaced by a score of Floret troops wielding sword and shield at the berricade
The battle is joined. A grin crosses Ox's muzzle, as the buck leaves Zoe to drop back - while charging forward with the pikebeasts. He's armed with just his own javelin. Enough to drive through a shield, at close range, but Ox would rather keep his paws on it. He aims to kick the shield of the closest vermin down with his own hefty forepaw, following through with a quick jab of his javelin, as the stunned creature stumbles out from under his shield. "One!" Hee.
Akakios fires arrows into the hares with pikes, far enough from the barricade to have a clear shot at their backs.
Fortunately, Akakios' second arrow flies over Keita's head and she ducks down behind the edge of the roof. Not before seeing the vermin charge out. She waits a few seconds, arming herself with two rocks again, and when she jumps back up she lobs one at the closest vermin. If nothing else can be said for her, she has excellent aim. It bounces off his forehead, dazing the vermin and causing him to falter. She switches the next rock to her left and pelts this, too, at another vermin. It strikes the ferret on his wrist and his rapier is dropped. Keita quickly ducks back down.
With a brief, indistinct nod of acknowledgement, much to her displeasure, Ren holds back behind as ordered by Daclon. Still, a wide grin of satisfaction begins to contort her muzzle as blood begins to spill ahead. Vermin or woodlander, blood is blood, and she relishes the scent of it filling her senses. Paws thrust upward, she pulls the battle axes from over her shoulders and swings them forward menacingly, readying herself to fight.
Loki pushes forward, unconcerned with ranks, saber slashing down a pikebeast, kicking the body from the barricade, leaping over and throwing his shield aside. The weasel has gone berserk, stabbing and slashing at anything in reach, pushing forward through the hares.
Seven looks down to Jarril and nods smartly. "Right, sah!" He calls, then draws back the bow string, taking careful aim of one of the vermin archers on the other roofs. A smirk forms as his ear twitches to catch the wind direction. The young buck fires the arrow towards this beast's head with speed and accuracy. He sets another shaft into the longbow just as quickly and is already aiming at another. This second is fired off as well.
The Floret archers toss aside their bows and draw swords joining the remaining force around kalthas and valencia
Akakios turns, firing an arrow in Seven's direction, before drawing his sword and jumping to the ground, rushing into the fight, hitting the hares on the flank and killing two before they realize he's there.
Ral moves with the patrol he is in basically just trying not to die..
Many of the pikesbeasts /do/ fall, but not before planting their pikes in their intended targets. It's a risky mission, but an important one. Seeing that their task has been accomplished, Zoe jumps into the fray, meeting her first vermin with a quick slash across its stomach. "One!" she shouts as it falls.
Jarril nods as he watches what is going on, pain in his ear from the arrow. Grinding his teeth. "Right, half stay here on the ground and give cover fire if need be, the rest." He loads up his sling. "Get ready if we get the ordah ta go help." Looking up to the archers on the roof. "Tell us if ya can see any sign that they need backup out there."
Daclon finds his shield pierced by a pike, and manages to pull the hare down behind the barricade, where he kills him. Shoving the body aside, shield and all, the ferret slips over the barricade, clashing with the nearest hare.
The floret troops at the barricade fall back to kalthas then all floret troops form into somewhat of a line 10 remaining to guard the two foxes the floret line marches to join the conflict
16 vermin clad of a different style and distinctly armored and marked with runes march from behind the vermin lines, led by a rather large, black, wildcat, all 16 bear axes, all including the wildcats made for throwing, all have leather and hide armor. Half halve bows and large quivers of arrows where as the other half have swords and circle shields. Taking a quick look around before motioning the archers to the roof with a wave of his paw, Brea readies his ax before he leads the rest towards the nearest thin spot in the vermin line.
It is the runner's natural speed that saves Seven from getting an arrow through the chest. He ducks to the side as quickly as possible, and it grazes across his arm, before sticking into a taller building beside. Blood runs from slice and he scowls unhappily, before returning to what he was doing before. Sniping.
Loki continues his bloody swath through the hares, seemingly unstoppable and wrecking massive destruction for just one beast, minor wounds completely ignored, a wordless scream on his lips. There's just something about a mad beast with a weapon that makes other's nervous...
Throwing his right footpaw upward, Ox straightens the length of his leg at a forty degree angle, completely a vicious kick that catches a hesitating weasel beneath the chin. He pushes off his left leg, landing his right paw on the fallen soldier's chest. He jabs again, only to pull it free and strike out at another rushing vermin. "Two an' three, there!" He pauses to catch his breath, eyes narrowed as more vermin seem to materialize, filling the gaps. More kitty-like vermin...
Vermin and woodlanders clashing in a mass of tangled limbs and weapons, Ren can hold back no longer and trusts herself forward into the mass of writhing bodies and gushing blood. Crimson red life splatters and smears her body in various places, but she does not flinch. All she sees now is the the fight toward vermin victory. She swings her axes from both sides at full force and lodges the blade of one into the thigh of a nearby hare.
Jumping back up with one rock in one paw and two in the other, Keita immediately pelts one at the back of a vermin's skull. It bounces off and the unfortunate fox stumbles to his knees, paw going to the back of his head. So she's not killing anyone, but she's certainly making them easy targets. Chuckling happily, she switches one of her remaining rocks to her throwing paw and lobs it another vermin, though this one only strikes the vermin in the shoulder. Her chuckling stops short, and she frowns. "Now that won't do much good..." Le sigh. However, her next victim is quickly spotted - Ren, as she lodges her axe into one of the hares. The rock is thrown with considerable force at the weasel's brow.
The floret troops fight with ferocity and skill having been trained alot the form a tight square and slash into the hares. One troop a tall monitor lizard seems to be a captain he stands in the center of the box bellowing orders
Jarril just waits, the runner come fighter lately bides his time, staring out to the square in front of him as his paw dwindles close to his sword. Biting his lower lip, a slight trail of blood trickles down without him realising it. "Alright..." He says, wiping his chin slightly. "Runnah's get ready, I want ya ta get out there and pull back any living wounded hares. If we can patch them up ta continue ta fight, that be a bonus. First lot with me." The major waits to see who would be going with him into the battle field.
Daclon slashes with both hook and sword, black fur and red tunic bloodstained as he pushes towards Zoe. His hook is caught in a hare for a moment, then its ripped out, the ferret beyond trying any sort of banter. The sword spins and slashes, splattering blood droplets through the air.
Akakios losses his sword, leaving it stuck in the body of a hare, attacking with razor-sharp fangs and claws. The wildcat, for being smaller than most, nonetheless is larger and stronger than most of the hares.
Loki may make some creatures nervous, but spotting him, Zoe heads directly for him, clearing her path with her blade as she goes. Daclon's approach doesn't even register, for the moment. She has one last stoat to kill before reaching Loki, and the weasel may see the sword suddenly protrude out of the creature's back before it drops, the sword sliding out. The Colonel eyes Loki, her face and form already splattered with blood.
Valencia squints, growling deeply as battle lust wells within her. "I'm going through." She roughly shoves the lizard captain aside, a throwing knife quickly taking down a younger, more inexperienced hare. She steps back into the square beside her mate and wipes down her swords.
Akakios doesn't note Zoe, continuing his attack, slashing and cutting through the hares, splattering blood. Still screaming, he shoves through, turning suddenly and heading in Zoe's general direction.
She shrieks-- a short, violent sound that is silenced as soon as it is released for the sake of her damned pride. A line of blood trickles freely down Ren's face, dispersing across her fur along the line of her neck like the branches of a tree inverted there. Muttering vile curses, she swings her axes at random, at anybeast, taking her pain out on any in close proximity. And in mid-swing, she spots it: a rock, medium-sized, soaring the air like a bird. She turns her gaze quickly in the direction it had come from, and there sees the source of her pain: Keita. "Damned hare, should o' known! Bein' so /smart/ again. Ya won' be so smart fo' long!"..
Loki stops, panting, turning to look at the newcomer. Somebeast important. For a moment he returns to sanity, looking for Akakios. Not here.
Kalthas moves into the violence surrounded by 10 troops and valencia beside him he brings his sword up and slashes the head of the nearest hare joining the troops already in the fight
Ral swings his sword quickly at a vermin quickly dodging the returning blow before stabbing forward at it effectively goring it
Jarril nods as he goes over the barrier with several runners and a healer or two. Bringing out his blade they small group move their way across the square quick and fast, weaving this way, that way as they make their way to where the battle is, stopping briefly to check on the wounded.
Oxeye's brow furrows further, ears standing briefly to catch the sounds of battle. He turns his muzzle, dispatching of a young rat whilst tracking Zoe's movements further down the line. Akakios and Daclon aren't the only ones bearing down on the colonel. Figuring she'll be attracting some admirers, Ox wades in her direction, as well. One or two may be enough for Zoe. Ox'll keep unwelcome guests at bay.
Gripping his ax just below the head and using it as a close in weapon Brea jumps over the barricade flanked by his own troops, he bashes a hare with his heavy shield before he swings his ax downward to cleave into the hares shoulder. The archers he'd put on the rooftops use their arrows to hold back the more havily armed hares. Fresh troops to the battle, eager to kill.
Seven sets his bow on his body for a moment and steps back, judging the distance from this roof to another one adjacent, to get a better view of the vermin and what is happening below. The runner bounces a few times, then takes off at a quick pace, landing in a crouch on this second building, staying down for the moment as he slinks forward, glancing down at the now closer battle scene. His bow is returned to his paws and he sets another arrow into it, before he stands and aims at random at those vermin still near there barrier and away from the hare fighters.
Daclon kicks another hare to the ground, dispatching him with a thrust, looking up in time to parry the attack of another. For a moment, he seems to be occupied with this fighter.
As Loki sees her, Zoe smirks savagely and charges for the weasel, her sword slashing as soon as she's within weapon's distance. It slashes towards his right shoulder and downward, diagonally.
The small group of four runners, himself and a healer come to a wounded fighter, Jarril and the rest surround the healer as he gets to work, the major keeps a look out all times, before spinning his sling to fall some rat who had spotted him. Growling slightly. "Come on, get this one sorted out. We need ta get back, there's more that will need help."
She leaps forward through the mass of fighting beasts, blocking thrusts of swords with her ax, dodging flying arrows, and yet keeping her sights dangerously narrowed on just one target: Keita. Ren reaches the foot of the stares to the top of the roof where Keita is lobbing rocks from, and begins her ascension upward.
the Floret troops begin to break up fighting individual fights with the hares, the lizard captain stands behind kalthas covering the foxes back
Loki doesn't have time to think, fighting spirit roused, he dashes in under the stroke, throwing himself at Zoe. With luck, he'll tackle her. His eyes are glazed black, and any thoughts of running are gone.
Keita's e yes widen slightly as she notices Ren noticing her, but instead of turning tail she smirks and salutes the weasel, and then arms another rock, which she tosses down at the ascending creature. "'Ey, good t' see ya again!" she shouts.
Jarril gives a brief look back to see the healer begin to patch up the fighter, hearing his words. "He be able ta carry on fighting in a moment, not that much damage. Anyone else need help?" Looking about, the major nods his head. "Aye but work faster, I don't want ta be spotted, could get messy..."
Akakios picks a still dying hare from the pavement, shoving the body in front of him as a shield, unsure what to do for a moment. Seeing Loki, he heads in that direction, scattering hares left and right as he goes, with few actual injuries.
Zoe_Lang is taken down by the tackle and she lands on her back with a grunt of expelled air. However, she holds onto her sword, which she begins stabbing down at the weasel's exposed back - the major weakness to such a takedown.
Seven's next target happens to be that lizard captain, hard to miss within the crowd obviously. The runner fires off the arrow at him, then immediately turns and lets one fly in Ren's direction, noticing her on the stairs. This done he goes to giving 'sniper cover fire' to Jarril.
Ral dodges a blow from a vermin only to be caught in the right leg from behind by another... That's gonna hurt the in morning... He quickly kills the one in front while another hare kills the one who got his leg..
As the vermin troops notice one of their official types being met with an official-type hare, they turn to give aid. Only, they find themselves faced with Ox. He offers a wry grin, before laying low one after another bewildered vermin. The buck's been out of fighting for a few weeks, leaving him fresh today. "Ye jus' take ye time there, C'nel, with that one. While Ah rack up th'numbahs..." Lalala. Oh look, a wildcat on the way.
Loki lets the sword hit him, but, instead of using his, attempts to bite Zoe's neck.
A few floret troops move to attack ox swords slashing and stabbing
Stupid, stupid hare. Sometime during the melee, Rothal has managed to get on the rooftops, and is just reaching Keita's position. Not a lot of help, but Keita might need some before this is over.
"Ya won' think it so bloody good when I chop ya down t' size, woodlander filth!" Ren hollers as she lifts herself from the step she had collapsed to, tripping in her attempt to dodge both a rock and an arrow as they soared simultaneously toward her. She had managed to avoid the rock. She was not so lucky in the case of the arrow. Muttering obscenities, she breaks the arrow off from her shoulder and charges the rest of the way up the stairs.
Jarril readies his sling again as he see's one vermin noticing his group but being felled by a arrow. Smiling, he grins. "Glad I taught them everything I know." With his sling loaded, he gets the pat on the back from the healer as the fighter smiles, bandaged arm. Nodding his head. "Right, come on, lets go see if that one over there is okay." The small group move on again with the major looking this way and that as they weave their way across to another part of the square.
Breaden strides up against the LP lines, one of his troops falling to a hare, which quickly ended up the victim of the nearest other. Then Brea spots the medic, and company, "Press forwards hard, Ready swords!" Forming shields into a tight wall taking one step back before they charge forwards, pressing the LP lines back just a little, and they only need a little more too.
Kalthas uses his sword to his well moving in precise attacks he cuts down hare after hare
Zoe_Lang twists her neck away from the biting attempt, but his teeth find a mark nonetheless - her shoulder. She growls loudly and continues stabbing at him with added force, at his lower back in the center.
Ral falls back as quickly as he can faltering often and just barely avoiding getting hit a few times. He grits his teeth as a sword scratches his arm and starts to move a bit quicker towards the nearest healer
Oh..so you want to attack the medics aye. Right after slaying the one beast with a well-aimed arrow, Seven continues his sniping, but this time in the direction of Breaden's group, aiming for the wildcat leader first. He may not be very big, but he sure can use that bow and arrow...
Loki pulls his mouth away, biting down again. Using more feeling then sight, as his eyes are still glazed in that slightly bizarre way. The sword seems to have little effect on his actions.
The floret troops have taken quite a few casualties the bodys of the troops lay scattered across the area twisted and bleeding.
Jarril blinks as he see's this, cursing under his breath. "Great.. Protect this healah." He moves so that he's in between the healer as the four move carefully back to where another hare is lying on the ground, keeping a tight circle, the eyes burning, blood whooshing through his ears, the major just bares his teeth. "Don't want ta rush ya Bayrush but we're in a spot of bother, get that fightah back on his feet, wot." Unleashing a pebble from his sling.
Oxeye can counter Floret types. They don't seem terribly invincible. The boxer keeps light on his toes, ducking and weaving around sword blades and throwing punches and kicks in return. He still jabs periodically with his weapon, focused - but not invulnerable. He's taking shallow wounds, across his sides, shoulders, and flanks. Nothing to slow the old warhorse down, though. As a moment's rest reaches the buck, Ox glances back at Zoe. Just to check up on her..
Daclon is advancing slowly again, the ferret not fighting through as wildly as the others. Methodically, his blade slashes and cuts its way into the hares' ranks, unconcerned with how many he's killed, content now to work towards the hare leaders.
Kalthas raises his fist in the air 'Troops to me!' he yells as only two score troops surround him and his mate and his captain all of his archers seem to be dead, the troops fighting ox remain though circling the hare.
Ral moves towards Jarril quite often falling to one knee as he tries to get to a healer.
Akakios is knocked over the head by something or other, most likely the butt of a javelin, and stumbles headlong to the ground, out like a light.
Zoe_Lang growls low as his teeth sink into he shoulder again, though fortunately the light padding of her uniform keeps his teeth from doing much damage. Raising the sword one final time, she stabs it down viciously into his lower back, just to the right of his spine though whether that's intended or not is not known. Once the blade is in, she gives it a hard twist to the right, turning it in his flesh once, then twice, digging it in deeper as she does this. She then works her knee up, ramming it up at the weasel's abdomen and trying to roll him off to the side.
Kalthas breathes out and rips a javelin from his arm throwing hard and impaling a hare close by
Jarril barks out orders, trying to get a few fighters to the major's side and doing so. "Keep tight, we have ta get as many fixed up as possible." Mumbling under his breath. "It be a good time ta say he's okay, Bayrush.." Blinking as he heard the reply. "Can't do anything, he's dead..." Jarril nods his head. "Right, ta the next one." The major not wasting anytime on the matter.
Loki digs his claws in Zoe, pushing himself against the sword. It goes all the way through him, and he brings himself down, sword stuck in him still, the blade pointed towards Zoe. At the same time, he bites at her again, his mouth already filling with blood, most of it his.
Ahhh, good. Ren has reached the roof. Keita has yet to take any notice of Rothal, but instead picks up one final rock and lobs it directly at Ren's face. "Good t' see ya, ole thingy! I was startin' t' wondah when ya'd come fer tea!" The barhare grins and draws two daggers from her belt, moving forward towards Ren, though she doesn't come anywhere near weapons distance. She'll leave Ren to make /that/ move.
Still pretty much out of the main battle, Jarril turns his head and calls out. "Reinforcements now!" He looks back and spots Ral trying to get to them. "Right, everyone, this way. Keep ta bally formation..." They begin to move their way towards Ral as another group of hares begin to make their way across the square now.
Rothal sighs, shaking his head. Dagger out now, he stands behind Keita, ready to help if he can, stay out of the way if he can't.
Well, the trio have finally been reunited it seems. Zeraph, as nimble as he can be, has gotten up onto the roof with Rothal and Keita as well, though he didn't use the stairs. He pops up close to Roth, in time to see the doe and Ren start the conflict between themselves. His ears tilt back.
The floret troops form tight ranks again and hold their position fighting hard, the leaders in the center of the ranks
Oxeye isn't concerned with the circling troops. He keeps them at bay by continuing to mirror their movements, javelin raised and held in both paws. His eyes continue to flicker towards the colonel, keeping an eye on anybeast who may want to team-up on Zoe. As the crazed Loki continues to wrestle on tirelessly, though, Ox scowls. He kicks out at one soldier who got too close. "Hollah if'n ye need a paw, C'nel!" He's not far away. So.
Ral makes his way the best he can with an injured leg towards Jarril staying away from vermin as much as he can, Death is not an option.
The floret troops around ox circle closer and closer oblivious the wounds they are receiving.
Jarril gets his lot over to where Ral is as they surround him, Baybrush kneeling down to look at the leg. The major keeps on frowning as he see's the reinforcements begin to clash with the vermin as he barks out a few orders, seeing most are doing the same, dealing with vermin while tending to their own wounded.
"T' tea? 'Ardly! I came t' sit at yer deathbed." Ren growls low in her throat, the sound rumbling from her muzzle like a small thunderstorm deep within. She dodges to the side, the rock narrowly misses her, and she jerks the axes free once more, having sheathed them in her climb up the stairs to the roof. "I see ya afraid to come fo'ward. I see ya jus' plain afraid, woodlander." Ren steps forward once with one paw, then a second time with the other.
Breaden growls as his group continues to fight at the LP line, the initial momentum of the charge seems to have mostly been beasts moving back a little to gain footing to fight the charge, "Back! Throw Axes NOW!" The 7 remaining on the line take several quick steps back before chucking their axes into the hare groups front, including Breas larger one that might not just stop dead in a beast, depending on where it hits the hare. And then they all draw swords, two more falling to hare javelins as they do, and an arrow inbding itself in Breas shoulder, though it's not the crippling blow it would have been due to the armor.
Rothal steps up beside Keita, shaking his head. "Stay back, mate..."
Ral's leg is pretty bad, The muscle is quite damaged and the wound is bleeding freely.
Already on her side and with her knee at his abdomen, it's no hard thing for Zoe to push back against Loki, keeping the sword from stabbing her in any way. His biting misses its mark, and she rolls back and to her feet, one booted footpaw kicking ferociously at his face and head.
"HOLD RANKS!' the lizard captain yells as several floret troops begin to drift away fighting hares.
Loki stops moving suddenly, and the mist over his eyes darkens even further. He's dead, and has been for at least part of his fight with Zoe. Still moving slightly, it mostly seems to be the last firing of the nerves, going through the same motions as he had been when he died. Much like a snake.
Jarril looks back. "How is it?" Moving his gaze back to the front again as he lets off another pebble, falling another vermin who had spotted them. Bayrush replies back. "Not good, trying ta stop the bleeding. I'll try and save his leg." Giving Ral a look he shakes his head, lowering his voice. "This may hurt..." The healer pulling out something before pressing it against the cut.
Since no other information has been given, we'll say Ox is being circled by three or four of these merry-go-round vermin. Zoe seems alright, so the buck turns his attention to the pawful of soldiers. "Ye can line up an' we can handle this like gentlebeasts, mates, o'... well, ye decide."
Daclon glances around. The whole fight is getting them nowhere, and one of his captains is down. He takes a step back, still fighting.
Seven fires another at the axe wielding vermin following Breaden. He is doing some damage with those arrows, and is now aiming at the Floret troops as they circle in closer to Oxeye, just focused on those that need the most help at the moment, but he is running out of arrows as he fires at these vermin, now.
Ral nods and grits his teeth as the healer pushes whatever it is against the wound, Tears of pain run down his cheeks
One floret troop, of the 6 that surround ox, spits at the hare feet and all 6 of them charge at once sword facing the hare.
Keita looks to the side at Rothal, and not too long after that, Zeraph is noted. The doe's ears turn down, and she shakes her head, shortly. "Back off, you two. She's mine." Not to mention the fact that they're both injured. She doesn't even bother replying to Ren, though she does keep an eye on her.
Rothal shakes his head again. "h'I'm right here, Keita. h'I won't do anythin', unless h'it's needed."
Jarril shouts to some hares he has spotted. "Over there, press those over there!" Not hearing any orders coming from the colonel, the major begins to take charge of what he can see at the time being. Seeing his voice get the attention of two stoats. He readies himself. "Bay, lad. Need ta get him up on his feet..." The major steps forwards as his blade clashes with another, pulling him close as he headbutts the other, dazing him. Seeing the other hare fall to the blade of the other stoat, Jarril lunges at him to protect the healer and Ral, rolling on the floor.
Now that Zoe has dealt with that one particularly bothersome weasel, Zoe turns to see Oxeye's plight. Or, well, really it's the vermins' plight. Poor things. 6/1's really not fair. 6/2 is /definitely/ not fair, but Zoe doesn't pass up a chance to fight alongside her mate. She crouches down by the dead Loki and yanks her sword from his carcass. She turns, approaching the backs of the floret vermin. One charging vermin is easily dispatched on her way.
Daclon kills another hare, then another, taking several steps back and surveying the situation. Time to leave, before he loses to many to recover from this fight. "Fall back!"
Ral looks at the healer and asks "Think the leg's gonna live?"
Bayrush blinks as he see's a hare fall but continues to work, putting some poultice on the wound as he works faster.
The Floret line hold ranks a few troops getting cut down here and there
Keita flicks an ear at Rothal. "I won't have ya dyin' on my account. Back off, Rothal." She take two purposeful steps forward, leaving Rothal where he was. She tosses one dagger in the air and catches it again, blade now held over her shoulder, ready to stab, while the other stays down low at her waist.
Jarril is on his back, both had lost their weapons as he feels the stoat over him, paws about his throat. Using whatever he had left inside him, Jarril manages to roll over before headbutting the stoat out cold. Grabbing a blade, he runs it through the neck, still gasping for air while rubbing his throat. "Come on... *cough* No time ta rest, especially here. *cough* Troops ta command...." He slowly pushes himself up from the ground.
Breaden starts to fall back growling as one of his soldiers takes an arrow to the thigh, spotting the offending archer, Seven, he cleaves the arm off a hare before he waves his sword in the air to get the attention of his archers, whom still have 6 of 8 and then he points in her direction before he continues to fall back. The archers loose one set of arrows at Sev before they too start to fall back.
Really, we have no clue how many there are. Hee. But that doesn't stop Ox. He raises a brow as the circle constricts, eyes flicking past the soldiers to the archer responsible for one of the soldiers' deaths. Ox'll try to thank that young buck later. At the moment, though -- ... Zoe! Ox's frown vanishes. "Comin' t'steal meh kills, love? Tsk, tsk. Bad form." He's not reaaally objecting, but it's fun to protest. The buck ducks suddenly, throwing his shoulder into the closest soldier - one who's been shot in the back of the calf, and subsequently victim to being brought to the ground. He raises his javelin to redirect a glancing sword-slash.
Daclon raises his voice, louder this time. "Fall back!" Vermin begin to take a step or so back, unsure of whether or not to leave the fight.
So self-righteous, this hare! "I'm yers? Per'aps I am! I am th' last face ya'll see!" Ren grits her teeth and raises the axes at both sides, lowering her head as she places her center of gravity entirely into her upper back so that when she rushes forward, she does so with all the power she can muster. With a cry of premature victory, she leaps forward with rage and loathing boiling, fueling, firing her onward.
Bayrush nods his head. "Aye, but ya not be able ta walk much afterwards. Ya be out of active duty for a while I say." The healer wrapping the leg up now tightly to keep the poultice in place as well to keep it from bleeding. "This will do now but I like ya ta see the head healah on this, get her opinion on it."
Ral nods "Alright" He looks around for a bow, Even unable to fight normally he should be able to help with a bow...
Rothal stands where he is, shaking in a controlled rage. Still weakened, the hare none the less would like nothing better than to fight Ren, even if it means dying. He takes a step forward, then stops, hesitating.
Seven lowers his bow as he runs out of the arrows after firing on some of the remaining vermin. The runner glances about, wondering where he's going to get more, when he is struck with one in the side and he winces with pain. Another hits him deep in the shoulder and he stumbles to the roof, catching a third in the ear, but saving him from the rest. The runner gasps for breath, blood pouring out freely from the wounds and he just lays down here, curling up into the fetal position, breathing ragged. That hurts like heck.
Bayrush smiles as he begins to put stuff away. "Ya be fin-ack." The healer falls over on the ground next to Ral with a arrow firmly in between his shoulder blades, eyes greying over.
Kalthas looks at daclon as he hears the order but then yells to his troops 'Cover your fellow vermin's backs' he runs with the troops as they rush to obey the order
Zoe_Lang smirks at Oxeye's words, though they have given her position away. One of the floret vermin turns to face her. "'Tis bad form not t' leave any fer me, love. Simply bad form." Watching the vermin opposite her, she slowly lowers her sword to her pants leg, wiping the blood slowly from one side of the blade, and then the other. She cocks her head, bringing it back up. "No sloppy seconds, eh?"
The remaining floret troops around ox and zoe run to kalthas not as retreating but to obey the foxes orders.
Jarril looks about now, back on his feet, unsure of what the order is. Looking in the general direction where vermin are pulling back, the major stands there, a bit away from the circle of other hares looking at the dead form of Bayrush. "Hmmm, bally unfair on running away from a fight. Not so noble afterall." Turning back he calls out. "Archers, fire past their barrier!"
"Speakin' o' which, we'll be talkin' later 'bout how ye were huggin' that weasel over there," Ox quips gruffly, amusement quickly fading as the troops turn tail. "Oh hell no." He's disappointed. One order-obeying soldier, though, isn't quite quick enough. Ox closes the distance, thrusting a javelin between the crooks in the vermin's armaments. "There's anothah f'th'birds."
Several arrows whiz overhead again as the major looks up and over as they fly through into the east section of the village.
Several vermin, falling back, stumble upon Loki's body. The captain is dragged towards the barrier, while one gathers the weasel equipment, including some sort of pouch full of powder. Or half full, anyway. The rat sticks a claw in, tasting it, and for a moment, he stops, eyes darkening. A drug of some sort?
Seven blinks slowly, looking like he is unaware of his surroundings as he stares off blankly. Both of the arrows that struck into his body were rather deep. The runner drifts into a black world of unconsciousness, still curled there on the roof.
Breaden takes a look around once he's got the chance, his archers grouping up behind the swords beasts, spotting Zoe and Ox as the Floret troops start to back off he starts over, "Cover the retreat, shoot arrows into any hare that tries to bark orders! Don't get separated from the main force."
Kalthas stops to pick up a bow and a quiver of arrows then stabbing his sword into the ground he fires shaft after shaft at zoe and ox
Ral turns to the healer and scowls eyes darting to look for the origin of the arrow
Keita's own center of gravity is kept low, one leg planted back and the other forward, far apart to give her as sturdy of balance as is possible. As soon as Ren's rushing form closes the distance, she ducks at the waist, throwing her shoulder into the weasel's stomach and pushing upwards. Not surprisingly, this causes Ren to hit full force into the shoulder, and the lift sends her tumbling over Keita's back and onto the ground. Yes! Apparently neither Keita or Ren understand the word retreat. Keita turns, ready for Ren to get up again.
Daclon lifts a shield from the wreckage by the barricade, and many of the vermin falling back follow suit, grabbing shields or scraps of wood. Heading for the rear gate, no doubt.
the floret troops surrond their leaders covering the vermin retreat with sword and sheild watching as kalthas's arrows are fired at zoe and ox.
Jarril moves about now, quickly, rolling on the floor to get behind a cart just as a arrow hits the woodwork. "Great, now they're firing on the higher ranks. And they say we get the easy life, low ranks don't know the bally half of it..." Popping his head up he ducks again and ponders. Calling out. "Keep firing, make sure the colonel can get back safely!"
Well, that's not very fun. Zoe watches the floret troops turn tail. She then looks to Oxeye with a shrug and a smirk. "Aw, he was sweet on me. Couldn't help it, doncha know?" The doe then turns, squinting an eye at the retreating vermin. "Care t' go 'n' pick off the stragglahs?" Without waiting for a word, she charges over the vermin barricade, having managed to remain on the main street side of it the whole time. Jarril's words don't reach her, but if they had, she'd be chuckling ironically right about now. Hey, got to make sure they leave the /whole/ village this time.
Ral hmms and wonders for a minute how he is going to avoid arrows if any come his way...
Rothal frowns, stepping back so as not to interfere. At least, not for now. The hare is still a little unstable, but seems fine enough besides that. Although, its semi-obvious that the hare is hiding how he really feels.
Ren tumbles forward in a somersault, and sprawls across the rooftop, spread-eagle. She grimaces from the pain of the shoulder with an arrowhead still embedded, shallow, in her clavicle. Launching herself quickly upward onto her knees, 'less she become an easy target on her back, she lifts the arm of her good shoulder and prepares to swing forward. There are no words now, simply the dance of battle.
The other hares begin to help Ral back to their section of the village.
Kalthas fires his last arrow and throws aside the bow then picking up his sword he yells 'RETREAT!' all the floret troops begin to run back to the east side following the other vermin but keeping a circle around the leaders as well
Jarril waves a paw and gets another Lt to come to him. "They're going ta try and escape. I want a patrol ready ta leave the village. We track them down, take them out one by one. Make sure the fastest runnah's and trackers are ready. Any fightah's would be handy as well." He pauses. "Where's the colonel?" He frowns as the Lt shakes his head. "Haven't seen her."
Oxeye snorts, large paw reaching out and seizing the collar of the most recently-fallen Floret soldier. He thrusts the limp body before him, eyes on Zoe. "Sweetah than Ah? Impossible." He grins, waggling an ear. Four arrows thud into the dead fox's body. Oh well. Ox drops it, frowning as Zoe dashes off. He doesn't miss Jarril's cry. "... Hey. What 'bout th'lieutenant out here?" With a shrug, Ox takes off after Zoe.
The rat with Loki's belongings still stands by the barricade, apparently out of sorts, the pouch still held tightly in his paw.
Well, even an experienced fighter like Zoe can't dodge all arrows. She dodges to the right as one flies at her, but one flies at the place where she's moved to and it strikes her in the shoulder. The force of it gives her pause and the arrow head has gone all the way through to the back of her shoulder by the sheer force of it. She stumbles to one knee, but she's quickly up again, snapping the shaft end of the arrow off as she goes. A few curses are spat out as she does so.
Ral smiles at the hares helping him back to safely "Thanks."
Daclon shakes his head. Tactics and ideas running trough his mind, he pauses, then continues to back up, slower, trying to keep the retreat from becoming a rout.
Breaden doesn't step back into the main battle until the Floret troops start to run back. He moves backwards only a little more slowly, hacking a leg out from under a hare brave enough to try and lead the LP press, right about now he's just trying to find the LP officers that had been over here.
The Floret troops have had enough being only around 30 left they retreat to the eastern side, with the leaders, and wait for orders
Our friend that rat, oblivious to the fighting, stands with his back to the hares, eyes misted over much as Loki's were. Whatever is in the pouch is -definitely- a drug.
Ox, having waited a moment and made a pincushion of that poor foxy soul, is able to catch up with the freshly-injured Zoe, with ease. "Haste makes waste, darlin'." Smiiirk! Ha. She had to spend more time in the infirmary, now. He bounds right, throwing a southpaw punch into a turning rat. Downed. "Looks like they're all set t'run, C'nel."
Jarril begins to move back towards their side of the village calling out orders as he can. "Fightah's who can run ta me." Getting over to his side of the barrier, he leaps over it easily. "Right, get armed, we're going ta leave at once. I have a feeling they're going ta try and get out the back." The major working since he's had no other orders yet.
Keita is still basking in the glow of her successful throw of Ren when the weasel gets back up to her knees. As quickly as she she can, the dagger in her left arm stabs at the side of Ren's neck where it meets the shoulder, hoping to get this killing blow in before Ren can wield that fearsome-looking axe.
The floret troops continue to the back entrance where they file up again, they /must/ hold it long enough for the other vermin to escape
Jarril is right, although vermin are already out the back. Guards and scouts have already left the village, and a spot several miles away has been found for the vermin to fall back to, once they lose the hares. Of those retreating, quite a few have already filtered out, scattering in bands to head different directions.
Zoe_Lang rolls her eyes at Oxeye's ribbings, but the pain in her shoulder keeps her from making too witty of a reply. Actually, there is no reply. She just continues forward, switching her sword to her other paw as she goes. The remaining Floret troops are not too far off at this point.
The floret troops break ranks and flee they are running as fast as they can with the leaders they are already out the back entrance the heck with the other vermin retreat. They leave a wounded rat behind in the eastren square.
Jarril begins to lead his lot out of the front of the village, the major wondering where Taye is, but shrugging his shoulders on the matter. Giving signal, the patrol split up into two groups to make their way around the outside of the village from the sides. The major taking the side opposite from where the sea is.
There's little time to think, so instinct takes over logical thought as Ren bows her head deeply to the side and swings forward her dominant left hand with the axe clutched fiercely in the circle of her paw. The axe sinks into the flesh at the top of Keita's knee and grazes the top of her knee bone, splintering tiny fragments of bone across the axes blade. Blood splatters, gushes, and Ren cries in disturbing joy at the sight of it.
Six more arrows head for Jarril as he starts to shout orders, though only one of the archers can see him and the others are following the one with sights lead, before they break again, their remaining swordsbeast escorts staying close. Brea himself moves towards Zoe as he spots her again. His heavy blade cutting a spear in half as he continues to fight backwards and sideways acroos the line.
Oxeye isn't quite as dogged as Zoe. He loves a good fight, but it's all winding down, now. He hefts his javelin, takes aim, and sends it soaring through the back of another unfortunate Floret trooper. So what if his back was turned. Ox proceeds to crack his heavy knuckles, giving the entire battle field a sweep -- catching sight of that big wildcat, again. "Zoe. Ye got company headed ye way..."
The lone Floret rat left in the eastern square moans and tries to crawl after the retreating troops
Slowly the groups make their way through the sides of the village, Jarril loading his sling as they slip into the wooded area again, ducking and weaving quietly and quickly. Slowing down, he ducks, keeping out of sight as they reach past the rear of the village and nods his head silently to the others next to him, watching vermin continue to head out of the small door which only allows one out at a time. Keeping his voice low. "When I give the word...."
The floret leaders are already long gone having left first with their guard
Keita has time enough to consider that fending Rothal off was possibly not the most shiningly intelligent moment of her life. However, that's all she has time for. The axe blade, still in her knee, has disappeared at least a couple of inches into her leg, just above her knee though it's not quite the thigh, yet. Reflexively, both fists open and release their blades, which clatter to the roof's surface. Not too long after that, Keita drops to the ground, the axe blade ripping out as she goes. If folks weren't aware of the battle still going on on the village's rooftops, they would be now, because Keita is hollering as both paws go to her knee, grasping at it.
Jarril gives the order as a volley of pebbles fly out, slaying who was moving outside the back of the village. With both sides coming out now from both sides, the patrol attempts to close the rear for anyone left inside. Jarril slipping his sword back out again as he runs.
Ral looks at the roof quickly eyes narrowing as he tries to find the source of the noise
The Wounded Floret rat leans against a building.
Zoe_Lang notices Brea's approach even as Oxeye warns her of it. With one short nod, she switches direction, heading to meet the wildcat. Her sword is hefted, and a dagger yanked from her belt to be held in the injured arm's paw. Just for security.
Somewhere on the muck, Papyrus has disconnected.
The leather clads lead in by Brea slip through the back gate, archers watching to fire arrows into any hares that try to follow, them out, swords beasts following up readdy to hold any who fallow back, and mostly open on their sides, it takes them a moment to turn and fire, resetting their stance to face the new opponent. Back still closing on the rear gate as he moves towards Zoe, Brea swings his sword at a downward angle to slice the hare where her neck meets shoulder if it connects. His nicked leather armor is still quite intact, only having one real wound bleeding to any noticeable extent where he was hit with Sevs arrow, in the shoulder.
"Ye don't get t'play hero again," Ox grunts, trotting after Zoe. He's in much better condition, compared to Zoe. After her little wrestling match. Unarmed, though, the buck pauses to arm himself. An abandoned pike ought to do nicely. Hefting the weapon, Ox circles the pair as they meet, keeping to the wildcat's left flank.
The smile of mad, lusting victory contorts Ren's muzzle as she looks upon her masterpiece of pain. "An' yer deathbed, t'is..." Yet, perhaps it isn't... Ren finally takes notes of the severe lack of vermin surrounding the rooftop, and it occurs to her that she may just be quite alone up there on top of that roof. Though she'd love to stay a while, awash in the sounds of Keita's agony, before ending it once and for all, she finds that being encircled and captured by a group of filthy woodlanders is an unappealing tought. "T'day's yer lucky day, filth. But I'll be seein' ya on yer death bed yet." With that said, she sheathes her axes, takes one last look at the hare's plight, and turns to flee over rooftops to the permimeter of Halyard Village.
Zoe_Lang ducks backwards to avoid the slice, and slashes the dagger at the back of Brea's sword arm once it is past. Oxeye is, of course, noted. Her sword arm comes up and around, stabbing at Brea's exposed - the one opposite his sword arm.
Jarril comes to a clash with one of those that had come out of the gate with the other hares flinging themselves into battle. Feeling his blade meet against blade he and the rest call out. "Eulalia!" Sound loud from behind the gate to those inside as a large noise of battle erupts from back there.
Hollering curse after curse after curse, along with a lot of incoherent yelling thrown in, Keita continues to grasp at the spurting wound. However, even in this situation, the healer in her comes forward and she rips her pant leg off where it's already been ripped by the axe and quickly wraps it around her thigh, as low and close to the wound as she can. Using both paws, she ties it and, gritting her teeth, she yanks it tight. Black spots appear before her eyes, and her head throws back, a snarl of pain hissing out between her teeth. She knots it again, and when she yanks it tight again, there is no resulting howl of pain - only blackness. She passes out.
Breaden steps back as he tries to avoid the hares thrust, his shield (left) arm goes to cover his chest, but isn't fast enough. The rim of his shield sends up sparks as Zoes blade slides across it, and digs into the thinner armor under his arm, drawing blood as it slices through and into the fur just under his armpit. The dagger connects too, though it only cuts a gouge in the thick leather, and sending up a few sparks as it strikes a stud. Brea begins to retreat faster, rethinking the Idea of coming after the officers while others retreated so quickly. The Leather clad swordsmen start falling back faster too, only having time to block blades while the archers fire into their attackers.
Jarril continues to fight now, making sure that none can get away. Headbutting, kicking and stabbing, the patrol keep the rear way blocked as best as they can, even with a few hares killed in the process. With gritted teeth, the major hacks away as best as he can, eventually felling one of the vermin.
Oxeye smirks faintly, noting the wildcat's defensive maneuvers with a certain satisfaction. He presses closer, throwing his weight into a thrust that could possibly send the pike's barbed head through the wildcat's leather. It's aimed for the beast's close flank. Ox doesn't seem like he's going to let Breaden escape without drawing a liiittle blood.
Zoe_Lang continues to bear down on the wildcat, though she avoids making any more thrusts - Oxeye obviously has something in mind. And when she sees the move, she smirks and looks across at Oxeye with a satisfied smirk.
Ral supports himself against a house sighing as he looks at his leg.. That's gonna hurt in the morning.
Breaden continues to deflect the wounded hares attacks, not realizing that Ox was going to try and stick him until he sees Zoe glance over, and he follows it for just a heartbeat before he drops the shield down to cover his thigh and side, causing the pike to skip off and pass behind him as it deflects off the metal knot in the center, quickly making a cross slash at Zoe that will end with the pummel about collar bone level for Ox, if the hare goes past behind him after the thrust. The leather clad archers and company are almost fleeing all out due to how outnumbered they are, and then there's that the archers have almost no arrows left.
Zoe_Lang brings her sword up to block the sword slash, then ducks low, coming up with a stab at his side, calculating that it may take him some time, after blocking Oxeye's pike, to come around with his shield again.
Slowly, Jarril's patrol press and press, forcing verming back towards the back gate. The main fighters doing the brunt of the work as Jarril continues to hit heads with a loaded sling to anyone that isn't watching at the time, knocking them out cold. Grabbing a shield, the major nods as they begin to press their way into the gate itself.
Oxeye isn't following through. As the thrust glances, Ox drops back nimbly, allowing Zoe to slash'n'hack. "So. Ye got a name, cat? We migh' need it, f'ye tombstone." The irony isn't lost on Ox, that the last time the buck fought a wildcat, it was Delvei. Hee.
Breaden steps back quickly, still trying to move to the gate, and almost there when hares start to bubble out of said gate, causing an agitated growl. Zoes stab catches one of the many metal studs in his armor, tearing it free as she gouges another pice of armor away, along with a chunk of flesh and fur. which starts bleeding not to deep but it's a larger patch of flesh than most wounds so it's still bleeding enough to cause worry if it lasts too long.
Jarril looks on at the battle now as his hares stand there at the ready looking at the wildcat, then turning his gaze to Zoe and Oxeye. "Not ta late am I? Sorry about not coming sooner, wot. Had a bit of bother outside, sorted now though."
"Ahrigh'. Ignore meh, then. H'ain't very polite..." Ox grumbles, opting to strike now while the cat's recovering from the colonel's strike. They can keep rotating like this, for quite some time. He moves quickly to face the wildcat dead-on, thrusting now low and forward. To Breaden's un-shieldy side.
Zoe_Lang rolls her eyes good-naturedly at Jarril's words, backing up a step as Oxeye has his turn. It's almost like a game, really. "Too late fer what? T' watch us kill this mangy cat?" Zoe grins, jerking her uninjured shoulder up in a shrug. She raises her voice for the next part, "Unless!" Pause. "He surrendahs like a good little vermin."
Jarril smiles as he keeps guard on the back gate. "Well, he could surrender but I doubt that the cat is brave enough ta do that. What ya think, Colonel? Sitting about all day, getting fed, answering questions... Nah, don't think he be able ta do that, not the vermin way. May as well kill him, wot."
Breaden spins his sword in a circular parry, that will ether cut a gouge in the pike or cleave it clean in half depending on how hard Ox tries to keep it on target, and how good of condition said pike is in. The blood splattered cats breathing is a little heavy as he fights on, but that could be because of how big he is, then again, that's not a big chance. "You bloody hares haven't the guts for a real fight do you?" It's not like he's going to stop swinging his blade until he's not getting attacked any more.
Jarril idly loads his sling up. "Oh I don't know, I did have that fight with ya leader a few days back. Shame he wasn't brave enough ta like have the rematch and finish it." Looking at Oxeye for a moment as he begins to swing the sling about. "Now be a good vermin and give up, wot."
"Ooh, that hurt, comin' from a vermin who sides with a leadah who attacks 'n' takes ovah a defenseless village." She sighs dramatically, holding her dagger paw up to her forehead. "Woe! 'm not noble 'nough fer 'im! What'm I t' /do/...?" What she does, in fact, is to stab her sword at Breaden's sword arm whilst he's parrying Ox's attack. Not noble, indeed.
Ox is near-completely unattached to the pike, emotionally and spiritually. He allows it to be cleaved, only to disregard the weapon completely. "Ye ought t'take lessons in th'art o' quippin', too, lad. Ah'm already bored o' ye voice." The buck falls back as Zoe moves forward, again taking the time to crack his knuckles. "Now. If'n ye drop that honkin' sword, a real figh' Ah can show ye."
Ral is watching all this time from a safe spot.
Breaden swings the blade out to be strait to his right side, twisting with the motion, and reaching to grip her out stretched sword arm and toss her in Jarrils direction if he gets hold, at which point he'll only get another nick in his armor if not he gets a gash in his forearm muscle, "Maybe if you didn't hide in mountains and left forces at your villages then we wouldn't have to attack your towns to get your attention."
Jarril blinks but doesn't reply, just moving his sling about as he looks for the right opportunity to knock this cat out and deal with what he has to say later on.
He grabs hold, but she quickly twists her arm out of his grip, spinning around and coming back with her sword arm, now held in both arms - her dagger abandoned - with considerable force towards his opposite side, at his upper arm. Her teeth are clenched, her upper lip pulled back in a snarl at a sudden flare of pain in her injured shoulder, where the arrow is still lodged.
Breaden steps back again, ending up closer to Jarril as he brings his shield up to stop blade, sparks showering as the shield is struck, then he takes a kick at her shins as he steps forwards, immediately after which he swings around the sword, in an attempt to force her back again.
Jarril has had enough and Breaden has come a bit too near to the major to not at least try. Hopping foward, the sling with the stone still held within flies in the air, aimed for the back of the cat's head.
"It's a rathah nice mountain, though. Sure ye don't want t'get a tour?" Oxeye hops from paw to paw, as Zoe charges. Feasibly, he'd be skewered if he ran in there unarmed. Taking up a dropped sword, the blade chipped and clearly non-glorious, Oxeye dips into a charge, too. Similar form to the colonel. He'll ease to one side, as Jarril moves to attack, too. "Why don't we start with th'jail cells, eh?"
Zoe_Lang takes the hit to her shin and drops to one knee, sword paw going to the ground to support her, the blade flat on the ground. The sword whistles over her head, and she's suddenly very glad his kick hit its mark. She sees both Jarril and Oxeye attacking and, not to be left out, she rolls forward, her sword flying at the side of his knee - one of the only remaining places to attack.
Breaden stumbles forwards as the stone smacks into the back of his head, Zoe's sword hits it's mark, causing his knee to buckle out from under him, his fall leading him to a point where he'll land on Zoe if she's not out of there in a second maybe two, not that it'll kill her just hurt...who probably would have been better off just getting out of the way. Ox's sword cuts a gouge into his armor, leaving a small trickle of blood. It would seem goliath has fall...yes to a ston.
[Breaden misses landing on Zoe.]
Once Breaden is incapacitated, Zoe turns with grumbling annoyance, sheathing her sword and retrieving her dagger, which she also sheaths. The arrow-head, which pokes out her back, is grabbed over her shoulder, and the arrow is yanked out and tossed to the ground. She wanders off.
[Later on...]
Halyard Village: Main Street(#123920RJ)
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Halyard Village ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
This is the main street of Halyard Village. However, for being the main
street, its not terribly impressive. Like most of the rest of the village,
the homes and buildings that line this street are sound, at best. The purpose
of the architecture is obviously efficiency, not elegance. The buildings are
short and squat, none any higher than two levels, and a good few windows are
covered in a fine grit; a combination of salt, sand, and dirt. The foremost
profession of the village becomes apparent with a simple glance around,
fishing nets and other such paraphernalia littering the area out front of
many of the buildings. So far as the living component of the street, a few
vendors are usually out and about, attempting to sell their products, among
them fish and other such foodstuffs, but without much success. It is, after
all, a small village.
Visible Exits:
[W]est [Sq]uare [C]ommunity [T]ax [O]ffice
[E]ast [S]quare [T]ide [K]nots [S]ewing [S]hop
[K]etay's [H]ome [N]otch's [C]ottage
Icepaw shrugs off the fact that no one noticed him and leans against the wall of a building, watching as the others go about their business.
Windrunner notices Icepaw's figure leaning against the wall and gives him a quick nod in greeting. He squints, trying to remember just when the beast arrived. Bloody old age.
Oxeye laughs, at this. Completely ignoring the wildcat's commentary. "Fightin' wildcats h'ain't a new thin' f'me, eithah, mate," Ox commiserates, crossing his arms over his chest. "So ye'll b'comin' back with us t'th'mountain fer a few, eh?"
Brawnblade turns to the others, and notices that not a single one seems enthused, or even interested in sevens sudden signs of life. Confusedly he raises an eyebrow, and trys again "er... hes talking now, showing signs of life." he grins at the others and turns quickly to face seven again, watching his ear flick happily "keep on going there, you can pull through it... 'er..." he pauses "hare."
A thin smile crosses Windrunner's maw as he nods, "Aye, I was hoping I might tag along with you, if you don't mind." He glances towards Brawnblade, then down at Seven. Noting the healers examining the beast, he chooses to keep his distance and watches the hare's progress from where he is.
Seven's eyes open a little and he gazes dully up at the badger, blood still running out of his mouth. He looks unsure who Brawnblade is, and what he is going on about. Maybe still a bit dazed, and slowly sinking back into an unconscious state, though he definitely fights against it.
Icepaw moves closer to the group, wincing slightly from the pain in his shoulder as he walks forward. Noticing the higher ranked hares he gives a salute.
Breaden quietly looks around some more, the pure number of woodies around erking him, he's just trapped for now it would seem, really, why did he have to go and try slicing the hell out of the lp leaders at such a poor time.
Awgh. Yaaaaawn. Zoe's ears twitch sluggishly, and slowly, slowly, Zoe sits up. Her eyes squint open, and then look around until she spies Oxeye. She grins slightly, goad to see him well and much alive, just as she left him. With a grimace she stands, rubbing absently at her shoulder, which has kindly been patched up. She begins walking across to Oxeye and - a mouse? Hm.
Brawnblade looks down at the glazed eyes of the hare he doesnt know and silently bites his lip for a couple seconds, before saying "comeon now... dont ou go all unconscious now yeh floppy eared pincushion." Quieter he ays to himself "Well, that wasnt the most logical thing to say... I dont even know the beast." he looks insecure for a moment, and pulls out his trusty hammer, beginning to twirl it in his hand unconciously
Oxeye is content with the answer, and reassures the warrior. "It'd be an honor, o' course -- " Oh, it's a Zoe. Ox turns, giving the doe a weary grin. "Hey there, sleepy. Ye remembah Windrunnah?" He indicates the mousey. "From Redwall, las' time."
Seven half smirks at the statement, though it is weak and slowly shakes his head, swallowing back more blood. Sev learns a lesson. Arrows hurt.
Her question answered, Keita allows her eyes to shut again. The two healers look at each other again, and then one moves to her head and the other to the other end. They crouch down, taking hold of the litter which she was previously placed upon. They lift, and she is thus moved to the edge of the roof, and then carefully down a set of stairs to street level.
Breaden shifts a little to see if he can roll or something but only manages to reopen a wound, gee that was smart.
Windrunner turns as Zoe arrives. Bending at the waist, he bows slightly to the doe with a smile, "I certainly wouldn't forget a hare as pretty as you." Flashing a wink, he straightens up, "I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier to lend a paw."
Brawnblade continues to twirl his hammer and gaze down at the hare, not exactly aware of the many discussions and introductions going on behind him, but he does hear the last couple of statements and says quietly to himself "I wish I was both hear, and contained the knowledge to lend a paw." he pauses as the hare chokes back blood and continues quietly, shaking his head "things like should not happen to such good beasts.
Icepaw'ss salute is noted as she steps up beside Ox, a nod is given as she studies the mouse opposite. She definitely remembers him, though they never spoke extensively. Of course, at the compliment, she immediately smirks, far too old for blushing maidenhood. At the latter comment, she inclines her head in understanding. "Not a problem, m'friend. 'Tis just good t' see ya again. What brings ya our way?"
Seven sighs a little, letting his eyes close again. He's so messed up, he doesn't have the correct mindset to wonder where everyone else is. The young buck just knows that Brawn is there and he slowly shifts in the badgers direction, with a couple of winces, going to curl up on his side at his footpaws.
Windrunner gestures towards the buck he'd been speaking to, one Oxeye, "Well, as I was telling him, its been going on 7 seasons since I visited the mountain, and I thought it was time I paid a visit. I owe the Long Patrol my life, two or three times over, and I felt it'd be good to stop on by." He glances around the village, frowning, "I'm glad that there haven't been too many lost, beasts as good as the Long Patrol's hares are hard to find."
Once the healers carrying Keita reach street level, Keita is transported across to where Seven lies. May as well group the injured together, eh? When she is set down, the bump does strike up some pain in her leg and the doe grimaces. "... be a little gentle, bloody pa... pa..." She stops, starts, "...Hares o' the patrol... whatevah ya'are." They look down at her and grin, moving away.
Brawnblade is careful to keep his feet in the same position as he moves so he is sitting by seven, before placing a reassuring paw on the hares side /very/ gently. "You'll be ok... I know it." He notices the other injured hare and smiles a little bit, exclaiming "Another one wit' conciousness!"
Seven is now curled there beside the badger, just letting the blood trickle from his mouth, the badger's paw seeming to still him more now.
Icepaw watches Seven recover...or whatever it is that he's doing. He looks at the badger for a second then goes to a closer building and rests against it, leaning so that some of the weight is taken off of his right shoulder.
At Windrunner's words, Zoe looks around proudly at the village and the distinct lack of vermin. "We'll be around s'long as there's need, don't ya worry abou' that." She looks back around at Windrunner, reaching out to pat the mouse on the shoulder. "Well, it's good t' have ya... Yer welcome t' stay here or - preferably, I should think - in the mountain. I imagine we'll be leavin' a small force in Halyard t' make sure the vermin don't try anythin' funny, but othah than that..."
Brawnblade bites his lip, and keeps a paw on the hare, before stating "Dont you be giving up now- youre going to pull through it, I know it. Yeh can do it... yeh've got strength." he looks at the hare with hope, and adds "I know it."
Keita's head comes around until she's looking up at a blurry Brawnblade. Her eyes squint, and she turns her head to the side to see who the badger is talking to, and there lies Seven. "What... hap'd t'him?" she slurs.
Seven sighs a little and just wants to rest, ears limp. At least he's not bleeding all out everywhere now..He swallows again.
Windrunner's eyes follow Zoe's around the village, then nods, "The Bloodthirsters, I heard them called. Who are they, exactly? I've been looking for some slavers and they seem a lot more organized than in the past. Any possibility of there being a connection?"
Brawnblade looks at Keita ad smiles a little "Ah done seen his ear sticking over the edge of the roof up there." he points to the top of the roof before continuing "My guess is he was a sniper, and it didnt work out too well fer him...I..." he pauses and blushes a little "I dont actually know him that well."
Well, Brawnblade actually doesn't know Seven at all, but oh well. Sev coughs a few times, eyes remaining closed and his breathing still lightly ragged.
"Well... I know they did keep some captives, but I don't know if'n their in the slavin' business. Didn't seem like they actually put 'em t' any form o' work. They were more hostages than anythin', s'far as I c'n tell." Zoe shakes her head thoughtfully, and shrugs. "There could be a connection, though. Y'nevah know. I'll ask our captives, see what they c'n tell us."
Keita continues to watch Seven, frowning unhappily as the younger buck coughs. "He gon'be a'right?" She tries to prop herself up on her elbows, but quickly changes her mind at the sudden flare of pain in her leg. She grimaces, reaching down to grasp at her blanket-covered leg. The actual injuries to far down to reach laying down, however.
Windrunner shrugs slightly, "Eh, probably unrelated. But thanks." The mouse stretches slightly as he glances over the wounded with concern, frowning slightly.
Brawnblade looks down at Seven "I hope so... I really do so." He continues to softly rub the hare. "I hope you all heal and recover... the hares are such good beasts."
Seven slowly drifts off into unconsciousness again, going limp under Brawnblade's paw, not moving or making any noise, though he still breathes and he has a heartbeat.
Zoe_Lang glances briefly in the direction that Windrunner looks, but the wounded are given only a cursory glance and the doe doesn't notice Keita. Her own daughter. Heartless, she is, simply heartless. She looks back to the mouse, then Oxeye, giving him a light nudge with her shoulder. "Miette put up much o' a fight when she found out ya were leavin'?"
Brawnblade continues to mumble murmurings about his hopes, his head slowly falling onto his chest as he rubs the hare... and soon he is asleep by the two hares, in a sitting position
Keita smirks vaguely at Brawnblade's words. If she was more together, she'd probably be rolling her eyes. As it is, she contents herself with snorting, though it turns into a cough. She looks around at the badger again, about to say something, but the badger has apparently fallen to sleep. So, with a grimace she rests her head back, eyes closing again.
Oxeye stirs from his own reverie, having not noticed Keita either. Not because Ox doesn't care, though. He's simply been lost in thought. Nudge. "Eh? Oh, Ah can't tell. She may have undahstood... Ah promised Ah'd b'back soon. With ye." Pause. "Which means neithah o'us are playin' guard-th'-city duty. Ahrigh'?" Hee.
Windrunner's brows rise slightly at the mention of a presumably female hare giving Oxeye a hard time, "Married, are you?"
Exiting one building, it looks like Jarril has had his injuries properly taken care of now and is back up and about. Going back to his usual posture of walking with his paws behind his back, he slowly makes his way down the street slowly while in thought.
Oxeye's final words catch Zoe slightly by surprise, and she sends a look his way, possibly just /slightly/ hurt. She does /miss/ Miette, after all... She only smirks, though, trying not to let on. Her silence may be telling, though. Windrunner's words distract her from that, however, and she looks around. Blink. "Uh... no. Miette's our - ah. Daughtah." She grins faintly.
Oxeye gives Zoe a nudge, back. He'd meant no offense, naturally. "She misses playin' with y--" ... Okay, wha? Ox blinks, glancing at Windrunner. A bewildered expression dissolves into a slow smirk. "Ah guess ye missed tha', too, Windrunnah." Heh.
Okay... it's time for s'more of those special herbs, folks. Keita's starting to break out in a sweat, the pressure in her leg now a deep ache. Her eyes flutter open again and she looks one way and then the other, searching for someone nearby. The sleeping Brawnblade is all she sees. "Ah... 'ey, ah..." Her face squinches into another grimace. "Healahs! Where'd ya - ungh. Go?" She turns her head to the side, searchingly.
Terrance walks onto the main street, eyes wide as he walks by all the bloody wounded beasts. So this is the glory of battle. He looks up now from the wounded and seems to be looking for the officer he needs to report to.
Poor Keita. Zoe is possibly the worst in the world when it comes to Mothering Instinct. Keita's words don't reach her - though that may just be her old ears not catching them - and not even a speck of intuition is stirred. "Aye... well. If its been s'long as ya say, ya wouldn't 'ave met Miette. She's just four seasons." The nudge is noted, and she returns it, calmed by Windrunner's confusion. Heh.
Jarril is keeping to one part of the main street now, cutting an apple with a small blade, chewing the slices after deciding that fighting really makes a hare hungry or in this case, him really hungry. Chewing the apple slowly keeps him calm from post battle nerves at any rate. Coming to a stop, he leans against a wall and looks about casually.
Terrance finally spots Jarril and heads his way. Stopping in front of him, the recruit salutes and says, "Sah, Recruit Terrance reporting for sentry duty."
Windrunner nods slowly, "Aye, I didn't know about her. Well, congratulations to you two, then." He glances to the side, noting the gathering hares who are rapidly swelling the population of the area.
Icepaw gets confused by listening to the officers and the mouse talk.
Jarril just blinks at Terrance, no rest for the wicked or in this case the major. "Eh, what?" Blinking again as he just finally brings himself out from within his thoughts. "Oh, right. Well, I have enough right now until tomorrah. See me or
"Yes sah" Terrance replies, dropping his salute and stepping away. He looks around as he tries to figure out what to do now. He starts walking slowly, looking around at the results of the battle.
Jarril slowly cuts another slice again and goes back to slowly chewing the apple slice while closing his eyes, the major deciding that he is going to have some time off, until the apple has finished at any rate. Slipping down, he slowly sits on the floor and rests his head against the wall.
Keita's eyes squinch tightly shut and she sighs. No one coming... Just have to ride it out. Or... wait. The doe raises one leaden arm and it disappears into a pocket. When it comes out, she holds a small flask. Battle and all, it survived. She unscrews the cap with a shaking paw and drops it onto her chest as she places the flask to her lips, tilting it back. She takes a long drink before she lets her arm fall to her side, the flask tumbling out and onto the ground. Now if it would just take effect.
Icepaw slides down slowly into a sitting position, resting his head on the wall behind him as he lets out a sigh of boredom.
Zoe_Lang nods her thanks at the congratulations, leaning surreptitiously into Oxeye's shoulder. Thoughts of Miette tend to make her sentimental. She smiles and looks to the side at the buck. "We thank ya, Wind."
Windrunner chuckles faintly as he catches Zoe_Lang's look, "You're quite welcome. And now, if you don't mind, I think I'll find a place to sleep for the night and bed down. Its been a while since I've slept." Stifling a yawn, he bows to the pair and begins to unstring his bow.
Slipping the last apple slice in, Jarril gets back up, rest over. Walking over to a group of hares, he coughs. "Right, ya lot look okay ta me. Come help me tidy up this place. We start by moving this lot down out of the village." Looking at the dead bodies. "And bury our own." Without saying another word, he heads off to begin to slowly start to cleaning up the place.
Terrance glances at Keita as he passes by. "Ya doin' alright ma'am?" He asks, dinging himself mentally after he does. Stupid question. Or is it called a recruit question.
Keita's eyes flutter open vaguely at Terrance's words, and she shakes her head. "Need somethin'... fer the pain. Ya a healah?" She looks at him again, and shakes her head. "No... t'young."
Moving by through the centre of the area now, Jarril in the lead with another hare behind him, carrying away one of the hares that hadn't survived. Other hares who are able are doing the same thing as the clean up mostly keeps starting or stopping. He looks away as he passes by Zoe and Oxeye which is easy considering they're on the side that his eye patch is on.
Terrance shakes his head, "No ma'am. I'm just a recruit, eh wot. I'll see if'n I can find one for ya though." He says, glancing about. Well there are certainly a decent amount of healers, but they all seem occupied presently. "I'll be back" he says as he wanders off to search.
Zoe_Lang nods to Windrunner. "Aye, I imagine yer tired from yer travelin'... If ya need anythin', find one o' the officahs 'n' they'll see ya get it. If you wish t' return t' the mountain in the mornin', you'll likely find a group headin' that way."
Smirking wryly, Keita nods as her fears are confirmed. "How.. not surprisin'. A recruit." Her eyes close again as he wanders off.
Jarril slowly continues on his way and pauses as he reaches Keita. "Ya okay there?" Still holding up the hare as he blinks slightly.
Icepaw walks up to the clean up crew of hares and assists them in moving the bodies of his fellow soldiers.
A healer hare makes her way to Keita finally, Terrance a little behind. The healer heard Jarril's question so she just waits for the answer, no need to be redundant when you're already over worked.
Keita's left eye half-opens and she peers up at Jarril. Ooh, a hare she recognizes! "Majah..." She at least knows his rank. "Feel like... I need anothah drink. Or somethin'." She lifts her head only to thunk it back onto the ground, anything to distract her from the throbbing.
Jarril nods his head slowly. "Right, give me a moment will ya." Looking about, he calls over a fighter and gently exchanges his half so that the both are carrying the dead hare away. Kneeling down beside Keita, he ponders for a moment and nods. "Give me a moment, I saw a healah bag nearby, I know just what ta give ya." Getting back up, he runs off in the direction.
Jarril nodding his head, he looks at the healer and coughs, handing over his half of the hare to another and kneels down beside Keita. "She needs that strong painkiller, ya know the one that I have. Go find my healah in my patrol. He has a flask of it, should be in the bar treating others in the west side of the village."
Seeing that he's been at least somewhat of a help, Terrance moves on to start picking arrows out of building and other objects to help clean up. Unless they'd like to rename Halyard to Pincushion City.
At the word "painkiller", Keita's expression widens into as content of a grin as she can manage. "Sounds like jus' the thing... Thanks."
Jarril nods his head. "Aye, better than what ya were drinking any-" He picks up what Keita had drank before and sniffed it. "Just what have ya been drinking?" Looking up to seeing another hare come back with flask and bowl. "Healah couldn't come back, was needed where ya sent her." Nodding his head, Jarril takes the flask and begins to work open the cork. "Now, I want ya ta drink this slowly." Pouring out the liquid carefully. "It doesn't taste good, but it does work." He lifts the bowl up and gently moves it so that it's close to Keita's lips. "It's best if ya just drink it all in one go."
Icepaw, still carrying one of the bodies of his fallen comrades, walks up to Jarril. " Sah, is there any place that we should take the bodies tah, wot?"
Jarril doesn't look at Icepaw but replies. "Hares are ta be placed in the home near the main gate. There they be taken out by another patrol that will be making graves for them. As for the vermin. I want them taken out ta the beach and piled up. Burn them or let the sea take them I don't care ta be honest."
Keita laughs softly, though it mostly turns into a cough. "... M'special brew. Good fer... fer what ails ya." She can't help but snicker, staring up at the sky. Once the bowl is placed to her lips, she does her best to raise her head and drink. Some trickles down her chin nonetheless. Yet she does drink most of it, and in one go. Her head thunks back again and she sighs. She avoids looking at the body held in Icepaw's arms.
Icepaw nods in acknowledgement. "Yes, sah," he says and then heads towards the designated area.
Jarril nods, placing the bowl to the floor while using a fabric of some kind to wipe Keita's chin. "Aye, that it does." He looks her over to see if she needs any other treatment than getting painkillers. "So who got in ya way this time then? That stuff should work soon but I think ya should stay where ya are for the time being at least." He looks about to see if there are any available in getting a stretcher so that at least he could get her into some sheltered place.
Keita snorts at his question. "Some... weasel. Ran int' the othah day on the shore. Ran int' her again on the roofs..." She winces, waiting for the pain killer to work its magic. She shakes her head slightly, thinking back, remembering. "Last thing I remembah... was puttin' on a tourniquet. On m'leg. She got me good... in the leg. I... guess I passed out." She works to lift her head again, reaching a paw down towards her right leg, which is still covered with the blanket. "I can't tell... is it a'right? Hurts like..." Her head thunks back onto the ground, finding it too much effort to keep it up. "Hurts a lot."
Jarril nods slowly. "I'll check, just don't go banging your head like that, ya pass out again." Moving slowly, he gives a look while lifting up the blanket and nods his head. "Don't worry about it for now. How's the medicine working?"
Icepaw returns after moving the first body and moves to help another hare lift a body. He rests most of the weight on his shoulders, wincing as it puts pressure on his dagger wounds, which have started bleeding through the bandages again. He shifts slightly and heads towards the house once again.
Keita lets out a relieved sigh, which should be answer enough to his question. "Feelin' a little bettah. Thanks." For once she listens to someone else's advice, and for the time being she doesn't worry about her leg. She's not bleeding to death, so that would suggest the healers did a good enough job. She lets her eyelids flutter shut. "So I guess we won? It'll be good t' get m'customahs back at the tavern..."
Icepaw comes back after a few more trips and starts to drag some of the vermin out, this one a weasel sporting a rather large and gory wound across its chest. Unfortunately, this one isn't dead. It kicks out at him and snaps its jaws, trying to get away. It bites Ice's left arm at the forearm, sending a few spurts of blood out. One of Ice
Jarril nods slowly, sitting down on the ground. Getting another blanket from a hare he folds it up and gently places it underneath Keita's head. Which would do for now until he can spot anyone with a made stretcher at least. "Won, was there any doubt in the matter? Aye, we won alright, drove them right out of here. I am sure the others will come back from the mountain ta return home."
Satisfaction is written in any bit of Keita's expression. "Good. Make sure t' thank..." Pause. She turns her head. "Well, everyone." She hehs softly and looks back around at Jarril. She squints. "Ya injured, Majah?" This is the first she thinks to ask, in her dazed state.
Icepaw comes back after a few more trips and starts to drag some of the vermin out, this one a weasel sporting a rather large and gory wound across its chest. Unfortunately, this one isn't dead. It kicks out at him and snaps its jaws, trying to get away. It bites Ice's left arm at the forearm, sending a few spurts of blood out. One of Icepaw's well placed daggers meets the weasel directly between the eyes, putting it down for good. *repose*
Jarril chuckles at Keita. "Aye, but it's only a few cuts and bruises. Got them sorted out a while ago." He pauses for a moment. "Probably got a bit faster as well, wot. Had a new hole put in my ear as well. But like I said, nothing ta worry about this time around."
If Keita was concerned, the concern is resolved by Jarril's reassurance. She nods, turning her head so that her cheek rests on the ground. "... Good. D'ya know how Zoe managed? Ain't seen 'er."
Icepaw gives the weasel's body a kick for good measure, then rips some of his own tunic and wraps it around his new wound, which is still spurting a little. He retrieves his daggers from the carcasses forehead and wipes it off on the vermin's pants, then re sheaths it. He picks up the body and continues his task, feeling a little light headed.
Jarril nods. "She's okay. She's over on the other side, resting alongside Oxeye. Took a beating, but I have no doubt she be fine, she's alive at any rate, not talked ta her though. Left her ta rest for the time being." He looks about again and changes the subject. "Well, as for thanking, I am sure ya can do it all for yaself when everyone in the patrol comes in for the grand opening of ya tavern again. Ya never know, Neville may come along." Smirking on that one for a moment.
Keita smirks. "... Ole Nev wouldn't dream o' defilin' himself by visitin' little ole me's tavern." The doe turns her head back the other way, since it's the only way she can really see around, just at the moment. She looks in the direction that Jarril suggests Zoe to be, though she can't pick out the Colonel anywhere. "It'd be nice t' see the rest o' ya. At least the first nights drinks'll be free for the lot o' you, I guarantee it."
Icepaw gets a fire lighted and starts to burn the vermin's bodies. He returns to gather more and becomes even more woozy from fatigue and blood loss. He picks up two bodies but stumbles and falls, sending them toppling.
Jarril can't see anyone else at the moment either. "Well, he wasn't exactly happy that there was another place so near to his. But ya may be surprised." He laughs to the words of free drink. "Hmmm, I have ta make sure word of that never reaches old Ear. Ya never have stock left, speaking of which.... Ya stocks are a bit low anyways, I am sorry ta say but I am sure some can help bring it back again."
A sigh whistles out between her teeth at his mention of low supplies, and she nods. "Need t' reestablish m' supply line..."
Jarril nods. "Well, that shouldn't be a problem. I am sure we have stuff in the mountain ta give ya. I speak ta Zoe about it. I am sure she can get Neville ta give some of his stock. So, ya want ta be taken there, that's when there's hares with a stretcher mind. May as well get ya back in ya home. Best place ta stay for recovering than out here at any rate."
Icepaw decides to take break and leans against a wall, tightening the make shift bandage on his arm and tending to the wounds one his shoulders.
Zoe_Lang nods her ready agreement about the recovering at home thing. "Anything othah than goin' back t' live in the mountain again." The doe smiles faintly. "Not that there's anythin' wrong with the mountain... I jus' prefer home, y'know?"
Jarril nods as he see's two hares coming his way with a stretcher. "Ah, home is where one makes it. I can understand that." Nodding his head, the major gets up slightly as all three begin to gently help Keita onto the made stretcher.
Keita grimaces only slightly as she is transferred to the stretcher, the pain killers doing their job exceptionally well. Her leg feels odd, but she marks that off to the injury. "Thanks, Majah... fer everythin'." She reaches a paw out to grasp his forearm, giving it a feeble squeeze before releasing it.
Jarril nods slowly as he gets up as the other two hares lift up the stretcher and smiles down, giving her a pat on the paw in return. "Ya welcome." Turning to the hares. "Right, lets go, nice and slow, mind." Slowly the begin to carefully make their way through the main street, keeping to the side with his paws behind his back again, clasped together.
Her paws go to rest, one on top of the other, on her stomach. She allows her eyes to drift shut for the ten millionth time this night. "Gonna sleep fer two days aftah this..." Mutter-mutter. The ride across in the stretcher is indeed nice and easy. These hares - along with the major - may just receive free drinks for a week after this.
Jarril looks about as they make their way towards Keita's place, the major nodding to other hares, though if anything he does look now and again at Keita while in thought about that injury, but he tries to hide what he is feeling at any rate. Taking a deep breath he smiles. "Well, nearly there. Ya get better quicker in ya own place. I'll arrange food ta be brought ta ya, once ya rested." Looking ahead now.
Fortunately for Jarril, the worried look goes unnoticed. Keita's eyes are still closed. "Yeah... food'll prob'ly sound good t' me once 'm rested." The doe finally does peek one eye open, in time to see the smile. "Make sure ya let folks no where I am so I get some visitahs, now, a'right?"
Jarril nods. "Oh I am sure something can be arranged. Already sent off a runnah back ta the mountain for supplies. Hopefully our cook can get things sorted out and we can restock on tukkah before the day is out or early tomorrah." He nods again. "And I make sure everyone knows where ya are. I let Zoe know first, got ta make a report ta her anyways."
Keita nods her thanks, falling silent for at least a few seconds. Then, with a faint chuckle, her will to stay awake starting to fade, "Guess I shoulda listened when ole Zoe told me t' take m'fightin' trainin' seriously. Ah well..." With a sigh, she turns and rests her head to the side, trying to get comfortable in the remaining time until she'll be transferred to her nice, comfortable bed.
Jarril replies back softly. "I'd wouldn't worry about it. Some are fightahs, some are not." He slows down as they reach Keita's place. "But I have respect for those who wish ta live a peaceful life and contribute." Turning to face Keita. "Ya done okay, Keita. That's all that anyone can ask. These two will take you in now and settle ya in. I will see ya about." Giving her paw a pat. "Have a good sleep." Standing there he watches the other two hares take her inside.
Keita smiles faintly at the paw pat, but even as she's carried through the door she's in the process of falling asleep. "Y'know... yer a'right. Yeah. Yer... a'right." And she's out. The hares carry her stretcher inside, the door closing behind them.