
From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters involved: Viscus, Balaya, Turner, Ms._Brennan, & Zoe_Lang.

RW Abbey: Second Orchard

Sighing, the smaller cat pours himself more tea. The sun has dipped below the wall, coloring the dusty stones of Redwall with a tinge of purple. "Hmm," he sighs into the cooling air, "No kindness to be had out here in the North." He blinks at Layne, then shakes his head in mock sadness. "No, no I am not. Mice are your area of expertise, and I'll leave it at that. I was simply mentioning that your ears need not be pointier, is all I am saying."

Balaya lightly rubs his neck and sips his tea, large sips of tea, more of gulps, large gulps. "Be nice to the fat mouse, she feeds me tea and makes bees give up honey. You need honey for Kvass.." He says, being defensive about it, and lightly confused, overly confused is more like it.

Viscus flicks an ear at Balaya. "Uh, perhaps you shouldn't call a lady 'fat', my large friend," he half-whispers to the wildcat. Then, in a slightly louder voice, he laughs. "Ahaha. Uh, fat? Never have I seen a slimmer mouse than Layne," he says nervously, before she decides to tear off someone's head.

The fact that Balaya doesn't answer his question is a bit comforting, and as Turner studies him, he slowly relaxes as the realization that this is a different beast sets in. That other cat was older... wasn't he? Yes, yes he was. And his accent was different. He smirks both at Balaya's odd accent, and at him calling Layne "fat."

Balaya lightly rolls his shoulders at the advice given to him. "Every thing so small looks rather fat to me. Not built strong from glacial winds and salted fish and hard work.." he says, giving his right arm

Turner's face grows a bit of a smirk, and he looks over at Balaya. 'What, so you're saying that we don't do any work?' What a statement coming from Turner, who admittedly attempts to skive off of any work he has to do... and tends to succeed, the lazy bugger.

Viscus laughs, patting his knee and drinking tea at the same time. "Ahaha, good observation, my friend. But by that token, you would be the thinnest beast in all the lands." His tail flicks about as he chuckles. "Honestly, though, it appears you've never seen a Badger Lord of Salamandastron." He pauses, then sighs, leaning back against the tree behind him. "Ahh, many a season since they've had one of those. Anyway, Brother, there's more than one type of strong, you know." The cat nods resolutely, as twilight deepens around them.

If anybeast could make ou question the definition of strength, it would be Brennan. Even though she is still venturing outside, it seems she's regressed into silence again, and seems quite nervous, her arms folded tight across her chest as she scurries accross the ground. Spotting a familiar set of ears, she makes a beeline for Turner, but stops short just behind him, seemingly paralyzed by the sight of not just one, but two cats.

Balaya looks mildly startled at the blurring speed shape that draws up short, and comes to a half rise before he realizes it's likely friendly, and settles back down into his relaxed sitting. "I've seen Badgers, though..not..mountain lords you speak of. I've bested them in Arm Wrestling." He says, holding out his arm for Viscus, arm wrestling match apparently on the talking Glacier's mind.

Turner watches the mountain's eyes go behind him, and hears the footsteps approaching. His head flits around to bring the newcomer into view, and he smiles when he sees who it is. 'Hey Sorrel,' he states, and when he notices her uneasiness: 'It's alright, he's just a mouse in cat's clothing.' ^.^

"Uh," grunts Visc, "I'd really rather not, you know. You'd win, and I'd probably break an arm." He chuckles softly. "However, I did hear of a badger out in the Western Shore. Taken down by a group of Sala hares in a brave fight. He was a bad beast of oddly red color. Hmm, now those hares were quite the soldiers." Sip. Darkness has fully settled, twilight having lasted for a while. He nods at Ms._Brennan, and winks. "Ah, the young plate chucker from earlier. I never did apologize for scaring you. Twas not my intention, good madame." Stretching and standing, he laughs. "And, it seems my nap from earlier helped me not a bit. Excuse me, but I'm going to find myself a bed and not rise for a while."

Balaya lightly twists his tea cup about, judging if he wants more or not. "I can scare them for you." he offers to Visc who has no intention of arm wrestling..a wise move that one is.

ork th

Ms._Brennan looks at Turner doubtfully. She'd scoff, but he's said her name...her first name. She might've asked him how he'd known it, but there's a cat and that's more important. She takes shelter behind Turner as she usually does, even though he's much taller.

Viscus sighs, glancing back at the Abbey, and grins. "Well, a good night to you folks. Sleep beckons." Without another word, he pours himself another cup of tea for the walk back. He disappears silently, as only cats can do.

Turner looks around at the quite insane hare behind him, a bit amused. 'Oh, relax a bit. He's not going to hurt you.' Funny how he treats her as he would anybeast else. Either he's quite accepting, or he doesn't notice anything wrong with her.

Balaya watches the skiddish Hare with a bemused look, not sure if he should be insulted, or laughing outloud. "I not going to hurt you.." he informs her with a definitive answer.

Ms._Brennan doesn't seem to care, and looks around for any more plates to throw. She doesn't seem to have found any, so she looks between the two. They both seem to expect her to be friends with this deadly looking beast. and she's the crazy one? Her fingers fiddle with the clasp on her empty sheath. It's obvious to any beast that she's gotten worse.

Turner gives a Brennan a warm smile, patting her shoulder with his free paw. 'At least take a seat, mate.' He sits himself, giving a good pat to a patch of ground beside him.

Balaya shrugs his shoulders at Turner, he seems rather confused. "Is she afraid of money lenders too?" he asks in his slow thick accent. "Why is every one afraid?" he demands knowledge.

Ms._Brennan is just afraid of anybeast. Well, anybeast who is of not-so-woodlander looks. Her shelter gone, she looks around, panicked, for shelter, before having no choice but to plop down on the ground, drawing her knees up to her chest as is her wont.

Turner shakes his head at Balaya, trying a bit of a smile. 'Erm, no, mate.' He glances about. 'It's just... you're a seven foot tall cat. Not exactly... friendly-looking.'

Balaya makes a low grumble at not being friendly looking, he thought he was friendly. "I do not understand southernlanders..all very strange.." he grumbles.

Turner shrugs, a bit embarrassed. 'Well, you're a bit... intimidating, you have to admit. Imagine what you'd look like to someone down here, at our height.'

Balaya lightly rubs his claws into his forehead, trying to imagine that, which is a problem, he's slow. "I'd look like I do up here." he says.

Hum. Hum-hum-hum. The one-eyed patroller, good ole Zoe, appears in the orchard. Well, not out of no where, of course. She's come by way of the pond! Limp-limp-limp, etc. She's surprised to see such a grouping of beasts and more surprised to see hares that she doesn't recognize. Wooooo, hello. The old doe nods a greeting, lifting a paw. "Hullo," she greets.

Ms._Brennan's eyes widen and she offers an astonished paw in greeting. Even if she didn't remember the face, the eyepatch, limp, and uniform give Major Lang away. She shrivels a bit after the wave, scooting closer to Turner and staring at a suddenly very interesting stump.

Balaya stands up suddenly to make room for Miss Limp. "Hello Ms..Miss..Ma'am.....being." He doesn't know how to address Zoe, even if she does remind him of the cankterous old Lizard he met earlier.

Turner looks up at the new arrival, giving a bit of a wave at the elderly hare. 'Hey, mate,' he greets, glancing at Brennan as he hears her shifting closer to him.

Brooow quirk? Surprised at the nervous greeting from not one but two of the creatures present, Zoe looks from the younger doe to the simple wildcat. "Er. Righ', then." She rubs the back of her neck, shaking her head. Odd bunch. She lifts her head in a nod to Turner, apparently the only sane one. "G'day." She glances at the other doe again, her brow wrinkled in thought. Familiar? Hum. Who knows.

Ms._Brennan looks at Turner, anything to keep her from looking at Zoe. Her toes fiddle with the grass, and two paws go from her knees to her ears, one flattened, one twisted almost into a fleshy ear rope. Well, she can't speak for the others, but it seems she's teetering on the brink of sanity once more.

Ms._Brennan room-pages, "Turner should do introductions XD".

Balaya lightly looks at Zoe when she quirks her brow, but then looks back at Ms. Nervous with a broad grin. "I'm hungry.." he says, which is likely only a little creepy. He likely didn't realize it was creepy, but he has a horrid sense of timing in general.

Turner nods back at the old Colonel. At the big cat's statement, Turner's expression becomes a bit shocked and his gaze darts to Sorrel. He puts a paw on her shoulder, hoping to hold her back if she decides to do something rash.

"Well. There's a pond full o' fish righ' just there," Zoe suggests mildly to the cat, gesturing in that general direction with a flap of her paw. Flap.

But merely a steadying paw won't stop the emotionally unstable doe. A rock is in her paws and she's flying across the distance between them before it appears even she knows it. Let it be confirmed she's not forgotten how to fight, aiming a terrible blow at the tom's right kneecap.

Balaya isn't a fool, well, he is, but he's also a WildCat, and he's used to Tzarist mentality. As the rock wielding hare comes to him, he guides his paw out to catch the paws, and begins to twist Brennar, sweeping her up and off, and releasing her at a Zenith point, that point being The Bee Tree. No claws, no blood, he just launched her. "Why Southernlanders want hurt Balaya!?" He Bellows in fear and anger.

Turner leaps to his feet, running after his unstable friend and attempting to throw himself on top of her. It doesn't work... then she gets thrown. o.o Uh oh. He runs to where he estimates she's going to land, preparing to catch her before any damage is done to her person... er, hare. Whatever.

"Oh, bloody..." Zoe rolls her eye to the sky, looking ever-so put out. She limps quickly towards the wildcat, reaching out to catch hold of a wrist if she can - to calm and restrain any further - albeit understandable - reactions. "Balaya! Sit down. Now!" Here's hoping he's as obedient as he is dumb.

Ms._Brennan collides into Turner. She's hurt, but doesn't appear so, looking more indignant than anything. She begins to start toward the cat again, but stops short when she sees Zoe Lang, skidding into a stumbling, terrible halt, tripping and falling onto her knees, and then face.

Balaya settles back down onto his haunches when told to, his spurt of independence quite ruined. He blinks his eyes a few times when he realizes he listened to Zoe, but remains else wise, quiet, and quite calm.

As soon as the other hare hits him, he attempts to grab and restrain her, but she gets away. When she falls, he hurries to her side, kneeling down and helping her up. Amazingly, he's still got that everpresent smile. 'You alright?' he asks her.

Ooh. It worked! Zoe looks momentarily pleased, then remembers herself and the situation and brow furrows. Grr! Argh! I mean. "... Good. You stay, a'right?" She pats the wildcat's shoulder in passing as she moves to the other doe. More grr! More argh! She eyes the younger hare, looking her over for any obvious sign of injury. "What're you tryin' t'do, get yerself killed? Can't ya tell he's simple?" Psh! The Colonel crosses her arms over her chest, looking severe. "And attackin' a beast in the abbey, at tha'! What're you thinkin' about?"

Ms._Brennan looks all rather pouty and childish, pushing Turner away for the moment and standing up, arms at the side, the way she is used to being scolded by colonels. She frowns at the grass and her ears go back, her heels clicking soundlessly together.

Balaya makes a grumbling noise and then slurps down the rest of his tea now that he's remembered it. He seems unaffected by being called Simple, likely, because he doesn't understand he's being insulted behind his back, the whole langauge barrier. His paw reaches out, and he pours him self yet more tea, gulping down mouthfuls as he waits.

Turner stands right up at the Colonel's scolding of Sorrel. He takes a couple of steps, grabbing the old doe's shoulder and hissing in her ear, (quite difficult, given his stature) 'Giver her a break! She's not...' he pauses momentarily, then continues, 'she's not entirely right in the head.'

Zoe_Lang looks at least satisfied by the manner in which Sorrel takes the tongue lashing. But then there's a buck hissing at her ear - er, well, shoulder, more like. She frowns, giving him a glance. "So, what do ya suggest we do? Tolerate the behavior?" Psh. Obviously not. She does leave off with the yelling, though.

Ms._Brennan gives a sort of withered salute and whisks herself away, attatching her arms around one of the buck's. She continues to divert her beautiful...um...greens...away from Zoe, overly afraid of being recognized.

Turner frowns at Zoe, a bit of anger creeping into his voice. 'I'll deal with it...' His eyes flick to her marks of rank. 'Colonel.' Ooh, no respect for authority, this one. ^.^

Balaya begins to amble towards the peach trees, hungry as he is, and looks at the bigger peaches, using his eye to determine which to pluck for the best flavor, in the end, several are pulled off. Then he begins to trundle back, sitting back down upon his haunches. "Colonel?" He says outloud, looking at Zoe, half expecting a whip lash for not knowing. "I did not know you held an honorary military rank with in an Abbey that has no standing forces.." he bemused before handing out peaches.

"Oh, aye, you 'deal with it'." Zoe bites back a snort, shaking her head... Her ears flick towards the wildcat and she turns a glance his way. "I hold no authority within the abbey Ordah. The buck here just seems t'be familiar with Long Patrol ranks." And the buck in question gets another glance. Hum. As does the doe. No worries about her recognizing the doe. There was a day she could name every beast in the mountain from smallest recruit to eldest officer. No more. So sad, so old.

Ms._Brennan wrinkles her nose at the sarcastic tone, finally risking a glance at the Colonel before casting her eyes on the dirt once more, muttering Tuner's name under her breath.

Turner glances down as he hears his friend say his name, giving her a comforting look. 'Aye, mate? What is it?' he asks, almost as quiet as her.

Balaya is now preoccupied with his Peach, giving it a large juicy bite, which he chews with his back teeth. If he's simple, at least it's for the better, unless some one gets beamed in the head with a peach pit, then we got problems. "I was merely a militia member, by forced volunteering.." He comments to Miss Zoe.

Ms._Brennan shakes her head, a paw sneaking up to play with her already tangled curls. She glances again at Zoe, this time a tad more bravely. She nods her head, adding huskily "Col. Lang..."

Turner shrugs slightly, then starts, only now realizing that Brennan had grabbed his arm. He shoots another glare the Colonel's way, then looks at the biiiig cat. Or perhaps his peach. Either way.

Balaya twists the Peach to discover a new place to bit, and then sinks his maw into it, tearing a good chunk out, and chewing it slowly, savouring the flavors it offers, and then swallows it, mostly whole. Peaches don't last long when he's eating them.

Hum. The doe knows her name. Zoe eyes Sorrel a bit more. "Should I know ya?" Simple, to the point.

Ms._Brennan shakes her head very hurriedly, turning her head behind Turner. He seems more than willing to stand up for her. And if not successfully, he makes a nice distraction.

Turner snorts, a bit of a sneer coming to his face. 'Hm. Maybe you should just leave the poor girl alone,' he says, then adds half-mockingly, 'Colonel.'

Balaya lightly shifts his bulk to be in a position to stand. "She attacked me, you listen to the Colonel, no beast becomes a Colonel with out much wisdom. Stop being foolish like a ...Dubbin?" He says, not sure if it was the right word.

Turner frowns at Balaya. 'Maybe you should just stay out of this, cat,' he states, all fear gone, stepping a bit so he's right in front of Sorrel.

"Dibbun," Zoe corrects absently. She considers Turner for a veeeery long moment, her one-eyed gazed thoughtful. "... You think yer doin' her a favah by 'protectin' her. But yer not. Youth always thinks it knows /so/ much." She smiles faintly and shakes her head. "She'll learn t'stand bettah on her own if yer not always there holdin' her up, lad."

Ms._Brennan cringes, and wrings out her ears, on instinct turning away from the two and taking a few steps, flexing her fingers befre kneading her temples with her knuckles.

Turner growls at the old Colonel. 'Ugh... Get out,' he states coldly. 'Just get out, and leave us the hell alone.' He hesitates for a moment as the other young hare steps away, then takes a couple of defiant steps toward Zoe.

Balaya moves into a standing position, looking ready to push down Turner. "You listen to her Young one. She's smarter then the like of you." Why is he defensive about Zoe? Well, only Zoe, and Cranky Lizard have been nice to him, even if Zoe calls him simple, slow, and stupid. Oafish, he just learned that word recently. "Beast that hides behind others isn't worth protecting till it at least learn to crawl, then you only protect it cause it be growing..." He has worked him self firmly between Zoe and Turner. "Leave Bubushka alone." he states, FIRMLY.

Eyes wide, Turner's ire now turns to the mountain. He looks up up up at his face. Yikes. That's preeeeety far up. 'Not... worth... protecting?!' Yeek. Insulting Turner is one thing, but his friends? That's what pushes over the edge. He leaps at Balaya, aiming a punch up as high as he can reach. Which, admittedly, isn't all that high. At most, the beast's chin.

Oh for the love of... She's got a teensy buck a third her age snarling at her and, of all things, a wildcat trying to... protect her. Uhhh what? She ducks her head with an amused shake of her head, rubbing the back of her stiff neck. Why the stiff neck? Because everything's stiff when you're this old. Har. "I don't need protectin' anymore than she does, Balaya m'lad." A pat of reassurance is given to the cat's back. "He's young 'n' angry - a tiresome combination, at best. And this old doe certainly is tired, so I think I'll retire for the n-" But hey, then there's a leaping buck. Oh lovely.

Balaya slams his chest forward, to let Turner's fist land squarely into the breast plate he wears around. Then his left paw comes out to grasp Turner's neck, and pull him forward with his own momentum, whilst the right paw comes up into his Sternum with what is likely a resounding crack. The Glacier moved, just a little, flexing it's unstoppable power, the fur moving in the star light like a blizzard that chokes and blinds with it's force. The soft snarl is like that of an avalanche in the distance, the damning sound to those in it's path, the inoxerable force picking up lethal speeds as it moves towards those who work in it's shadows. This is effectively what Turner has become, the poor worker as Sindri releases him, raising his fist to deliver another blow if the first doesn't send Turner down.

Ms._Brennan goes wide eyed and rushes forward, trying to stop the cat if she can't hurt him. She punches and kicks wildly, getting a firm hold of his fur first so he can't send her flying again. The one time she doesn't give Balaya her full attention is when she looks at Zoe. "Oh aye, Bally well stand there, Eh wot?"

Okay, now this could just get UGLY. Zoe's eyes pop wide at Balaya's reaction. Like a dog, he'll wagwagwag his tail right up until the moment he bites. Since she's effectively behind him, she does the only thing she can think to do - leap onto his back to try and restrain his arms. Which is kind of ridiculous given her age, but she's not a Colonel for nothing. "Stop! All o' you stop or I swear t'the spirits I'll have ya all turned righ' out on yer arses fer the night! This is a peaceful abbey!"

Turner's eyes bulge out as the paw closes around his neck and his supply of air is cut off, and he scratches at the huge fist futilely. Then the other paw hits him. There is quite a crack, but due to his squirming, the paw only hits to the side and breaks a rib or two. As soon as he hits the ground, he instinctively curls up to protect his vitals, arms going up to cover his head.

Balaya lightly Flexes his muscles to try and shake off the two Hares, wriggling about where he stands, Thrash Thrash. "I was bein peaceful." He says softly to Zoe, and then tailswipes her to try and dislodge her, not quite using his arms to peel off Brennan yet, she hasn't tried to hurt him.

Ms._Brennan lets go voluntarily when she sees the state of Turner. She drops quickly on her knees beside him, putting a paw on his shoulder and trying to uncorl him. She giggles a bit as she realizes this reminds her a a hedgehog thing to do. " 'ere now, 'edgepig." She says with another giggle, obviously able to talk again. "Ye 'ave a deathwish?"

"Well yer not bein' now!" is Zoe's ready reply to the cat. Once Turner goes down and curls up, Zoe immediately releases the cat, dropping down - as he is rather a bit taller than her - to the ground with a wince for her gimp leg. Arr! She inserts herself between the two hares on the ground and Balaya, placing her paws firmly against his chest. "/Stay/," she orders. And to Sorrel - "Get that idiot buck up t'the infirmary. Can ya do tha'?" She glances over her shoulder at the other doe, looking harassed. Why do the young like to plague her? Why?

At the paw on his shoulder, Turner looks up and lets himself uncurl from his protective position, wincing with each breath and letting out a painful chuckle. 'How'd you know? I thought I had... had disguised myself pretty we--well as a hare,' he jokes, despite his situation. 'Are you alrigh--' he cuts off coughing a couple of times, 'alright?'

Ms._Brennan bites her lip and doesn't look back as Zoe barks at her, hoisting Turner to his feet. Still strong if malnourished. She smiles and refuses to look at the other two as she makes her way towards the infirmary.

Balaya lightly settles back to his haunches, picking up his forgotten Peach, and going back to munching on it, neither hurt, nor in discernable trouble. Besides, the Cranky Old Hare said to stay put, so he was.

Okay. Two troublesome hares out of her hair, at least. Eh heh heh... heh. Zoe runs her fingers through her headfur tiredly. "Balaya... I need you t'undahstand somethin', now, so you listen good." She taps him on the chest for emphasis. "This abbey is a peaceful place o' good beasts. Fightin' is not t'be tolerated, 'n' especially not from a wildcat. D'ya want folks t'like you? And want you t'be around? Then you can't /evah/ do what you just did. I don't care if someone tries t'hit you, or punch you. You have the strength in you t'restrain without hurtin'. I will be lettin' the abbey folk know what happened here t'night, 'n' what they do will be up t'them to decide." She shakes her head very slightly, then turns. Mutter. "... And I'm goin' t'bed."

Balaya lightly nods his head to her speech, she can be assured he comprehends. "I was going to leave." he says simply, it's likely he'll be burned alive, or worse. "Southernlanders aren't nice beings.." He says to her as she goes to bed.