
From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters involved: Taye & Ralai.

Salamandastron: Training Room

"... Oof!" Stumbling back from the force of a punch to his stomach, no! Taye is not being beaten up. He's in the boxing ring, facing off opposite another recruit buck who looks about... well. Twice his size. He leans against the ropes which surround the ring, one paw held to his stomach while he collects himself. Soon enough he bounces back, moving forward with eyes narrowed in concentration. He puts up both paws and - oh! There's another punch. Taye ducks quickly, and comes back up with his own punch - to the buck's ribs. Ooh! It connects! He is so surprised by his success that he stands up from his fighting crouch, grinning. Unfortunately... the other buck takes this moment to slug him across the jaw. Ergh. Taye drops like a ton of bricks. XD

Ralai moves into the room and walks over to the ring looking at taye

"Ungh..." Rubbing wincingly at his jaw, Taye stares up at the ceiling from his position lying flat on his back. The other buck is laughing, but at the same time he's offering a paw down to Taye, to help him up. With a groan, Taye accepts, and he is quickly pulled up. "Thanks..." The other laughs, saying, "Sorry - ya shouldn't have left ya guard down, mate." Hee. Taye nods ruefully. "Righ', yeah... I know." Grin. The spectator Ralai is noticed out of the corner of Taye's eye, and he glances towards the badger.

Ralai looks at taye saying "you know you should try sparring against those more your size"

The other buck snorts as he leaves the ring. "Who's he gonna spar with? The dibbuns?" Laughingly, the buck steps under the ropes and heads for the door. Taye... winces, and glances over his shoulder at the retreating buck. His ears droop, and he rubs slowly at his jaw. "Yeah, well... he's righ'."

Ralai frowns at the leaving buck saying "one should not make fun of others it tends to get them into trouble"

The retreating buck does not hear this, unfortunately, but Taye offers Ralai a nod of thanks nonetheless. "Thanks.. but don't worry 'bout it. I'm just glad 'e agreed t' spar with me." Shrug.

Ralai sighs saying "you know there are other ways to fight then with fists and your small form would probably be quick enough to wield a sword well..."

Taye looks even more miserable at the mention of swords. "I'm worse at swords... Figured mayhaps the boxin' would give me an edge'r somethin'." Shrug.

Ralai thinks then says "maybe dagger would suit you better?

"Mayhaps... I dunno. I'm good with a bow, anyway." The buck grins hopefully and climbs down out of the ring, slipping through the ropes. Once he's out, he shrugs. "I guess it's not s'big a deal. I'm a runnah, 'n' I'm real good at that."

Ralai nods saying "that you are you are also good at covering me in sand when you turn"

Taye laughs and looks down at the ground. "... Yeah, sorry 'bout that." He grins and glances up, but at a call from the doorway, he glances that way. The recruit in the doorway calls out to him, "Class! C'mon, Taye, yer gonna be late!" The young doe then disappears, and Taye looks sharply from the door to Ralai, then back. "I gotta go! Talk t' ya latah, okay Ralai?" He turns and jogs a few feet before pausing and glancing back, with a wave.

Ralai waves goodbye