Characters involved: Keita, Dosu, Zeraph, Vorth, Taeura, Miyrr, & Rothal.
Halyard Tavern: Main Room
As usual, Keita is standing behind the bar. Why? Well, because she's chained back there. A couple of vermin sit at the bar, and she serves them the occasional drink as they ask for it.
The tavern door slowly swings open as Dosu, the marten slowly hunches down slightly as he enters, allowing the long skinny handle of the massive sword upon his back to fit through. As he straightens his posture, he tackes a quick look around the tavern. He notices the few vermin at the bar, and the hare tending it. His eyes fill with hate only for a moment before he slowly makes his way to the far wall of the tavern.
"Aye, yes, I know, I'm a 'filthy hare, arrr!'" This is apparently in reply to some insult or other, and down she thunks the insulter's drink before turning away with an eyeroll and a smirk. Lovely lot of verminy types, indeed. She takes no notice of Dosu from across the tavern.
Dosu lets out a small sigh as he reaches up over his right shoulder to unclasp the massive sword from his collar. He knows eyes are upon him, but he pays no mind to it as he pushes himself from the wall and starts to make his way to the bar. The massive sword stays where it is, leaning against the wall.
Glancing up as Dosu approaches, Keita steps up to his bit of counter-space, and grins. "What can I getcha?
Dosu shrugs slightly as he takes a seat on the barstool opposite of Keita, "....Double rum would be nice.... If it isn't to much trouble, of coarse...."
"Oh no, 'course not. No trouble a'tall." The doe smirks, and ducks down whilst preparing the drink. Once finished, she pops back up and sets it down before him. "Enjoy, 'n' all that rot."
Dosu digs deep into one of his many pockets, pulling out the correct amount of coinage and placing it into the Hare's open paw. "....Thank you....", he says before taking a good long swig of the rum.
As the coinage settles in her paw, Keita starts to open her mouth to explain that he really /needn't/ pay, but... then she shuts it, and grins. "My thanks, sah." She closes her fist around the money, and into a pocket it goes.
Dosu looks down at her pocket the coinage, a slight grin spreads acrost his mouth before he takes another long swig, finishing off the rum. He then set the glass back down onto the bar top.
Vorth has arrived.
Zeraph moves into the tavern from the back room, still rubbing at the one metal cuff on his wrist, taking in those present, before actually moving to the bar and smiling at Dosu, then to Keita. The buck sits down on one of the stools looking a little tired.
Dosu looks over to Zeraph with tired eyes as he sits down not to far from himself. ".... Good day, Sir....", he says in his slightly rough voice.
Keita glances over her shoulder at the sound of the door opening and nods. "Hullo." She looks back to Dosu, and the empty glass. "More?"
Zeraph returns his gaze to Dosu and nods in greeting. "Day.." Is all he gets out, trying to wiggle a finger up under the cuff as he watches Keita serve the marten.
Dosu turns to Keita, "...Sure...One more won't hurt....". His gaze turns back to Zeraph, "....Looks like you could use one to.... Take your pick, I'm buyin...."
Vorth enters the tavern and heads for the bar as usual paying very little attention to anyone else as he selects himself a bar stool.
Zeraph perks one ear at this, as well as an eyebrow. "Buying?" Then he just shrugs and nods. "..alright.." Another glance is given to Keita, then he smiles. "..whatever he's having.."
Keita chuckles at Dosu's generous offer, and ducks back down, this time to prepare two drinks. She pops back up and sets them before the two "customers". Eh heh. "Well, drink up."
Dosu nods a thank you to Keita while pulling the proper coinage from his pocket and placing it into her paw. Then takes the glass, this time finifhing off the whole thing in one long drink.
Zeraph takes the glass of rum and begins drinking it down, looking like he needs it. Been a while since the buck had a good drink anyway, so why not. It is soon drained and he sets it down with a dull 'thunk'.
Vorth sends his eye to glance over the others at the bar before giving his usual command of "Ale long ears"
/CRASH!...CLANG!/ The sound of something ceramic crashing to the flood and shattering into pieces echoes from the back room. "Girl, sit yerself back down there! You not fit for walking about!" You can hear the worry in Taura's voice. "Where do you think /you're/ going? A figure appears in the doorway to the back room. It's Miyrr, still with various wounds and her eye is still swollen shut, grabs the doorjam and holds her self up as best as she can. Her breathing is very labored and her ears are flopping over her face.
Keita sends Vorth a look. "Keita. The name. Is keita." Nevertheless, she does prepare his ale and sets it before him. "There."
Zeraph gets up from the bar quickly, going to Miyrr. "Oh dear, you shouldn't be standing?" He looks rather worried as he goes to help her remain on her feet so he can move her to the bar.
Vorth curls a smile to show a few more fangs at Keita before saying "Long ears" again.
Miyrr dosen't fight the assistance, her skin is quite warm to the touch. She made it to the bar, closer to her goal. Her paws braced against the bar to hold her up, "Gotta run,run." she glances about the room out from under her drooped ears with a panicked expression on her face.
Zeraph holds her from running, which is not too hard, shushing the doe softly and trying to get her to sit. "Shh..please Miyrr...There's no need.."
Then the buck whispers to the recruit, ears turning back.
"All righ', then. Smelly vermin-like thing t' you." Keita smirks grimly at Vorth, and looks with a glance over her shoulder at Miyrr and Zeraph.
Vorth growls and his tail raises, considering smashing another bar stool, seemed to work well the last time.
Miyrr dosen't really have a choice as weak as she is now. She's sitting on the chair, "no, please, gotta run." she says almost in tears now. Touch, the gentle touch seems to calm her somewhat. She take another deep breath and sighs weeping, "Taye..." she says under her breath.
Zeraph looks upset now, petting her head and not pulling his arm from around her yet, still trying to quiet the doe. His eyes hold that sadness again. "..we'll be home soon.." He murmurs, reassuringly. A glance is given to the others.
Dosu looks over to Keita, chuckling lightly at her comment to the rat.
"Taye again, is it?" Keita frowns thoughtfully at Miyrr, but at the growl, she veeeery slowly turns back to Vorth, to whom she grins cautiously. "... Rat, then? Ya like rat bettah? Or just 'verminy type', mayhaps?" Her grin starts to widen. "Big grumpy rat-type vermin? That 'un's good. Big grumpy rat-type vermin with a very nice, big tail. Hm?" Now how can you /resist/ that big ole cheerful smile.
Dosu shakes his head slowly, still grinning at Keita's antics.
Taeura folds her arms around her as she starts to shiver a bit. "I's cold." she says quietly. Her muzzle is down now as she stares at the ground.
Vorth tail curls around itself to create a knot like club out of it before demonstrating the sheer amount of time he spends training with it he brings it crashing down on the bar stool next to him and makes kindling out of it, eye still on Keita and fags showing in a fine display of growling.
Taeura walks in from the back room and places the broom she used to sweep up Miyrr's recent handywork. She wipes her paws of on her skirt looking at Zeraph adn Miyrr, "Hows the silly lass doing?" she asks.
Zeraph had been glaring in the rat's direction, then he turns his gaze back to Miyrr, sighing. "Keita..Do we have any blankets..." He tries to hug her more to warm her, for now. His eyes travel up to Taeura and he shakes his head. "..maybe not so good."
The grin fades slightly as he looks over to Vorth, ".....Excuse me, Sir... If you wouldn't mind, could you keep it down a bit..... I'm trying to enjoy myself here....."
Keita's shoulders jerk in surprise as the tail comes down with a crack onto the barstool. She winces, but quickly composes herself. As if suggesting some casual advice to him, she gestures vaguely towards the destroyed stool. "Y'know... if ya keep that up, yer not goin' t' have anywhere t' sit."
Dosu's grin returns in full force when he hears what Keita had to say.
Vorth moves his curled up tail over the stool on the other side of him.
Taeura glances up when the barstool is broken. She watches the dance of words with interest as she moves to the bar.
Dosu cocks his head to the side as he look over to Vorth with tired eyes.
Keita eyes Vorth's tail, and shrugs. "Eh. The less stools the less vermin I've got t' serve. Have at it." She offers him a big grin, and then turns 'round to answer Zeraph's question. First, she glances around. "... No blankets back here, we don't. Upstairs, aye." She glances at Miyrr, frowningly.
Zeraph gives Vorth a scowl, then clears his throat and looks back down to the doe he is hugging, that worried expression returning.
Vorth doesn't smash the stool just yet instead he gets up, eye glaring at the hare, he seems to be ignoring the rest them though.
Dosu shrugs it off as he turns back to Keita, "....Think you can get me one last drink....?.. Just a single though...."
Miyrr still shivering, "'m ok. I..I just need a rest." she says staring at the floor.
Keita looks rather worried about the younger doe, as well. "... Give 'er some watah." She has yet to glance back at Vorth, but at the absence of a smashed bar stool she does look back, with a slight blink at the standing and glaring rat. She peeks at Dosu out of the corner of her eye. "... Sure, no problem. Uh..." She flicks a glance back at Vorth, and then takes a step back. "... Tae? Care t' get the nice fellah a rum?"
Zeraph has been eyeing the rat as well for a while, thinking about something, then he pulls away from Miyrr for a moment. "I'll be back.." He moves to the bar and gets a glass, pouring the young doe a drink of water, before returning. "Here you are dear.." Then he smiles to try and make her feel better. "I could get you an empty sack from the back room.."
Taeura nods and goes to pick up the bottle of rum. She pours Dosu a single, not looking at him but keeping an eye on the rat. "There ya go, sir. Anything else I can get ya?" she asks.
Miyrr takes the cup and sips at the water slowly. "Thank ya" she says with one arm braced against the chair to help herself up. She smiles slightly back at Zeraph.
Dosu shakes his head. "....No....That should do me....", he says as he digs into his money pocket, pulling out more than enough coinage for the drink. "....Keep the change, Miss...."
Vorth growls as he climbs/jumps over the bar, still glaring at Keita with his single eye.
Zeraph stands straight now. "Aye..just sit there for the moment and rest.." He moves towards Keita again, keeping eyes on Vorth. They don't look so kind anymore.
Oooookay. Keita blinks with wiiide eyes, and stumbles back and away from the jumping/climbing rat. She puts up both paws. "Ahhh... no need t' get excited, good sah, no need. Just, ah..." Heh. She glances at Zeraph as he moves towards them.
Dosu clasps his paws, elbows on the bar top as he looks to Vorth. His eyes flash with anger. ".....Please Sir, take your seat...."
Vorth ignores Dosu and takes a step towards Keita, slight grin on his face showing many sharp fangs as he speaks to Keita "Oh so it's good sah now is it, what's the matter, forget to insult me when there's a chance I could break ye in two?"
Dosu says nothing as he pushes himself up from the bar, and makes his way towards the far wall, where his monsterous sword awaits.
Zeraph smiles at the rat. "Was there anything you needed, sah?" He pretty much stands in between Keita and Vorth, in front of the floor board that was pulled up.
Taeura moves down the bar closer to where Keita and Vorth are posturing still holding the bottle of rum.
Swallowing past a nervous lump in her throat, Keita shakes her head, keeping both paws up before her to "fend him off". "If ya can't take what ya give, then don't give it. I don't care how many you vermin are, this is still... still /my/ home." She swallows past that lump in her throat, and stands a little straighter. "Ya c'n bloody well treat me with respect while I'm servin' ya." Er. Yes.
Vorth puts his paws behind his back beneath the coat and gives a slightly more pleasant smile on his features as he looks at Zeraph "I believe I wanted a word with your friend over there" one oversized ear takes note of Dosu's movements.
Zeraph grins back. "Oh..well you can do it from the other side of the bar, thank you." His paws are settled casually in his pants pockets. He nods lightly to Vorth.
Dosu turns to face Vorth, he places his paws in his pockets as he slowly walks backwards towards the monsterous sword.
Watching the exchange between Zeraph and Vorth from behind and to the side of the buck, Keita offers a low warning. "... Watch 'is tail."
Zeraph half nods in response, ear twitching backward in the doe's direction.
Dosu backs into the monsterous sword with a dull "KLUNK". He then reaches up over his left shoulder to clasp teh sword to his collar, while reaching up under the sash around his waist with his opposite paw.
Vorth keeps his paws behind his back and goes to step forward a pace towards Zeraph "If I am not mistaken you have all been captured and therefore are under orders from the group" he says as he steps.
"We're captives, we're not 'undah ordahs'." Psht. Keita really doesn't know when to shut up. "Unless ya count 'sit around 'n' be chained up' as an ordah."
Zeraph smirks at Vorth, not backing down. "Aye..that is why I call you 'sah', sahh." He draws this one out. "But if I am to serve you and your kind, I would really appreciate it if you'd stay on the other side of the bar.." Then he smiles more genuinely. "..sah."
Vorth still smiles as he takes another step "Ye friend doesn't know when to chain her tongue"
Zeraph looks back at Keita. "Aye...maybe so.." He stays where he stands though.
Dosu pushes himself from the wall and begins to make his way to the door, not looking at the other beasts, but still speaks, his words directed towards Vorth. ".....Leave 'em be, Rat.... They've caused no harm.... Unlike yourself...."
Keita gives Zeraph a look as he glances back, but quickly returns her attention to Vorth. For once, she keeps the snappy retort that wants to escape in check.
Vorth turns his gaze briefly on Dosu "My life is my own marten, keep out of it"
Dosu grins slightly as he pulls open the door. "....And their lives are their own... So keep out of them....". And in a flash, his arm swings up, releasing a volley of small throwing blades, heading towards Vorth. They zim by his head, not meant to harm, only to catch him off guard. When one looks back to the doorway, the marten is gone.
Vorth ducks quickly whether the throwing blades were meant to harm or not Dosu just made his wanted list, he jumps back over the bar and heads for the door a nice new shiny pair of black clawed gauntlets that he wasn't before and must have been keeping behind his back.
Zeraph suddenly looks surprised as the throwing blades thunk into the wall close to them. The hare blinks, then watches Vorth go towards the door. He looks confused, but then turns his back to look at Keita fully now. The buck's ear twitches.
Keita returns the look from Zeraph briefly, but she's not looking forward to whatever he has to say. Rather, she looks past him and towards the throwing knives, with a simply huge grin. She quickly steps around him, and pulls two from the wall. They make a *thuck* sound as they are yanked out. These disappear quickly, and she jerks her head to the two remaining. "That marten just did us a favah."
Vorth having not found the marten returns to the tavern, favor they say, he's in an even worse mood thanks to the marten.
Zeraph laughs a little and the other two are soon gone as well, right before the rat re-enters. The buck sighs, looking away from Keita as if they were talking. He moves to the bar. "Do you need anything now, sah?"
Eyeing Vorth as he returns, Keita crosses her arms over her chest and watches him carefully.
Vorth fixes his eye on Zeraph as he speaks, he glares, someone to take his anger out on perhaps.
Zeraph watches the rat in silence, then sighs. "..I'll help you with whatever you need, sah.." He states, lowering his eyes from Vorth's in a more submissive way now.
Keeping her own eyes /on/ Vorth rather than down, Keita takes one small, nervous step back, 'til her back's to the counter behind her.
Vorth walks in a steady pace towards the bar, he says nothing though, acting a little creepy.
Zeraph returns his gaze up to Vorth. Whatever he plans on doing the buck /won't/ let him hurt Keita. His ears quiver, though not with fright.
Keita grits her teeth. "Look, ahh... I'm sorry, a'right? How 'bout we just sit down 'n' have you a drink, eh?"
Vorth leans against the bar and looks between the pair, to have a drink or take a chunk out of one of them..and then which one...
Zeraph stares defiantly back, now. He can pretty much gather what the rat is thinking, and he is going to keep all attention on himself. He clears his throat a little. "So?"
Keita prepares a very quick ale, and steps forward just long 'nough to thunk the glass down in front of the rat. "Ale, eh?" She glances to the side at Zeraph.
Vorth grumbles a little but eventually he sits down and takes the ale.
Zeraph moves away from the bar, ears turned back again. He sighs and sits on the stool that has been shifted over a little, watching quietly, then he glances at Miyrr to make sure she is okay.
Relaxing visibly, Keita's lips twitch upwards in a small grin. "There we go." She steps back from Vorth and gives Zeraph and Miyrr a look. "... How's she doin'?"
Zeraph returns attention to Keita and lightly smiles. "She seems to be resting well enough.." Another glance to Vorth, then back to the young doe.
Moving away from Vorth and out of his hearing range, Keita stands next to Zeraph and looks down at Miyrr as she does so. "... Good."
Zeraph nods and smiles, murmuring something to Keita, an ear turning to listen to what is going on in the rest of the tavern.
Zeraph whispers, "I thought I'd have to fight him for a moment." to you.
Rothal has arrived.
Keita snorts ever so softly before murmuring a response.
You whisper, "Thanks fer the help, eithah way." to Zeraph.
Zeraph smiles up at the doe after this statement and nods silently, as if stating he'd do it anytime. He goes to stand again.
Rothal slips in as quietly as possible, followed by a large guard. In chains again, and with several deep cuts in the side of his face, only barely covered by a rough bandage. The guard leaves soon after entering, and Rothal clinks his way to the bar. Unhappy hare. ;P
Keita pats Zeraph on the shoulder as he stands, and grins.
Zeraph looks towards Rothal as he is returned and a scowl takes over his features as he moves to the other buck. "Now /what/ did you do?" His ears quiver rapidly.
Rothal pulls the bandage back slightly, allowing the buck to see the wound better. Not good, seeing as if the blood had not recently clotted, Zeraph could have seen into Rothal's mouth. "Mah smart mouth got me h'inta trouble again, wot..." He winces slightly as he talks.
Zeraph sighs and shakes his head, then looks backward at Keita, in exasperation. The buck just heads into the back room at this one, muttering something.
Keita peers at Rothal as he shows off the wound, and then watches as Zeraph heads into the back room. She hehs, softly, and offers an explanation to Rothal. "It's... been a long day."
Rothal nods. It hurts to talk, so he doesn't say anything to Keita, instead glancing around the tavern. Shaking his head, he walks behind the bar, sitting down in the closest chair.
Zeraph is..in the back room..
Crossing to the buck, Keita gestures to his cheek. "May I?"
Rothal nods slightly, still not wanting to talk. Still, it can't hurt a whole lot worse, can it?
Gently pulling back the bandage, she studies the wound long and hard, but after a bit, she admits defeat with a frown. "... Not much I can do fer that, not in this situation." She manages the smallest of grins. "Except offah you a drink. Might help ya with the pain."
Zeraph suddenly moves back out of the room, holding a pan. "..it's going well, Keita.." He states, then gives a sympathetic look to Rothal. "..and you there..I can't let you out of those chains again right now, unfortunately.." The buck half smiles.
Rothal shakes his head at Keita's offer of a drink, turning down alcohol for perhaps the first time in his life. His experience yesterday has put him off drink for awhile. Instead, he frowns, leaning back in his chair and nodding to Zeraph as the buck returns.
Keita nods to Zeraph. "Glad t' hear it..." She looks between Zeraph and Rothal.
Zeraph just kind of stands there for a moment, holding a pan and looking to be thinking about something, before going to head into the back room again. "..would all like to join me?"
Keita follows him without another word, though she does send a final glance over her shoulder.
Rothal stands, following the other hares. A little slower, because of the chains. Not much else to do, really. He might as well see what madness they're up to now. ;D
Zeraph has already gotten down into the hole that has been dug under the floor boards. It is nice and deep, the way it should be, and the tunnel has already started doing under that part of the floor that hasn't been lifted up. He smiles up at Keita and Rothal. "Behold! I am Mole-Hare!"
Keita laughs and steps up to the edge of the hole, looking down at him. She grins broadly. "'Raph, I could almost kiss ya. 'Tis great."
Zeraph gives a cheeky, rogue-ish smile to the doe, ears quivering for a different reason now. "Almost, my lady?" He laughs.
Rothal rolls his eyes, covering his mouth in an attempt not to laugh. He stands to one side, eyeing the hole in the floor. Very nice tunnel, for being built back here. The fact that the floor will sound hollow if any vermin types should walk above it is not a great one, though. He sits down on a flour sack to ponder how to stop that from happening.
Zeraph looks over at Rothal, ears turning backward. "Eh? Not what's wrong?" He shifts the sack, that is in the hole with him, a little, putting some more dirt in it.
Keita rolls her eyes as well, but she's still grinning as she crouches down to observe his handiwork more closely. "It's comin' along nicely. Now we've just got t' make sure no one comes back 'ere." Heh. The two pilfered pocket knives appear from up her sleeves. "S'pose we ought t' leave these here fer the night of?" At Zeraph's question, she glances over at the other buck.
Zeraph reaches up to retrieve the daggers, nodding. "That's a good idea.." He states lightly.
Rothal places a paw on his cheek experimentally, grimacing. "Well..." He stands, walking over and tapping a footpaw against the floor above the tunnel. "Hmm. Floor sounds different here, tan h'it does 'ere.." He taps a footpaw on the floor alongside the tunnel. "Somebeast should muffle the sound somehow.."
Keita hands the knives over to Zeraph and looks between the two, content to list.
Zeraph shakes his head. "No need. We're putting all the sacks across this area to block it. No vermin ever comes back here anyway.." He sets all four of the knives in the hole.
Rothal frowns. "Don't be to sure." He stares at the hole for a moment, before shaking his head as well. "One of the hares mentioned we wah runnin' low on supplies... That black ferret chappie mentioned goin' to get fresh food an' whatnot."
Zeraph looks over to Keita with a curious expression. "Would they come back here?" He asks of the doe, ears turning downward again. The buck quirks a brow.
In reply to Zeraph's question, she grins and shrugs. "We'll just make sure t' offah t' transport it t' the back... Vermin nevah do more work than they absolutely have t', especially when they've got slaves t' do their work for 'em." She snorts after this last bit, and stands from her crouched position. She offers a paw down to Zeraph, to help him up out of the hole.
Zeraph takes her paw and hauls himself out of the deep hole, dirt clinging to his fur and clothing again. "Oh yes, that's a plan." He smiles, standing on the edge now and brushing himself off, making sure to scrape this all into the hole so there will be no evidence. "Now it's time for someone else to dig for a while.."
Rothal shrugs. "h'It wouldn't hurt to tack some empty sacks or somethin' to the top 'a the tunnel, h'is all h'I'm tryin' to say. h'It'll muffle the sound..." Blood has started to trickle down his face from his wound, and he promptly stops talking.
"Yer right, a 'course. I'm not sure what we could attach 'em with, but we'll come up with somethin'." She steps back to give Zeraph ample room, and down at the hole she looks. "I'll take the next bit o' diggin', latah tonight once everyone's asleep." A glance is sent Zeraph's way. "How's yer leg doin', by the way?"
Zeraph reaches down to rub it as she asks of the wound. "It's better..I can walk easier it seems.." Then the buck looks towards the other nodding. "Yes..It couldn't hurt. As we dig you could tack as many sacks as we can spare up on the floor boards."
Keita watches Rothal head back to the main room, and looks back to Zeraph. She then jerks her head in a nod towards the door he's just exited through. "He's right bad off, y'know. I can't do anythin' for it without somethin' t' sew him up with."
Zeraph shakes his head and sighs. "Aye..And I told him to be careful, when I unlocked him.." He rubs a paw up from his ear and scowls. "We had a whole discussion about not going after any vermin.."
"Some folks just don't know how t' control themselves," Keita replies with a wry grin. "Always talkin' back, don't know when t' shut up. Simply awful, 'tis." She drops a wink, obviously making fun of herself, and then crouches down to begin fitting the boards back over the hole.
Zeraph laughs at the doe and shakes his head. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean.." The buck goes to help her with the floor boards, making sure not to pinch her fingers or anything. He drags a sack of flour over to him to put it upon the second of floor. "I'm just glad that rat never actually tried anything.."
"Ya have t' find just the right mixture o' drivin' 'em nuts while not drivin' 'em t' actually act on it." Hee. Keita drags a sack of flour over as well, and next to Zeraph's she places it.
Zeraph nods. "Seems like it, and I may be learning it fast..I may have urked him, but not as much as you.." He sets another heavy bag next to the other two. The buck smiles and leans against this one for a moment, resting a little. "I might just start doing this for fun at the mountain, ya know..Have someone fall into it though.." He grins more broadly.
Keita laughs, freely admitting her agreement with this statement. "See? I c'n drive 'em all that much closah t' the edge 'n' still bring 'em back." Yeeees, because she wasn't scared out of her pants when the rat started climbing over the bar. Not at /all/. As he rests, she drags another sack over and plops it down. "What, diggin' holes? Back at the mountain? Fairly certain... well, at least it was when /I/ grew up there, that it was made o' one big rock. Rathah hard t' dig in, innit?" She chuckles, and goes about dragging one final sack over to completely cover the area before returning her attention to Zeraph.
Zeraph half laughs. "There are some sort dirty places here and there, though I really meant out in the sands..That'd be a challenge. And a pain to all those trying to get about. Maybe I can actually do something for battles too.." He grins about the thoughts, nodding. "We're going to be out of here soon, Keita.." His ears quiver with excitement.
"That mightn't be a bad idea... Fer the battles. Sand obstacles in front o' the mountain." Keita grins thoughtfully, but her musings are quickly ended at his words. Her ears twitch, as well, and she glances down at the hole. "I can't wait."
Zeraph smiles at the doe again. "Me neither, Keita.." Then he heads towards the front room, with a nod. "Well..I think I'll take a nap for a while..I'm a little tired." He closes the door quietly.