
From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters involved: Audri, Shamus, Taye, Wimble, Darklett, & Buckthorn.

Salamandastron: Dining Chamber

Audri peeks up over the table, staring up at the new hare. "Wanna 'awk!" Audri states, sounding very pitiful as she sniffles more, sticking her head between 'unken's ears.

Another blink is given before he takes a swig of his fine mead, lowering the mug again, for yet another blink. Cripes was never really good in understanding dibbun. "A Hawk? Yae wanna hawk? What fer, bloody creatures ain't worth havin' if'n Yae ask mae.." Shamus chuckles before taking another drink. Squirrels wanting hawks, what's next..

Fortunately, Taye walks in from the kitchen just at this point, wiping his paws dry on his trousers. Spying Audri and an unfamiliar hare at a nearby table, he pads on over, catching juuust the tail end of the conversation. Blink. "... Hawk?"

Audri sighs, rolling her eyes since another hare doesn't understand her special dibbun talk. "Norta biwdiw. Wanna 'awkwett." She sniffles again, eyes brimming with tears, tail starting to frizz out.

Shamus shrugs as he turns to look towards Taye, Aye unfamiliar he might be, but he's treatin this as if he's been here for years, by the way he sits there. Heck even had him a talk at dinner. "Aye, its what she said.." his accent rolling again before he sets his mug down. again he looks back towards Audri "A what?" and his other paw goes to scratch the back of his head.."What is a auwkett? A Pocket?"

Wimble comes in from the hall, her ears up and alert. She peers over at the hares and smiles., moving in their direction. "Hallo!" She greets, bowing to each of the beasts present. The doe settles down into a chair, looking over at the dibbun. She falls silent as the dibbun cries. "Perhaps she wants her parents, wot?" Wimble suggests finally.

Ooh. Taye looks from Shamus, to Audri, and finally to Wimble as she enters the conversation. "Ah... she means Darklett. Um - y'know. Darklett." He shuffles his feet a bit awkwardly, and shrugs. "He was off on patrol 'til recently."

The rock hare shakes his head for a moment before nodding towards Wimble and then eyes go back to Taye "Don' know a Dar'klett lad..So I guess I cannae help with that." a look goes back to Audri and he frowns some, before leaning in. "Sorry Lass, cannae get yaer friend, but I bet he'll bae round sometime Aye?" and then Shamus tries a smile on as if that'll help.

Tears flow down Audri's cheeks, poor 'unken being strangled as she sinks his claws into him. "Wanna 'awk now." She mumbles, looking miserable in her chair.

Don't that metl a heart and so that crooked grin on Shamus' face tries to get a wee bit straighter as he reaches a paw over to tussel her fur "Ey now..Common lassie, buck up. No need fer cryin' Yaer boyo is aroun' here somewhere or..On his way back, an I doubt he'll bae wantin' tae see yae cryin..How about a smile?" And eyes widen slightly, oh please smile, Shamus ain't that good at this thing.

Wimble leans over, flopping her ears down halfway. "He's right, Missy! That Darklett o'yours is gonna wanna see ah bright an' 'appy dibbun when he comes back. Think 'ow miserable he'd be iffen he saw yeh cryin' an' mopin'." The doe adds, glancing up at the buck.

Shamus nods again as he looks to the doe. "Aye, she's righ..So come on, wee one..Give Shamus a smile eh?" its worth a try and even then his grin gets a little more wider just close to smiling. "Sides, I doubt it'll take him much ta get back here, if he knows yer here waitin' for him."

Taye slips into a seat at the table, where he proceeds to pull a biscuit from a pocket. Nibble-nibble. He'll just let them handle it, yus.

Now all of these are good arguments, but Audri hasn't seen her da in a very long time and the dibbun needs some comfort. She simply shakes her head, bottom lip quivering. "Wanna 'awk now." Ooh, its then she spies Taye who is a hare she knows. She quickly climbs over to sit in his lap, hugging 'unken close and ignoring the other two now.

And with that he blinks and sits back down in his seat, slightly mug picked back up as he looks to Taye and shrugs, a long pull taken before he looks towards Wimble and another nod to her. "Well, I tried.." ears droop slightly as he relaxes and paws set the mug down "Yae are?"

Wimble grins and leans back into her chair, glancing at the young dibbun, then back to the other hare. "It t'was ah noble try, that." She says, hoping to comfort him. "M'name is Wimble, I'm ah runnah here... just got in. 'Fraid I'm new." The doe admits.

Taye looks down in surprise as Audri starts climbing up, and reflexively reaches a paw down to help pull her up. "'Ey, there..." He hehs, and breaks his buscuit in half, "Here - want some?"

Audri sniffles, taking the biscuit. "Fank 'oo." She mumbles, nibbling on it while snuggling up against him. "Don't wike being wone. Tis scawy."

The Buck nods with a slight grunt as he messes with his mug, contemplating another drink...once this one is dead and gone. "Aye..New? Same here, a Fight'r though. An As yae can guess, m' name's Shamus." and with that a paw is wiped on his tunic, before sent across the table for the runner's own. "A pleasure tae meet yae lass."

Wimble's own paws were already clean. He takes the paw and shakes it. "Ah, nice tah meet you." She replies, grinning. "Good tah know m'not th' only bally new 'are 'round here, wot?" Wimble says with a chuckle. "Wot brought t'the mountain?"

"Ya c'n stay in m'room 'til yer da gets back, if ya want." He takes a bite of his own half of the biscuit, and then sets it down on the table. And, you know - just out of teenage curiosity, he keeps an ear perked to Sham's and Wimble's conversation.

Paw brought back Shamus grins and shrugs "Hard tae say..Felt like its where I needed tae go. Felt called an all that.. been out roavin' fer some time, up an down, but here, felt like another home, yae know?" a look back towards Taye and the dibbun makin sure the wee lass is doin' fine before he looks back "Yaerself? Fer love o' runnin or one o' yer family was Long Patrol?"

"Can 'unken come too? 'e gets bad dweams bout da boat." Audri asks, staring up at Taye, her tears finally stopping. She offers a bit of the nibbled biscuit to 'unken, rubbing at her eyes some.

Wimble gives him a toothy smile. "S'that so?" She asks, nodding at his story. The doe runs a paw through the fur between her ears. "Love tah run. 'Sides... meh gran'dad t'was ah fightah here." She says happily. "Love it 'ere ah'ready!"

Shamus says, "Ahh." a grin forming on his lips again before taking another good old swig of mead, polishing off his mug right away. as mug goes down paw goes up wiping the head off. "We had an Auld lad in my village, that was a Long Patroll'r I do think..Could bae wrong But I had heard of it..an here I am...So, yer Gran'da..was he a good fight'r?""

Taye grins, "Aww, sure, 'course 'unken c'n come, too." Then, a small head-tilt. "What boat?"

Wimble taps a paw on the table, nodding. "Was he? Ah, mate! Ol' Dagger paw Fritz!" She announces, grinning proudly. "He t'was one o' th' best fightahs this side o' th' Moss River!" The doe points out, nodding. "I've wanted tah be in th' pah'trol for meh entire life."

Audri smiles some, till the boat is mentioned again, her ears flicking back. "Boat Ah was on tiww 'unken gots me off. Twas icky, gots huwtah wots fow stuff." She mumbles, body trembling while her tail poofs up.

"I bet Yae will do him proud then Wimble." rolls the odd accent of the Rock hare as he stands up, moving to go get himself another mug of drink. "I'll bae back in a few." he says, a swish of kilt, as he goes off towards the kitchen whistling.

Taye's ears dip, and Taye hooks an arm around Audri, in a half-hug. "Well... well, yer not there anymore, so doncha think 'bout that boat anymore, okay?"

Audri nods, sinking her claws into his waist to cling to him. "'ay, but 'awd when ya wone."

"Well, we'll jus' make sure yer not alone anymore, a'right?" He swats playfully at one of her ears, and adds as an afterthought, remembering to include 'unken, "'Unken, too." Grin.

Awr. Audri giggles, looking calmed down as her tail starts to depoof. "'ay. 'unken wike dat wots. 'oo vewy nice."

Taye grins and wrinkles his nose, shaking his head. "Nah... I'm jus' Taye." Heh. The buck's ears are happily perked, glad to see the dibbun calming down. Hmmm. He takes a glance around the dining chamber "Y'wanna do somethin'?"

Audri nods, glancing up at him, paw rubbing her cheek again. "Yea. What we doin? Gonna pway somefing?"

Taye shrugs, "I dunno. Whatcha wanna do?" He looks around the room s'more, and... well. It's a dining chamber. Not that much that presents itself. "Er. Hide 'n' seek? Tag?"

Audri grins, climbing down off his lap, dragging 'unken along."'ide n seew! 'unken wikes dat. 'oo count, and cwose ya eyes." Audri giggles, running off with 'unken to find a spot.

Wimble looks up as the dibbun gets up and gets excited. The new Long Patroller watches the two with amusement. Wimble tries to suppress her urge to laugh out loud, fearing it might be upsetting to the young squirrel.

Laughing, Taye covers his eyes and begins to count. "One... two.... three..." And, of course, he doesn't peek. Not right to cheat when playing a dibbun - well, so long as it's not your sister. XD Then it's okay. "Four... five... six..." He starts to stand up, still keeping his eyes covered. "Seven... eiiiiight...." He's getting close.

Audri scurries over to the badger lord's chair, quickly scrambling under it with 'unken. She covers her mouth, trying to stop her giggling while Taye counts.

"Niiiiine..." Taye takes a deep breath. "... Ten!" His eyes pop open, and he takes a quick look around, spinning one way and then the other in his search of the hiding Audri. And, of course, looks everywhere except in the direction he heard the giggling coming from. ;p

Audri hushes quickly when the counting stops, pulling 'unken close to cover his mouth so he won't give away their spot. XD She takes a small peek from under the chair, before going back out of sight quickly.

Ahh, good to be back. Finally. Darklett had taken a little liberty to head back to Halyard to check on Lily. Unfortunately, she wasn't there. D'oh. Oh well, he's hungry, so nothing's gonna keep him from filling his stomach. Except maybe some other hares in the dining hall... "...I'm back?" he says, quietly, not really enough for his voice to travel any sort of long distance.

Not loud enough to announce his presence, no, but Taye's looking all over the room, and happens to glance in the direction of the door when Darklett enters. Almost immediately, he breaks out in a big grin - which may be strange, since he and Darklett aren't exactly friends. The young buck waves frantically but silently for Dark to come over to where he is. Yes. It is very possible that he is insane, Dark. Run. Run away!

Audri stays quiet, unaware the hare she's been looking around for is finally back. The kit lies flat on her stomach, using 'unken as a pillow as she waits, yawning some.

Buckthorn hops in, his paws locked together behind his back. The large buck is also more than glad to be home, as demonstrated by his freshly washed fur and finely trimmed mustache. "Ahem." He says, glancing from Taye to Dark. One of his paws snakes around, a finger rubbing gently at the bottom of his nose. "G'day, Dah'rk." He greets, sending and odd glance in Taye's direction.

Darklett huhs at Taye. "What? Settle down, I'm not -that- important." He smirks as he walks over to Taye, head tilted in a little bit of intrigue, mixed with confusion. "What is it?" He turns his head as he's addressed, and waves to Buck. "Hey, Buck! How're you, glad to be home?"

Wimble laughs at the game between the two, her eyes roaming to the new comers. This place was far too crowded for her. Soon she yawns, glancing to the kitchens to grab some food. "Huh, where'd he go?" She asks to herself, glancing once more to the others in the room. The doe lets her eyes float in the direction of the preparation rooms.

And from the Kitchen the rock hare buck returns. Chuckling lightly as he raises a new mug the empty one having gone with several others since his disappearance.

"Someone's been lookin' for ya - she's hidin' undah yon big chair." Grin. Taye waves a paw in the direction of Audri's hiding place under the badger lord's chair. Spastic teenager. XD

Buckthorn looks over to the others and nods to each one, before stepping a few more feet into the dining hall. "Yes, rather." He replies, rather dully. Aw, good old Buck is back. His eyes fall down to the chair, raising his eyebrows.

Blinkit. Audri's ears perk up at the new voices, the dibbun rubbing at her eyes sleepily. Not wanting to give away her spot, Audri curls back up, the tip of her tail poking out.

Darklett peers over at the chair with a grin. "Heh..." Uh oh. The dark-furred buck starts to climb on the table, getting on top of the table and walking nimbly, quietly over towards the badger lord's chair, on the tip of his paws, dancing around some stray bowls and plates, stifling giggles. Spastic... teen... ager?

Wimble looks up as the hare re-enters. "'Bout time, mate!" She says with a laugh, shaking her head. The doe looks as the hare gets on the table. "Woah! Looks like rabbit stews for supper, mates." Wimble points out, grinning.

Shamus looks up, raising a brow as he turns himself back around, thumb hitched into his kilt as he looks over the crowd. that has somewhat gathered, nods are given as he takes a loong pull on his mead, before heading back to the back table where he was sitting. "Bout got lost back thaer." quotes the Rock Hare as he comes to a thumping seat, where ever it might be. "Aye, I be back.." throw confetti and let him kiss dibbuns.

Tucking his paws into his pockets, Taye rocks back on his heels with a grin as he watches Darklett sneak over to Audri. Mwah. XD He laughs at Wimble's comment, looking over to the doe with more grinning. Grinning all around, apparently.

Buckthorn sighs as Darklett climbs up on the table. "Hrrmp." He mumbles, shaking his head. "Wot in blazes are yah doin'?" He asks, one brow all the way up, the other all the way down. His eyes trail over to the two unfamiliar hares. The mountain was getting too crowded for sure.

Audri yawns again, whispering something to 'unken while she waits. Ho hum.

Wimble chuckles and leans up on the table, interested in where this hide and seek game was going. The doe glances over at Shamus. "Well, tha mountain seems lively 'nuff." She comments, nodding. "I rather think I'll like it here, wot wot!"

"Aye it seems lively enough.." his Mountain was slowly turning oddly when his head moved about, and eyes look towards the Hare up on the table, and a look goes to Buckthorn, his brows echoing the other hare's. "Does this happen all the time lad?" unaware of said Hiding squirrel.. Wait...where is that Squirrel and he turns back looking around "Cripes, we lost the squirrellass.."

Darklett keeps sneaking his way over to Audri, halting for a brief moment at the 'rabbit' comment, and staring back at Wimble. Evil. Ahem, back to task at hand. He's nearing the end of the table, and stops at the edge, turning around and sitting down. With a wink to the other hares in the room, he leans backwards, some of his upper body, his neck, and his head folding backwards over the edge of the table so his eyes peek under the chair. "BOO!"

Buckthorn steps back, crossing his arms. He sucks in a healthy amount of air, smiling. This was rather entertaining. His thoughts flew to young Tuck. "Hrrm." The hare says, wishing the young rabbit was here. He would have enjoyed this.

o.o Audri squeaks, jumping up with her claws going into 'unken, and the tail poofs up. But, when she sees who it is, she scrambles out from her hiding spot, and wraps her arms around Dark's neck. "'oo back! Whewe 'oo been? 'unken 'n Ah made 'oo stuff."

Shamus blinks, looking as he watches the game finally unfold and thus the squirrel is found. a grin and he nods slightly towards Darklett before looking over to Taye, a raise of his glass. "That be Auwklatt?" he asks, breath smelling of the fine honey'd mead. Not drunk, but certainly enjoying the drink.

Wimble smiles fondly at the interaction between the two. He leans in Shamus' direction. "Sweet aint it?" She says softly, perking her ears up fully. "Aye... I'd guess that's him."

Wimble says with a nod. Her eyes turn to Buck and then Taye. Huh. Lots of bucks.

Darklett gives a huge smile, his arms reaching down to embrace the little squirrelmaid. "Hey, Auree! I've been out on patrol, I had to stay a little longer to check on some things. I'm back now, though!" He starts to slide. x.x Therefore, his arms move to support his body up on the table. Headrush... not... good! "Ooh, what did you make me?"

Returning to his seat and dropping into it with a satisfied grin, Taye then nods to Shamus at his question, "Yeah, that's Darklett."

Shamus says, "Aye." a crooked grin as he looks back to Wimble now, gaze torn away from Darklett and the dibbun "Reminds me of me own family..Gaw, bet some of my sisters is grown proper now." a shake of his head and a pull of mead, when he left they were levrets. A nod to Taye appreciative "Aye, glad he got home, her tears woulda finally cracked this wee mountain open."

Audri steps back when he starts to slide, nose scrunching up. "'oo gonna hurted 'oo 'ead. Oh, we makes 'oo paintins 'n a daggah wack. Paintah it too." She holds up her right paw, which is swathed in bandages. "'n Tay fiked mah paw up too."

Buckthorn wrinkles his nose. The large buck lowers himself into a seat near the two. "Looks like someone missed yah, Dah'rk." He comments, chuckling. "Well, at least there's someone, eh?" He says with a wink and a nudge. Ah Dark... the only thing that can break the tough mountain hare.

Darklett erks awkwardly, shifting back and forth, trying to find some way to get off the table without looking like an idi... Well, too late for that. He kicks his legs up and just about does a handstand, only... he can't do a handstand, so he topples to the side. Miraculously, he lands on his footpaws, and he has enough gall in him to give a quick bow. Ahem. He grins at Buckthorn, patting him on the back and nodding before kneeling down to Audri. "Oh? Well, thank you! Ooh, it looks like Taye did a good job of that. Did you thank him?" He looks to the hare in question and smiles, then averts back to Audri.

Shamus blinks still watching it all, shaking his head as he takes a huge pull before calling out towards Darklett. "Oi, Lad. Yae her Da? or someone close?" a raised brow as an ear perks up the other, staying in a relaxed nuetral position. Smiling as he raises his mug, hesitating waiting for your answer, before drinking.

Audri nods, smiling happily. "U'uh. Gave 'im pastie 'n paintin. 'oo wewcome." She then holds 'unken up, showing off his new eyepatch which has a flower on it. "'unken gots in a battwe too."

Taye returns the smile with a cheeky grin, and up he hops, off to the kitchen to grab himself a snack. When he returns, it's with a pawful of roasted chestnuts. Yum-yum. He pops one, and returns to his seat.

Wimble sniffs at the drink in the other hare's mug. "What might that be?" She asks, pointing at the mug. Her eyes glance back at the others in the room. She feels sort of like she was intruding, however, and turns back to Shamus.

Darklett looks up to Shamus, nodding. "Yeah, I'm her dad." He looks down at 'unken with a mix of fear and amazement, his mouth slightly agape as he gasps. "A battle? Well, I'm glad to see he's alright, but what happened to his eye? That's a very pretty eyepatch by the way."

Shamus turns his head slightly looking towards Wimble before passing the mug to her. "Drink o' the Fathers.. Its Mead..best bloody drink there is tae bae drunk." he replies with a lazy smile a nod as he continues to thrust mug towards Wimble as he looks back towards Audri.. Odd squirrels do not come from Hares, but he nods again anyway "Righ' kind o' yae tae take care o' her."

"'e wost it. Da baddies took it in da fight. Tis vewy nasty." Audri nods slowly, setting 'unken down, giving his head a pat.

Buckthorn looks at Audri for a moment. "Hrr... I should go check on Tuck." He finally says, pushing himself up from the table. "He an' yer youngun are ah'bout th' same age... they should get along." Buck points out.

Wimble catches the drink as it's pushed her way. She smiles and says a quick thanks before sipping at it. "Whew!" The doe says, grinning and pushing it right back to him. "Strong an' sweet. Very nice." Wimble comments, nodding with approval.

Shamus grins as he takes his mug back a long, long, long pull taken his throat bobbing along with the gulps, before he lowers it, that smile going wider. "Aye, they make it Stronger whaere I am frome." comes the accent, horridenously showing now as that lazy smile just seems to grow wider and wilder. "But tis good, Lor' love the stuff."

Darklett frowns. "Well, I'm sure he was very brave!" He gives a mock salute to the inanimate object no he's not crazy, and he scoops up the dibbun right off her footpaws as he stands back up. "But whether you're happy to see me or not, it's past your bedtime, Auree." He grins at Buckthorn. "Great idea, Buck. They'll probably get along just fine."

Buckthorn grins and starts out, talking to Dark as he goes. "Sure, they cin play tah'gether an' let their daddies get some rest, eh?" He suggests, nodding. The large buck nods quickly to the others he was leaving, even though he hadn't talked to them at all. Hah. Silly hare.

A nod is thrown back towards Buckthorn as Shamus bellows out "Nigh' Lad. Sleep well, the lot o' yae." and slowly he's standing back up, semi empty mug in hand a grin towards Wimble and Taye "I'm gonna go turn this in, an get some shut eye, got work in the Marrow."

Audri giggles when she's scooped up, snuggling into the buck's arms, yawning once more while she pulls 'unken close. "Twas patrowin fow 'oo. Gone wong time 'oo was." Audri mumbles, eyes starting to close as sleep starts to overcome her.

Darklett smiles, following Buckthorn. "Yeah, much needed rest. Haha!" He turns and waves to the other three before giving a quick "Thank you" to Taye, for the bandages on Audri's paw, which he'll just have to ask about later. "G'night, everybeast."

Waving the thank you away with a paw, Taye watches the others leave, and he too gets up in preparation to head off for the evening.

Wimble seems amused as the two hares and squirrel dibbun depart. "Huh. Th' community seems tah be nice here." She says, nodding sagely. The doe smacks her lips. Wimble turns to see yet another beast leaving. "Oy. Bye mate, t'was nice meetin' yeh." She says, waving at him.

Shamus nods towards wimble after depositing his mug and returning "An yae dear lassie.. I'll see yae at breakfast, nice an awake, now, its time fer nice, an asleep." a laugh as he too goes out of the room, towards his dormitory, save he's singing to himself, yes Rock Hare, lightly toasted...

Dipping his head in a cheerful nod to Wimble, Taye heads towards the door and turns, just long enough to deliver a jaunty little salute to the doe before exiting. "G'night, miss." And, turning on his heel, he exits, whistling. Oh, the cavities from all this sweetness. XD