01-13-06 1

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

Characters involved: Keita, Brom, Buckthorn, Jarril, Zeraph, & Oxeye.

Halyard Tavern: Main Room

Keita is standing behind the bar, propped up as usual by her crutches. She's wiping down the counter with a wet rag, whistling while she works.

Brom walks on in through the doors, removing his hat and tucking it under his arm. The otter makes way to the bar, smiling at the hare behind it and says, "G'Evenin' miss."

Keita looks up at the greeting and, with a small grin, tosses the wet rag over her shoulder and into the sink, and slapping a dry cloth - which was draped over her shoulder - onto the counter-top, she dries off an area for Brom. "Well, good evenin', sah. What c'n I do ya for?"

Brom takes a seat at the dry spot and says, "Well I'll take a mug of ale for starters. Then what's comin' out o' the kitchen tonight?" He digs out the coins for the ale and sets it on the counter then starts digging out some more coins for the food that he plans to order.

The mug is delivered and the answer given. "Well, we've got a few things, but I'm thinkin' yer a fish sort, m'self. That be an a'right guess?" She slides the coins off the counter on her end and pockets them, waiting.

Brom grins and nods, "Aye, you'd be right there." He takes the mug with a quiet thanks and takes a sip from it before setting it down, "What do you have in that area?"

"Lemon 'n' herb trout," she replies, turning to limp towards the kitchen door. "Sound good - uh... I didn't catch yer name? Most folks 'round here, I know. You, now, you must be new t' the area."

Brom licks his lips a little bit and nods, "Sounds very good, I'll go ahead and take some of that then mate." He waits to hear how many coins it will cost but then shifts the coins over to his left paw, "Aye, just got blown in three days ago. Name's Brom Stormalong" he says, holding out a paw to the barhare.

Keita reaches across the counter-top and grasps the paw. "Pleased t' meetcha. Keita's the name. I own the tavern." She inclines her head, then nods to his coin-paw. "On a cold evenin' like this, dinnah's on me." She drops a wink and then turns, ducking into the kitchen for a moment.

The door bangs open, and a bleeding and rather ruffled looking patrol buck enters the main room of the tavern. The healer makes a straight beeline to the bar, his long feet giving him a little extra hopping speed. The buck glances around for the somewhat familiar Keita, but she isn't spotted. "Tell me, where is th' owner o' this place?" The large hare quickly demands of the otter nearby.

Brom shakes the paw firmly and is about to say thanks for the dinner when the hare barges in. Looking to him he says, "She's right here behind the bar mate."

Indeed she is, because she's appeared in the doorway once more, holding a plate of food. She stares at the bleeding patrol hare, then limps forward, nearly chucking the plate in front of Brom as she hurries to limp around to the other side of the counter. "What's happened t'ya?"

Buckthorn watches the doe, looking relieved. "There's been a battle, Marm. I have a few wounded patrollers out there. Could you might spare a paw or two t'help us? An' 'ny bandages or towels or wotever would be appreciated s'well." He says quickly, turning slightly so his bleeding shoulder wont become the focus of the conversation.

Brom perks his round ears as he listens and takes a sip from his mug before setting it down, "Need anything else?"

Keita looks around at Brom, sizing him up for a moment. "I could use an extra leg 'r two, if ya don't mind havin' t' wait to eat 'til latah." She nods her head towards a cabinet behind the counter. "Bunch o' towels in there, 'n' grab a coupla pitchahs o' watah." She limps towards the entrance. "I'll duck in m'office 'n' grab m'supplies. Meetcha out front!"

Buckthorn nods to the doe. He goes to grab the water, leaving the towel job up to Brom. "Thankya, Marm." The buck says, skirting back around the bar and heading to the door. "C'mon, Sah. Don' have much time, wot?" The healer says, pushing open the door and exiting back into the street.

Brom smiles and says, "What food?" He then makes his way behind the bar and starts to gather the towels, draping them over his shoulder so he can use his paws to pick up two pitchers a paw before hurrying out, trying not to spill too much water.

Halyard Village: West Square(#93069RJA)

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Halyard Village ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Surrounded on most sides by short, squat buildings, none any higher than two

levels, the main square of this small, sea-side village is covered in a fine

layer of dirt, which mostly covers the old cobble stone beneath. Many of the

buildings lining the square are homes, though some are places of business -

and, of course, there are the obligatory pubs. However, pubs are not the only

staple of a small village, especially not this one. Scattered here and there

upon sidewalks and in front of stores, various fishing nets and traps lie

about, most considerably worse for wear. It's obviously a fishing village.

Beyond that, a dirt road runs north and south from the square, with a small

scattering of homes, and behind these, a backdrop of trees. Meanwhile, beyond

the trees lies the shore.


Visible Exits:

[A]ntique [S]tore [S]outhern [R]oad

[H]alyard [T]avern [N]orthern [R]oad

[K]nick-knack [C]at [S]hop [M]ain [S]treet

[B]ack to [D]irt [P]ath

Jarril still lies there against the wall of where Oxeye had placed him, dozing off with his head slumped forwards a bit as he mumbles something about trifle, custard and small sweet little cakes....

Brom comes out from the tavern, a number of towels draped over his shoulder and two pitchers of water in each paw. He makes his way to where the injured hares are and sets the pitchers down carefully and then takes the towels off his shoulder, just holding onto them as he waits for instruction.

Buckthorn pours out of the tavern and into the street, both paws ladden with pitchers. "Here, Sah!" The buck announces to Ox, making a beeline right over to Jarril. "Oye. This un... he's righ' on th' edge, seems like. Bad head wound. Hang in there, Major!" Buck wills his officer, kneeling down beside him. He takes a towel and peels the bloody gauze from the battle off. The buck applies the fresh towel, cleaning the wound up as best as he can with a dab of water.

Jarril mutters something wincing from the pain of the towel. "Assassin.... Where's the others...?" He blinks and frowns. "No, Wimble. Ya got ta have some trifle during battle, it's nice.."

Zeraph remains half curled where he collapsed in the deeper sand just at the entrance of the village, still clinging to Rothal, who isn't moving. So he may or may not be dead. Not sure. The buck is definitely out of it, not even really responding to Oxeye so close to him. He continues to stare off, eyes half closed.

The boxer looks up, the stony exterior softening for just a moment. Who knows whether it's impartial relief healing paws have arrived, or personal relief the doe's still around - at least, Ox assumes she's on her way given Buck's return. Ox shifts, eyes drifting from hare to hare, those that made it back. It's clear to even the most inexperienced healer that there's more to tend to than Jarhead and Zeraph. The buck stands, remaining silent.

Brom hands Buckthorn the towel and then looks around at the others, just standing there for the time being as he's not much of healer himself. He nods to ox and since he seems relatively unscathed he asks, "So where was the battle mate?"

Keita exits the tavern and follows Buckthorn, eyeing the wound to the back of Jarril's head. "Best thing's just t'put pressure t'it. Get someone t'hold the towel 'gainst it, stop the bleedin'. Then worry 'bout cleanin' it up." She looks around, her eyes settling briefly on Oxeye. She nods, and then? Sees Zeraph and Rothal. "Oh bloody 'ell," she mutters sickly, then looks around, spotting Brom. "You! Come with me!" And off she swings on her crutches, foot barely touching the ground. Her pack thumps around on her back. "I want ya t' go around to each o' the wounded. Check if they're breathin'. If they're breathin', check if they respond. If they do both, throw a towel on their chest 'n' go on t' the next." And with that, she heads for the pile that is Zeraph and Rothal.

Assuming that Keita is an able enough healer to take care of Rothal, the healer moves to take care of his own patient. "Yeh'll be takin' trifle soon, Sah." The healer attempts to pour a little water down his throat. He isn't listening to anything else is going on, instead digging into his pockets and pouches to retrieve some numbing herbs and applying them to the wound on the back of Jarril's head. After a few seconds, when it should be almost fully numbed, the buck smears a deal of yellowish paste over the wound, hoping to stop infection and rot.

Jarril winces as he frowns. "I should think so as well." Coughing a bit from the water, the major eventually takes a sip and mutters. "Think I hit my head harder than I thought I did...." He lolls his head forwards again and mutters. "Yep, she's going ta kill me... Never hear the last of it..."

Again, only a flick of the ear is given lethargically by Raph as Keita hurries towards him, blood soaking through his tunic on his side, staining it dark, as well as along his back, though this would not be seen so well for how he is positioned. The hare's whiskers are drooped, eyes already starting to glaze. Oddly silent, despite the fact that he is more than likely in a /large/ amount of pain.

Brom nods and grabs two of the pitchers and quickly follows after Keita, abandoning Oxeye for the time. He sets the water pitchers down next to Keita so she can get at them. He then starts squatting beside eat of the hares, feeling for a life beat and asking them quick questions, putting on a towel on those who respond. He frowns as he comes to one that doesn't respond though and moves on, continuing in the triage.

"Downshore," Ox conjures is a good enough answer. Time for healing, really. The boxer's no good at that, sadly. He nosewrinkles, feeling decidedly useless. Maybe someone ought to make headway on the mountain..

Buckthorn supports the Major as best as he can, keeping of the conversation. As long as the other is talking, it's a good sign in the healers eyes. "Oh? 'Oos gonna kill yah Sah? 'Cause there gonna have'ta do a better job than those riff raff vermin, y'know. They couldn't get yah!" He points out with a wink. "Are yah wounded badly 'nywhere else, Sah?"

When she reaches Zeraph's side, she tosses one crutch to the ground, as well as her pack, and uses the other crutch to help herself down to the ground. She kneels awkwardly, then looks around for Oxeye. "Ox, could use yer help!" Having so 'ordered', she examines the curled-up Zeraph, then rolls him onto his back as gently as possible. She slaps his cheek. "'Raph, 'Raph, c'n ya hear me?"

Jarril frowns slightly. "Don't know. Never heard him coming... I think it was a him..." He paused and frowned again, swallowing. "Never heard him come up behind me, that doesn't happen often with me eiether.. Think it assassin, must be...." He shakes his head to the question and goes quiet again.

Oxeye's ear twitches. No questions asked, though. The buck lumbers over to Keita, dropping into a crouch with paws at ready. For... the helping. Whatever it might be.

Despite his position, Zeraph is rolled onto his back easily and then he is slapped by Keita, head lulling to the side because of it. The fighter's ears twitch, then perk slightly, as his eyes become a little bit more clear. "..dead...he's..." This muttered statement is barely audible.

Brom tosses towels on a few more of the collapsed hares and then stands up, looking around at all of those he just saw. He's put towels on most of them but four of the bodies don't have one draped on them.

Buckthorn takes it upon himself to inspect Jarril for anymore wounds. The healer patches up a few scraps and minor things, and finally stands. "Your gonna be fine, righ'? I got others to attend to. Try t'get some rest, Sah, if you're feelin' well enough. Raise your paw if the pain starts t' come back." The healer warns and moves over, looking at some other downed hares and patching them up accordingly.

Keita looks over Zeraph's head at Oxeye. "Check Rothal... if he's breathin'." She looks back down at Zeraph's words. "Yer fine, 'Raph. Just keep talkin'." She examines his side, tearing away the cloth of his tunic. Ugh. She promptly rolls him over, once onto his side, and then again onto his stomach. She rips away the cloth about up to his armpits, then digs in her pack. She comes out with a bottle, which she uncorks, spreading the powdery contents on his wounds. "That'll slow the bleedin', 'Raph, aye, it will..." She then grabs a couple of fresh towels, pressing them to his wounds, where the immediately stick, soaking up blood. She looks up. "How bad is 'e?" Rothal, that is.

Zeraph hardly resists the movement as Keita rolls his around, his back legs nearly getting entangled with this. The buck grunts, breathing getting a little heavy, now that he is slowly being pulled out of his daze. "K...." He mumbles, then begins to shiver uncontrollably, closing his eyes tightly and gritting his teeth. The pain has returned to his numbed body. He chokes out a noise of agony, that seems to be mixed with a sob.

Brom hands the towels to Keita and just stands out of the way glancing around. "Anything else ya mates need help with?" The otter asks.

Oxeye's paw reaches out, checking the still hare's vitals. His eyes narrow, examining the discernible wounds. "Jus' barely. Seems t'have taken a javelin o' spear t'th'stomach. Loss o' blood... well, quite evident." Heh.

Buckthorn glances to the otter. "If y'want, y'can start movin' th' less hurt ones inside. Keita, Marm? D'yah have ah spare room or two? Or somewhere in this village t'house 'em?" He inquires, moving over, giving Raph and Rot a graze of a glance. He turns his muzzle away, a frown tugging hard at the corners of his lips.

Brom nods and then looks to Keita, "I can offer up my room ta house them."

Keita nods. "A'right. Come put some pressure on 'Raph's wounds..." She crawls around Zeraph and to Rothal's side, dragging her pack with her. She gives his tunic the same treatment, and gives his wound just about the same treatment. Stop the bleeding, stop the bleeding. She looks up at Buck's question, and she nods. "Aye, several. Through m'office 'n' up the stairs. There's a badgah healin' up from some wounds up there, so be careful ya don't startle him. He c'n be cranky."

Oxeye shuffles silently over to Zeraph, pressing his great paws down on the dressing to apply the necessary pressure. Yes. Very helpful.

Brom nods and says, "Aye aye" then pads through the hares and finds one that isn't that bad off, "Alright mate, how about a nice and warm room hm?" He asks, bending down and putting the hare's arm round his own neck before lifting him up and slowly walking with him to the tavern.

Zeraph tucks his muzzle against his one arm as it lays in the sand, shivering some more and another sob emitting from him. He almost seems to be suffering the effects of a first battle, though this is definitely not the case. The buck barely tenses as much as he should as Oxeye applies pressure to the deep wound on his back, ears pinning once more and then slowly just going limp. He has soon slipped into unconsciousness.

Buckthorn picks up the Major, nodding to Keita and Brom. "Good. I can't thank ya 'nough, Marm." The buck begins to move towards the tavern, taking Jarril in and situating him upstairs. He continues this process, moving hare by hare into the tavern.

Brom comes back out and does the same, cautiously helping the hares that can stand already inside and coming back out for another. Rinse, repeat.

Keita tends to Rothal as best she can out here, and then when there's nothing else she can do out here, she and Buckthorn carry him into the tavern. Ze end.