"You cannot hurt him." (Thorns of Steel TP)
This is a rather short RP, but it shows many things: How Oz is doing; A slight progress on Lenore's character; And how many strange, random thing she knows. Enjoy.
Lenore jumps back with an angered caw, her foot bleeding in numerous places. She narrows her eyes and decides that Halfbeak is not worth it. Turning to Oz, she snaps, "You!" that's all. Just 1 word.
Oz watches the ravern, "What? I didn't say...anything insulting.." He rethinks, ok he did sort of, he sighs and just looks down not much he can do still in chains.
Lenore hops over and examines the bloodied knee. Glancing up at Oz's face she says, "This will hurt...allot." she then grabs hold of the dagger handle and goes to pull it out -- after cawing some orders to the crow, who vanishes again.
Oz raises an eyebrow, then after Lenore pulls it out he yells out in pain as it seemed to hurt alot more coming out than going in, more blood trickles down his leg as the dagger is out of his knee now, he coughs a little holding back any more gasps of pain.
Lenore spits out the dagger just as the crow reapears with herbs and water. Taking the healing supplies, she snaps, "Stop crying like a dibbun. This isn't the worst my master can think up. Save your tears for later." she begins to (surprisingly) expertly rinse and pack herbs into the wound.
Oz glares at the ravern, "I..am..not in tears." Yes it hurts but he has held back any tears, he blinks a few times and watches Lenore surpried he is being helped by her, he quietly watches.
Lenore snaps at the crow, who hurries off to get more water. The raven continues to work, glancing up at Oz's face. "Don't cross me." she clacks her beak angrily and mutters, "He'll need his knee...*something in her strange language* Why must Stormfeather insist on maiming his prisoners?"
Oz listens to the cawing and frowns a little, he looks around the cell staying quiet as his knee is tended to and stays silent again.
Lenore backs up, displeasure written clearly on her face. "I can do no more. My master would know." the crow comes back, and the raven relieves him of the water and begins to wash the dagger.
Oz nods slowly as he glaces back at the raven, a frown on his face now, he then says softly "Thank...you" Slight depression in his voice and some worry, but it's unclear what the worry is about.
Lenore doesn't seem to know what to do with a 'thank you'. She clacks her beak twice and continues to clean the blade. "You'll get used to it...either that, or you'll die." she glances at the badger and adds, for clarity, "Whatever it is that you're worried about."
Oz watches her "I am worried for friends, I..." He frowns, " Not really worried about my self, Vladmir will just have to..." He pulses and then finishes "Will have to kill me, no good trying to get info he wont get."
Lenore caws angrily and lifts the dagger, looking about ready to throw it. "You must not, cannot die! Do not ask me why, but you /must not give up/!!" she is quivering, but with what emotions is unclear.
Oz listens to Lenore and speaks again, "Doesn't mean I am giving him any info."
Lenore caws again. "Lie to him! Tell him half-truths! He will kill you if you don't say /something/, and you must live, if only for a few weeks." she is still holding the dagger up, but she's not quite so ready to throw it as she was a few moments before.
Oz frowns, but he is listening.
Lenore opens her beak to say something, but then remebers that it's suppossed to be a secret, so she closes her mouth and goes back to cleaning the blade.
Oz says, "would he not know a lie from a truth though, and I did mean what I said, if he hurts a friend I will find a way to hurt him."
Lenore's eyes begin to glint. "Don't try to hurt him. You are chained up and getting weaker by the day. He cares for nothing. You cannot hurt him."
Oz looks down at the floor, he knows she is right about the weakening and the injured knee didn't help, he shakes his head as a single tear goes down his cheek.
Lenore shakes her head at the tear, then leaves, taking the dagger with her.