"You Lied To Me!"-Redwall Log

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

RW Abbey: Library

The library has never looked better in seasons as shelves have been

repaired and so have tables and chairs. The once empty sleeves now

have more books in them and not only that the books are in an ABC

order and arranged by subject to better find what one is looking for.

The beautifully crafted windows are well cleaned.

This gives the library plenty of light during the daylight hours. The

room has a high vaulted ceiling. The flagstones of the floor are cool

and smooth, and echoes are sometimes heard when beasts walk. Brass

lamps containing short, fat little white candles provide enough light

for reading. Some books are still being mended but being working on

getting on the shelves. The backroom is even very clean and organized

as well. Books were found in the attic and some from Ferravale were

added that the Ferravale beast had maybe two copies of something so

gave Redwall one of the copies for the Redwall library, all in all a

lot of hard work has done wonders for the library.

On an Oakwood desk is the charter laying inside a clear glass case for

all to see. The glass case keeps it safe and clean. Some other chairs

large and small, wooden and soft, have been placed in varies places

in the library and a pile of covers and blankets sit in one corner

with a few pillows as well.


[G]reat [H]all [M]ap [B]ookshelf [B]ookshelf of [W]oodland [L]ore

[B]ookbinding [R]oom [H]istory [B]ookshelf [B]ookshelf of [B]iographies

                      [P]oetry [B]ookshelf    [B]ookshelf of [S]tories


Abbey Charter

Zinnia is reshelveing books and grumbling " Knowing him he is in a tree...again"

Zee walks into the library with his arm bandaged up and a hidden bandage on his leg. "Zinnia.." He says quietly and waits on a reply as he sits down in a chair.

Zinnia turns and then gasps "Your hurt! What happen..when did it happen?" She sits a pile of books down and goes over quickly. “And I know it wasn’t yesterday, so it happen today guessing"

Zee holds up a paw, "Just...calm ok, I be fine Zinnia but I gots ta..tell you something"

Thomas comes into the Library, but sensing something amiss, he waits quietly near the door.

Zinnia frowns "It’s hard to be calm when someone I care for is hurt...tell me..what?" Why is he using her name and not saying lass. “What happen?"

Zee takes a deep breath "Zurrgg...he..he got Xander, I'm...I'm sorry, I tried. He has Brother Leon's son also..."

Zinnia doesn't hear anything past the word Xander, she just sits there in shock and seems speechless, “Nooo....it not..." She stands and looks ready to just flee the room, "You lied to me, you said if you guys went out you would keep him safe...YOU LIED!"

Thomas frowns. This may not be the best time for the mouse to make his request.

Zee tenses, yeah that probably echoed down into other rooms, "I..I didn’t know, ya see I saw Thunderwing falling from the sky and that was after I told de lad we could race back to the abbey, we got separated I am sorry. I went to where Thunderwing fell and saw Zurrgg and his pals having Leon, Caleb and some shrew novice surrounded. So I stepped in to stop it and ...well he got away with Caleb and Xander...Leon be...he be safe made it back here, I sadly can’t say the same for the shrew"

Zinnia has tears going down her face and sits back down “Thank you for telling me...now leave...just leave!" She is mad, she is worried and looks ready to sob.

Thomas says, "I am sure the new Champion can help."

Zee frowns as he backs off, he stops by the mouse "Well...hopefully Brother Leon mentioned it...maybe I out and look soon" Yeah that’s the plan seems as he quietly steps out and down the steps to the main building, he has a plan and weather that’s good or bad remains to be seen.

Zinnia sighs, she hears Thomas but at least she is not telling him to leave as she wipes her eyes and coughs "H..Hello, can I help you with...anything?"

Thomas raises his free paw. "Oh no, I... I couldn't." He sounds apologetic. "I... I just was hoping you could direct me to some of the historical records of the abbey..."

Zinnia sniffs “Would depend on how far...back, I remember a lot and even read some myself from before I was here"

Thomas says, "I was hoping to learn more about Matthias."

Zinnia nods "Ahhh that’s..I am not sure, would say a book maybe but your need an abbey beast to read it to you"

Thomas nods, smiling. "Indeed. Some beast volunteered, actually."

Zinnia manages a very small smile "That’s good..good to know" She does go to look on the shelfs, it will get her mind off other things."I..just need to look"

Thomas nods again, and waits. "Sounds good. I am eager to know more about Matthias."

Zinnia nods and finds the book and a 2nd one and sits it down "Here" She doesn’t sound too eager like she usually is “Two books"

Thomas touches the books, feeling the cover with his fingers. "Thank you. They feel old. I'll treat them with utmost care."

Zinnia nods again "That would be wise yes, as he was here many many seasons ago"

Thomas holds the books carefully. "Yes, thank you for the help, Miss."

Zinnia says, "You’re welcome, sorry if I am not as cheerful as I should be just..worried about my son is all"

It’s been a couple hours since the mouse was given those books and Zinnia has done a lot of dusting and reshelving books.

Krystal peeks into the library "Hello...Sister Zinnia?" She asks quietly.

Zinnia speaks "Hello Krystal..I was just finishing up in here for the day. Then may go to bed early"

Krystal steps closer "What is wrong? You been in here a lot, then guess you are the librarian and Recorder"

Zinnia says, "Just my son is missing so I am worried is all"

Krystal says, "Oh..I am sorry, did you need help finding him? I would love to help"

Zinnia says, "I don't know...maybe but we don’t go very far from the abbey, besides I need to do something to get my mind off. Xander being missing, I may go get a new quill pin at the market, being spring its open now, and its along a path off the road, not too far and close to the abbey still."

Krystal says, "Maybe, but..what if we run into trouble? Though I DO want to help"

Zinnia sighs "I..don't know. And if I looked for anyone wouldn’t know where to start"

Krystal says, "I am sure he will be found and soon"

Lacota pokes his head through the door. "Krystal, there you are. I wondered." He nods. "Zinnia. I...heard the news. I'm sorry for it. I'm sure they'll be safe soon."

Zinnia sighs again, she looks at Lacota "I hope so, I am worried and I didn’t mean to yell at Uncle Zee as I did ...I just hope he didn’t go out looking for them, he's hurt"

Krystal smiles at Lacota, "I was just checking on a friend dear"

Lacota frowns, nodding. "I can tell some of the guards to make sure he doesn't go out." The Friar smiles, and hugs Krystal. "Yes, from the both of us, Zinnia, you have our sympathy."

Zinnia says, "He's..still a dibbun. What does the wildcat want from Xander...or even Caleb for that matter..was he going to kill them before my Uncle showed up.."

Krystal frowns, she allows the hug as she speaks "Never know with vermin like that. The wildcat sounds dangerous to be around."

Lacota nods. "True enough. However, it does no good to dwell on it, Zinnia. You'll worry yourself unduly. "

Zinnia nods slowly “I will just kept my mind off it then, that’s best and trust things will work out"

Krystal nods with a smile "Yeah, it will ok. Couldnt of gotten too far"

Lacota nods as well. "There's beasts here that are warriors, they can help, too."

Zinnia says, "I know, the abbey has some fighters, maybe a couple of them went to look"

Krystal says, "Maybe or clues will be found to point in a right direction"

"Indeed," Lacota agrees, "There's always evidence. And this Abbey won't rest till they're safe."

Zinnia manages a smile "I...I may go check on my Uncle, as I said he was injurie talk to you both later" She then goes to where ever her Uncle Zee is.

RW Abbey: Recorder's Room

This is a moderately sized room. A small bed sits in the corner; it

is nothing special and has obviously been repaired once or twice.

The mattress is comfortable, but not particularly thick. The sheets

are standard and one blanket is folded up at the bottom of the bed.

There is a small desk in one corner, which is covered in parchments,

some stacked and blank and others scattered and used. Next to the

desk, a low bookshelf lines the wall. It is filled with old-looking

tomes, no doubt records past bound and ordered. A small trunk sits

at the foot of the bed, and it is locked. There is a single window,

no more than a slit of a thing, six inches wide at most, and it

spills a sliver of light into the room during the day. A flowerpot

sits on the narrow windowsill.

Exits: [Hall]way

Zinnia first came to her room to write in her journal, it helps one to think of what to say and then she stood to go to her Uncles Dorm to speak to him.

Zee knocks and peeks in, he blinks as he sees Zinnia "Zinnia. Ya awake? Oh ya are I was just about to go out..somewhere." He has on very familiar armor that he has fixed up a little and polished in Ferravale of all places, well one can't fix armor in the abbey as fixing or even making of armor or weapons is not allowed in the abbey.

Zinnia turns and frowns at the sight of her father's armor "Wait..your gonna go look...NO..I won’t let you..or I am coming too!"

Zee walks forward as to gently lay a paw on her shoulder "No.."He says gently and quietly, "YOU are staying here...ok" What he does next he feels bad about, but its only sleeping herbs added to some tea he has made, he hands it to her "Drink this and calm down. I will stay..." Yeah till you’re asleep that is he thinks to himself.

Zinnia allows herself to sit as tears go down her face, she takes the tea and drinks it without speaking. It’s very possible she is still upset with him"I.." She finally speaks" Your..staying here?" She rubs her eyes and lays down, she blinks and then a frown forms as there is no reason she should be this darn sleepy.."What was..in that...tea..." She then slips into sleep, maybe sleep she needs and she will sleep for a while, even maybe miss breakfast...she will have words with her Uncle Zee once she wakes up.

Zee just watches her and takes the mug, “Sorry Zinnia...I couldn’t let ya place yourself in danger. This was my own fault...I am sorry. I am gonna go find Zurrgg." He bends down and kisses her forehead "I..love ya lass" And then he walks out of the room, he is not sure if this will end well or not. The only weapon he has is that staff with his hidden raspier and that will have to do as he slips out of the abbey soon, there is not many guards around so its fairly easy to go out, they pay more attention to whom goes in.