"...Martin will help us." (Thorns of Steel TP)

From Redwall MUCK Wiki

The cell...

Oz had been knocked out, he now groans as he slowly wakes up, a bad cut on his cheek and his bottom lip swollen some, he coughs a little and opens his eyes slowly.

Blisa is laying by the badgers' footpaws, wimpering as tears fall out of her eyes.

Oz coughs and blinks a couple times to get fully awake, "B..B..Blisa.." His jaw and cheeck hurts when he talks.

Blisa shifts and gives a soft cry. She stands and limps around until she can crawl into Oz lap, which she does. Wrapping her good arm around his neck, she says, "Bad fox..kicked me...side...hurts..." she is crying, and with each sob, each breath, she wimpers some more.

Oz frowns, "Yes Vladmir is a, very...very bad fox" He looks around, least the fox in question is gone,..."Vladmir, needs to...to pay."

Blisa is crying harder. "Rib went...pop...owie!" she clutches her right side, where the broken rib is and buries her face in Oz's shirt.

Oz sighs, he frowns "I am sorry, not sure how to..help...owww" He stops and goes on, "That fox hits...hard."

Blisa nods. "Kicks hard, too." she wipes her eyes, then starts, rembering something. "There was a mousemaid in here."

Oz tilts his head, "Mousemaid?"

Blisa nods. "Yeah. She was made out of mist, and she said her name was LilyMoore. She said stuff to the fox, but I didn't hear that." she wrinkles her brow. "Is dat OK? She said stuff to me..." she looks like she's afraid she's in trouble.

Oz smiles weakly ,"Its ok Blisa, not in trouble" He looks around to make sure no one else unwanted is here.

Blisa nods, then continues, "She told me not to be scared, help will come, I'll...I'll see Daddy again. And she made my side not hurt so much." she snuggles down and whispers, "And she told me to not let you stop hoping."

Oz listens to the dibbun, but it is starting to show some, he is starting to get the less hope feeling, "Been here...almost 3 weeks..I think"He sighs he has lost track of time in this place and frowns, but adds "I will do my best to, not let him harm you...somehow"

Blisa looks into his eyes and strokes his new cut, whispering, "It'll be alright...Martin will help us." she smiles.

Oz smiles a little, "Yes...hopfully soon"

Blisa's smile gets a little wider, a little brighter, and she snuggles down. "Tell me another story...about Matthias."

Oz nods, "He...saved th abbey too, found the missing sword of Martin."

Blisa kinda closes her eyes. "And Martin talked to him, right?" seems she's heard this story before.

Oz nods, he seems to still be affected by the fact that Vladmir hit him very very hard, he slips into unconsciousnes

Blisa smiles and falls asleep, a peaceful smile on her face.