Lee's poor shoulder among other thingys.... (Angela is temporary Master Healer only because Leon is AWOL ICly, which is because of the Marek's Revenge TP. So, yeah....)

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Redwall Abbey Infirmary

Angela the mouse. Lee the otter. Emyuil, also a mouse.

Angela is sitting at a table, rubbing some sort of horrible smelling paste on her elbows. She already reeks with the stuff, so she's probably already put it on her other joints. As she rubs it in, she sighs with relief.

Arthritis, most likely, Emyuil thinks as he watches from across the table. The Half-Rat is getting restless and wishes there were some vermin here to kill or something...he shakes his battlescarred head. If he tried that now he'd get massacred.

Lee knocks at the door and looks in. "'Ello? Is Zork awake?"

Emyuil remains seated and sighs. He's _extremely_ bored and is seriously considering starting a fight at this point. At least he'd get some fresh air.

Lee nods toward Emyuil. "Feelin' restless, eh? Wot say ye to a bit o' sparrin' in private... Where Marek's beasts won't know 'bout it?" The otter sits down. "Oy, Marm, if ye wish ta look, please do."

"If we can get away with it, y'think," Emyuil says, shrugging. "Sure. I can fetch m'sword once y'get the shoulder checked out."

Angela shakes her staff at her grandson. "Ye'll do no such thing! I sha'n't be havin' the only relative of mine who I know where he is riskin' gettin' killed by them horde's beasts by luggin' a weapon through the Abbey! Ye can 'elp me bandage this 'ere otter's wound." After trundling a trolley over to the examination table, she nods towards it and says to the Head Guard, "Sit."

Lee gets up then sits on the table as he is bidden. "Oy, I best not defy yer gran'mum, mate. Sorry 'bout that." He shrugs ruefully.

Emyuil walks over and grabs a bandage from the trolley and washes it in a basin of fresh water and tests its strength briefly between his paws before nodding and gesturing for the Head Guard to roll up his sleeve.

Angela glares at her grandson. "Don't ye do anythin' 'till I say ye can! Now, hang that bandage on the rack with the towels and get a new one to replace it, then just wait fer me to tell ye what to do." She rolls her eyes, then goes to help the otter take his shirt off the injured shoulder. "What type of weapon did this?" She asks as she goes to remove the bandages.

Lee removes his shirt, then frowns. "The tip o' Martin's Sword, actually, when Hudson were fightin' me a few days ago. Fortunately, it did not go too deep... Coulda been much more serious."

Emyuil meekly puts the bandage on the rack and awaits orders, arms tucked behind his back, 'at ease'.

Angela looks expertly at the now-unveiled wound. "Hmmm....the edges of the cut are not torn, which is good....torn flesh takes longer to 'eal." gazing at it a little more closely, she nods slightly. "I see no sign of infection, which is excellent. But I shall still put some salve on it." Holding out her paw to her grandson, she says, "Please 'and me the marble jar from the trolley."

Emyuil promptly passes the indicated jar to his grandmother. "Anything else?"

Lee nods, looking away. "No infection be good. Way back when me side were injured, it got pretty bad infected, but got better eventually..."

Angela goes to spread the salve on. It is green, and smells like a weird mix of a meadow and a swamp. "Aye, ye can not ask again. Patience. I'll tell ye all that I want when I want it." After that, she looks the otter in the face. "I can see that. If it hadn't gotten better, ye'd be six feet underground, pushin' daisies." Glancing at her grandson, she adds, "Square piece of cloth and wrappings. And they need to be /dry/, or else 'is wound won't 'eal and might get infected anyway."

Emyuil grabs the cloth and wrappings and passes them to his grandmother without a word. He nods, is all.

Lee blinks. "Well, I be glad I ain't six feet under, then. Me fam'ly would miss me somethin' terrible, y'know..."

Angela goes to rebandage the wound, giving her grandson an approving glance. "Better. Now please get behind 'im and pass me the bandage when I wrap it under 'is arm." She addresses the otter now, saying, "Let me know if it's too tight. I don't want to cut off circulation. And yes, yer family would miss ye. So I would suggest wearin' more chainmail."

Emyuil nods and steps behind Lee carefully. "Or at least some cloth padding," he murmurs to Lee. "better to keep your mobility."

Lee nods, holding his arm up. "Aye, marm, I'll be more careful, also. I 'ave chain mail, actually, but the vermin took it from me... An' I 'ave no idea wot they did with it. Per'aps I can find with the Abbey weapons, I dunno. Paddin' be a good idea, too. Thanks, mate."

Angela smiles softly at her grandson. "Well, I don't know very much about armour and weapons and such...all I know is 'ow to clean up after them." After finishing the bandaging and tucking the little tail into the wrappings, she steps back and nods. "There. Yer free to go. Perhaps ye both can play chess or somethin'...I just don't want ye to get hurt," she adds in way of apology to the other mouse.

Emyuil smiles back tentatively, saying "Y'welcome," to Lee. He says in a mock-whining voice, "But grandmother, I don't know how to play chess!" He laughs, the first time he has laughed without bitterness in many a week.

Lee shrugs, as he starts to put his shirt back on. "Chess? Who plays Chess? We got war ta plan, an' revolts ta muster."

Angela rolls her eyes and trundles the trolley back to where it belongs.  "Ye 2 are 'opeless.  I don't think I'll ever understand ye warriors..."  she smiles a little more and shakes her head.  "Get outta 'ere!  Ye don't need my 'elp doin' that.  I'll just 'ave to clean up the mess afterwards."  And she wanders off, going to walk her rounds.

Thanks for reading!
