Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 Re: Ferravale » The Path to Ferravale is gone? » 2023-07-07 01:10:35 PM

Sarnith wrote:

Ok, Ferravale has mostly been recreated now, I updated some of the descs to reflect the damage that occurred in town, I took some liberties with that and even more liberties with some rooms as there were no descs I could find for them, I only had exit names to go on. Some rooms I did not recreate, let me know if there is something that got passed over that you would like back. I still need to update some of the descs and go back and check grammar, I don't always word the best. Otherwise thanks to Aeysin, Ajax, and Willow there for the help.

Don't forget that the radio has old room descriptions from the last time RiverBot was allowed out of his tank. You might be able to find any missing rooms there.

#2 Re: RP Chat » All good things... » 2022-07-17 07:51:28 PM

We didn't run into each other much, but good luck out there. Take care.

#3 Re: MUCK Help » Keeping Chars From Purging » 2022-07-02 03:54:41 PM

Not just years, Pleedon hasn't logged since August 2002...

Get in touch with Otter and tell him you're taking a hiatus. There's a special property he can set on your character(s) to prevent them from being purged.

#4 Re: Wiki Help » The wiki is down! Halp! » 2022-03-26 11:34:20 AM

aeysin wrote:

Aaaah. I have not worked with lighttpd… now you got me interested, but will save that for the next major overhaul in five years hahah. Stuck with ol’ trusty this go-around to avoid time sunk constantly fixing / fighting with things.

It's pretty stripped down and sometimes I wish I had features like .htaccess, since lighttpd only has one big configuration script loaded at startup and you have to do vhosts and url matching yourself... but I'm on a low-memory system so I'm trying to stay minimal.

Farm life is good! Had a brief winter break but headed back out shortly. You get used to the weather. Running water hasn’t been a problem so far but potable water can get tricky.

Nice, glad it's working out! I've lived with pretty sulfurous water, and drinking water is kind of important...

#5 Re: RP Chat » Vermin Backstory Advice » 2022-03-15 07:15:48 PM

In my experience it's best to start from a two or three word summary (like "timid squirrel novice" or "jaded old mercenary") and throw yourself into a scene. You'll fairly quickly either:

(1) click with the character, get into the flow of their persona, and start fleshing them out,
(2) rewrite everything you planned for them based on how you feel, they'd react during RP, or
(3) realize that the character doesn't work and you can't get inside their head, and make another one.

That's been a pretty solid formula for me for 15+ years, but really everyone's different -- do what feels best to you. The biggest thing is don't be afraid to try something, or start something with someone.

#6 Re: Open Chat » How do you connect? » 2022-03-15 07:11:45 PM

Elmef wrote:

I use Simple MU still, I have to launch it as an administrator to make Windows 10 load it
But it's the programme I have used since the start

I can only run it on my Laptop and PC
If I am away I don't have a reliable Mobile app for my tablet so I can't connect when away without a PC

I've been using MUSHclient since 2007 or 2008 and it's been very reliable - I'm happy to recommend it. Easy to use, but fairly powerful if you want to get into it, and a little smoother than Potato in my opinion. Definitely doesn't need to run as admin.

#7 Re: Wiki Help » The wiki is down! Halp! » 2022-03-12 11:47:09 PM

aeysin wrote:
wallace wrote:

I'd offer to help but I don't know if I'd be much more effective, I'm still spending a day every 3 months trying to remember how I got my Let's Encrypt certs working last time lmao

Got a couple weeks off in MO and stealing wifi from the business next door (don't tell!)
Hoping to fix everything before I am "off grid" again.
Beefed up the server. Wrote new backup scripts to delete old files after they've been moved to object storage. Maybe we won't run out of local storage 3 times a year now tongue

certbot is a lifesaver for Let's Encrypt. I run it as a cronjob every day so I don't have to panic and furiously google things every 90.

00 4    * * *   root    certbot renew --post-hook "systemctl reload apache2"

I have a tiny virtual server so I use lighttpd, which seems to be mortal enemies with certbot. isn't much better -- its favorite thing seems to be to pitching a fit and making .well-known/acme-challenge/ stop working. (It's not that the bear dances well, it's that it dances at all.)

How's the farm life treating you? I haven't been on one in decades and I mostly remember (1) the cold, and (2) the lack of running water.

#8 Re: Wiki Help » The wiki is down! Halp! » 2022-02-21 08:05:30 PM

aeysin wrote:
wallace wrote:

What's it filling up with?

Not working with much storage to begin with and there’s a lot of old junk on there. It fills up every so often with mysql dumps and other backup and log files that eventually get sent elsewhere. Some day I will write a more efficient script to handle it in a way that won’t crash the server when it fills up, but I’ve been living on a mountain with only 3G phone data and a 500mb/month hotspot limit since last April. I fix what I can by tunneling from my phone, but I’m wary of doing any major overhauls without access to a computer with a reliable internet connection tongue

Glad you're still kicking, but oof, that's pretty rough.

I'd offer to help but I don't know if I'd be much more effective, I'm still spending a day every 3 months trying to remember how I got my Let's Encrypt certs working last time lmao

#9 Re: Wiki Help » The wiki is down! Halp! » 2022-02-02 12:06:04 PM

aeysin wrote:

Fixed. Server ran out of space. I’ve been on a fishing trip in the Gulf and didn’t have phone or laptop. Should be all good until it runs out of space again in a few months ;P

What's it filling up with?

#10 Re: RP Chat » Need Help With an Accidentally Deleted Character » 2022-01-16 12:14:59 AM

aeysin wrote:

Also… sorry about your character. It’s always a bummer to lose them. I’ve known several people who get frustrated by it and leave the MUCK entirely so glad you’ve come back.
Setting a reminder to connect as a phone or Google calendar event can help. Once every 30 days or so should do the trick.

I have a script on my server that runs on the 1st and the 15th and logs each of my characters in. Never again.

It's not a bad idea to keep all of your descriptions saved somewhere offline, just in case you ever lose them.

#11 Re: RP Chat » A New Sometimes Club? » 2017-12-24 03:18:59 AM

SC was just a small group that scheduled RP sessions around a general plot line. Organized doesn't mean OOC.

#12 Re: RP Chat » Let's just put a Horde here... » 2017-04-20 10:26:56 PM

Is that the grumpy alcoholic squirrel Madison I see?

#13 Re: Open Chat » Howdy! » 2017-02-27 01:14:11 PM


I guess with the official site still locked, this is the de facto board for the MUCK for the time being?

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