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#1 2018-02-17 10:46:52 AM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Why Are You Calling Me Landbeast Part 2-Wilowbark TP

In This Log:

Karth Riverbark-]Me-Archer for Mossflower Defenders

Minsc- Warrior in Mossflower Defenders and Knight and Protector of Willowbark Abbey

Xander Winters-Leader of Mossflower Deafenders

Spoofs of seals,sea lions, Ping the frog, and two Squirrel maids (Mariposa and Chanah)


”Meeting is over and the decision is………….”

Minsc stepped away when she entered the den and keep quiet, he wouldn't interrupt but he was worried.

Karth jerked his head towards the squirrel maid and listened closely to her next words.

“You shall live” The squirrel maid says.”You will now hold still....” A seal and sea lion came in, the sea lion used its teeth to bite the ropes free of the sea otter and the seal uses a sharp stone to free the frog.

Ping wakes up “What?Who?...Oh!” He says and rubs his hands as he blinks “We are free to go or...?” He looks at Karth as surely he knows.

Karth stood up and was silent at first and then spoke “First my longbow and arrows, then take me to my leader”

Minsc just stayed quiet, he was still unsure of these seals and sea lions.

“Follow” Is all the squirrel maid said and lead the 3 beasts to where the clan of seals and sea lions were. 10 Seals, one being the dibbun one. Also there was maybe 40 sea lions, but them and the deals seem to get along and live together as one clan to protect one another. They were led by an old graying seal and a younger, but still middle age sea lion was beside him. A leader and co-leader it would seem. The squirrel maid went to them and spoke quietly and then went to hug the younger squirrel as they stood by the leaders.

Karth followed, he was upset at not having his longbow but he could wait till they left and he best get it then, he cleared his throat “We thank you for letting us live as we mean no harm. I am sorry for....any fear as I am a beast always on alert myself and I do tend to trust very few beasts. I am sorry if this is your land or least this part of the island near friend was missing so I looked for him. I heard you were helping Xander Winters and for that I am glad and it seems you helped Minsc as well”

Minsc nods “They did my arm was hurt, they helped it and Xander helped as well....he got the worse of the sea gull attack”

The older squirrel maid starts to speak but a grunt from the old seal stops her as he makes his way forwards.”Willowbarkkkkkkkkkkkk We know offffffffffff.....helped them after they lostttttt many many lifeforce. I am Coralllllllllll....Chief of Sea Clan.”And he knows common it seems though its not perfect as it could be but he clearly been practicing for seasons.”Abbot who?”

Karth looks at Minsc, maybe he should answer this.

Minsc bows “I am Minsc...Knight and Protector of Wilowbark..I was away for much too too long thanks to Quade, Quade has been slayed as he was scum. I am unsure whom has been abbot tis 8 seasons past but they have choosen Gorvenalus to once more, as he was 8 seasons...abbot once more. I can deliver a message if needing be”

“He to come then....that is all” The old seal says.

Karth frowns”Excuse me...please sir?”

Minsc frowns a little “ Careful Karth me friend”

The seal turns to look at the sea otter and Minsc, but it looks like he will let the sea otter speak.

“Xander Winters....I would like to see him, let myself know how he is please. Friends worry...”Karth states carefully and stays calm.

Minsc nods “I can go get Gorvenalus. He would likely come back with me a lot more than a stranger.”

“Otter go, as well as Mariposa.” This gets a small chitter from the older squirrel and her and the seal lion seem to have a short chat before she sighs and he looks at the hamster”You go at rising of sun and backkkkkkk by when sun highest in skkkkkky”He then grunts and heads out followed by the seals and sea lions.

Karth  closes his eyes and opens them again as he stays calm, he turns to Minsc “Tis fine my friend. I shall keep Xander company....once I learn where he is, take Ping back if you can he seems...nervous here.”

Minsc nods “I will try me friend Karth, I will try and yes Healing caves are not far I can show you.”

The young squirrel maid looks over at the two, as her mother called them, landbeasts. She isn't as talkative as her mother, but its clear her mother is unsure of so called landbeasts. She did meet Xander and Minsc from before, but she didn't spend much time near them, or the others. She sits by the wall to study them since her mother left with the seals and sea lions.

Karth glaces over”What you a guard or something?”

The young squirrel frowns ” go with you, yes I go with you”

Minsc decides to led Karth to where Xander is, if he is able to that is.

Karth follows”The frog comes back to Willowbark as well”Its best to not say no trust me.

The young squirrel maid just nods and follows them to the healing caves.

A short walk and they are at the healing caves where the badger lays on some moss, the area smells of herbs and is fairly quiet.

Xander is awake, for once, and his fever has gone down more. In fact its enough to where he starts to slowly sit up.

Minsc sits by his friend, “Not to be moving sir, rest is best to do. How are you feeling?”

Karth walks over and hides a smile, he is glad his leader is alive, “Hello sir” He salutes and stays where he is.

The squirrel maid stays by the entry of the cave and just watches.

Xander smiles, he does lay back down slowly,”Karth.....why are you here? And what is wrong with Krisha?” Yes he remembers something was mentioned when they first got here.

Minsc frowns “I am not knowing sir, she fainted but is with healers in Willowbark. I am to head back at sunrise and then will return with Gorvenalus, maybe father can give you needed update yes?”

Karth still seems unsure y “Just so nothing happens to Gorvenalus. And when you go Ping goes also Minsc.” He glaces at the badger” Krisha may be having issues with the unborn child, its not known. I came to look for you and Minsc and I do not know if Krisha knows your missing or not but she is in good paws.”

The squirrel maid speaks “I...know of these..healing forms..arts? I am Mariposa. Mother is called Chanah.” She speaks slowly as she isn't too good with common but when its important she tries harder and so it comes out slowly one word at a time.

Xander sighs, he nods at Mariposa..”Yeah...I remember your voice couple times, and seen you once with the other squirrel.” He is worried about Krisha “Ok...please I need to know if she is alright and if she asks I am fine, let her know I am fine and safe...sore but safe” He has a bandage on a rather bad wound and healing herbs placed on other wounds, the herb salves have stayed on fairly well as its not cold, but also not too warm in the cave.

Minsc nods “I will let her know sir not to worry and maybe the sea lion and his seal and sea lion..ummm clam mates just want to make sure we speak the truth I am not knowing. Chip mentioned, as well as Yasmine, how this clan helped them when Quade destroyed the abbey and they let them stay a couple seasons so I am not thinking they are ones to worry on....they seem to want to make sure we are friends, that all they meet are friends to them not not foes and they have helped Xander after the sea gulls...had they not he could of died, they also helped my arm which did bleed fairly well, perhaps saving my life as well my friend Karth....yes they seemed unsure of you and Ping but then they decided you are not a threat, you can stay with Xander and I will be back by lunch...ok my friend?”

Karth sighs and finally nods as he gives a quiet”Alright, but if its like half an hour past noon. I will look for you.”

Xander has drifted back to sleep.

Minsc nods as he settles down for sleep himself, in the morning he heads off with Ping and Mariposa.

Karth lets himself sleep but is up to see Minsc head off, he then stays by Xander's side and will remain at his leader's side till Minsc returns.

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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