Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2017-01-21 02:21:48 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Friendship and Treasure Chest Clues

==My rat Patch finds out what happen to stripy , happens in Redwall Infirm==

Zolomon has been here all night and into this afternoon, he missed breakfast in fact and that was odd for a hare.   

Xander opens his eyes and glaces around, at first confused and then remembering being in the infirm as he slowly sits up.   

Patch says, "Not sure tis good idea to move much stripy"   

Zolomon blinked and seeing Xander awake he grins "Xandy, am I ever glad to see you awake, you had me scared and last night you seemed so out of it"   

Xander frowns "I...did..I'm sorry sort of don't remember much, just..there was a fox and this pain...a sword was in me, some gates and then I was in the infirm and something that sounded like music, faint and food....Winter feast?"   

Patch says, "Winter feast was last night, got to say fuzzy got his tail all in a knot, guess he dislikes rats...forgot the name of this season, all a fox attacked ya? When was this?""   

Zolomon answers "The night of that storm...slaver group but the slaves were bally well freed and the vermin were slayed, I took down the black furred fox me self, he was just about to finish off Xandy" He looks at the badger "You almost died...I stayed till they kicked me out of the infirm, had to get my mind off things"He smiles "You had a note in your pocket, so I helped with that" His ears droop"Please don't get mad it had my name on it"   

Xander listens and frowns "Note?" He tries to remember, its a blur, the past couple weeks is sort of a blur.."I remember leaving for Salamandstron..and was heading back, in fact I was on my way to Ferravale to get away from" He then frowns deeply, his mother....he argued with her, he made her cry and he walked away from her after some rude things he said to her, then he saw her in the fox's paws and the ditch..."Mom..." Tears go down his face.   

Patch takes a scone from his pocket and eats it, "You mean that one badger lass..." He doesn't remember if she was at the feast or not, he was busy upsetting the Friar to pay attention to whom all was there.
Zolomon blinks " Xandy...its ok don't cry....Mr. M got her outta the ditch and got her back here. just in bally well time too...she had cubs, two of them." He offers a smile."She be ok. sleeping maybe."

Xander wipes away the tears "Mom is alive?" He sounds uncertain, he has to see with his own eyes, he frowns and decides to change the subject"You said your name was on a note?"
Zolomon nods and shows him the note, it has some of Xander's blood on it, "And a key....I remember gramps said to keep this chest for ya and I did...I know he said to not open it...well let you but I did sword but thar was another note and a key" He digs around his pockets and then lays them on the badger's chest"See///wot does it say, wot does it say?"
Patch rolls his eyes"Ya know stripy is supposed to open it long ears...what ever.."   

Xander opens the note carefully and reads it "Chieftain of Ferravale.....that's Blisa, I..I find her next?"
Zolomon grins "I guess, but ya jolly well better heal up first" He points to the bandaged collarbone area and shoulder   

Patch frowns "That fox got ya good ouch"   

Xander frowns, he lets Zolomon hold onto the key and note for now as he traces the bandages and then tenses up."I don't remember much...I remember he pushed my mom into the ditch, she screamed...and then I don't know....I suddenly had the worse pain ever felt and my vision sort of blured...flashes of a gate and the snow, then gates again and some badger with wild fur like all over telling me to go away, wasn't me time yet...and then I woke up in the infirm in a lot of pain and I was like really hungry and my throat was dry"

Zolomon nods "You charged the fox and he stabbed you, his sword went into your collar bone and out of your back and he just sort of smirked and held it like it was the greatest thrill ever...then I shot the foul fox with my arrow and made HIM fall into the icy ditch where he died"   

Patch listened and shivers "Serious ouch"
Xander says, "You...killed the fox...I thought I heard you say my name once...too"   

Zolomon nods "Yes, I killed the rotter" He goes to hug Xander, very carefully, "The fox is dead and your alive and I be so so glad, your my bestest friend Xandy"
Patch looks between them and walks to the door "Don't do too much before ya heal up stripy..I am going to my tree house, need to check on it"   

Xander allows the hug and smiles.   

Patch smiles at the two friends and then leaves the infirm.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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