Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2017-12-12 02:03:29 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

The Who..What now?- Head Guard Ferravale Log/Redwall Log

Vojin Longtail-me- Head Guard of Ferravale

Benar-Abbot of Redwall

Zolomon- Archer hare from Mossflower Defenders

A spoofed dibbun shrew

~ ~ ~LOG~ ~ ~ ~

Vojin was on patrol anyways so why not take a...seemly very talkative dibbun shrew to the abbey, the dibbun seemed alone and the wildcat was close to the abbey anyways as the dibbun chatted away " And he brings snow and gifts and the night before we have cookies" The wildcat blinks "The..who what now?" The dibbun crosses his arms, goodness these grow ups "The snow not know who he is?" The wildcat shakes his head no as the shrew dibbun frowns, "That’s sad Mr. kitty" To which the wildcat just blinks" Ummm....."   

Benar is standing by the fire, the poker held in one hand and watching and listening to this back and forth between the very large cat and the super tiny dibbun. Smiling quietly he hangs the poker back on its stand and walks over toward Vojin, "If you would like to hear the story of the Snow Badger good sir, I'd be happy to tell it to you. It is a favorite at this time of year."   

Vojin glances over at the abbot and quickly dusts off dirt from his cloak" Oh hello sir. The dibbun here seems to have slipped out, most likely with..." And he is interrupted "Noooooo.....I was with de shrews. They visit here Mr. Kitty" The wildcat nods "Alright....and to answer another question I was never told stories of any Snow Badger." He smiles at Benar "I am sorry for not letting the abbey know of my short visit, I am trying to learn of different leaders here and...get to know beasts as its likely important to do. I think I mentioned who I was or..did I?"   

Benar asks, "I believe we met briefly? It is Vojin no?" He shoos the shrew away toward the library and the dibbun classes then motions the wildcat to follow him over to the fire, "I am afraid I cannot recall your job if you told me. But you are most welcome here to warm up before going back out."

The shrew sticks out it's tongue and heads off to classes.

Vojin nods "Vojin Longtail...recently I got a promotion as Head Guard of Ferravale and before you worry...Bandit is still alive, he felt the need to step down and let another be in charge instead...though I am not certain of its idea of opening a bakery is a good idea for him or not."
Zolomon enters from the entryway and shivers "It's cold! One could freeze their bally ears off."   

Vojin turns to see the hare and shrugs "It is...basically winter season now, one can expect the cold and maybe snow, which has yet to truly be more than just a far"   

Zolomon grins "Snow is great V...I can call ya V right? Maybe Sir V...." He smiles "Snow beasts to build, snow ball fights, ...oh and stories by the fire drinking nice cider or hot tea and this time of year is the time of a special visitor don't ya know"   

Vojin frowns "It’s..Vojin not V...and yes so I heard this..Snow Badger beast comes around I suppose, or maybe he doesn't...sounds odd to me"   

Zolomon smiles" I helped last winter season...well sort of...guess you can say one of his many helpers" The hare chuckles remembering “I should SO be the jingle hare again! It would be fun!"   

Vojin raises an eyebrow “Snow badger....Jungle hare?" He just has that totally lost look on his face, "This abbey has strange things to find fun in during the cold weather months, when usually I just stayed warm by a fire and maybe roasted apples, maybe a story or two heard from a traveler in the area."   

Zolomon says, "You should stick around, and heard of the Snow Badger and who knows...jolly well see him, get a gift and have some sweets"

Vojin says, "I will....think on it, I do not know"   

Zolomon says, "Ozzy tells it, sometimes another beast and they will have cookies and maybe hot chocolate..maybe, hmmms tea maybe?"
Vojin says, "As I said...I will think on it, for now I have to go"   

Zolomon nods, he looks towards the kitchen as the scent of pie, apple cinnamon smells like, comes to his nose as he smiles "Of course chap...should be soon." He starts to walk towards the kitchens."Laters..."
Vojin frowns, is it wise to let the hare go into the kitchens....he sighs as he does need to get back to the village and...well he decides this is abbey business and so he heads off, he will likely return in a couple days as he is still curious of this...Snow Badger and, what was it...jingle hare?

Last edited by Karth Riverbark (2017-12-12 02:36:55 PM)

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


#2 2017-12-21 04:29:45 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380


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