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So, I draw by hand. Exclusively. So I have to use a scanner to get my pictures onto the computer so I can show them to y'all. But the scanner I own crops pictures automatically, so with my bigger sketchbook, it only does a tiny bit of the drawing. It makes me very angry, and when I get angry at an electronic device, I want to bash it with my baseball bat. And I haven't yet been able to figure out how to turn the autocropping off. So I'll post pictures when I can. Please don't ask when I'll be next posting pictures or say that you'd like to see more, please. I want to post all the pictures of my characters that I've done onto here, but my scanner is stupid. I'll post them when I can. Sorry.
Right now, I have 4 pictures of Blisa. Here they are:
I was just learning (teaching myself) how to draw manga, and I didn't quite understand how to make the bodies look right. I drew it on Febuary 3rd, 2014.
This one was drawn a few days later, on the 8th. I get a good view of cat teeth whenever any of my IRL cats yawn in my face
This one was drawn on Febuary 16th. I thought I'd draw her grumpy since she's grumpy a lot. As you can see, the way to make the faces look 3D hadn't quite clicked in my mind yet.
I drew this one from May 6th to 8th, 2015. I was trying to figure out how to make the faces look 3D. It didn't /quite/ turn out right, bt I was learning and trying.
I drew this one over the course of May 25th and 26th, 2015, and I am super proud of it! I had FINALLY figured out how to draw the bodies so they looked good, and how to make the face look 3D. Yes, it's not perfect, but looking at it now, even, gives me a feeling of accomplishment. I'm super happy with it
That's all I have for now. Hopefully I'll be able to figure out the stupid scanner (and find more of my drawings of my characters) so I can post more pictures soon. I hope you enjoyed these!
Last edited by BlisaMarshmellow (2020-02-29 04:50:16 PM)
very good pics. I like them
Last edited by Leon (2017-11-16 03:44:42 PM)
I play
Cota-grandson of Dorarose
Micco-Leader of the Gawtribe
Well Done
I play:
Oz- Badger-young adult-Wanderer
Hope have some of Dorarose and maybe Angela and could draw some of bodyguards Blisa has or even Basil. As you said your post what you have and will have later when you can
I play
Cota-grandson of Dorarose
Micco-Leader of the Gawtribe
Good pictures. I like them and now can picture Blisa when role playing and my character is talking to her
Oh, thanks, guys! I hope to post more pictures soon! I draw Blisa the most because I'm most comfortable drawing cats (I've lived with them for 12 and a half years, so I have a good idea of what they look like), but I may draw some other chars (like Lily) here soon
Thanks for the feedback!! <3
I have some older pictures to post! I have some newer pictures awaiting scanning, but these I took photos of with my device 'cause the things I drew them on (and in) are hard and I'm hesitant to try stuffing them into the scanner.
First up is this picture of 4 of my character's eyes. I don't know why I like to draw eyes so much. Maybe it's because they're something I feel good at, I don't know. I also wrote my RL name above them on the cover of this sketchbook. I guess I could've cropped it, but, meh. I'll just use a book I've read so many times the spine has snapped. WHATEVER. In the upper left hand corner is Felicity's eye; upper right hand, Blisa's; lower left hand corner, Ferdinand; and lastly is DoraRose
Here we have Blisa. It took me from April 11th to April 14th, 2015 to draw this. I didn't understand proportions or how to make her look 3D or anything. UNGH. The colouration is correct, though.
This is Blisa's face, drawn on April 17th, 2015. As you can see, I didn't understand how to make their faces look 3D. -_-
This is Blisa. I drew it on the back of a clipboard I was given. The original drawing and colouring was on April 12th and 13th 2015, and I did a touch-up on May 3rd of 2018 because I had gotten one of those cool white paint Sharpies, so I could finally make her white!
I have more drawings to come, hopefully soon. I may just give up and take photos of them and not use the scanner; I'll have to see how life works out in the next few weeks.
Maybe some pics of Dorarose next. Also maybe that snake Blisa has.
We'll see. I haven't done any pictures of DoraRose since i first joined, so they're all atrocious x.x
Hey, y'all! Well, the scanner is still crap, so I just broke down and took photos of my bigger drawings. I also have scanned some older pictures from when I was a newbie. So here we go!
Let's do DoraRose first!
These 4 are all from within the first year or 2 after I joined, so they're not so great. But do remember enjoying drawing her and designing her clothes, and what she looked like
This one, though:
I finished it like a week ago, and I'm very pleased with it. First successful manga mouse! And I'm happy with how her axe, Nightsong, came out. When she's fighting or training, she wears all black, but I didn't feel like dealing with that when colouring it, so I just put in her colours. WHATEVER
I also draw Blisa a lot. I have cats, so they're what I feel most comfortable drawing because I can observe them a lot.
This I think may have been my first ever drawing of Blisa.
This picture is of her dancing with a ribbon. I thought it would be cute for an RP, but we never did it. Oh, well. It was fun to imagine, at least.
These are from when I started learning how to draw better (via some manga instruction books from Impact books), but I didn't quite understand how to make it look 3D. So while they look better, they're not as good as they could be.
Same with this one. Have I mentioned that I enjoy designing clothes? Because I enjoy designing clothes
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the only picture I have drawn so far of Basilisk (Basil), Blisa's pet snake. Yes, he is huge; how else is she supposed to ride him into battle?
Eyes are easy for me, so I tend to draw them a lot
And here are some newer, better drawings of my cat char:
See? I've improved!
I've also drawn my hares!
Here's a close-up of her head so you can see her eyes better:
And here's her eye
I've also drawn Julia (with dolly)!
Auburn is a difficult colour to reproduce; it usually involves lots of layering O.o
Here is a drawing of DoraRose's mother (whom nobody has ever ICly met 'cause she died a little while after D.R. left home):
I've drawn Zarok! But not recently
So he's not as good as he could be:
(Talking to DoraRose in the 2nd drawing.)
I've also drawn Scioto (Blisa's father)!
Those are in order from oldest to newest. As you can see, I've improved, for sure!
Vladmir Stormfeather, villain of the Thorns of Steel TP, which I co-ran the first summer I was a member here.
Benar! I had soooo much fun fluffing up his tail and ears
That's all for now. I hope you enjoy them
YOu draw very very good!
I play
Elbio-LP Hare
Oh, thanks! I love to draw, so I'm glad I do it well
Hey, everybody! I've done more drawings
This is my LilyMoore I had fun trying to draw how tall she is
Here's a close up of her face; I didn't colour her eyes quite right But at least you get the idea of what they're supposed to look like!
And here is the bracelet Zork made for her
I also did an OOC picture:
It's Blisa and her family from this RP:
Also, that was my first time drawing a pregnant lady. Please be impressed
And the little boy that her husband is holding does have legs, I just forgot them until I was almost completely done colouring the picture x.x I hate it when I do that!
Last edited by BlisaMarshmellow (2020-05-04 08:43:06 PM)
Pages: 1