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#1 2022-10-30 02:35:50 PM

Proud LP
Registered: 2021-06-14
Posts: 172

What is it on the shore!?-LP LOG(Beached Dophin TP)


Velm-Chief healer/Captain in Long Patrol Home Guard

Donica- Corpal/Healer in Long Patrol

Sentry one and Sentry two- spoofed by Oz

The storm had been seen coming in since the night beefore,so morning and afternoon drill were cancaled for the day, much to the relief of most of the hares. Luckly this storm was far from being like one seen a few seasons ago.   

The storm did leave behind drift wood and a couple drifts of sand had piled up in a couple places where sand wasn't before.It was now late eve and most were in bed early,but of course those on sentry duty was always on duty as there was always someone on watch,two hares at all times in case of trouble.One hare to keep an eye on things and another, if needed, to relay anything out of place ASAP.   

Velm had been up late tending to his son, finding out the joys and the not so joys of being a father.A yawn escaped him as he went to check on the hares on sentry duty.   

The two hares on duty were privates as one explained "Most boring job ever." The other noded in agrement."But, " They replied"Better than something bad happening, it's been rather peaceful on the shores lately .I am unsure of Halyard though but the shores seem peaceful,peace is nice."   

Donica smiled as she had come to the room" As long as peace lasts for a bit.Your job may seem boring but tis the most imporant job to have.Keeping an eye on the shores for signs of trouble or if a messenger is coming to the mountain or not."
Velm chuckles as he comes in, wobberly beside him is his 1 season old son as Velm speaks "Donica is right.."He glaces down "Careful thar son."A smile on his face as he reaches down to pick his son up and walks over giving Donica a kiss and turning to the sentrys "All is well I hope. Looks like the storm is over,but the beach may need cleaned up a bit before we have any training drills outside.But that shouldn't take too long with some good teamwork."   

The two privates stood at attention and sulated "sUR...yes tis is a bit of driftwood out thar." The other nodded"I like driftwood one can make helpful and fun things with it."
Donica smiles"Ok at ease and yes I am sure we can find craft ideas and maybe some useful ideas to make as well.Maybe some some bowls,the infirm could use one"A smile to Velm"Hallo dear" Back to the sentries as a glace out the opening in the stone"Did the hare from the 67th head back yet?"   

Velm shakes his head"Not just yet his Lordship is having them wait till tomorrow."A sad sigh"Its sad that Elbio gone,he will be messed greatly.I am stil in shock from the news."Another sigh"The messenger from post 67th may head back this afternoon, get back in time for winter.I do hope the 67th is gonna be fine this winter as it is always a bit colder in Mossflower than here."   

The two sentries frown remembering the sad messsage delieved just a little over two weeks ago. A small memorial was done at the mountain for the Redwall LP hare and the messenger had stayed for it and was indeed heading back to Mossflower that afternoon.

Donica frowned"I hope Ciana is ok,poor thing. Goes to visit her father only to find he died the day before she got there and no one knows what happen even. Its a little sad he is buried at the abbey but then again,it's not like they could of brought him all the way back here."
Velm nods"He still has a memorail set up in the catocombes. As I said he will be missed."He looks down at his son,whom is asleep now.

One of the sentries keeps an eye out on the shores still,onlly briefly having looked away.It was lucky that nothing major needed
attention, or did it as they blinked and grabed a telescope to look through.The other sentry became more alert"Wot..wot is it?"

The sentry  frowns"Trouble?"She hoped not as that was the last thing they needed now,more bad news."A messenger? Someone from Halyard?"   

Donica walked over"Give me the telescope please."She wanted to see for herself to make sure if wasn't something major.   

Velm left only long enough to place his son with the dibbun caretaker"What do you see Corpal?"   

The sentry hands Donica the scope and then she backs off beside the other sentry who looks a little worried and curious at the same time"Should I get someone..sur?"He asked quietly.   

Donica looks out and is quiet at first as she seems to be studing something "Its..well not a messenger...wait, no couldn't be."A frown" They wouldn't be this close to the shore, would they?"   

Velm asks "Who wouldn't be this close?" He sounded worried and was on high alert"Do we need to worry?"   

The two sentries look at one another, the one speaks up "I don't know what it is, it was..strange looking and..I have no clue but it's alive wot ever it is."   

Donica doesn't reply just yet and then finally she sets the telescope down and looks at the sentries "One of you go get his Lordship and tell him to come outside."She looks at Velm"Come on, we need to get to the shore.They need help quickly."   

Velm nods as he gets his medical bag, and just in case his saber"Who needs help and why invole his Lordship, wotare we dealing with?"
The sentry gives a nod and she is off quick as she can.The other stays put to keep an eye outside.He is slightly nervous but stays focused as this is imporant.Very imporant.
Donica answers as she heads out "It's a dophin! It's on the beach and needs help and his Lordship knows more about them than we do, he had a school of dophins as friends, the dophins even helped find the island that evil woolverin had the dibbuns on and they helped us when the ship got lost a couple days at sea."She then rushed out hoping they could help.T

The Badger Lord likely could see better from his window .And likely did have a look out his window once the sentry alerted him to the trouble.The sentry may not of known it was a dophin when the message was given but a quick look at the high up window from the Badger Lord for sure showed what was seen,likely better than from the main sentry area.

Last edited by Proud LP (2022-10-30 03:05:17 PM)

I am :
Velm-Captain and Chief Healer at Salamandstron
Jaison-Soon to be Master Healer at Redwall


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