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#1 2022-09-23 08:20:13 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

The view here is awesome!-redwall log



Jaison-Master Healer of Redwall

Benar-Abbot of Redwall


Jaison is sitting at one of the benaches looking threw an herb book,a quiet hmmm as he studies one of the herbs in the book and writes something down on a paper he has.

Oz walks in and suts down.He looks tired and his tunic is still wet some from washing dishes.A frown forms as he just sort of sits there.
Jaison blinks and looks over,"Ya ok?" He asks "Ya look like a nap be best, naps are always good to have at times."   

Oz glaces over at the healer,"I have to wash dishes, like a lot and for a week and I just done 6 out of 7 and so have the rest of today and tomorrow, and other normal chores on top of that"   

Jaison closes the book ,but first saves his place in it."What ever did ya do to get that sort of chore? I am assumeing some punishment unless I am wrong and its a faveoite past time but it didnt sound like such.And there is good news,yes? One more day and your I right?"   

Oz shrugs but after a while he nods"Yeah, I guess."He frowns again"Mother got upset cause I sliped outside, and then got more mad when she found out this wildcat had to help me with something and I had tried to avoid trouble cause I had like fathe'rs sword on my back...though I dont know how to use it but maybe anyone on the road woudnt know that."He sighs"So helping with dishes for a week."
Jaison nods"Oh....well one shouldn't go out, for sure alone.Could be dangerous,one never knows."   

Oz sighs"I know...but someone said the defender's base was like...damaged and I wanted to check on it."   

Jaison hmms"Well, I have heard of some of the...well troubles in Ferravale"   

Oz shurgs, "I don't know..."He frowns at his paws"Washing dishes makes my paws all...wrikle like or ...something"   

Benar walks down the stairs from his office reading a sheaf of papers and humming quietly to himself as he goes, he folds papers behind each other as he finishes each one and turns toward the library.
Jaison chuckles slightly"Well, you only have one more day to face dish washing so much. Could of gotten a worse punishment"   

Oz frowns at that,"What could be worse than washing piles of dishes and pans for a week?"   

Benar lifts his head and looks at Oz, "I can name several things that are worse Oz," he said softly stopping next to Jaison, "I could send you to shovel coal at the forge, or clean weeds out of the pond or have to work as Friar Lacota's assistant."
Jaison nods"Hello Abbot Benar, how are you doing today? Hope not too much since things have be rather busy lately"
Oz sighs" I suppose...weeds by the pond likely hard."A small smile though"I been by the pond a lot Brother Sinwy has been teaching me how to swim"
Jaison says, "Swiming is a good skill to know. But its starting to slowly get colder now,well in the late afternoon and morning anyways."
Benar says, "Swimming is useful, I am not very good at it, this," he swishes his tail, "Bogs me down all the time and it is hard to keep going."
Oz listens and replies "My dad couldn't swim I know." He looks at Jaison "Autumn is nice though the leaves turn nice colors and there ia always a lot going on in the orchards."He smiles"Did you know the bees even get ready to sleep a lot like in the winter.Bees are sort of neat"   

Jaison shakes his head"Nope...I stay away from bees,they sting. I know they make honey and those brave enough to fetch it are indeed very brave."
Benar says, "The bees have always been friendly to me, you just need to take the time to say hello and be polite to them," he smiled, "But my main concern right now is getting the roof looked at and to start the repairs. The scaffolding is complete"

Oz smiles"I could help with the bees, if allowed...they like my singing and I could help get the honey too." He shakes his head at the roof though.   

Jaison hmmmms"Well you likely have help for that, the roof that is.I can be around if needed, in case any beast is hurt but I would hope it wouldnt be needed in the first place."   

Benar says, "Well if people listen to Tabitha's instructions when going up there it should be fine," he looks down and pets Oz between the ears, "You are welcome to talk to the bees, just do not get in Elder Elmef's way unless he asks. But if you want to learn more I can arrange lessons with him to teach you about the bees."
Oz smiles at the abbot"Really?" He likes the idea" Cause they don't sting me, and I like singing to them and...well..."He likely has been heard singing some in the abbey" I am still..figureing out what a wanna do I just know I don't want to be anything like a fighter or warrior but I can learn self defense still if I need to."
Jaison speaks" Warrior is not the best job, tends to be very dangeous. And we do have the champion, oh and the hares that are nearby we have them now as well.And Camp willow...if ever needed."
Benar says, "Indeed and you do not need to learn self-defence either," the abbot smiles at the small badger, "I was a soldier but I was a quarter-master, in charge of supplies and logistics I never did much fighting if any. But I can speak to Elder Elmef to start teaching you about the bees"
Oz smiles, he nods "Yeah....I don't even know how to use a blade. I can hold father's blade but when I tried to swing it.."He frowns "I fell backwards and the blade can of slide a few feet away."   

Jaison says, "Fighting is.... last resort. I can use a sling but I never want to be in some rouble and end up needing it"
Benar says, "Well Oz you should not be playing around with that thing," he frowns, "It should be locked away in Matilda's cottage, so please do not mess with it again dear." he claps his hands, "Now enough of such talk, who wants to go up on the roof and see Mossflower from the top?"

Jaison frowns that is....very high up though and how safe is that to go on the roof?"   

Oz nods"Yes sir...the roof?" He shrugs,"A badger would like break it more , wouldnt they?"   

Benar says, "It is perfectly safe," he said, "We will be going up the scaffolding and we won't be going onto the roof itself, just the scaffolding platform at the top."

Jaison says, "I...don't know.I am sure it was checked and recheked for safety issues though.I do hope it doesnt take too long to fix the roof once its started""

Oz listens and"It could be neat to see, is it higher than the bell tower?" He seems to not be worried about hieghts.   

Benar says, "It is very high, a little bit higher then the bell-tower, They built it so high before the bell-tower existed as a way to show Martin and his friends the way home, long long ago"
Jaison frowns, and it seems to get worse for him as he gets the scrolls and his book off the table"Well I....should tend to the infirm, lots and lots ta fo...ya know"He hurries off, no way he is getting on anything thats super high up.   

Oz watches the hamster head off,he looks at Benar now"I could still go with you.It be neat..what all can you see up high?"   

Benar holds out a hand to the younger badger, "Well come with me and I will show you what you can see," he smiled softly, "It is quite something to be up top and see the world from above. But you are to do as I say"   

Roof of Redwall:

Oz goes ahead and follows the abbot as they head to the roof to check on things and see the view from up there.   

It is a long, long way up, the scaffolding is high but well made and BEnar is very strict and Oz is tied to a metal pole so if he slips he will be attached to the scaffolding. At the very top however the wind is blowing through thier fur, the whole of Mossflower and the western plains spreads out below them and there is a rather large hole in the roof.   

Oz blinks back a little at the wind"The wind is...strong up here" He looks towards the woods and the plains " could see a LOT up here and even have like a guard uo here if ever needed."He does see the hole ashe wonders how it got there.He stays carefull so he doesn't fall."Others like very rarely ever come up here,do they?"
Benar says, "Other than the sparrows and the odd squirrel not really no," he looks at the hole in the roof, "But we need to repair the hole, one of the joists gave out so we need to clear the debrisand get it fixed and put in place before Autumn turns into winter"
Oz nods,"I meet a sparrow...Anil,he is younger than most of the sparrows"   

Benar says, "Sparrows are lovely creatures and make fast and wondrous friends," he smiled down at Oz, "You would do well to continue to befriend him""   

Oz nods "I...guess or any of the sparrows."A frown though "Supposely the Sparra hated...hated my father,like a lot. But the couple I meet seem to like me."   

Benar says, "Well your father was not easy to get along with," the squirrel says as he leans on the railing, looking out over the westenr plains, "But if the Sparra like you then you have done a good job"
Oz smiles" A bird as a friend is nice."He looks out at the view"This is niice up here, you can see alot and if like needed to look to see if like a guest was could have someone e up here to look"   

Benar asks, "No Oz," he said, "Why would I put someone up here on lookout? The way up here when there is no scaffolding is dangerous beyond belief. We have watch towers on the walls that are much better suited for that."

Oz frowns,a shrug"I don't know...I'm sorry"He still seems content up here"Its still a very nice view..kind of peaceful but windy. will the ones working be ok in the wind?"
Benar says, "As long as we get the work done soon they should be fine," he smiled, "The wind is not too strong at this time of year,m Autumn is yet to truly take hold with the promise of winter to come."
Oz says, "I don't like winter time very much"   

Benar says, "WInter is... as winter does, it holds memories for me, the nicest ones here in Redwall," he moves, "Come along oz we should head down""   

Oz nods"Yeah down is good.It is close to dinner time right?" But then again after dinner he has to help wash dishes...again, oh well he only has one more day to deal with it.

Back to Great Hall:

Benar leads the way backdown the scaffolding, "Now don't tell Krisha I took you up there," he said with a smile, "She will murder me"
Oz nods quickly,"I..I won't she would make me tell lacocota i was helping with dishes for a month and proudly make you do dishes too...for a month, or two even"   

Benar says, "I'd like to see her make me do dishes," he smiled, "But we shall keep it between us and I will ask Elder Elmef to teach you about the bees"

Oz nods"Well....she can be scary when mad at someone...."He smiles" one was on the roof,nope and thanks, maybe I can even be a beekeeper one day"   

Benar says, "Maybe one day, if you take to it, but there is a lot more to learn about bees then juust how to sing to them"

Oz nods"Ok, but I can still learn and see if its something I would like to do"   

Benar says, "Right well run along, I believe you have chores and I have work to do, speak to you soon little one"
Oz nods,a frown at the little one words ,a small pout but he does have a couple normal chores to do and walks  off to do that.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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