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#1 2022-05-10 11:25:46 AM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 417

"Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!


So a few have asked for a summery of the Nearing an End of a Quest plot/logs and I've been meaning to work on it - unfortunately I've been pretty busy OOC too haven't had the time to really put the effort I want into the post (like a table of contents and proper names for all the different logs in the big long post). I am working on it tho!

However, for now I'll give a semi brief overview (that's a bit unpolished):
In Halyard, towards the end of January/beginning of February, two ships arrived carrying a company of beasts from the "Band of Merchants of the North & West Sea" group first mentioned in this log from the Snake in the Sand plot, partially in response to the LP activity in the village & Zolomon's actions, but also for their own reasons: to better establish Halyard as a port and add things like walls, roads, etc - basically develop the place more.

During this the LP reestablished their presence at the old 23rd base a little ways outside of Halyard and has been using it as a base camp for keeping an eye on Halyard. One of the small squads sent out (the hares being Lossow, Adrian, Sheen(NPC), and Konner(NPC) saw the two ships while they unloaded and the hares tried to better investigate - getting the squad split up and and by bad luck Sheen and Konner were spotted and chased.

Sheen made it to Adrian and Lossow but Konner disappeared somewhere into the village. The three hares would later escape the town about a week later, meeting up with Elbio (who has come back to the LP (for the time being...), but before they left they met a sea otter (who may or may not be a cousin of the mayor) who isn't friendly with the BoS all that much, and further said Konner was safe for now - but Konner's still missing as of now....

Meanwhile, Atticus (a ferret) and Urtas (a young mouse) were sent with a group of guards and other beasts from the BoM to Mossflower with the intention of getting a foothold there and establishing a relationship with the locals. Ferravale was mostly unfriendly to the pair (they maybe almost got fed to the pet snake) beyond a fox named Sassafrass who agreed to help them, so the two split up - Atticus remained by Ferravale and the River Moss while Urtas went to Redwall.

The mouse hasn't been doing much but enjoying life at the abbey, but Atticus has done his best to try and soften Ferravale and Blisa to him and by extension the BoM (Patch is pretty hostile and Atticus kinda gave up on trying to be friendly with him, but tbf it IS Patch XD).

He's also been going around Mossflower Country as a whole to meet the various inhabitants, and even managed to get a small group together to help build a small landing on the river downstream of the bridge so there's a way for small boats move up and down the river to Halyard and back, which is a project that is presumably still going... And of course my character John is keeping a very close eye on him and his actions.

That's more or less what has been happening in the plot so far, and it's been a very slow burn - which is fine, because I can only be online once or twice a week at most now. I don't have anything like a fight planned for the plot at the moment (though things might change in the future), and mostly my goal is to really just introduce and establish the BoM on the MUCK, while also providing a place/group for less good characters to go, like I've mentioned before.

What I would like to do next for the plot this month is have the LP try and deal with the situation in Halyard (and find Konner!), with both groups eventually having a meeting to discuss their differences and all that.

In Mossflower, I would like to explore Urtas' time at Redwall because he has begun to genuinely like the place and the order as a whole.  Atticus however will continue what he's been doing and may or may not start using the Black Gull Tavern as a base of operations for his stuff, and John will stir up trouble for the ferret eventually - and maybe, at the end of the plot, it may lead to someone's death.

Hopefully this helps tide people over for now!

I've been unable to get online on Monday or Wednesday the past few weeks, but I will be online this Saturday and the next for sure. I may be on tomorrow but it's still up in the air!

Also also I might change the name of the plot because I don't really like it but who knows XD

List of Logs for the Plot (Added May 21st, 2022, last updated 6/6/22):

The start!

Log I; Hireling wages (March 7th, 2022)

Atticus, a ferret, and Sassafrass, a fox, + Urtas, a spoof
Having made their departure some weeks ago from his father in Halyard, Urtas and his servant Atticus have travelled east to Mossflower Country with a small guard of some six creatures. Upon arriving, the young mouse wished to see the village of Ferravale.

Log II; First Contact (March 12th, 2022)

Atticus, Blisa, Patch, & Snarlfang, + Urtas, spoofed
The young Urtas and his companion Atticus meet the chieftain of Ferravale.

Log III; A ‘Chance’ Meeting in the Infirmary (March 14th, 2022)

Atticus & Sassafrass
In the Ferravale Infirmary, Atticus meets his new friend to discuss the local happenings.

Log IV; Meanwhile, in Halyard… (March 19th, 2022)

Sgt. Adrian S. & Lt. W. Lossow, hares + Pvts. Konner A. & E. Sheen, spoofs
Though the lord Urtas and his companion Atticus have travelled to Mossflower Country, the young mouse's father, Wulf, remained in Halyard upon the Western Shore with a considerable company of beasts.
The Long Patrol, naturally, are curious as to what is happening in the port-town, and so dispatched a small scouting party to investigate.

Log V; the Search (March 26th, 2022)

SGT Adrian S., LT W. Lossow, & PVT E. Sheen, hares
Less than an hour past that very same evening in Halyard, the three hares of the Long Patrol make their way carefully through the town to find their lost comrade.

Log VI; A Reunion (April 11th, 2022)

SGT Adrian, LT Lossow, & Rt-LT Elbio
A reunion, four days following the loss of Konner & the night in the tavern.

Log VII; Slavers (IC’ly March 26th)

Atticus, a ferret, Bossfox, a fox (id never have guessed), Blisa, a cat, & Patch, a rat
The slavers in Mossflower are dealt with, and Atticus dances away from the knife's edge.

Log VIII; A Newcomer to Redwall (April 9th, 2022)

Cota the mouse, Badger Mother Krisha, Spruce the squirrel, Urtas, a mouse, & an unnamed sea otter
Some time after the disastrous meeting between Urtas and Blisa, the young mouse lord and Atticus parted ways for the time being - the ferret stayed near Ferravale while his master traveled south...

Log IX; What’s going on? (April 16th, 2022)

Krisha and Oz, badgers, Dochas and Spruce, squirrels, & Urtas and Jerome, spoofed mice
After Urtas meets Dochas & Oz, the badger cub makes a break for it out of Redwall. He's caught, naturally, first by the squirrel kit then by his mother, Krisha.

Log X; Two Lieutenants Speak (April 20th, 2022)

Rt-LT Elbio & LT Lossow
Back in Halyard, while waiting for an opportunity to escape the town, Lossow speaks to Elbio for seemingly the first time…

Log XI; Patch makes a new friend! (April 23rd, 2022)

Atticus, John, & Patch
In Mossflower Country, several local creatures have banded together to help establish a small landing upon the River Moss...

Log XII; a Return (April 23rd, 2022)

SGT Adrian, Rt-LT Elbio, & LT Lossow + spoofs
Four hares return to the 23rd, yet Konner’s still missing.

Log XIII; Catching up in the Hallways (May 14th, 2022)

SGT Adrian, PVT Cole, Rt-LT Elbio, MSGT Terrence, & CPT Velm
Back in Salamandastron, the Long Patrol discusses their options... and Terrence needs a new corporal, again!

Log XIV; Sentry Duty & News from the 23rd (June 4th, 2022)

In Salamandastron, Privates Rhonwen and Sheen are on sentry duty when word comes from the 23rd...
Pvt Rhonwen & MSG Terrence, + LCpl Addersmith, Pvt E. Sheen, & Lt. Redford (all spoofed by Terrence)

Last edited by Ol'random (2022-06-06 04:26:30 PM)

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


#2 2022-05-10 03:05:15 PM

Registered: 2020-04-29
Posts: 621

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!

Yeah Lt,. Elbio is back and heading back to Redwall soon, probally like  beginning of summer.Maybe with a couple hares and maybe not with a couple hares.

I play:  Xavier ( Log-A-log of GUOSIM) Elbio (Lt.,Archer, and Fighter in Long Patrol and RW Residential Hare)


#3 2022-05-14 12:33:40 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,659

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!

I can have Cole around today may 14th

I play:
Oz-  Badger-young adult-Wanderer


#4 2022-05-14 01:44:14 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 417

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!

I'll be around today as well for a few hours!
Also speaking of Elbio that reminds me of another aspect that I've had in the back of my mind: hopefully those hares going with him to Redwall/Mossflower area are the 67th - so basically Lossow & Lucia (if you guys remember her...) and anyone who volunteers to go as well.

The IC goal of the 67th coming back to Mossflower is to have better communication with the western shore and be a sort of support system for Elbio as the RW residential hare. The small group of 67th hares will stick around their base and hopefully check in on Redwall every month or so, and say if Elbio has an urgent message for Salamandastron, rather than him making the long journey by himself and leaving Redwall one of the 67th hares can go instead while the rest of them can go and help Elbio and Redwall out if they need it.

While re-establishing the 67th's presence in Mossflower has IC'ly been spoken of for a while now, what will really motivate the move will be after whenever the LP and the BoM officially make contact (be it in a peaceful or violent way) with maybe someone giving the LP a tip about what's going on more inland, the LP will be anxious to keep a closer eye on the area around Redwall. Hence, the 67th being finally moved back out there with Elbio.

Now, something I would like to do during May to set this up is have at least one or two RPs taking place on the western shore wherein the BoM sends a messenger to Sala expressing they want to meet with the LP to try and get on friendlier terms - as well as trying to get the Lp to fully agree to leave Halyard and the BoM completely alone (which I doubt the LP will...), or at least get the LP to warm up to the idea. The messenger coming to the LP could be RP'd today if people want, and then we can see how things go from there!

Also, at some point Konner will have to make a reappearance (I might write up a short story about what happened to him...) and the sea otter Adrian and Lossow met will also show up after the meeting and tell the LP about the BoM sending beasts (Urtas & Atticus) to Mossflower, which will in turn prompt the 67th finally going to Mossflower - not by the river but instead to avoid any chance of being seen by Halyard & the BoM going on foot around the northern edge of the western mountains that lay between Salamandastron and Redwall.

It might honestly be a quicker journey too because they won't be sailing upriver against the current.....

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


#5 2022-05-14 02:19:07 PM

Registered: 2020-04-29
Posts: 621

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!


The GUOSIM would for sure  see some things as they WOULD travel upriver to get back to the GUOSIM base thats by the river near Ferravale(Now the base is hidden and not right up by the river, its more like 1/2 inland and they hide the log boats they have very well)

Not sure what Log-a-log's actions would be for sure...likely just try and figure out what is going on. The shrews do have a peace treaty with Ferravale so....they are not  gonna be all VERMIN!..They would first  see if these new beatss are a threat or not.

I play:  Xavier ( Log-A-log of GUOSIM) Elbio (Lt.,Archer, and Fighter in Long Patrol and RW Residential Hare)


#6 2022-05-21 02:39:53 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 417

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!

Added a list of all the logs involved in the Plot + brief summaries of each! I hope this helps make things easier to digest and look through tongue

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


#7 2022-05-24 07:06:58 PM

Registered: 2020-04-29
Posts: 621

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!

Sounds good
also yes I plan to have Elbio head to Mossflower with whoever is headed there. Elbio is recovering very well and walking a lot better now.

now ooc news: I am offline till June 25th

ICLY: Elbio WILL be with the group if they leave the mt. before then

I play:  Xavier ( Log-A-log of GUOSIM) Elbio (Lt.,Archer, and Fighter in Long Patrol and RW Residential Hare)


#8 2022-05-28 03:22:00 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 417

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!

Alright! I would like you to be there when we go so you get a chance to RP, so the 67th group will go after you get back smile

In the meantime, though, I'd like to set up the reasons WHY more hares than just Elbio are going to Mossflower. At some point in the next few weeks I would like to do an RP where official contact is made between the group in Halyard and the LP, with one or two official meetings that can hopefully be RP'd out. Regardless of what else happens or is said, the LP will be convinced they need to keep a better eye on what's going on inland in Mossflower in addition to Halyard and the western shore.

If possible, I would like Ciocan to be there, and/or Quinten (if they can make it). Hopefully we can all find a date that works best for everyone!
Right now though I am working on setting that meeting up, so today I'm planning on throwing a messenger at the LP tongue

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


#9 2022-06-02 03:58:28 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 417

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!

Hey, so this Saturday (the 4th) I plan on being on line from 1pm MST (3pm EST, 7pm GMT) to about 3-4pm MST (5-6pm EST) to hopefully RP in Mossflower Woods/on the road as either John or Atticus, as well as RPing in the LP with Terrence to hopefully do that messenger/envoy RP I mentioned in the last post.
See you all Saturday!

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


#10 2022-06-04 03:21:27 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 417

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!

Alright, so currently I'm online starting an RP with Rhonwen at the entrance to Sala - the plan for today when/if more people get online is to have a runner from the 23rd show up to warn about a group coming south from Halyard, then have that group show up with an ~ official ~ message for the whole LP requesting a meeting between the Badger Lord & the LP and the BoM & Halyard in the coming weeks.

The LP could refuse to meet at all, but that'll have to be up to whoever's online - if it is left up to Terrence to decide, he'll tentatively agree. So if anyone wants to get involved, feel free to join the RP! I have plans for if the LP agrees to meet with the Halyard group or if they don't. I'd love to see LP characters get involved with the plot and make an impact!

Also, I'm hoping to get RP started earlier the next two Saturdays (the 11th & 18th around noon or 1 pm my time which is 6-7PM GMT) if that works better for people.

Last edited by Ol'random (2022-06-04 03:23:58 PM)

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


#11 2022-06-06 03:53:35 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 417

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!

Hey! So I had mentioned in-game that I was planning on being online to RP this Wednesday (the 8th)- It's my birthday actually, so I will not be online. Instead, I'm hoping to continue the RP from last Saturday this coming Saturday (the 11th) starting around noon-1pm my time/2-3pm EST. I know Blisa wants to do a DAB LP rp that day, and maybe we could combine the RP if people are up for that!

Now then, the details of what i would like the meeting itself to be - I would like Ciocan to be there and anyone else in the LP who wants to be there as well (like Quinten, Varus, Gregorian, Felicity, Cole, Velm, Donica, Rhonwen, Adrian, Dom, etc etc), the more the merrier.

I might have a time skip happen early on in the RP so we can have both a scene of the LP agreeing/disagreeing to the meeting and the meeting itself/fallout rp'd on the same day, this Saturday. If anyone wants to get involved and shake things up (like say have the LP DAB show up and cause chaos) please please feel free to!

i dunno how i feel about the fact i kinda forgot my own birthday but hey

Also also, added the most recent log to the list!

Last edited by Ol'random (2022-06-06 04:27:15 PM)

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


#12 2022-07-01 01:18:47 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 417

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!

Hey, so Elbio, Cole, myself, and Adrian were planning on an RP today. I suppose I'm here to ask what time later today works? Please let me know!

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


#13 2022-07-05 01:04:48 PM

Registered: 2020-04-29
Posts: 621

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!

so my computer hates me......I lost a log I saved and where me and Cole was, did not go on radio(Will have to just get radio on me  guess).

Long story short:

Elbio,Cole and who ever else was with his group made it safely out of the marshes.There was a bit of trouble once when a Private,Ping, got stuck in some quicksand when he missteped but he got out safely(Though he did loss some food he had in his pack but luckly his water canteen was very  tightly closed.Also lost a hat he had. No toads saw and they are now out of the marshes and onwards to Mossflower.

Also, hee hee...Elbio told them how there is other food, like when he traveled thew mountain....mushrooms,wild onions, crickets and grasshoppers(yes he ate those before much to the horror of others in the group but hey the tenderfoot group had he same issue a few short days once.

So all is well, they are makingf very good time and covered a lot of ground.

OOC NOTE: I should be back from my 4th july family trip late on 6th so back on 7th for roleplay)

I play:  Xavier ( Log-A-log of GUOSIM) Elbio (Lt.,Archer, and Fighter in Long Patrol and RW Residential Hare)


#14 2022-07-09 11:15:13 AM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 417

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!

Hey! I'm gonna be online later today to RP mostly in Mossflower; that side of the plot needs some IC stuff going on tongue

Also, yes, I'm aware I have like 5 logs to post - I'm going to actually start working on them all and get them posted sooon. Life (and the logs) kinda got away from me for a little while there, rip

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


#15 2022-07-09 03:26:54 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 417

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!

hey, so I won't actually be bale to get onlien today - I'm feeling a bit under the weather and need to rest. Hopefully there'll be a time to RP soon!

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


#16 2022-07-22 09:46:39 AM

Registered: 2020-04-29
Posts: 621

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!

so there is like a group of about 25-30  hares for the 67th base. The 67th base is a little south of Redwall Abbey close to that old church.
Anyways the hares were in 2 groups and Elbio is in the 1st group to arrive, so counting him about 12-15 hares...hee hee Frair Lacota will likely scream  smile, but luckly Lt.Elbio will make most of them stay at the base to wait on Lossow and have like 2 go with him (cause there is the rule no hare travels alone so the smallest a group can be is two and since Elbio will stay at the abbey there has to be 3 in his group so that there is 2 hares to go back to base soon.

I plan to have the first group show up either today or tomorrow (Juky 22 or 23nd)..Lossow can decide when the 2nd group shows up.

Let's hope the whole group doesn't here about the Summer feast....Frair Lacota may have a major fit! smile

I play:  Xavier ( Log-A-log of GUOSIM) Elbio (Lt.,Archer, and Fighter in Long Patrol and RW Residential Hare)


#17 2022-09-05 02:12:40 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Re: "Nearing an End of a Quest" Updates!

any updates on this?


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