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#1 2017-01-10 06:07:18 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 208

Who Is Invited To The Winter Feast?-Redwall Log

Redwall Log
In Log:
Leon-Master Healer and Brother in Redwall
Benar-Abbot of Redwall
Zolomon-A hare archer

RW Abbey: Cavern Hole
This room is slightly smaller than Great Hall, but still of a size large enough to accommodate a great number of gathered beasts. A large fireplace is set into one of the walls, and there are a series of small tables and chairs near one end for beasts who are eating late, or simply prefer the smaller tables for their meals. Cushions and blankets have been set in one corner. A short flight of steps leads up to Great Hall, and along the walls of the stairs, going both ways, the word 'Redwall' has been carved into the stone.

Leon is relaxing in Cavern Hole, he doesn't get to relax too often or least he doesn't let himself relax too often as he always seems busy with something all the time, and right now he isn't busy with anything for a change.
Benar walks down the stairs from the Great Hall, head in a book as he makes his way downstairs. He lifts his head as he reaches the bottom and looks around to see who is around. Upon seeing Leon he raises a hand in hello   

Zolomon steps quickly from the kitchen " But tis a new creation, would be a root and beet pie..." Which is yanked from him as he frowns  "Hey! Shouldn’t I get to keep rude" The hare pouts and goes to sit down in a chair by the fireplace and waves "Hallo Sir Abbot and Brother L"   

Leon waves to Benar and then sighs when he hears the nick name...again and glances over at the hare" Hi,," He answers quietly.   

Benar glances at Zolomon and shakes his head, "Have you been in the kitchen again without invitation Zolomon? You really should know better then to go in there whilst they are working." He walks over toward the fire and smiles softly, "And Leon, sitting down, not working, not managing his handful of children... this is a surprise."   

Leon chuckles "I don’t usually do much with the dibbuns, that's Oz's job and decided I needed a little time off, I do tend to....well over work myself sometimes"   

Zolomon frowns " It was only a small pie and I was bally well helping, maybe an idea for the upcoming feast you know, hares do like feasts after all and there is one soon"   

Benar smiles quietly at Leon and mouths, "hares," at him silently and rolls his eyes before turning to face Zolomon, "Helping for the feast is a good thing Zolomon, but I suspect we'd lose half of every dish before it came out of the kitchen with you in there."   

Leon holds back a chuckle, and smiles "The feast is in....well week and a half I think, should be nice as feasts usually are. Any interesting plans for this one abbot?"   

Zolomon frowns "I wouldn’t eat.....that much of it good sirs, a hare can control one's self."   

Benar says, "Zolomon, I've met many hares over the course of my life and not a single one of them can control themselves at a Redwall feast or in the kitchens. You're lucky the Friar doesn't have armed guards standing outside each and every door to drive you away..." He chuckles softly, "But no special surprises for this feast, games, music, warmth, good food and the finest beverages out of the wine cellar"

Leon nods "Music is always nice and being with friends. Maybe a more simple name for this winter seasons feast, though no ideas come to mind, not had a great deal of snow....well yet, some though"   

Zolomon grins, he chuckles as he listens "Well ya lucky tis just me around and no other hares the name the seasons? That sounds interesting..maybe the season of the lone hare, then again that would be messed up if another hare would show up...hmmms"   

Benar settles down in a chair and slips his bookmark into place and closes his tome, "It is indeed the Abbot's duty to name each season at the feast. it is a tradition that dates back to Loamhedge. Everyone is welcome to make suggestions but I do not think "Lone hare" is quite in keeping."   

Leon smiles "I am sure a good name will be picked"   

Zolomon nods "Well maybe I can think of one and make a suggestion.....oh! I could let the Mossflower Defenders know about the feast, they could jolly well come right? I mean...I am coming either way"   

Benar frowns at the mention of the Defenders, "Marek has an invitation to my Winter feast already. The feast is open to all who are not denied the hospitality of Redwall we have visitors from across the length and breadth of Mossflower attending. So everyone is welcome."   

Leon listens, "I heard Marek was invited...wonder if he will come or not, from what I have seen and heard lately he seems to be behaving himself and no trouble from him to report and none heard of"   

Zolomon says, "Mr. M is fine, he wouldn’t cause trouble he wants to prevent trouble in Mossflower."   

Benar asks, "You’ve not known Marek long have you Zolomon?" The grey squirrel shakes his head, "He appears to have changed, but last time he put on a big appearance of having "changed"  betrayed the abbey, killed several very lovely beasts and then tried to set himself up as king. The Abbey nor the community of Mossflower at large has a long memory. Marek may appear changed, he may well be truly reformed but a lot of beasts remember him only as the monster who murdered their loved ones. So Marek has a long way to go before he has the trust of Abbey elders or the people at large. So I am afraid any group he has personally put together is going to carry that stigma." He sighs and leans back in his chair, "It isn't nice and do not approve, the Abbey charter is all about forgiveness and peace hence why I have extended Marek this chance but the common folk aren't as forgiving."
Leon nods "Yeah some may...frown upon him being here, could always have a guard follow him around and I think a couple joined his group to keep an eye on him, it’s not a very large group. I...well guess I have mixed feelings on Marek myself....though he never did harm a healer, that I know of"   

Zolomon listens as his ears droop some "he..seems ok to me. He does run the tavern in Ferravale but that shouldn’t be something bad and he did help defend Ferravale once I was told. He is also polite"   

Benar says, "He's always been polite Zolomon, and charming, and he seems to be your friend. I can only hope that this time his trust is genuine but it will take a long time before I trust him again. I'm taking a large step forward just letting him into this Abbey again."
Leon nods " said a guard can help keep an eye on him, he could always be searched twice at the gates and maybe told to stay, and make sure he stays, in a certain area only"   

Zolomon nods slowly "I can...keep that in mind, but me...seems a good guy, the one time we helped he injured hare lass, he didn’t help bring her in, he let the guards do that and even asked how she was later when I was at the tavern"   

Benar says, "I'm aware of all the good he has done in recent seasons. This is why he has been extended an invitation to the feast. But to do more... I cannot and I fear in some beasts eyes no amount of good will make up for the deaths."
Leon asks, "So if he behaves and can prove changed at the feast, if he comes, are the gates going to be open to him again?"   

Zolomon says, "I say every beast deserves a 2nd chance....right?"   

Benar says, "He's currently on his 3rd chance Zolomon, he had his 2nd chance. I will make no promises on what a decision may be reached by the council after the feast."
Leon says, "A meeting and discussion about it would be good after the feast, the next day sometime but the abbot is right not all the Marek, some may forgive him, but not sure on all of them"

Zolomon nods "Understood and...seems fair, he is a stoat after all. Maybe I should read up on him as guessing there is some things about him in the abbey recorder logs?"   

Benar says, "Yes, our recorder logs contain a lot of information on him. But do not judge only on the past. One has to take account of actions today and well give a measure of.. belief."
Leon says, "We see how well he behaves at the feast, even talk to him. As for Defenders...I know they are a good group...maybe a better leader is needed but that decision is not up to anyone really but them"
Zolomon just listens " in the is one of me best friends" He frowns "Who I hope is back from his trip soon cause I miss him"
Benar says, "I am sure they will be back in time for the feast Zolomon, it is a rare event to have someone miss a feast." He then looks at Leon then over at the hare again, "If you are part of the defenders be sure to question any orders that you find  objectionable"
Leon smiles "Yeah most try not to miss a feast, unless they have to"   

Zolomon just nods "Alright sir its good advice and I surely wouldn’t do anything I felt was wrong. Though can't bally well say I am a good archer teacher....good archer yes but teacher...not so much, or maybe me friend was just too eager to learn...hee,hee...even gramps said no to me giving archer lessons to anyone"
Leon nods, he remembers the archery thing, he had to patch up a couple beasts "Yeah...."   

Benar laughs, "Yes I heard about the archery, it is ok, happens to us all at the best of times."
Zolomon smiles and then thinks on something "Also if ya would like me to help with any guard duties during the feast, I would be glad to help and promise not to be a guard near the kitchens"   

Benar says, "Well ,maybe I can help you with the archery in return for you giving us a hand with keeping an eye on things at the feast."

Leon leans back in his chair and chuckles "Yeah no guarding the kitchen Zolomon, another beast can do that....that’s not a hare"   

Zolomon smiles as he stands and bows to them "I shall do my best to guard that day then and not ta worry it won’t be the kitchens"   

Benar smiles and stands up, "Thank you Zolomon, that would be very nice of you. But if you will excuse me I am going to go for a walk in the snow   

Leon waves" Be careful in the snow Benar"
Zolomon nods "Have a good day sir abbot"   

Benar nods and heads on outside for his walk.

Leon yawns “I may take a nap before dinner, then after dinner get in some family time.”

Zolomon grins “A jolly good pastime in winter to nap, then again it leaves less time for fun in the snow….see ya later Brother L….the snow calls to me” He heads out to the entry for some fun in the snow

Leon chuckles and then gets his nap in while he can, he will get lucky, and as planned have dinner and then family time before going back to normal working the next day, well least he had one day off.

I play
Cota-grandson of Dorarose
Micco-Leader of the Gawtribe


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