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#1 2016-11-20 08:11:33 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 208


Happen around Oct 2th   ICLY

The sea is calm today as they finally got out of that darn village a couple days ago and a good wind even helped them get a day and a half further up the coast. A small crew the wildcat Jedrick controls it seem, just 5 other beasts and of course his =pet= as a calls him, and if he has anything to do with it a future weapon he can control without troubles. They were heading towards the river moss and would be near it soon, as for where to go after that the wildcat needed to think.   

Xander frowns as he watches the waves, he has cleaned the deck and even below deck as it seems he has lost hope of ever seeing friends again, but the area does look familiar as he glances around and blinks, he frowns a little again as he knows he is always being watched by someone and fairly closely after one failed escape while still in Halyard.   

Jedrick walks over to the badger "Seems you are done with cleaning, you can rest and listen to plans. From here we will stop a couple days, then find the best way further along the coast, it will lead to Collenstin, or maybe take the river I am unsure yet but do not get any ideas as I said before....your life is MY PAWS"

Xander nods "Understood sir. You are to be obeyed at all times" He speaks in a monotone voice, no emotion is in this voice.   

Jedrick smirks "Good Xander, very good" He looks over at the land as they are passing some and speaks again" I know a place to visit just a small ways from the river Moss and the sea coast for supplies. "
The rest of the day would be fairly quiet, the weather was calm today and just a little on the chilly side as it was autumn now.

=A couple days later=
Jedrick was getting ready to go to the shore, a small hidden hut of some sort was well known to him nearby, he made sure to lock his =pet=  in the lower deck before he headed to shore.

Clawfang watched the wildcat" Zurrrr is it wise to go and to stop here a couple days? I think it is not, it is not even wise to follow this river into land at all."   

Jedrick stopped and turned around slowly, “You are not here to tell me how and not how to do something, you were hired to guard the ship and you will do that and make sure the boy stays where he is, not that it would be easy to leave."   

Clawfang glares at the wildcat, " I took the job for the high pay but I did not sign on to stay in one place and basically say come here trouble where are ya"   

Jedrick smirks " I am trouble, few mess with me and live to tell the tale of outcomes"   

Clawfang seems clam, maybe too calm" Fine" But he hides and hides well his displeasure with the wildcat.   

The day was calm today but it would not last. A small dibbun hare played by the river as her grandfather fished, it was quiet but it would not last. Sometimes quiet is nice and other times it hides dangers unseen as it did that morning. The little hare skipped a stone as the older hare spoke "Stay close Cora dear" But they were being watched by a couple ferrets, a rat and a wildcat, the wildcat spoke" I'm bored, let’s have some fun, sides I would like to test out my new blade."   

Cora smiles and giggles as she has a flower chain of white clover "Yes grandpa." She placed the chain of clover around his neck and hugged him before skipping back over to the river bank.
Jedrick watched the small hare and then at the much older hare as he raised his paw and then dropped it, a single to attack as the two ferrets and rat charged towards the older hare and the wildcat quietly went to slip closer to the dibbun.   

Clawfang was onshore as well, though he was supposed to be on the ship guarding the badger cub, but that bored him and the fact the wildcat seemed to be looking for trouble didn't help him feel any better, he wanted to avoid trouble not cause it for fun. A fish was in his paw, he caught it for food not for fun and games. He scanned the shoreline quietly as his skin color helped blend in with an old tree log.   

The grandfather hare looked up just in time to see the rat, he quickly as he could  he stood and hit the rat upside the head with the fishing pole, one ferret got a slice in on his back and the other cut into his right ear as blood poured down his back he yelled "Cora run!"   

Cora blinked and at first frozen in place seeing vermin attacking her grandfather and then quickly went to hide behind a tree and peeked around to watch the fight knowing her grandfather wasn’t the fighting type of hare, they were simple beasts and lived off the land. Her parents died shortly after she was born and she had only known her grandfather most of her young life.   

Jedrick grinned and simply used a distraction to his advantage and slipped behind the dibbun and went to wrap his arms around her  to try and pin her arms to her side. “Hello little hare how would you like boat ride, I know some toads who in order to pass through their lands and your do nicely."   

Clawfang heard the scream and stands up, claws and teeth ready as he peeked pass a tree, upon seeing what was happening he hissed and backed up, they were not too far from some woodlanders he saw earlier, the only thing is with woodlanders was they saw him as a threat and he was sometimes, but today he was peeved, peeved at his now former boss as he decide to quit working for the wildcat and to show his displeasure of the wildcat by telling the enemy just what was going on.   

The grandfather was overpowered fairly quickly, though he did manage to stab the rat in the neck and kill it with his craving knife, but the ferrets were still there, and still injuring him as he has a deep gash to his back, his side and a cut to the chin and ear.   

Cora screamed and kicked as she was grabbed from behind, she went to bite one of Jedrick's paws “Let me go!!!"   

Close by walking along the shoreline was Flint, he had a couple privates with him and a recruit that refused to go back to the mountain, so he let them tag along as he was to check to make sure toads were staying in the swamplands and not going onto the shorelines, so far he had not seen one toad, a couple sea gulls yes but no toads and the sea gulls left the hares alone. “Come on guys we can get back in time for lunch if we are lucky"
Clawfang looked around and then seen the group of hares, he normally keep his distance from those uniformed  beasts, but today he decided not to, today he stepped out into view and slowly raised his paw and to the side widely held “Long eared ones, I do not seek trouble or pain today, I have info ones as yourself may be interested in if you would only listen to me" He had no weapons, well teeth and claws but that was all and he didn’t seem interested in using them at this time, he quietly waited on a reply.   

Jedrick, meanwhile , has just got bitten by the dibbun and growled deeply as his paw started to bleed, his other paw went to his blade but only to use the handle to knock the child out. “Brat..." He muttered.   

Upon seeing the lizard Flint stopped in his tracks and narrowed his eyes at Clawfang, he motioned for the two privates to stay with him and for the recruit to run back to the village, it was closer than the mountain as he spoke and kept an eye on the lizard" Wot kind of info would that be zur?"   

Clawfang spoke carefully" My former boss, a wildcat named Jedrick has decided to cause trouble when he should of just quietly left the area, he has a badger cub captive that he calls his pet, his future weapon or something, and right now he attacked beasts randomly along the river bank, I am not for attacks unless it is cause I was attacked first. He plans to head upriver and then head to some place called Collenstin and...hide out"   

The corporal listened and frowned, he nods "I believed you" He had seen a report about a wildcat ha captive but not too many details yet" I will look into it, you can let others know of this as that would be wise" He then heads off to try and locate where the beasts could be as they couldn't be too far from the coast...right?   

Cora was a captive now, and ked out by the handle of the cat's blade.   

Clawfang nods and slips off to head back to the nearby village a little ways down the shoreline by maybe an hour or two.   

Jedrick snorts as he looks over at the two ferrets “Leave the older one, he won’t last long we need to get this one to the ship, maybe I can add some plans as it’s always good to have extra help on a ship and sometimes beasts like gifts to pass through some areas along this river." The two ferrets back away from the older hare and follow their boss back to the boat, the rat meanwhile is dead.   

The grandfather hare groans as he is dropped to the ground, wounds that are deadly cover him and he has lost a lot of blood..."Cora...Cora....nooooo......" He fights the feeling of passing out as his granddaughter is taken away.   

The long patrol hare, Flint , Corporal in the long patrol walks along carefully, "Stay alert got anything...." He then spots the hare lying on the ground and rushes over, he is not as skilled in first aid but he can clearly see that even if he was, the old hare wouldn’t hast too long "Zur...Zur can ya hear me wot?"   

The old hare opens his eyes and they are a bit misted, "My....granddaughter, my....Cora.....they took her, please save her and...and promise watch over her" His voice so weak and weaker as he talks, taking his time to get what is important out, he barely does before his eyes close and he breaths his last.....   

The corporal listens closely and nods "Of couse.....zur?" He takes a pulse and looks to the two privates and sadly shakes his head as he lays the old hare down slowly, and stands "A prober burial and then seems we have two beast to save from a wildcat and make sure this wildcat doesn’t get a chance to make beasts his slave ever again." He sighs as the 3 hares give the old hare a proper burial and say a few kind words before scanning the area and making a small campsite, it’s his duty after all to save beasts and he intends to do so and hopefully some extra help will come as well and if it doesn't, well that’s fine as well.   


(No characters of mine was in this but I got this log as was important to post, as this goes on Jedrick and his 2 vermin friends and 2 captives-Cora and Xander- get further and further upriver)

Clawfang walks along the shoreline and scans the shore, nothing but a lot of sand, but at least the cold weather has not come just yet, maybe slightly cold at night but this is daytime hours we are speaking of.   

They say canines were not built for sprinting, but for endurance. After a season of being a bouncer for a tavern this grey fox is hardly built for either. Rioko pauses in their search on the beach, leaning forward with her paws on her knees, taking a moment to catch her breath. The grey fox is wearing an odd assortment of jewelry, rings and gold bands about her tail. "I really...appreciate what I am doing for you..." She says through gasps.
Felicity, on the other paw, is perfectly fit, built for both sprinting and endurance, having kept up a strict exercise regime for basically her entire life. Turning, she looks at the vixen and refrains from making a sarcastic remark about the fox's weight. "I do! I appreciate you and all you're doin' for me, love. Do y'need a break?" Trying to be nice, here. Don't judge.   

Clawfang looks up and sees...a hare in uniform and a fox, ok this is odd to him as he gets curious and then jogs over to them, slowing as he gets closer. He has no weapons, as well teeth and claw is weapon enough for him. "I say why a fox and a hare together for, tis seems odd....then again I work...make that use to work for a wildcat who says he wants no trouble then looks for it"   

"Do I need a break? Yeah, I figure the universe is due to toss me a bone for all the trouble this town has- oh you mean do I need to rest? Yeah, I could do a rest." The fox replies, she catches sight of a lizard rapidly approaching and reaches for her glaive...then realizes that it is not with her...Why wasn't her trusted weapon with her!? "Felicity hon, we got company..." She says, gesturing for the hare to 'take care of this'.   

Felicity rolls her eyes at the vixen's melodramatics and offers her a canteen of water. "'Ere," she says, then drops the canteen and turns around to look at the newcomer. "Oh, 'ello, there," She says politely, paw resting on her sword hilt in a relaxed manner. "Well, this lovely viexen 'ere knows more about 'Alyard than I do, so we came to an agreement for 'er to 'elp me try to find somebeast....oh, did you used to work for a wildcat? D'you mind my askin' why you quit?" Disarming smile and paws away from sword hilt. She's acting friendly and at ease, but she's ready to draw her weapon if needs be.   

Clawfang keeps an eye on that sword and the hare's paw as he speaks, "Because I dislike trouble from woodlanders and the long patrol but Jedrick wants trouble so he gets bored and attacks some beasts along the shore, killed some old hare and kidnapped another. Thar was another hare said he look for him...had like 2 other hares with him some one eared hare....good grief you hares go all over don’t ya?"   

"Oh man don't I know it." The fox says with outthinking as she takes the canteen. She pauses and an awkward silence ensues. She looks to Fel, then the lizard. "Wait...what?"   

Felicity is suddenly serious, smile gone. "Wait, Jedrick?" Carefully keeping her paws away from her sword hilt, she stays calm and polite, ignoring the hare comment. "The one eared 'are; was he about this tall" gestures the correct height for her uncle Flint "and wearing a mark on 'is clothes like this?" She draws the marks for Corporal and Fighter in the sand. "Y'say Jedrick killed some beasts? 'E's the one we're lookin' for; 'e's enslaved a friend o' mine, and I'm tryin' to get 'im back."   

Clawfang looks at the mark closely and nods "Yeah he had one of those....some leader or something?" Whatever to the lizard" Friend? Some hare dibbun?" He remembers seeing that before he slipped off or guessing the cat got the dibbun after all, “He was after it.......oh and he has some badger cub but none of the crew....two ferrets only now...were allowed ta talk to it, it was his pet...weapon or something....he makes the cub clean the deck and below deck, and practice different paw moves, keeps it locked up a lot too and it never goes above deck....I quit when he decided to not just go straight up river to some collinsel or...something or other"   

The hare nods and listens to what is said.

Clawfang would stay but he needs lunch and luckily for the hare he spots a sea gull, “If you excuse me now......I have a dinner date" He then heads towards the sea gull, a quick sprint, slam to the ground he has his dinner...oh seems the sea gull IS nice and he clearly has few manors as he will just eat it where he is...yep tongue   

The fox just watches this odd display, cringing somewhat as she watches the lizard simply devour a bird after catching it. "Well...heh, don't stand between him and breakfast." She laughs, rubbing the back of her neck, "I have no idea where this...this Collin-vil place is. How, how do you want to handle this?"   

All that information came so fast that Felicity had little time to react, but when the lizard starts devouring the bird she can finally turn away and look at the vixen. "I don't know where it is, either." She begins to pace agitatedly, intentionally avoiding having to look at the lizard. "We need to stop 'im before 'e can leave the area. It sounds like my Uncle is already on the case, but with only 2 others with 'im, 'e's gonna need all the 'elp 'e can get, wot!" Turning to the vixen, she smiles cheekily and says, "Well, love, looks like we get to go on a little adventure, wot! Let's buy some more provisions and get on our way!"   

The fox leans back, ears fidgeting. She crosses her arms, looking like she is about to argue. Instead she replies with, "Ok. I can actually buy supplies for once." Then holds up a paw, "But on one condition. I want help moving my stash of gold to somewhere safe. I ain't leaving Halyard without knowing if some scamp is going to make off with my retirement fund."   

Felicity thinks for a moment, then nods. "That sounds fair. Where is it?" Little does she know just how /big/ of a stash this is; she's gonna /freak/ if she sees the whole thing. "And that's just fine. You buy all your supplies and carry them yourself, and I shall do the same for my supplies. Now c'mon! The more time we waste, the more time Jedrick 'as to get away!"   

The fox relaxes. She was steeling herself for a fight. Tail wagging the vixen gestures over her shoulder, "It's this way. It shouldn't take too long. It's not THAT big of a stash..." She lies...   

It doesn't take long for Rioko to find her way to the cave again. She committed the path to heart. However, by the time the beasts reach the cave it is apparent that they are not alone.   

Torches light up the dusk air along the entrance of the cave and paw tracks can be seen leading in and out of the cave to a small boat by the shore. When seeing this Rioko very nearly panics, clutching the sides of her head, "MAI LOOT!" If not stopped she looks like she is about to rush head long to the cave.   

Felicity smiles and follows the vixen, happy that that whole thing worked out well. Finally! After weeks of searching and having to tell her superiors when she reported to them on her breaks from the field every few days that she had made almost no progress, finally, finally, she may just be able to tell them that she is in the process of rescuing Xander!! Hooray! (She hasn't told her superiors the identity of her informant. She's not stupid.) As they draw near the cave, she goes on he alert, and as the vixen panics, she swiftly goes to clamp the canid's mouth shut and drag her beyond a rock outcropping. "Hisst, be still! If we do this right, you won't lose a lot. Now shut your face!"   

The vixen fights tooth and claw to be released from the beast's grasp. Rioko flails her arms and legs about, shouting muffled threats of death at the hare. As she is pulled back to safety a small parade of beasts can be seen in the distance, wheeling out gold and jewels on a push cart. Each seems to be dressed in jewelry similar to Rioko.   

There are four of them, a couple of weasels, a ferret, and a potbellied pine marten with a crown over his head. They appear to be in pure jubilation at their find. And armed with cutlasses.   

The vixen's eyes grow wide with anger, her flailing grow stronger and she threatens to tear away from Felicity. That was her loot. HER HARD EARNED LOOT! NO ONE STEALS FROM RIOKO!   

Holy.....okay, plan B, which has existed since about 2.3 seconds ago. Felicity grabs a fair-sized rock, sticks it in the vixen's paw, and goes to shove her towards the burglars. "You're right, it'd be evah so much bettah if you attacked them now. Look! they're stealin' your money! Bash their 'eads in with this rock!" Meanwhile, she loads her sling and lobs the rock at the closest one, then stuffs her sling in a pocket, draws her sword, and prepares to charge...   

A weasel lets out a cry of pain as he takes the blow to the side. The wagon falls to one side as the beasts drop it. The four thieves draw their swords. The ferret arms himself with something else however. A short pole arm with a blade affixed to the end. A glaive Rioko realizes. HER glaive. They DARE to use her weapon against her?   

Rioko is by now foaming at the mouth with anger. Eyes wild the vixen lets out a terrible screech, flailing her arms into the air. She bolts past the hare, moving quickly on all fours. The ferret barely manages a yelp as he is tackled. "HELP! HELP!" He shouts as Rioko picks him up, tossing him onto the ground, repeatedly. And then begins to maul him in ways that are best left unsaid in even tavern stories. "WHY ISN"T ANYONE HELPING! GAAAAAAH! MY SPLEEN! WHY WON'T it STOoOOOOoP! AAAAAAAAAAAh!" The ferret screams amid sounds of crunching, tearing, and biting.   

Completely distracted from the hare the other beasts can only stand and watch in horror as the ferret may or may not be strangled with his own tail...   

Felicity charges forward, then slows and stares in abject horror at the vixen. "Uh...." she looks at the other burglars. "Um.....uh, if you, uh, don't want me, uh, letting 'er loose on you lot, I suggest you strip off everything' you've got on, drop all you're carryin', and, uh, surrender and sit where y'are..." If they haven't already from the horrific scene confronting them right now....nightmare material, anyone?   

The beasts don't reply at first. They just continue to stare. "Y-yeah. That...that sounds like a good idea."   

"No..." Comes the voice of the vixen, standing over her victim with her glaive in one paw. Rioko breaths deeply. "The only thing you steal from Rioko is DEATH!" And the fox proceeds to take a swing at the nearest weasel and battle ensues.   

With one weasel occupied the other turns to Felicity, slashing at her with his cutlass. The pine marten also seems he would rather do battle with the hare than the fox. He lunges, trying to stab the hare in the side!   

"RIOKO, YOU FLIPPIN' IDIOT!!" Lissie manages to dodge the first cutlass slash, but on the second one her tunic gets torn. "'Ey! No fair! I'm tryin' to 'elp you....Rioko, they were about to give up!" She blocks a swing and goes to stab at the pine marten, hoping to avoid killing him but kind of stuck in the position of having to defend herself from a bunch of lunatics. She kicks out at the weasel that attacked her, hoping to knock him out.   

The fox lunges with her glaive, narrowly missing the weasel as he side steps her. He readies a swing with his cutlass towards the vixen's head and...   

Just right then the second weasel steps into the hares view, blocking what transpires. When he side steps another blow the fox is laying on her side with the weasel standing over her. He turns his attention from the fox to the hare.   

Narrowly dodging the hares thrust the pine marten takes a step back. Seeing the battle has shifted in their favor he grins deviously. "Help me finish her off! Then we are rich! RICH!" The three mustelids press in on the hare, slashing and stabbing with their weapons.   

Welp, so much for mercy. Lissie sees the vixen laying on the ground, and her whole demeanor changes. Gone is the merciful, smiling hare maid who tries to not kill or fight unless it's necessary, and in her place is an angry, avenging Warrior. "EULALIAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" She leaps forward and kicks out at the pine marten (who seems to be the leader), then, slashing at one weasel, she whips around and goes to slice the other one!   

The marten stumble backward as the weasels press in. One screams as a gash appears on his arm, causing him to double over and drop his sword. The second weasel, a creature of dexterity, easily leans out of range of the weapon, slashing down at the hare, gripping his sword in both paws and snarling at her.   

Felicity gets slashed on the arm, but she's so mad, she doesn't really notice yet. Ducking under the weasel's sword, she goes to stab him in the gut and bite him on the nose at the same time. Rahr. That's what he deserves for beating up a tavern bouncer and threatening a Long Patrol member. Take that!
The weasel let's out a gasp as he is bit in the nose, shouting angrily until the sword runs him through the belly. A look of horror over comes the weasel as he collapses onto his knees, "I was...going to be...we-wealthy..." And he slides off of the blade and into the dark forest.   

The second weasel twitches an eye. He reaches down, picking up his blade and yells loudly, charging the hare. He barely catches the sight of the glaive before it strikes him across the face. The weasel is dead before he even hits the ground.   

"And that's what you get for knocking me across the head ya jerk." Rioko growls, bleeding from a wound to her head. "Or...was that the other one...blast it all." All the while the pine marten just stands there, knees shaking. "Umm..." He gulps. "Parlay?"   

Felicity turns slowly and glares at the pine marten. Spitting blood and saliva at him, she growls, "Take off everythin' you're wearing, just like I said before y'idiots all started fightin', and then if you're not outta my sight before I count to 10, I'm comin' after you, and trust me, I can outrun you any flippin' day of the stinkin' week. Y'ken???" She's mad, don't argue with her.   

The marten gulps, dropping his sword, "P-please. I'm just a humble marten who..."   

"Humble my eye." Rioko quips. "Ye are a bleeding dead beat pirate. I know, I've seen you about the tavern. Now take off my gold before I take off yer HIDE." Rioko never saw a beast toss off jewelry so quickly. He throws the loot onto the ground before turning tail, flailing his arms as he runs away.   

Rioko takes a sigh of relief, then panic fills her again, "My babies..." she dashes inside the cave. She can be found deep in the cave, kneeling over and over turned chest of gold, rubbing a large arm full of coins against her muzzle, "Oh, oh my precious. Don't worry. Rio is here to take care of you now." The cave itself is filled with treasure. It's not a horrible fortune, but for a beast like the fox? It's more than two or three years’ worth of tavern wages in the form of pearls, coins, and other cargo.   

Felicity watches the marten run away, yelling out numbers as she counts up from one until he seems to be out of hearing range. Cleaning off her sword and sheathing it, she looks at what the burglars had already stowed in the boat, then turns, walks into the cave....and stops. And stares. Her mouth open, eyes wide, she looks around, then starts trying to talk; all that comes out is just stutters. She will explode in 5....4.....3....   

Aware that she has an audience Rioko glances over her shoulder to the hare. She looks across the treasure trove then with complete innocence dares to ask, "What?"   

....2....1. "YOU HAVE A FLIPPING TREASURE HOARD AND YOU'RE TRYING TO GET ME TO FREAKING PAY YOU?!??!!?!" Lissie demands shrilly, her hackles raised and fists clenched. "That's highway robbery, you barrel-bellied, lard-bottomed excuse for a weasel!!!!" She's twitching in a peculiar manner that would suggest an impending (and hopefully temporary) mental breakdown.
The fox flinches, "That...that was uncalled for." She then glances around the room, "Ok, yeah, I kind of had that one coming." The fox finds herself backing away from Felicity until her tail brushes another chest. "But let's just...just talk through this ok? N-no need to be angry, r-right?"   

Felicity is way beyond angry. She starts to slowly stalk forward, eyes twitching as she fixes her gaze on the vixen's face. "No need to get angry?! You have a 'ave enough money to last you for quite a few seasons and you're still trying to get me to flippin' PAY YOU?! You're lucky I don't dump 'alf of it in the stinkin' OCEAN!!!" With that she knocks a pile of treasure over and glares at it. For a good few minutes which probably seem like FOREVER. She doesn't respond if the vixen talks to her, but should the vulpine try to leave, she /will/ find out why one should never mess with a Long Patrol member. Or any hare, for that matter. EVER.   

The vixen gulps, she's known Fel for a while but she has never seen her so angry. And she did just kind of help kill a few beasts to help protect the vixens 'horde' of gold. Rioko's ears fall flat., lips quivering. "Ok, ok. It was a...wrong thing to do. I can see that now.

Andnotjustcausei'mafriadyou'regoingtowringmyneck." Rio rubs the back of her neck, "Listen. I don' family. I don't really have, friends either. I don't have a mountain of hares to fall back onto when things get tough. I just And when you learn to take care of just yourself you...forget about taking care of others. I'm sorry..." she says weakly. "Ok?"   

Felicity takes a few more minutes after the vixen's apology to calm down a little more, then she slowly turns to look the vixen dead in the eye. "Okay. I sha'n't pay you, but I will still put in a good word for you whenever possible." Sighing, she covers her face with a paw and slowly drags it down. "I'm sorry for insultin' you. I'll 'elp you carry to....wherever in the world you'll store it...for a price." A tiny smile on the hare's face and a slow wink lets the fox know she's basically just joking, and that all's forgiven. "And y'got me now, so we can look out for each othah as well as we can whenever we're around, okay ?" She's not racist like SOME Long Patrol members who think that the only good vermin is a dead one. Her parents raised her well.   


And yet not well enough to avoid getting into business with a sleezy fox like Rioko. The vixen breaths a sigh of relief. "Thanks." She says. "I think it’s safe to say that we are prepared to travel to where ever this wild cat is going." She thinks for a moment then grins, "And we even got a free boat out this!"   

Felicity looks back at the boat, then grins and chuckles. "Oh, yeah, we did, didn't we?" Well, they did die when she was barely old enough to join the Patrol, so she's allowed to not have that great of judgement and wisdom yet, right? "C'mon, let's get movin' this stuff. I'm supposed to report to my superiors tonight, and I'd like to do that as soon as possible. I'd like to report the good news about Xandah..." and so begins the epic track of stuffing the hoard of glittery objects wherever they belong....Lissie will report all the stuff about Xander and Jedrick as soon as she's done here. So hurry up!

-couple days later?-

Jedrick watched from the deck of the boat, the river was a bit calm so far today but the clouds  and the wind was picking up a little, most likely a storm later. He snorted as he stood by 2 ferrets, "That bridge is 3 days away...maybe 4 with a small break, then I may head north some, I am not staying in Mossflower too long, it could cause...trouble"   

"And here I thought you liked trouble" Said a voice, swimming by the boat was the lizard Clawfang "If you were smart you wouldn't even of come this way, then again guess you’re not as smart as you seem"   

Jedrick narrows his eyes and draws his blade, one of the ferrets draws out a crossbow with a bolt in it, the other has a blade as the wildcat speaks "You are the foolish one for quitting on me, speak on how I shouldn't kill you and maybe your live. I -will- find out if you have earned me trouble"   

Clawfang chuckles "Would you really cat?" He seems to find it funny, "Well I quit and care not what you do or don’t do Jedrick, nor if you are hunted down" He smirks "Your problem, not mine...and maybe it will give me a little fun as well, easy prey for lunch"   

Jedrick stands there and his tail flicks one, it's then the bolt is fired towards the lizard, "Your right it's not a problem for you anymore......"   

Clawfang gets a look of surprise and a gurgle escapes him when the bolt is in his chest, he then sort of gets a dazed look as death takes over and he soon sinks under the waters as it seems he will be lunch himself for whatever lives in the river Moss.   

Jedrick watches as he finishes "For the dead have no problems to worry about" He nods to the ferrets "Let us go on, and keep an eye out for trouble, I have a badger to check on" And he heads down below deck.   

It’s been a couple days and Flint had keep an eye on the boat with the wildcat on it since morning, with him was another hare who name was Jett, "Ok private, stay alert can't be a good thing they haven’t done much, just seems bit too easy to just..." There is a pause "Attack sur?" The corporal frowns "No...not yet." He does notice one thing, he was told there was 2 ferrets and he only sees one.   

Alise was always one to not always listen, and so she followed the other two hares. Why? To maybe prove herself or the fact no one really allowed her to help, she never really had parents, they died when a stoat took over the abbey seasons ago so no one hare really was a parent figure, she was just the way hare but somehow still managed to get in least some training. She had a healers bag with her, so at least she could be useful and they would have to see that, right?
Jedrick was alert, standing beside a ferret with a sword, the other was on the shoreline as the boat stopped for a break, and to do some scouting of their own. The ferret in question had a crossbow, with bolts as he had spotted the hares and keep a close eye on them, as well as the one that was falling behind.   

Jett looked around "We could get closer sur and look into the small window, see wot we can see below deck sur, there is just the wildcat and one ferret so it be 2 against 2, even odds and we be the jolly long patrol"   

The ferret with the crossbow slips behind some tall cattail weeds and aims his weapon at one of the hares, he seems to try and decide which one is more of a threat or looks more important....then fires a bolt that rarely misses since this ferret is a skilled assassin.   

Alise grumbles as she walks along, "Great where ya lot be at, then again not like they jolly well know I am here." Her ears droop as she gets nervous, why is it suddenly so quiet, so errie, she gulps and starts to speed walk in hopes of finding the other two hares since she fell behind by a few yards and well, it’s time to show she followed them when she wasn't supposed to.   

Flint sighs, " Private Jett...just cause thar be two of them and two of us means nothing, it's skill lad and timing." He then feels himself shoved as Jett saw the ferret, but just a brief moment, and only enough time to have a quick reaction before the bolt fired, as he shoved the Corporal sideways over a falled log, Jett feels the bolt enter his chest and then feels nothing as he slumps backwards, leaving a shocked Flint staring wide eyed at what just happen and quickly scanning the area as he stays behind the log and gets his own weapon ready, he chooses the longbow as it wouldn’t be wise to just draw a saber and look for an enemy with long distance weapons.
Jedrick sniffs the air and draws his twin blades, "We may have company, find Quickbolt , we need to get upriver" The other ferret nodded and went to shore quickly.   

Alise finally catches up and freezes "Oh..oh wot in de barely well...J..Jett?..." She backs up and almost trips over a stray tree root.   

Quickbolt cusses and then gets to the ship passing the other ferret "Come on.." Once to the ship he helps to get the ship going on upriver.   

Flint glares at Alise and goes to pull her towards him, if he can and motions for her to be quiet when the ship starts to leave the shore and then looks to her "Lass..wot in de blazes...never mind we have a LONG talk later, we need to..."He looks at Jett and then kicks the tree beside him and looks ready to just bang his head to the tree over and over again, he takes a deep breath as part anger and part sadness come over him, "Come on lass and that not be a request, that be an order." They have to get out of sight, a life was loss he needs to deal with and its getting to be nightfall, he only knows the ship can only go upriver and at least that’s a positive, nothing else is right now. He can still try and follow that ship
Alise ears droop as she follows the corporal silently, she stays close, quiet and as alert as she can acting as a guard, things couldn’t get worse...right...wait a thunder clap and..yep pouring down rain , yes...yes it can get worse.   

It had been a long night and just as long day. He had dealed with one death, he had to  keep a good distance from the river, but now he ventures back slowly. The other thing was he didn’t know for sure where the river lead, but he did know he needed to have a chat with his new guest "So...your name, and why were ya following me and Jett for? The only other hare that would be with me I sent back to let higher ups know I was following a wildcat that had captives" He has yet to learn his own niece and oddly a vixen have been tracking the slaver cat as well. He watches the hare maid "Start talking lass" The area they are in is safe for talking.
Alise frowns and sighs "I..I’m sorry sur and the name is Alise Willowbrooks, parents were in the Patrol when I was born....I also had an uncle but he quit cause my aunt...well didn’t want him to stay in after...well some things that happen when I was like a 1/2 season old. I didn’t mean ta follow ya, but I was curious and been thinking of joining up and well maybe I thought if..well....could show me skills I could join." She seems hopeful, but at the same time upset with herself for getting in trouble.   

Flint sits on a log and folds his arms over his chest" So ya....picked ta follow on a dangerous mission, that’s not the way to show off skills and I should just tell ya ta march yourself back to where ever home is"   

Alise ears droop "Please sur, I lived...well did, in Halyard with my aunt Alice and Uncle Dax but...."She looks down "They..died sur, a few weeks ago. My Uncle got a real bad cut to his leg, but never went to a healer or let my Aunt look at it till...well till it was too late, when he died she got depressed and died a few days later. I was on my own cause my parents died when I was 1/2 season old, I am little over 8 seasons now."   

Flint listens and frowns, he grows quiet as he tries to think" I won’t tell ya to head back, sides, it’s too dangerous right now and I wouldn’t want ya caught or hurt, I would feel responsible fer ya can stay with me." He then adds "BUT, ya listen ta me, and listening is one important rule of the long patrol." He looks at her " You have any skills? And my name is Flint , a Corporal in the Long Patrol"   

Alise ears perk up, "Umm..I know some healing, I can use throwing daggers and I am pretty good at knowing what plants are good or bad, ya know how ta live off the land."   

Flint nods, "Good skills ta have." He looks around and back to her, "So your parents were in the Long Patrol, but...died ya said? How do you know if you were 1/2 season old at the time.?"   

Alise answers "My uncle told me, well he and my aunt when I was a couple seasons old, not how they died right away , that came later. It was during a time a place called Redwall was taken over by some horde and a stoat, they helped to get the abbey back into woodlander paws and a lot of hares died that day, including my uncle said my mother was helping as a healer and saw the vermin leader, a stoat...kill my father and then she in a rage attacked the stoat only to get killed also. My aunt was still at the mountain but my Uncle was there and knocked out, he quit the patrol and had a bad limp the rest of his life. I was placed in the care of my aunt and uncle in Halyard and grew up with them. Learned some healing, cooking and living off the land."   

Flint hmmms "I know some of those events, read a little when I got back to Salamandastron from....welll had a not so good 3 seasons of my life, but it’s a lot better now. I also know what loss is as while I was ...missing in action my sister, her mate and an older child of thier's were killed on the coast, so I care for my 2 nieces now, one is in the patrol as a private and one is too young to be in the patrol for a few seasons yet." He glances around "I am unsure but if this is the river I think it is, we may be somewhat close ta Redwall, but I am unsure till we get to a bridge that would be upriver and may be where that wildcat is heading, but after that I am unsure where he would go, just know he needs stopped since he has 2 captives, from what seen thar is him and two ferrets, and the one ferret has long distance weapons so we need ta be extra careful lass"   

Alise nods "I know to be careful sur and maybe we could find extra help that’s close by. There has to be a village nearby a river...right?"   

Flint shrugs "Maybe, I do know he was heading upriver and he can only go so fast, then again we can only go so fast also and yes extra help would be good , if it’s found in time"   

Alise says, "Well a village...settlement if they are friendly be good for supplies too, can't always have fish or watercress"   

Flint chuckles "Well and yes supplies are pretty low, we are just lucky it isn’t cold yet or it be harder to fish or find much at all."   

Alise glances around "Got to be something along the river that’s friendly. and we just will have to find it or them"
Flint says, "We are just lucky the toads from the swamp edge by the river are slowing due to temperature changes at night and mornings , they dislike even a little cold...we be careful though let’s go"
Alise says, "Couse" The hare maid then goes to follow him, not like the boat will be that far away." I am in agreement"   

Flint nods and they soon head off, not truly knowing what is to come next.

I play
Cota-grandson of Dorarose
Micco-Leader of the Gawtribe


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