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**short little log with Leon...I was online a short while and someone wanted to do a quick role play and it is funny so here it is ***
Leon-Master Healer
Zolomon-Hare Archer in Mossflower Defenders
Zolomon was in the kitchens, not so good seeing that he is a hare. He also has 2 empty pie pans beside him and is about to empty a 3nd or...smells like pumpkin pie, yep pumpkin with mellow cream
Leon enters the kitchen with his paw bandaged up tightly and frowns when he sees the hare and sighs "Really....3 pies?"
Zolomon grabs a 4th, this one is apple and frowns..."Umm...4...I can share" He offers Leon some pie and smiles, he even has October ale to go with it. "Pie?"
Leon sighs..."Why not" He sits down and gets a slice, "Wait...Lacota is ok with this right?"
Zolomon nods, sure, whatever he wishes to think, he stuffs pie into his mouth as he muffled "Yeah...mmmmm...L...ya"
Leon takes a long drink of the ale and eats his pie slice, using a tail to hold the fork.
Zolomon watches as he swallows pie and drinks ale "That’ neat" More pie as he also gets a 2nd mug of ale "Nice skill brother L...." He frowns as the pie is gone, let’s see 3 whole pies and 7 of 8 slices of another, he shrugs and gets some left over hot root soup, adds a little more hot root and finishes his ale...yep needs a 3nd ale mug.
Leon still has his first mug of ale and finishes his pie slice. He has half a mug of ale in fact still as he watches the hare.
Zolomon smiles “Today is pie and soup..ale" He gets a 2nd bowl of soup and lots if hot root and eats happily, downs some ale “You want soup?"
Leon says, "I don't eat hot root anything, so I am fine....just been rather...annoyed, bored and maybe a little unhappy.”
Zolomon asks, ""Why?" He finishes the 2nd bowl of soup and frowns, no more soup...oh well, he has his ale he drinks the rest of "We need something else....wot, hmmmms....a pear!"
Leon just looks like....huh"A pear?" He sighs "Well my paw is sore, my son left with Cynthia to the traveling circus, yeah he is Brother Caleb and she is Sister Cynthia now but....does that matter, and yes he promised to write often, just miss him is all."
Zolomon finds a pear "oh and why pear...pears are good...with hot root" He sprinkles just a little and eats the pear, finishes that 3nd ale mug and smiles...a little...wait a frown may be forming
Leon shakes his head, then frowns at the hare “ don't look so well now"
Zolomon grins after he burps "I be...fine...fine as rain Brother L...just need some water" He gets some water and drinks a little and his ears droop "A nap...that’s an idea."
Leon says, "Maybe almost 4 pies and hotroot soup was a bad idea"
Zolomon just smirks "No such thing as too much pie Brother L..."He grins there is a 5th pie......not a good idea as he gets it and proceeds to eat it..2 slices then...then....that’s when the hare finds out 3 whole pies, 2 bowls of hot root extra spicy, 7/8 of a pie and 1/4 of another, ale and even a little water...oh an a pear, was bad idea and now it’s all over the floor as, yep guessed it....ill hare who now groans curled up on the floor.
Leon sighs, he slowly stands to check on him....then you know what, he just turns to leave the room. He is off duty for another few days, yes he will get a healer to tend to the hare and it’s not like he can clean up the mess...poor novices.
Last edited by Leon (2017-10-28 11:02:28 AM)
I play
Cota-grandson of Dorarose
Micco-Leader of the Gawtribe
Eeew, oh my cow, that is funny xD Thanks for logging it onto here!
(I now want pie IRL....)