Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2022-04-10 06:36:00 PM

Proud LP
Registered: 2021-06-14
Posts: 172

A Spring Storm Appeared-LP LOG


Velm-Captain and Chief Healer of the LP

Rhonwen-Private and Fighter of the LP

Rickman-Runner andf Private in LP

some spoofed hares,cats and a dibbun


There had been no issues and for that the Captain was glad. Three days of the trip. They had covered a lot about the plants that were good to eat and those that were not. They even had a chance to ID plants for healing as well and soon they would be heading back to the mountain.

But then the early spring thunderstorm hit and the rain poured, thunder crashed and lightning filled the air causing bright flashes of light in the early morning as it was still an hour till there be at least some light of day.

"Great"Velm muttered.

Rhonwen frowns "Umm sur, I know fer a fact we like set camp a decent ways from water, so why is it..suddenly trying to come into the blooming tents?"

Rickman also seemed concerned "I know how ta swim but umm....rather not"The last couple of words are said in a softer tone.

The couple recruits just frowned, and of course, looked towards Velm.

Velm peeked out and took a mental note and quickly spoke "Ok, we need to move, quick pack up and move the supplies further from the river. A Long Parol hare must always be alert and prepared."

Rhonwen nodded and quickly sprung into action "Let's go then, the quicker the better"

Rickman frowns "But tis pouring!"

Velm folded his arms over his chest "And one day ya may well  be marching in a storm of some sort, or getting away from a horde...thar is no, oh let's just wait till it's blooming better."He gets the recruits and other two privates to help as well"Spring flash flood..we move camp to a safer area, we wait and it should pass, then we head back ta the mountain."

The hares would soon find out, they were not the only ones that had gotten caught in the storm. A small family of cats had as well. In the family were two adults and their small kitten, their kitten was currently being swept downriver and got caught on a bit of floating trigs mewing pitifully for help.

Velm ears perked as he scanned the shore for sounds, "Did any of you hear that?"

Rhonwen nodded and scanned the river, her ken eyes soon spotted "A dibbun sur, look!" She pointed to the small kitten in the river.

"About ta blooming sink, I think," Rickman said,"Wot...wot do we do sur?"

About then the two adult cats made thier way down the shore,"Someone, please anyone help our baby!!"

Velm was already getting a rope around a tree, and the other end tied to himself before jumping into the rageing river to reach the kitten. He gets as close as he can reaching out a paw " little one, please take my paw"

The kitten just wails louder, too afraid to let go of the bit of twigs. They glace over, tears in their eyes."Want mama and papa...waaaaaa"

Rhonwen tries to calm the cats down "It's ok, Velm is gonna save your dibbun." She hopes anyways.

Rickman frowns "What if he drowns, what do we do  then?"
Velm had no plans to drown today or any day as he did his best to reach for the kitten, if it wasn't for the rope, well, things could be different with the strong current.

The dibbun finally reached out a tiny paw to grab for the hare's paw, barely managing to grab the hare's paw, then clung tightly to the hare's chest.

Rhonwen glared at Rickman "Oh shut up, I am SOOOOO  gonna tell him wot ya said."

Rickman blinked"You wouldn't,"He said in a sort of challenge maybe.

The other hares having finished getting the camp moved a bit further into the woods looked between the two hares as if expecting a fist fight.

The two cats just frowned at the hares and then their attention went to Velm and the kitten.

Velm errked and yelled towards the shore "Pull me back to shore you two!"

Rhonwen quickly went to help Velm back to shore, the possible fight is forgotten.

Rickman also went to help, a frown as it was a bit harder than it looked to pull the captain back to shore.

The other hares rushed to help as well, and soon all hares were back on shore and Velm was very glad of this indeed.

The reunion of the kitten with his parents was a happy thing to see, the hares were thanked over and over again for their help.

Velm smiled "Well, we are the Long Patrol and we were glad to help. In fact you can even  join us for a meal if you would like."He let the cats decide on the reply, either way, the hares would rest today and head back towards the western shores tomorrow morning.

I am :
Velm-Captain and Chief Healer at Salamandstron
Jaison-Soon to be Master Healer at Redwall


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