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#1 2022-03-23 10:31:47 AM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Discussions By The Firepit-Treehouse Takeover Log


Krisha-Badger Mother


Teku-2nd in command of Gawtribe

Spoofed- couple other Gawtribe squirrels


The Abbot is standing by the fire warming his tail on the flames as he looks up at the rest of the abbey. Seems he is just enjoying the fire and some quiet time alone.

Teku is watching the abbot from a tree before she slips closer over to him. A couple of other squirrels with her, by the outfit it is Gawtribe squirrels. She says nothing yet as she is just sort of watching him for now.   

Benar is humming softly to himself as he loads another log into the fire, "Life is Strange and vast, filled with wonders and joys," he seems unconcerned by the approaching Gawtribe squirrels.
Teku blinks, she edges closer and then speaks "You are the leader of abbey?" She seems to be sort of in charge of the Gawtribe for now since Micco lost a paw-to-paw fight with John but at the same time...she sounds angry. Micco had started to go back into the treehouse but sliped and fell after passing out and was taken to the infirm by John...but it seems Teku and the others view it a bit differently as being helpful and more thier chief is captive somehow.   

Benar turns to regard Teku, "I am Abbot Benar yes," he regards her over his glasses, "Your chief Micco is safe and well in our Infirmary, have you decdied to vacate the tree-house yet? It is the property of our children and there are much more comfortable places you can stay whilst visiting with us."   

Teku listens but at first is silent. She looks back to the other couple with her and back to the abbot."Micco said tree is ours now. Gawtribe have no other home and travel much. Find home in old hollowed tree but the tree fell during storm . We seeked new home...ran into couple bad beasts and then was led here." The other two now come forwards as Teku talks "If notta stay in tree home, then where stay?"
Benar settles down on a log by the fire, idly stirring it with a stick to keep the flames going, "We have plenty of rooms inside the abbey," he nods toward the towering red sandstone edifice, "But I understand that might not be for the Gawtribe. We built the tree-house, we can also help you build another one but our children aren't going to let you just steal their treehouse."   

Teku pouts now."Notta one inside at time, if thiers should stay in not leave all empty like did." The other two nod"And up to Micco if leave or stay"   

Benar shakes his head, "It was not being used at the time, but that does not make it empty or free for you to move in," he continues to stir his fire, "It is the children's and the inside of the abbey is a lot more comfortable."   

Teku takes a deep breath and mutters something,the abbot is lucky they have no weapons,the weapons are in the weapons area. She does have the other couple get closer to the abbot now."Why make go in...maybe you have chief captive and want us captive too....maybe we take you and then get chief back."   

Benar looks down at Teku, "I suggest you think again before trying to harm me, it will go very badly for the lot of you and you'll end up thrown outside our walls with the Hospitality of Redwall rescinded and that is not something I do lightly." He stands up and shakes out his habit, "Do enjoy the fire, it should last for a few hours and keep you warm and if you want to see your chief do feel free to come inside and see him, the Infirmary staff will let him go once he is well enough."
"Back off" comes a voice and it's soon to be seen it's the Badger Mother and she doesn't look too happy with the tribe squirrels."For sure think carefully your next move or words."   

Teku narrows her eyes and starts to go closer, then the squirrels are backing away rather quickly as Teku frowns,her ears go back as she tries to think of a response."Wasnt gonna harm...we wanna chief back"   

Benar says, "Your chief is in our infirmary and he is safe," He shakes his head, "If you want to see him and don't want to come inside you can climb the outside of the building and look through the windows." he folds his arms into his sleeves, "It's ok Krisha, our unexpected squirrel guests won't do anything that might have me eject them from the abbey I am sure."

Krisha keeps an eye on the squirrels and speaks "I am going to have a little chat with your chieftain. This takeover of the treehouse had better end soon." She then looks to Benar" It may also be wise to keep John away from the Gawtribe for now."A glace at Teku"You're in charge for now I am guessing?"   

Teku pouts again then a nod"Yeah....but Micco have the final say so."Her tail swings back and forth"Talk to chief and talk to alla tricks"   

Benar says, "I don't do tricks," Benar said softly, "I am the Abbot of Redwall Abbey," he looked down at Teku, "I suggest you sit down as a tribe and discuss your stories of Redwall Abbey and then come inside for dinner one night, you may be surprised."

Krisha stays close to Benar and watches the squirrels for a reaction.She manages to stay calm for the time being,it all depends on how the Gawtribe handle this.   

Teku tail puffs up and then she looks to the other two tribe squirrels and quietly speaks to them a few feet away,she glances back at the badger and the abbot quietly before finally speaking "I Teku...and say...we accept offer to come inside and....discuss." Its clear they are not gonna just totally leave the treehouse, least yet anyway.   

Benar smiles and turns toward the abbey, "Very well, you are guests until I say otherwise," he looks at Teku, "But if anyone else attacks another member of my community there will be words delivered by an angry badger. No more fighting with anyone understand?" He then starts back toward the main building.   

Krisha gives a look to Teku that she best listen to the abbot's words "You can let me know when you wish to visit your chieftain...perhaps even come inside or stay outside,your choice."   

Teku frowns ears back and then a nod"Ok, ok...understands." The idea of going inside makes her unsure,she looks to her fellow tribe squirrels and back to the abbot and badger mother"Teku will pass on your words"   

Benar says, "Very well Teku," he nods, "Your chief is free to leave as soon as he is well again, I will speak to you inside, until then enjoy the fire."
Krisha keeps an eye on the tribe as she waits for any reply,she nods to Benar "I can handle them Benar,not to worry"   

Benar says, "No Krisha," he says as he starts up the path toward the entrance, "They do not need handling, don't make this worse by getting belligerent on me, we will deal with this calmly as a team. But for now I am going to my office."
Teku sits down,the other two squirrels sit down as well,the fire is nice and even though.She keeps an eye on the badger as she sits very quiet and still.   

Krisha sighs, "Fine Benar..."She watches Benar walk off and glaces at the squirrels " You....discuss with the rest of the tribe . But be warned IF I hear of trouble or one of the dibbuns in my care....or any beast for that matter is hurt cause of one of you squirrels. I will personially -THOROW- you out of the abbey myself."She lets that sink in before following Benar inside.   

Teku listens to all that is said, a glace at the badger who now looks very scary indeed.A small short slow nod and the squirrel maid speaks to one squirrel "Tella others meet here...we chat by nice fire."A nod and most of the tribe come to the firepit, two warriors stay in the treehouse,one on top and the other inside keeping an eye out and still , for now, claiming the tree as thier own.


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