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#1 2022-03-20 11:18:01 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 208

Fight Over a Tree-Treehouse Takeover Log


Micco-Leader of the Gawtribe

Teku-Member of Gawtribe

John-a warrior

Dochas-leader of the DAB



Micco has been enjoying the new tree home the Gawtribe had claimed as their own. Some squirrels had just got back from stealing about 4 pies cooling by the kitchen window"Wesa got pie now Micco." Micco grinned and sat up from where he had been laying down."Pie is always good, even better when another cooks it fer us, so so nice of em' hee hee" The group of squirrels was 10 in total and a couple sat on the roof as lookouts.   

Teku just seemed to want to relax, and it was a nice day outside. A soft sigh escaped her as she glanced around the treehouse, some toys had been thrown out but pillows remained and blankets and someone threw out a book.   

Dochas is not happy. She had heard of the Gawtribe stealing the Dibbun's treehouse, and the DAB Ringleader was /not/ happy about it. The young squirrel has been watching from various windows all week, fuming and planning and plotting. She now comes bounding through the orchards, the entire massed body of Abbey Dibbuns in her wake. All of them used the treehouse, not just the DAB, and they all are very upset at it being stolen from them. Dochas stops a short distance away, draws herself to her full height (which is pretty respectable now that she's almost Novice age), and shouts, "I AM DOCHAS, LEADER OF THE DAB!!! I DEMAND TO SPEAK TO YOUR LEADER!!!" The other Dibbuns shout agreement and wave sticks, ladles, and pillows around. Even gentle Gracie the Gosling honks and threateningly waves a stick.   

Micco's ears perk some as he sighs and looks to a window as he nibbles pie"Somebody being annoying." One of the guards pokes their head inside "Alot lota small ones, they no harm."Micco decides to look out the window and smirks "Wha' babies want huh?.."Too bad he was out of old porridge and feathers, they did have some honey but that's no fun.   

Teku peeks out also and sticks out her tongue "Go away now, bye bye we want no visitors, no visiting hours ha ha "
Having learned of the Gawtrybe's presence from their general rowdiness the moment they stepped foot inside the abbey, John had been content to simply withdraw to the upper rooms and attics of Redwall and avoid at all costs the tribalistic squirrels. So he existed for the past week in relative peace - until today, when he had heard the kitchens were baking one of his favorite pies.   

Words cannot describe the cold and vengeful anger felt in the wanderer's heart at the words spoken to him by a hapless kitchen aid: "I'm sorry, mate, but those squirrels - they took it."   
So now here was John searching through the tree tops for the blasted tree house. He's cracked some heads of the Gawtrybe together in the past, and he was fully willing to do so again (...depending on the state the pie was to be found in....). But years of cautious spying and scouting have made him a bit more aware of his surroundings, and as soon as the child squirrel begins making her demands, he hops to a tree nearby to watch what unfolds. At least this'll be entertaining, he feels.   

Dochas grits her teeth. Some of the more level-headed Dibbuns, such as the gosling, are having to keep the more temperamental Dibbuns in check. The Ringleader takes a deep breath. "YOU STOLE OUR TREEHOUSE! It's rightfully ours, and you're going to give it back right now, or you'll be sorry!!!" A little mouse pulls his arm back to chuck a rock, but Gracie snatches it from him just in time. The Gawtribe is truly talented in that they were able to arouse the ire of the entire Abbey population of children with just one action.   

Micco grins"Ours now, I likea treehouse so it's all mine now, alla belong to tribe of Gawtribe" The others behind him seem to agree with a wild whoo whoo. He smiles"Run along now silly baby or we makeum wish did."   

Teku keeps a careful eye on the small ones down below. A quick glance around the treehouse for something to make the steps slippery, though leftover honey would at least make the steps on the ladder sticky.   

Seeing the rock - and hearing Micco's threat - John's back stiffens and his brief moment of amusement fades. The Gawtrybe is a potentially dangerous bunch and he's not so sure that they care about hurting dibbuns or not. For a moment hesitating on the branch debating with himself, the older squirrel leaps to the tree next to the occupied treehouse.   

"Gawtrybe," He speaks clearly, his brogue mostly gone from his voice. "If you lot hurt any of the young ones, you can bet you won't be welcome in Redwall any longer - and considering you're already on thin ice already.... /Be careful."/   

Dochas clenches her fists and resists the urge to dance with rage. She has heard of the Gawtrybe in the stories of Martin the Warrior, and she refuses to give them something to mock her for. However, some of the other Dibbuns lack self-control. "GIVE IT BACK!" a number of them cry, and a shower of rocks and stale oatcakes (which may as well be rocks) fly towards the invading squirrels. Almost all of them miss their mark completely, although a few from the older ones go through the windows and towards the guards on the treehouse roof. Unfortunately, one of the poorly aimed ones heads straight for John (because it was thrown by a young otter who has potential for Skipper's crew someday). Dochas sees this and waves her arms, barely able to contain the united rage of the Dibbun horde she's leading.

"Yeah, /Gawtrybe/, he's right! Be nice to us or the Abbot'll kick you outta the Abbey and you'll be Redwall's enemies forever!!!"
Micco binks, one rock does nick an ear of one of the roof guards who snorts. Micco rolls his eyes at John"Silly silly, no one get hurts...if go away, ha ha..."He tilts his head when the abbot is mentioned and laughs insanely that he almost falls out the window, luckily for him he manages to stay in the treehouse."Haha...Abbot feathers, tee hee hee.." He grins "And his tag-a-long Lord feathers hee hee tee hee.."   

Teku's eyes go wide when the leader almost falls,rocks on the floor now are put in a pile, for later maybe, and what is thrown back is luckily not rocks, but it could be worse...its a couple of rotten strawberries, that wouldn't hurt anyone but they may smell rather, well..rotten.
The rock smacks into John's broad frame, stinging his shoulder. Gritting his teeth the squirrel hops down the tree, landing heavily on the grass below. Striding in front of the group of dibbuns and taking advantage of the fact he's probably the tallest (and oldest) squirrel present by a large margin, he turns his gaze upon them. "Anyone who thinks it's a grand ol' idea t'throw a'nother bloody rock'll spend th'next six seasons scrubbing pots, ye dig?" As John isn't exactly a member of the abbey the threat doesn't hold much water - though he figures the abbey elders might agree with him......   

He turns on his heel back to the Gawtrybe with a look of disgust. "And ye lot! Ye call yoreselfs th'Gawtrybe, d'ye?" He practically spits. "Who's yore chieftain now, because they sure arenae fit t'be ol' Ekon an' Anomen's successor, they're no'. They'd never let ye lot aggravate wee babes." ....which was probably true, even if the Gwtrybe as a whole has always been a wild bunch.
Dochas glares up at John, but does take his threat into consideration. She gestures for the Dibbuns to hold their fire, and the level-headed ones try to get the others to keep her command (it's getting more and more difficult as the moments pass). Dochas and Gracie have to dodge the rotting strawberries, then the Ringleader smirks. "Hah! Is that your best shot? You idiots couldn't hit the side of the Abbey if it fell on you!" Another of the older Dibbuns catches on and laughs mockingly. "Did you see how the one almost fell out the window? Clumsy oaf!" The angry Dibbuns all start making their own comments, each more vicious than the last. "Dey stupid'eadsies!" "Dey sho ugly, " A number call the Gawtrybe some very colorful names that would get the Dibbun's mouths washed out with soap. But they're no longer threatening to throw least for now...
Micco's ears go back and he puffs out his chest as he yells "SHUT UP.....Micco demands it!!" He climbs to the roof and stands tall "I am Micco, I am chieftain of the Gawtribe....and this home nowa.."He is getting a little angry now.   

Teku frowns at Micco and some of the squirrels in the treehouse gasp. One laughs at the words a couple of dibbuns say but another of the Gawtribe slaps his fellow squirrel to stop laughing.
Closing his eyes as the DAB leader further taunts the Gawtrybe, John turns back - he's on the verge of stepping back and letting whatever happens happen. But before that he has another tactic to try:   

"Dochas, that's yore name, right," He says, plainly, "I expect ye tae act better than those lot o' brats away up there," he points to the chieftain proclaiming from atop the treehouse roof. "Ye and yore friends can manage that, aye? After all, ye're no' th' ones causing trouble like them squirrels are."   

The Ringleader stares up at John. "Aye, my name's Dochas." The trio of mouse maids grasps paws and starts dancing in a circle, singing, "Micco is a dumbo, Micco is a dumbo, Micco is a dumbo, Micco is a..." Dochas sighs at the adult squirrel's admonishment. "But...they stole our treehouse. They covered Ozzie and th' Abbot in honey and feathers and /laughed/ at them. None of the grown-ups are doing /anything/. What else are we supposed to do?" (DoraRose actually has not been informed, else she would've been over here already asserting her authority as Gatekeeper.) The Dibbuns keep making fun of the Gawtrybe as Dochas looks into John's eyes with anger and desperation. "The treehouse is /ours/. The grown-ups of the Abbey built it for us. We just want it back!"   

Micco looks ready to attack, but at the same time, he seems wise not to just yet. Besides any real weapons are in the weapons area. A deep breath as his tail just poofs and he heads back inside the treehouse, soon some honey is poured on the steps leading up to the treehouse, its now very, very sticky.   

Ignoring the Gawtrybe as a whole, for now, John kneels down to more or less Dochas' height. "I understand that," once again he's taking care to speak clearly, his eyes holding a sympathetic light, "I do, really - I hadnae heard of what they did to the poor badger cub and abbot. But ye and me both can see yelling at them damnable squirrels is doing little but make things worse, I deem. And frankly it make you lot look a bit too much like the theifs, with shouting and throwing rocks and the like - and I think we can all agree none of us want t'look much like those squirrels up there." He stands back up. "As fore thae adults no' doing much," he shrugs, "Such is th'way of life. 'Twas a mistake to let the lot of them inside the walls, it were, but I do have an idea t'help out, I do."   

Clearing his throat he takes a step boldly towards the ladder. "Ahoy up there, chieftain Micco! Ah know a way t'settle this in th'ways o'th' Gawtrybe, Ah do. Come on down and fight me paw t' paw, if ye win Ah shan't bother ye further 'bout the treehouse, but if Ah win - ye leave the abbey, ore give the treehouse back to the dibbuns, ye hear? It's a fairer offer ye willnae get if the abbey beasts like th'gate keep ore th' great big badger mother catch wind o'what ye've done. Come on, ye're a young squirrel yet, and Ah'm an old fart, tired and weak." His words don't exactly ring true with John's physic - he's very dangerous looking squirrel, and almost looks spoiling for a fight. "Come on down, if ye want!"   

Micco stays inside the treehouse, for the time being as he listens to John speak, he yawns at the idea and waves of a tribe member to give a message back"You bore our chief, shoo"   

Dochas bites the inside of her lower lip to keep herself from crying. She's so frustrated. But she's old enough and experienced enough to recognize the wisdom in his words. She nods, then shouts at the assembled Dibbuns, "HUSH AN' HAULD YER WHEESHT!" Where she heard that phrase is a mystery, but she delivers it with a spectacular brogue. John should be impressed. The Dibbuns all fall silent as John steps forward and offers to fight for them. Dochas, Gracie, and a number of others stare at him with a slight worshipful awe. Whether he meant to or not, he just joined the ranks of Their Favourite Adults. They wait quietly to see what happens.   

John spares a glance at the sudden shout, having not expected that - nor does he know what to think of it. Especially with the Gawtrybes' answer to his challenge.   

"What, bored, ye say?" Throwing back his head he lets out a deep, exaggerated laugh. "Ah never knew th' Gawtrybe t'back down from a fight! But suppose ye donnae have the guts ol' Anomen did, oh well. Maybe Ah should come up there an' drag ye down mahself!"   

Micco glares at the doorway and then walks back to look down at John,his tail waving back and forth as if thinking, he then hmmph "Uncle Anomen be long..gone so ha. My father took over...."And his father is not here one reason or another"And now ha. You look too old to probably have a heart attack and die."   

The Dibbuns stand around, quietly whispering about this. The young otter who accidentally hit John with the rock earlier shouts, "Rip 'is ears off!" Dochas hushes him, then looks expectantly up at John. The Dibbuns are getting restless, so something had better happen soon.   

"As Ah said afore, if ye win ye get t'keep th'treehouse," John shouts back, absentmindedly bringing a paw up to his bad ear that was once torn by a bird, "It'll make these babes stop bothering ye! Plus, me dropping dead would be a good thing fore ye lot!"   

With an overly exaggerated shrug and an accompanying huff, the older squirrel turns away. "But Ah suppose yore acorn of a brain didnae think much 'bout that, did it? Heh." Even though his back is facing the treehouse the squirrel isn't going away just yet. "An' Ah suppose /none/ o' ye Gawtrybe would be worth mah time t'fight, anyway." He says, more than loud enough for everyone to hear, "Ye, Micco, 'specially! Doubt ye even know how t'throw a punch, Ah do. Spoiled by yore father an' kin, Ah bet. Yore ancestors must b' sorely ashamed by ye lot. No' even willing t' fight a fellow squirrel. An' ye call yourself GAWTRYBE?"   
Dochas blinks up at John. "How come you can make fun of the Gawtrybe but we can't?" A couple other Dibbuns agree with her question.

Through the orchards, from the kitchen yard, hurries over LilyMoore. "What is going on here?? A couple of song thrushes and starlings were saying there's a fight going on!" The Bellringer grabs Dochas by the ear, although she doesn't twist it or anything and the young squirrel just scowls and crosses her arms. Lily glares at John. "What are you teaching the Dibbuns?"

"FIGHT?! /AS IF!"/ John can't hold back the snort, practically shouting his words now. "Th'band o' cowards up there willnae show there face fore a fight! An' ye let go o'thae wee squirrelmaid now, miss - she's arguably th'most well behaved squirrels o' th' lot!" If he includes himself in that generalisation or not is unclear. "As fore what Ah'm teaching them, Ah was hoping t'show them how t'knock th'bloody teeth out o' a WANNA BE CHIEFTAIN," He hollers up at the treehouse, cupping his paws around his mouth, "PIE STEALER, AND BLOODY COWARD! COME DOWN HERE!"   

Dochas pulls her ear free from the surprised Lily's grasp, and as John starts hollering his insults, the majority of the Dibbuns follow his lead, shouting their own insults at the Gawtrybe, including some profane ones that make the Bellringer wince. Gracie hugs the adult mouse around her waist. "We just want our treehouse back 'cause the Gawtrybe stole it," she honks quietly. Dochas nods. "Yeah, an' he told us not to insult them or fight them, but now he is, so I'm confused." Lily facepalms.   

As it's becoming more and more clear the Gawtrybe have no intention of coming out or even shout back insults at this point, John throws up his paws and gives up.   

"Well, Ah'll be damned. Ah werenae expectin' that lot tae avoid a fight, Ah weren'." He almost sounds disappointed, and he's certainly deflated. "An' remember, lass-" he wags a finger at Dochas, "Ah said tha' afore Ah learned what they did t'th' poor father abbot an' wee Oz, so Ah did. After learning /tha'/, Ah couldnae care less what ye shout at th'lot o'brigands up there."   
Looking between the 2 squirrels and absentmindedly stroking Gracie's head, Lily asks, "What did they do to Ozzie and Benar?"

"Dey tawwed an' fevvewed dem!!"

"No, it wasn't tar, it was /honey/," Dochas corrects them. The Bellringer looks shocked, then angry. She gives the Dibbuns a sly smile. "Y'know, when I was your age, I was in the DAB, too. I'll help you figure out a way to try and get your treehouse back." The Dibbuns cheer. The Bellringer starts to lead them away. "Why'd you get mixed up in this, John? I thought you were hiding somewhere. What brought you out to the land of the living?" She has inherited some snark from her moth and great-grandmother, apparently.   

Giving the bell ringer a side eye, John replies, "Th' Gawtrybe have been lifting a bit too much from th'kitchens recently. An' when Ah came here some o' th'dibbuns began throwing stones an' th'like, an' Ah tried to stop things from escalating." Tilting his head and casting his gaze back up to the now quiet treehouse, he adds, "An' Ah suppose Ah succeeded, in a way. Nae one were hurt, somehow. Ah really thought that Micco would be fool enough t'come down an' try fisticuffs with me, Ah really did."   
The Bellringer starts smiling even bigger. "Maybe we should sic Friar Lacota on them....let him know that that's where all the pies are vanishing." Lily herds the horde of Dibbuns into Great Hall. "Thank you for helping the Dibbuns not get hurt. I'll try to help them, but I'm not sure what I can do against the Gawtrybe. Hopefully, it can all be fixed without incident..." And she disappears after the little ones so they don't get themselves hurt.   

For his part, John doesn't leave the area around the treehouse just yet, instead content to lean against the trunk of a nearby tree to watch the tribe squirrels' activity   

Micco has listened some to what was being said, and a quick switch of the guard as one that comes inside whispers something, Micco shrugs"Notta worried."He yawns, seems it's nap time perhaps.   
John isn't quite willing to give up - even if he had before. A new idea occurs to him now that the dibbuns (.......and witnesses......) were all safely out of the way. Searching the nearby area for something, the squirrel is busy for a few minutes. Just what he's looking for is hard to tell...   

Micco decides to take this time to, well peek outside just to see what is going on, and it's quiet as well so that's odd to him.
Micco sees nothing out of the ordinary. The squirrel below has seemingly disappeared.....Several moments pass of general quiet, but then-
The floor of the treehouse shakes! Having found what he was searching for, John dragged a large fallen tree branch back to the base of the tree house, and was now using it to bump the small structure above him.   


Micco is rudely awakened from his nap and storms over to the window,"Whosa that, they need to stop now or ...or pay price!"

"Oooh?" Come the unmistakable voice of John from below, "An' how exactly d'ye plan on extracting that price, wee chieftain, when ye wouldnae even come out an' fight me?"   

*Thump* goes the branch against the floor again, and again, *thump*.   

Micco takes a deep breath "Maybe I come out to fight now...make ya stop de noise" He looks back at a couple other squirrels and smile before looking back outside.   

"No ye bloody won'!" John shouts back, bringing the branch up with a final, vicious poke - the stick snaps finally, and John tosses it away. "Why don' ye come on down, eh? Make me stop, ye wee brat, ye are!"   

Micco eyes narrow,oh yeah he is mad now as he finally jumps down. But a couple others jump down as well,for now just standing beside their leader.   

When the Gawtrybe trio hops down, John is waiting for them a few paces away. "Hullo there," he says with a wolfish grin, cracking his knuckles. "Ye there in th'centre's Micco Ah take it?" Though the chieftain is tall for a squirrel, the older squirrel is yet taller - and broader, the seasons and seasons of fighting and rough living showing clear in his he holds himself, ready to fight.
Micco nods as he is pointed out "I am Micco, chief of the Gawtribe."He smirks "Whosa is you old one?" the other two squirrels stay close.   

John nods, slowly. "Ah suppose Ah am. Yore Anomen's.... nephew, then? Ye know his grave is in these abbey grounds." His tone is fairly light given the fact he's been yelling up to this point. "So then, chieftain Micco, what say ye?"   

Micco tilts his head "Why would grave be 'ere?" He seems unsure of whether to believe the squirrel or not."He looks ready to fight motioning the others to back up a little.   

"Anomen were a friend o' thae Abbey, he were," John replies, being to circle around the other squirrel in a fighting stance, "An' he were a friend o' mine. A mighty good one, in fact." He adds in a somber tone, far more quiet than anything else he has said today.   

Micco follows John's movement and then goes to make a quick side punch to the jaw if he is able to.

The others watch closely as the fight starts.
As he was already moving, it doesn't take much for John to dodge the blow. "Come on, lad, ye can d'better than that, Ah'm sure! An' Ah should warn ye now - if ye bite me, Ah will bite back." He grins again, showing his teeth, "An' considering ye havenae washed in what seems a season at least, ah think we both donnae wan' that, nae."   

Micco glares now and quickly goes to deliver not one, but two punches as the older squirrel starts to make him even angrier.

Quickly bringing up his paws to block the first punch the second catches his forearm - John grunts, and takes his first shot: a left hook aimed at Micco's jaw.   

Micco manages to barely sidestep the punch, it's clear the squirrel needs a bit more lessons in close-up fighting,or least close-up fighting with just one's fists."Your...wear..down soon."
"Indeed," John dryly replies, tossing a right hook now. It's clear the older squirrel is putting his all into the fight....   

Micco blocks the right hook and chuckles,he grins a little as he tries to fake his own right hook but goes for a left one instead.
John almost falls for the faint but manages to back up with the blow just barely grazing him. "That were a good one, it were." He suddenly leaps to the left and then back to the right, throwing a blow at the younger squirrel's right cheek.   

Micco smirks and watches closely , but not closely enough as the blow does connect and he tumbles over.He goes to get up brushing himself off,the two squirrels start to go forwards to help now.   

Moving swiftly back now as the to lackeys come forward, John grits his teeth. "That were a fair strike, an' yore leader's able t' stand up an' fight me on his own - there's little shame being knocked down so long as ye get back up, like Micco did, aye?"
Micco stands slowly,he looks back at the other two and mutters something.They frown but back off again as the leader looks once more to John, getting into a fighting stance once more.   

The older squirrel nods once, impressed, then begins circling the other squirrel again. John strike first this time - throwing an easily blocked punch to Micco's left.   

Micco does block it,and goes to aim one right back at John.He is tiring out though but is clearly focused on the fight now.
John takes the blow on his arm with a grunt, moving swiftly back again and putting a bit of distance between them. He's not tiring just yet, but he is enjoying himself more than he thought he would - he was expecting a scrap like he was to in the heat of battle that ended with a dead beast, not this rather fair boxing match. "Be quicker on yore feet, an' try t'follow up yore strikes with another, like-" he lunges forward, throwing a one-two hit with first his right paw to Micco's left and then his left paw toward's Micco's center.   

Micco is paying attention, wait is the older squirrel teaching him how to better fight? And is he really paying attention to someone he is supposed to be beating right now. He dodges a blow ,one cuffs him on the ear and he sends a couple quick punches of his own getting a little too close most likely.
With a wince John takes one of the punches full force, though he manages to say, "Good, good." Like Micco, he's no longer taking the fight lightly (like he was earlier). He sends a flurry of first a right hook, then a left hook, then finally an uppercut aimed at the other squirrel's jaw   

Micco manages to block a punch, takes one to the left cheek as he grunts in pain and almost falls over, one of the two squirrels go to rush after John but Micco puts out an arm to stop them from interrupting and he feels the uppercut connect and he is out cold, or well semi-conscious.The two squirrels look wide eyed at the chieftain,and then seem to glare daggers at John as they look ready to pounce him thierselves now.   

John blinks, still standing there with his fist out stretched - he didn't expect to knock Micco out. At first the older squirrel glances down at the chieftain, as if to see if he was okay, but as the others squirrels look murderous he (probably smartly) backs off and out of reach of them. "If ye have water to splash on his face, tha' may well help, it will." He says with his paws raised to show he wasn't a threat.   

The gawtribe seem to come down, but to surround John and they don't look too happy at all right now. He could well be in real danger.But a mutter,a cough as a clear pained voice speaks out ""It's Micco.." kill,back to tree now"They finally all back off, but Micco may need some help up and has yet to try and get back in the tree.   

"Are none o' ye lot gonna help yore chieftain?" John says to the group, aware of the danger that had just passed him. He's slowly moving back to a safe distance (to avoid being surrounding by the Gawtrybe, similar to how he once was all those seasons ago.... But this time he has no armour or friends to aid him), but he lingers to see what the squirrels do.   

Micco manages to stand and lean on the tree as he watches John,he then goes to climb the ladder up to the treehouse,halfway up but slips as he likely stoood and got up too fast and passed out. The others seem to still want to possibly kill John but stay put unsure what to do.   

As the chieftain is the last Gawtrybe to climb back up to the treehouse, John had begun to turn away - but out of the corner of his eye sees the younger squirrel slip and begin to pass out. Swearing loudly John leaps forward, yet he's not quite quick enough to catch the fallen chieftain. Thankfully being a squirrel and all, along with the tree not being too high, no bones are broken or other injures. Micco is out cold though.   

Debating for a moment with himself, looking from the unconscious body then up to the treehouse and then back down again, it's clear the Gawtyrbe either don't care their leader is passed out on the ground or simply didn't notice! Either way, "Ah cannae just leave ye here, can Ah..."   

So, with a sigh, John hefts the younger squirrel up with a grunt. Micco's large for a squirrel and it's with great effort that John brings him towards the abbey, where he wrangles in Spruce, who happened to be passing by on his way to dinner, into helping him carry the chieftain up to the infirmary.   

On the threshold however, he pauses.   
"Ah'm no' so sure if Ah wan' tae subject him tae Angela, frankly. Oh well - th'Gawtrybe may have yet t'get her peeved, if that's possible."   

With the chieftain now in the infirmary, John and Spruce head down to the evening meal.

I play
Cota-grandson of Dorarose
Micco-Leader of the Gawtribe


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