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#1 2022-03-07 06:51:33 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

A Guest at the fire pit-Redwall Log


Krisha-Badger Mother

Saro-Redwall Guest


Saro sits on a bench out in the cold air, playing a flute and not seeming to mind the snow a bit. It probably helps that she has her long tail curled around herself to add a little warmth. The tune she plays is a quiet one, and maybe slightly wistful.   

Krisha walks towards the Fire Pit, it's been a while since she has come over here, deep in thought but then she stops as she hears music. She tilts her head and follows the sound finding it at the firepit as she stops to quietly listen to the tune, she was not expecting someone else to be here.   

Saro has her eyes closed and seems lost in her music, so it's a few moments - until the end of her melody, in fact - before she realizes someone else is there. As the notes die away, the squirrel maid slowly lowers her flute and opens her eyes, then gives a start! "Oh," she says, sounding a little sheepish as she peers up at the recently arrived badger. "Hello there. Sorry, got a bit carried off."   

Krisha smiles "It's fine. Your music is very nice by the way." She stays where she is for now"I don't usually see many here at the fire pit, I was gonna come here to think my..."She stops a moment before speaking again"My husband use to come here all the time."   

Saro agrees, "It is quiet, isn't it.. haven't seen another soul out here for quite a while." Realizing that the fire in the pit has died down, she slides her flute back into its belt pouch and grabs up a stick to poke the embers back into life. "I'm glad you like the music," she says with a smile. "It's how I've made my way up here to the abbey; a few tunes for a few bites to eat.." She pauses thoughtfully, looking around. "It's a good place for thinking, here."   

Krisha hmmms"Your welcome to a meal without having to play your music." She offers a smile "I am Krisha, Mother Krisha.Its nice to meet you. I have a small break from the dibbuns, they are with Sister Anna right now, well most of them are.My son is likely elsewhere knowing him."

Saro drops the stick to jump to her feet and bows to Krisha with a rather theatrical flourish. "Mother Krisha, the pleasure is mine. Another squirrel who lives here - John, he said his name was - opened the gates for me a few nights back. I was near perished of cold and hunger both, so I've been very grateful for the hospitality." Scratching her nose, she adds, "I did help in the kitchens a bit, I felt like a lazybones to take and not give back a little. Who's your son? I've still not met many people here yet, not to know their names."   

Krisha chuckles some, "It's good you got inside." She decides to sit on one of the logs nearby."My son is Oz, me and my husband named him after the former Badger Mother..well Papa I suppose."She smiles at a memory"Papa Oz they called him, he was very wise...a bit of a hermit but very kind.He was blind ,but one would never know the way he always knew who was nearby and always knew where he was going.."She sighs "I miss him at times"   

"Papa Oz the Badger Papa," Saro echoes thoughtfully and with a hint of a smile, following Krisha's lead to plop herself back down on a log. "Is that what you badgers do here at the abbey - take care of the dibbuns? I've seen a handful of them, racing up and down the stairs.." For a moment her tone is as wistful as her song had been. "And you became Badger Mother after Oz?"   

Krisha nods "Yes, Oz died a couple winters ago."She is quiet a while " My husband...Xander, ..Xander was a warrior in charge of a group called Mossflower Defenders, he would use the fire pit as an area to hold meetings.The group is still around..just, well not as active,then it has been peaceful lately and that's good."A frown forms slightly as she talks of Xander though."No other badgers around, in this area anyways....on the western shores is of course Lord Ciocan,Badger Lord of the Long Patrol at Salamandstron."   

Saro tucks her tail back around herself as she listens to Krisha. "The Mossflower Defenders, eh.. sounds like a brave bunch indeed. But hopefully your peace holds, and you can keep on without need of defenders..." Her brow wrinkles with a faintly worried air, and then she peers more closely at her badger companion. "Your husband Xander," she asks quietly. "He's gone now, too?"   

Krisha nods "Yeah, l..last winter in fact. He was fighting a wildcat that was cuaseing some troube in the area." She sighs "The wildcat ended up taking our sone and made it as far as the westen shore, the wildcat was stoped so it's no longer a threat."   

As Krisha describes her husband's fate Saro's eyes light up angrily. "Wildcats! Mangy-furred rotten-hearted -vicious- creatures! Is there nowhere they won't go and meddle a ruin good beasts' lives?" Her tail begins to flip furiously, nearly smacking Krisha herself - which makes the angry squirrel calm herself again. "Ugh, sorry," she says, grabbing her tail and holding onto it as it twitches, as if it had a separate wrath of its own. "A bunch of wildcats is why I had to leave my own home.. I'm-- sorry about your husband, too."   

Krisha nods"At least the wildcat is long gone now, and my son is back home .It seems the wildcat tried to take over Salamanstron of all places, but was stoped by the Badger Lord, in fact a couple Long patrol hares came here to bring my son home"   

Saro harrumphs quietly. "Well, that's something." She pets her tail as if comforting it, finally tucking it around herself again. "How far is Salamandastron from here? That's the legendary home of the Badger Lords, isn't it? My home is many leagues south and east of here, so I've never known anything of the mountain except in song and tale."   

Krisha says, "About...2 weeks once you get to the river Moss and head west, other wise..well depends on how fast you travel by foot, 3-4 weeks away I guess."   

"Hmm," Saro muses. "I'd like to go there one day. Would be a sight to see, for certain sure." She looks meditatively into the fire for a few moments, then back to Krisha. "D'you think it'd be all right for me to stay here at the abbey for a while, though? I.. don't really have anywhere else to go, and I can make myself useful."   

Krisha nods "Yes, you could stay here and maybe even live here if like.You could ask Abbot Benar about it."   

Saro says, "I think I'd really like that, if the Abbot approves.. This place seems just.. special. Peaceful, and kind. I'd like to live someplace like that."   

Krisha smiles "It is special....."And then a pancing hedgehog comes over, the badger frowns and speaks "Calm youe self Anna wh--..."I..I was watching them, and they sliped off and oh my goodness those dibbuns just plum locked the door to the's hard to tell what .."The badger mother slowly stood up and sighs "Ok let's handle this.."She nods


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