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#1 2021-11-25 12:52:54 PM

Proud LP
Registered: 2021-06-14
Posts: 172

Unexpected Report-LP LOG


Lt Velm-Lt/Healer in the LP

Elbio- Lt/Fighter in the LP,Residential Redwall LP Hare

Quinten- General/Librarian/Recorder  in the LP


Velm decided to have a runner fetch a couple of hares, course they were surprised when they saw Velm with Elbio, a quick "I will explain soon"Was all he said and that he felt it was just better to be at the mountain, well Elbio to be anyways as the camp had other matters to deal with, they didn't need to worry about the Lt. on top of it."Easy just lay him down...yes yes I can explain later but only with some"   

Elbio tenses up a little and frowned, a small smirk that showed he was starting to get some strength back."Food better 'ere anyways."He sighs"And..beds are softer."   
Velm glares slightly, then a soft chuckle"Be lucky you can complain, and lucky I have to be at the camp..but I do have orders that if you try and do too much, too soon...they can send a runner or maybe that gull to "He grins "Tell on ya."He straightens up, "So behave"He smiles and heads off.   
Elbio sticks out his tongue and lays back to relax, At least it was a lot warmer, more comfortable here, and likely less annoying visitors....though he did expect the Badger Lord to make an appearance.   
Velm had not planned on coming to the mountain, well ok he did but only cause of the recent issue that had come up. This on top of other things he knew was mentioned from who ever this..mercenary group was. But this was not about that, this was something else as he walked the halls asking for just one of two beasts, either Ciocan or Quinten.No one seemed to want to distribute the Badger Lord he was busy, busy with what?, well the private didn't know and jus muttered Quinten was in the library so with a sigh Velm went there.   
Quinten is sat at his desk, it's the desk he has had ever since he became librarian, tucked in a small office with its own windows looking down on the ocean. He could have moved to a larger office in the officer's quarters but he likes the view from here. The door is open however indicating he can be disturbed as he reads through papers.   
Velm takes a deep breath and walks into the room. He clears his throat and waits for a response. The Lt. is the main healer but still, he had been at the camp and didn't send a message he would be coming back to the mountain for a report.   
Quinten looks up from the report he is reading and folds it away into a filing box on his desk, "Lieutenant Velm, what brings you home today?"   
Velm frowns, a salute is given and he speaks "Thar has issue that has come up, I am sorry I just now come to you on this and the only ones at camp that know of this recent issue is me, Terrence, Greg. Also, Prv Cole and Prv Zywie know but have been ordered to keep it to themselves."He is not sure how to proceed so he just flat out says it"Lt. Elbio, as you know had headed back towards Mossflower with Corpial Teddy....."A pause and " A sea otter came into the camp a day after the Lt. and Corpial left, the otter and his brother found the Lt and Corporal about half a day up shore of Halyard, this was about a week and a half ago. I am sorry sur, should have brought this news sooner but I wanted to wait till Lt. Elbio was, stable enough to move to the Mt., he is in the infirmary here at the mountain now sur.."   
Quinten frowns as he hears that Elbio is back, "He should be halfway back to the Abbey by now... what happened to Elbio and Teddy? Where they attacked by someone?"   
Velm ears go flat as he gives a nod"Yes."He looks towards the door and goes over to close it. This was for Quinten's ears only as he goes back to the desk."We...didn't know whom till Elbio woke up, he was lucky to even be alive.."He closes his eyes "Saddy...Teddy is, is dead sur." He knows that news won't be taken good. Or the shock of who did it. He seems to be at a loss to get words out, simple words.."Z.."He tries again."Zolomon...sur. Lt. Elbio also sai Zolomon admitted to..being the one whom slain the 4 rats and..Prv Slaw a few days before that."He frowned "We..though a group of rats and..their leader was the ones, they had said they didn't..we thought they were just lying as vermin do at times, well..they were not lying, least about that attack anyways, "A frown again" Thar is still some mystery and confusion with troubles in Halyard but the attacks on our hares...and the 4 rats "He figures the rats were in the wrong place at the wrong time." Was not, the attacks on the 4 rats, Slaw, Teddy and Elbio was, Zolomon's doing." He straightens up "We have yet to..sent anyone to look for Zolomon since we been busy with Halyard...I may send the seagull to maybe scan the area, I have a feeling he isn't too far..I could be wrong of course. Any other details I suggest speaking to Lt. Elbio about   
Quinten's ears wilt at the news, he then looks for a moment very angry and he drums his claws on the table. He then pulls open a drawer and hands a letter to Velm, "I will report this to his lordship, but considering what Zolomon did in Mossflower," he nods at the letter, "This is what Elbio delivered to his Lordship... I very much suspect his Lordship is going to order Zolomon hunted down and killed..."   
    Quinten looks serious, "We will not stand for a murderer wandering our shores. It's rare enough to have to exile a hare from the mountain. But to then be banished from Mossflower, by the Abbot of Redwall no-less and now he has returned to the shore and murdered several beasts? Rats or not... he must be stopped"   
The general's frown deepens, "I will have to take this to his lordship but I very much would not be surprised if he orders a patrol out to stop Zolomon permanently"   

Velm had only heard a brief explanation from Elbio on just what happened in Mossflower. He does open the letter to read it. A frown, a look of shock as he looks back to Quinten, then the letter. " Errpeal...he was the seer that was going to stay at the base in Halyard."He sighs "Course the base still needs to be fixed up and we have not been able to yet, not fully anyway."He reads the letter again and lays it down."I..agree sur, Zolomon is a danger, and as I told Terrence. We are sadly dealing with a skilled Archer, a skilled runner not to mention skills he got from being in the patrol. He is most likely still recovering from that fight with the Lt. and Corporal, and according to the Lt., Zolomon has in his, he has Prv Slaw's saber."   
Quinten closes his eyes and sighs, "His Lordship is going to go spare... I would not be surprised if he takes a patrol personally to hunt Zolomon down himself. Using the skills the long patrol taught him to protect life to kill, no murder others.... he must be stopped." he then frowns, "Not to mention whatever is going on in Halyard, I am half tempted to order you all to take up residence in our fort in Halyard... but I will talk to his Lordship about that too"   
Velm nods "I am..unsure.It is odd the couple we have managed to speak to seemed, oddly afraid of us and refused to talk to us. It may be best to..I don't know sur."He sighs."Maybe not be on the beach, but hopefully, something can be found some clues ."He shakes his head" Besides also, some of our better fighters are at the camp, they would be better suited to help find..Zolomon.Yes still deal with this..wot ever in Halyard as well but maybe not with such a large group."He frowns "I should go back to the camp unless I am needed here sur?" He trusts the healers at the mountain, they have a couple, but the Lt is basically the main healer, the most skilled one at the mountain right now.   
Quinten drums his fingers on the table, "Very well, return to the camp, tell Terrence I want to see him soon as does his Lordship, ASAP in fact... though send me a couple of our better fights back as soon as you get back. I will tell his Lordship about Zolomon and it'd do to have some runners on hand who can keep up with him, he's going to storm out of here and start hunting, I just know it."   
Velm frowns, he nods but a thought "I am sorry if this sounds...out of hand, I am in no way not trusting his Lordship fighting skills, but..even the most skilled fighter can't fight an archer if they are...hidden."He does sound concerned "I don't know if..Zolomon would dare to...try and....."He looks at Quinten"Would he?"   
Quinten says, "I don't know, that's why I want a couple of our best back from camp please, so I can have them follow his Lordship... I will try to convince him not to go but... it is better to be prepared just in case."   
Velm nods"Alright sur. I will get the message back to camp ASAP. "He salutes and adds "You can speak with Lt. Elbio here soon too sur, I have told the two healers that you or his Lordship can be in the infirm, no one else besides maybe Me of course."With that he goes to open the door to exit the room, a glance back to Quinten in case there are any other messages to pass on to anyone.   
Quinten stands up and looks out of the window and frowns, "I don't like this... his Lordship has been muttering about signs and portents. Velm...tell Terrence to be on alert please"   
Velm frowns "Signs of wot?" He fears it's not of just Zolomon, but he decides not to question visions and such the badger lord has or sees in those strange symbols only the badger lord can see, he then quietly heads out "I am worried too sur.....I will give your message to Terrence now"He closes the door as it looks like the General wants time to think now in quiet. A deep breath and he is off back to camp, a sentry looks at him and asks "Your heading back ta camp already.....ummm ok"Yep Velm was silent, he spoke to no one and just headed straight back to camp, he will go straight to Terrence and deliver that message from Quinten and then.....well then he supposes he just focuses on his own duties at camp till further orders are given.

I am :
Velm-Captain and Chief Healer at Salamandstron
Jaison-Soon to be Master Healer at Redwall


#2 2021-11-26 11:38:58 AM

Registered: 2020-04-29
Posts: 621

Re: Unexpected Report-LP LOG


I play:  Xavier ( Log-A-log of GUOSIM) Elbio (Lt.,Archer, and Fighter in Long Patrol and RW Residential Hare)


#3 2021-11-26 12:29:07 PM

Registered: 2020-04-29
Posts: 621

Re: Unexpected Report-LP LOG

Later that same day:

Ciocan and Lt. Elbio Infirmary  of Salamanastron

Elbio was sat up a little, eating some sort of mashed up fruit and vegetable stuff with a sigh."Stave a chap why don't ya..." And oh yes delicious, cold..water....sighs.

Ciocan makes his way into the infirmary dismissing the healer on duty and sitting by Elbio.A calming breath showing he,likely has been a bit...ticked off, just a little"How are you?"

Elbio replies "Alive sur."A simple reply "Though better  food be good."

Ciocan arches an eyebrow nd frowns a bit, he stands to go to the hallway and returns a few minutes later with a tray of tea, blackberry scones, some warm vegetable soup,a roll and some applesauce. He sits it down and nods "Better?" There is also a  couple of slices of cheesecake. One the badger Lord eats for himself.

Elbio eyes light up, "Oh my sur yeah yeah its is MUCH better, thank you sur"He has kept some solids down and proves he has a good appetite. In his mind the camp tried to start him,how dare they, he was a lot.

Ciocan lets him eat and sips a mug of tea and takes a scone or two."Do you feel up to a quick chat Lt?"

Elbio nods,he expected a chat after all."Yes..sur"

Ciocan nods"Quinten..updated me some on Velms report, I have yet to speak to Terrence but soon will. "He then asks" Wot is the last know location of Zolomon?"

Elbio frowns, he speaks "About a half a day, maybe a little further upshore of Halyard sur. He has injuries, likely not gone too guess still in the general area..sur"

Ciocan nods,"Thank you, now rest. I have a meeting to get ready for, I will be sending Rufus to tell all the camp to report back at once, I will have Quinen gather anyone here. But first, I need to meditate in my quarters, write up things for a meeting and then get everyone here."He looks at the Lt. "You rest now. I will check on you later." With that he stood and left the room, the next couple days he would get ready for a meeting, a meeting with the whole patrol,when he was ready he would send Rufus to deliver the message.

Last edited by Log-A-Log (2021-11-26 01:42:28 PM)

I play:  Xavier ( Log-A-log of GUOSIM) Elbio (Lt.,Archer, and Fighter in Long Patrol and RW Residential Hare)


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