Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2021-11-14 08:02:55 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,659

A Zolomon Story

Decided, to write a bit of, what Zolomon has been up to story. So this takes place over the past couple of weeks ICLY.
Zolomon was a bit, oddly surprised, ok half surprised when the old otter died. He supposed he was stronger than he was. But then Vonda leaves,he even tried to find her only to learn a hare maid with that description went south of Mossflower.
"Who needs her, if she cared she would not have left me"
The hare went along the north side of the River Moss and decided he needed to seek revenge on the ones who just watched, stood and watched as he was banished by Blisa and By Benar, whatever he thought, they would pay one day. Then there was the champion Matilda,oh she never really liked him he decided and then....
Lt. Elbio, oh yeah, what happened there...a fellow hare paid no attention to his trail,his banishment,to his pain...well the good Lt. would head home and then Zolomon would make him pay for turning his back on him.
It took a few days but, he saw Elbio and, oh was only Elbio he was after so he would just get him on the way back.
Zolomon was not sure why but he managed to get a cool looking hooded cloak, fingerless gloves, and some new boots from a small little abandoned settlement....hey the few who lived there did help him when the Painted ones attacked and Zolomon took  ALL the pained ones out, ever last one of them dead, yeah he was a hero he decided, the small settlement maybe trying to get back to running with it's less than a dozen beast...could live. Zolomon decided to go to Halyard, his ID hidden much better with his new look, a lot better than his old uniform ever did.
Then the 4 rats...they quickly died and Private Slaw....oh good grief did that hare ever breath when he spoke.....and then
Slaw was quiet, quiet forever with a cross bolt in his throat, Zolomon dropped the crossbolt and left quickly.
Zolomon killed...Private Slaw.....
"I must have had..cold ice in my veins for wot I did, It should have melted and my anger should have lessened but...
It only got colder
The anger only got  worse
And I welcomed it
I embraced it!"
It would be a meer week later, when     Zolomon killed Corporal Teddy and left Lt. Elbio near death, ha....not a best for miles, or so he thought.....he missed the two otters fishing out at sea, course the otters missed him also and came upon  Teddy and Elbio after Zolomon limped away...their focus to much on keeping the Lt. alive to look and find one.....lone...attacker.
Zolomon somehow walked a couple of days, a large gash he only tightly tied a bit of robe too, blood soaked and infection setting in. His leg was in bad shape so running was out of the question. He ate some stolen food from Teddy's bag and found a bandage for the leg, but no herbs and the bandage stuck to his wound, the robe piece stuck to his chest wound. He had a fever from an infection in his swollen leg and that chest wound. He even had a small infected cut on his paw....he knew better than to let a wound get infected, but he seemed to care less as he drank water from a canteen and snorted, sleep...he needed sleep and a small cave he found would work.
Sleep would help, a small bit anyways and the stolen food and water helped too, just a little bit. He would live...
For now....

I play:
Oz-  Badger-young adult-Wanderer


#2 2021-11-22 08:51:30 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,659

Re: A Zolomon Story


This is the quote I believe seriously fits zolomon
It's from the warrior cat book series

I play:
Oz-  Badger-young adult-Wanderer


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