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SCENE: Redthorn Tavern, Ferravale
August 25th, 2021
Patch is where he is usually, behind the main bar area.He nods to a stoat "Yeah check de supplies Orag.."He serves an ale to a weasel and sits down in a chair.
Orel is sitting in a chair near the fire, shuffling a deck of cards and staring into the flames. The enigmatic brown rat arrived about a week ago and paid for a month in advance. His room is full of several trunks and chests of clothing and other items that he brought with him from the shore but so far he has mostly kept to himself
Patch looks over a Orel and grows curious , so he stands and walks over to study the other rat and hmmms softly before speaking " around here, who are ya?"
Orel looks up from the fire and stares at patch for a moment, he then speaks in a quiet voice, "I am Orel, formerly of Halyard, formerly of the seas.." he tilts his head, "It was time for me to move away from the seas, one of my old captains had worked out I was in Halyard and so I came here."
Patch nods, " Been thar..once, less...lot less crazy here. " He nods." I am Patch, own de tavern here."
Orel says, "It is a nice tavern," he looks around, "It will do as a temporary home until I can speak to your chieftan and obtain permission to stay her permanently"
Patch says, "Yeah..Blisa, she likely busy but I can give her a message. Long as ya not here fer trouble, we should get along."
Orel says, "I am here to build a home for myself," he tilts his head, "Also next time you are in the wine cellar don't stand under the barrel on the high barrel on the far end of the left rack."
Patch arches an eyebrow. " ummm...sure alright will keep that in mind."
Orel nods his head and smiled, "It is a nice tavern though, I've not stayed in nicer since last time I was in the very far north."
Patch chuckles a little. " Sounds like you been a lot of places Orel.I have maniny been in Mossflower."
Orel says, "I am a sailor," he says softly, "Or I was... I was a sea-rat for seasons ... then I decided enough was enough and I made a home in Halyard, but that is over now. Too many beasts know I was there after the recent invasion""
Patch frowns, " invasion? what sort, I not been updated."
September 4th, 2021
Orel is sat by the fire reading a small book, the brown rat curled up on a large comfortable chair and just enjoying himself, it is quiet here, peaceful and calm for now and so he is enjoying it.
Elbio walks in and on over to orel when he sees him" Hallo Orel how have ya liked Ferravale so far?"
Orel looks up from his book and smiles, closing it, "Elbio, hello there, don't often see woodlanders here so how are you hare boy?"
Elbio shrugs. " I am just checking up on couple things, all seems well so came to check on you. I do know the recorder of the village is a rabbit, forgot the name though. "
Orel says, "Well it is nice to see you," he tilts his head, "I've not met any rabbits yet, but then I guess maybe they do not get out often or I have just missed them. Still sit down, have a drink, the wine here isn't too bad.""
Elbio smiles and soon sits town to get a drink. " Maybe just busy if they are the recorder. This seems to be the less busy time of the day to be at the tavern."
Orel says, "I like it here, but I don't want to live in the tavern for the rest of my life, I had enough of serving tavern in Halyard, that and fishing... I do hope to buy a little someplace for me to live here.""
Elbio says, "Well they do have a residence area you could get a home in.""
Orel says, "I saw, but I should talk to the Chief before I start buying property in her town""
Elbio nods." True, she is one in charge of the town after all, new beasts usually do talk to her. "
Orel says, "Aye and that is my plan once she has some time for me, but I am in no rush""
Elbio nods in understanding. " She likely busy, harvest season most likely my guess, abbey usually has it too."
Orel says, "Aye and I am in no rush for this, it is comfortable here and Patch is a nice rat""
Elbio shrugs at this." I suppose, I know some dislike him, I only spoke to him once, then again I am not in the village alot, once in a while only."
Orel says, "He's a rat, we are complicated," he grinned softly showing off his buck teeth, "We are not simple creatures to understand.""
Elbio says, "suppose so, I just know he isnt a threat and thats good for me.""
Orel says, "Well that is nice, I don't think most of us here are a threat, the lady Chief it sounds take her peace with the abbey seriously""
Elbio says, "yes thar is a peace treaty between here and the abbey and they do help one another, when needed of course.""
Orel says, "I have heard," Orel looks up and grins, "It sounds crazy to me, but if it works then it works so who are we to argue""
Elbio says, "I am glad for peace between the two places"
Orel says, "Aye me too, I dislike war and fighting, I had enough of that when Iw as young and stupid.""
Elbio nods." Fighting isn't some great feat, I try not to fight unless I have to."
Orel says, "Well for now sit, have a drink with me," the rat smiles, "We may as well enjoy ourselves.""
Elbio yawns as he stands." I may get some rest .I will find de chieftain ans let her know ua like to speak to her."
Orel says, "Ok Elbio," the rat waves farewell to the hare then turns back to his book, curling his tail around his legs as he starts to read through a book"
Blisa has been busy. It's harvest season, after all, and she's been working with those in charge of the various harvests, taking inventory, seeing what the village has excess of, seeing what they need more of. The cat has only just now gotten away for a little bit, and she enters the tavern to get a meal. Flanked by Ferdinand and Clarissa, the Chieftain crosses over to the bar and orders some soup, tea, rolls, and salad for her and her bodyguards.
Orel looks up from his book, the brown rat considering the cat for a moment, he does however remain seated, Patch knows who he is and hopefully has let the Chieftain know he'd like to talk to them so for now he will wait. He's not about to go bother her whilst flanked by guards and clearly busy, she'll approach him when she is ready.
Blisa noticed the newcomer when she came in, but she is very hungry and figures he can wait a few moments. Clarissa leans her back against the bar, gaze roving the tavern, on the alert, but not looking threatening. Ferdinand also looks casual, but the Head Bodyguard is as alert as he ever is, ready for trouble. When their food comes, the Chieftain glances around the room, then nods towards the rat. The 3 of them grab their trays, thank their server, and head towards Orel.
Orel the rat reaches out with one paw and picks up his mug, sipping from it as he reads his book. When the trio approach the rat looks up and then sets his book and mug down and bows toward the Chief, the tails of his long bandana falling over one shoulder, "Chief Blisa I assume?"
Blisa nods as she and her bodyguards sit opposite the newcomer. "You presume correctly. Patch and Ann told me we had a newcomer, and from their descriptions I figured it was you. Welcome to Ferravale. What brings you here?" Ferdinand smiles and nods politely as he digs into his meal. Clarissa gives a cheerful wave between bites.
Orel sets his mug back down, "Well Chief, I decided it was time to leave Halyard, I've lived there for seasons, but after the latest burhaha and occupation too many sea-rats know I am there. I didn't want to cause the town trouble or myself when those captains come to try and claim me as theirs so I wanted to move in-land and Ferravale here was well recommended."
Blisa had begun eating, but she pauses when he's done talking. "Claim you as theirs? What makes you so special that you'd have pirate captains fighting over you?" Clarissa, too, has stopped eating and is giving the other rat a strange look. Ferdinand continues chowing down, although he's secretly ready for action should it be necessary. Don't ever let a bodyguard fool you.
Orel says, "I am the Sea-Rat Seer, they will all fight over who gets to drag me onto their ship and make me be part of their crew and use what I see for them," The rat takes a sip of his drink, "So i have given up on the sea and would like to settle here.""
Rupert walks into the tavern and orders a tea and sits down at a table nearby.
Blisa's eyebrows raise. "A Seer? Are you offering your services, or would you rather try to leave that part of your life behind you?" The Chieftain keeps her voice low so nobeast hears them. Clarissa looks distinctly uncomfortable, and she continues eating, scanning the room. Ferdinand waves to the rabbit as he enters. The ferret seems distinctly unperturbed by the news of another Seer in Ferravale.
Orel tilts his head, "If you want my services they are yours if you let me stay Chief," he shrugs, "I cannot leave that part of my life behind me. It is part of who and what I am, i will see what I see regardless," he tilts his head, "If you have no need I will buy myself a house and stay out from underfoot."
Rupert looks over, hmmmm new beast in town. He studys orel seeming to debate if he is someone to worry on or just ignore.
Blisa shrugs. "Our old Seer has been off on an extended journey for many seasons. I don't even know if he's alive or dead. Having a Seer in town would be very helpful." Clarissa has finished her food and now just sits there looking uncomfortable. The Chieftain continues. "However, with your concern about pirates and other scoundrels trying to kidnap you, I think perhaps 'twould be wise for you to have another job, as well. What else can you do? As for staying....we are much rougher than Redwall, to be sure. However, we have similar rules: if a beast is an ally and is willing to abide by our laws and our peace treaty with the Abbey, then they are welcome to stay. I just tend to encourage woodlanders to live in Redwall since I can't guarantee their safety." Ferdinand has finished his food, too, and now just sits there sipping his tea.
Orel smiles "Woodlanders are interesting beasts, I have lived in Halyard for seasons now mostly with otters and hares, I can get along with the Abbey... I just won't visit it unless my visions tell me to do so," he tilts his head, "I am a rat, I am quite good at fishing, weaving ropes I can always set myself up as a fisher beast and offer you my services as Seer whern you need me."
Rupert decides to wander over and nods a hello." Greetings good sir . I am Rupert, village recorder. "
Blisa smiles. "We could use a few more fisherbeasts, Orel. Especially right now as we begin to prepare for Winter. I can have the Master Fisher teach you which water plants we harvest, as well -- the fishers are in charge of collecting those." When Rupert approaches, the cat smiles up at him. "Yes, and he does a fine job of it. Rupert is one of our very few woodlanders here in the village. Rupert, this is Orel. He's joined the village as a fisherbeast." Clarissa smiles slightly and lifts her tea to the other rat, trying to overcome her discomfort for the sake of being kind. "Welcome aboard, matey. 'Tis the finest cove y'could ever land in. Y'won't regret comin' here." Ferdinand nods. "Aye, tho long ath we don't get betheiged again, everything will be fine."
Orel nods in greeting to the other rat and raises his mug, "Thanks," he turns to look at the rabbit and smiles at them, "Hello there, thanks for the greeting, Names Orel and as your chief says I fish," he glances back at the cat, "I will have a speak to your Master Fisher then, see how I can be useful, I'll also see about buying myself someplace nice to live."
Rupert points to Blisa " you can aquire home information from the chieftain. WE have some nice homes in the Residental section of the village." A nearby weasel groans as the rabbit speaks,." Your fancy words hurt me head." The rabbit rolls his eyes.
Blisa side eyes the complaining weasel and sighs. Turning back to Orel, she shakes her head. "As Rupert mentioned, we do have some lovely homes. However, as long as you work for the good of the village, your house is provided for free. You have to buy everything else, but I follow the ways of Redwall in that regard. If a beast works an honest living for the village, they don't have to pay for their home."
Orel tilts his head, "Interesting, I will have to have a look at what houses you have and see about furniture, I only brought clothes and a few nicknacks with me. So thank you Lady Blisa but I will do my part, I can fish and I can do the other thing whenever you need it."
Rupert says, "fishing is a good skill"
Blisa nods. "Excellent. Oh, you will have to learn other skills at times -- sometimes storms or marauding maniacs destroy or damage structures, and at those times all the citizens pitch in to help. I will tell the Master Fisher about you once I rejoin the harvesters and gatherers. You should be able to speak with him tomorrow."
Orel smiles and nods to the Chief, "I will do my best, I am quite good at carpentry too, had to be when at sea, it was required to know how to fix the woodwork so Ic an be useful there too"
Blisa smiles. "Ah, excellent. There always seems to be woodworking and carpentry needs around. Perhaps we could also get you together with the Master Carpenter, as well -- give you a job you can do over the winter when there's not much else going on."
Orel says, "Sounds good," Orel smiles, "I can do carpentry at home after all which is easy enough to do and down at your carpentry shop. Happy to help out where needed."
Blisa nods and stands, having finished her meal. "Wonderful. I must return to aiding in the harvest inventory. Care to come along? The Master Carpenter should be there and free to speak with you."
Orel stands up, "Sure thing Chief, lets go meet your Master Carpenter and I can get to work."
Thanks for reading!