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Many spoofed Dibbuns of various species. Sister Anna was there, too.
Gracie the female gosling.
Zolomon the male hare.
Kelp the male sea otter kit.
Ciana the female leveret.
Benar the male squirrel.
Angela the female mouse.
It all started in the Dibbun's playroom...
It is raining. There is no thunder or heavy winds, but the rain is constant, pitter-pattering upon the windows and shingle roof, the drumming drowning out some of the quietest sounds. And Dochas is bored. She just wants to go outside, but the adults say it's 'too wet.' The squirrel stares out the window, scowling darkly, resting her chin in her paws as she leans her elbows on the sill. Behind her, the rest of the Dibbuns are restless, from the most disobedient down to Grace the gentle gosling.
Zolomon helps get a couple dibbuns back into the room, he seems glad they are quiet as he is on dibbun duty this day."Right, ya all stay being good."
Kelp sighs,"Tis boring inside and nothing ta do. And otters like anything ta do with water."
Dochas's fluffy ears prick at the otter kit's complaint (and the adult's return). She leaves the window and absently rescues a book from the sole leveret in here (who happens to enjoy eating books). "Yeah, we jus' wanna go outside and play in th' mud, Zolomon! We'd take a bath afterwards--" when a couple of other DABers start to argue, the Ringleader glares at them. "We don't want our room all mucky and muddy! An' this way th' grown ups might say yes!" she hisses at them, then continues talking to Zolomon. "We'd be good! We jus' wanna have some fun in th' rain. What's so bad about that?"
Zolomon says, "well I was told ya little ones stay inside. Too wet and why play in yucky old mud, and wot if ya got ill from being wet too long."
Kelp roles his eyes."Your mean...why do my sister like you anyways?" He pouts now and looks around the room.
Ciana giggles"Mud is squishie....and fun sometimes."She smiles"Rain ok..." as long asits not a thunderstorm that is.
Dochas saw that they were getting nowhere. Time to change tactics. She scowls darkly and helps the kitten untangle herself from a blanket (again). "Oh, yeah? Who said we can't go out? Th' Abbot?" The other DABers join in a chorus of "yeahs" as they start to look belligerent. Even some of the other Dibbuns look ticked. Grace hugs her blanket close, a confused look on her face. "But I'm a goose....I'm supposed t'get wet..."
Zolomon watches them "Ummm...welll...look maybe a story?A story is always good and you can be out all ya want another day"
Kelp hmmms"Ok when is another days huh? huh? I want to know" He stands as he was sitting and still is pouting at the hare.
Ciana blinks, and just frowns and looks at the rain "Gonna rain all fair"
Dochas stamps her foot. "No! We're gonna go play in the rain!" The other DABers go to grab Zolomon and drag him towards a closet, which the trio of mousemaids have managed to open. Grace cringes. "We're gonna get in trouble...." "No, we won't!" Dochas declares, then turns to Kelp and Ciana. "Today's the day! We're gonna have fun! It'll be fine."
Zolomon manage to make acouple of the dibbuns let go of him,he speaks to Dochas "Now ya best be good or....ummm..."Well he isn't sure what.."No..sweets or..sumthing...hey let go of me leg."
Kelp grins and goes to try and grab the other leg.."Can we grab this leg instead?"
Ciana frowns as the hare is ambushed by a couple more dibbuns, her ears flatten a little as she looks worried.
The Dibbuns go to bodily drag and push Zolomon into the closet, almost all of them attacking him now. Grace stands to one side, hugging her blanket. "I think /that's/ the reason we'll get in trouble..." The kitten watches wide-eyed from her position on the floor. Dochas waves a paw. "We can make it all work out fine. Don't worry too much." She heads over to the closet, growling at Zolomon. "Take us outside or we'll lock you in here!"
Zolomon stands his ground, a deep breath, then another as he is a little grumpy now, calmer he speaks "No....ya being brats."He frowns as its too late, he didn't mean for the word to slip out.."I...look no, ok?"
Kelp gasps and backs up a little, then hmmps "You called us deserve to be locked in a closet!"
Ciana looks around the room and finds some string and yarn "Maybe we..use this?"
The Dibbuns gasp, and the leveret-who-eats-books starts to cry VERY LOUDLY. Dochas hugs him close and glares at Zolomon. "Kelp's right, you /deserve/ to be locked in the closet! Tie 'im up!!" She nods to Ciana (the only other leveret in here). "I like the way you think." The other Dibbuns start grabbing string and the ropes from the curtains and go to pounce on Zolomon and tie him up! Gracie sighs and backs into a corner, covering her head with her blanket. "Here we go again..."
Zolomon goes to move away and is triped,its also a small space and...well they may be smaller than him but there is...a good number and he is overtaken as string,rope,yarn go around him,he speaks as he tries to break some of the string, he does but yarn can get thick "Your be in trouble, ya will and I am sooooooo gonna tell Abbot B and who..who ever else,ya releses me..."He mutters a couple words.
Kelp glares and looks around the room and grins as he finds an old, dirty, sort of stinks , sock..he grins and walks back over to the hare going to put it in his mouth to make him be quiet.
Ciana helps to finish some yarn and steps,red,yellow and white yawn and some string and those curent ropes, she makes a face at the sock though.
Dochas recoils from the sock, but nods. "Tha's whatchoo /git/ for saying bad words 'round Dibbuns. Stuff him in the closet!" The Dibbuns go to shove him in the closet and slam the door shut. Gracie peeks out and sighs again. "I'm really sure that this is a /really/ bad idea..."
Zolomon gets out some muttering and then it's muffled by the sock, his one ear droops as he looks a little...yeah the sock is more than annoying.
Kelp chuckles "He will be fine, he has a nose ta breath with"
Ciana frowns "Did he...really need the yuckie sock? And how we gonna get pass all the growups?"
After stuffing Zolomon in the closet and waving bye-bye to him (in a very snarky manner), the Dibbuns shut the door with a slam! Then there is a *click*, and a few Dibbuns gasp. "I fink da doo' wockeded!" Dochas waves a paw. "Oh, it'll be fine. I can unlock it later." "But you don't gotsa key!" The Ringleader waves her paws mysteriously. "I have my ways. Now, for leaving." She fixes the non-DAB Dibbuns, especially the newbies like Kelp, with her fiercest, most intimidating glare. "I'm about to show you a secret, but if you don't swear the oath to not tell a single grown up, I'll leave you behind in the closet with Zolomon. Got it??"
Zolomon makes some sort of muttered grumble when the door is shut and locked,he coughs and tries to figure out how to get that sock out of his mouth.
Kelp blinks"Secret...wot sorts? I can keep secrets."
Ciana knows of the tunnel, a couple don't know of this....secret and look curious about it.
Dochas points at each and every one. "Put yer paw on your heart, like this." She puts her paw on her heart, and all of the Dibbuns follow suit, even the ones who've been here forever, even Gracie. "Now repeat after me: I swear an' promise to keep th' DAB HQ a secret forever an' ever. I swear to keep th' DAB secret tunnel a secret forever an' ever. I promise to never, ever, /ever/ tell /any/ grown up about them /ever/. If I tell, no Dibbun will ever talk to me again an' I'll die 'till I'm /dead/. I promise an' swear an' make an oath!" She pauses after every few words to give the Dibbuns a chance to repeat them, and every single time, every single Dibbun in the room repeats them. She glances at Ciana, Kelp, Gracie, all of them, actually, to make sure they repeat it. When they're done, she nods and places her paws on her hips. "You lot understand how important this promise is?"
The dibbuns nod, a couple decide to just..stay behind as a tunnel sounds a little scary. Zolomon meanwhile listens but of course he can't see what is going on from where he is locked in the closet.
Kelp says the words and smiles wide. He looks excited for a secret place, an adventure and excitement, also he is not telling his older sister Vonda about this at all.
Ciana smiles, she nods as she promises this as well, tell no one or grown up and smiles again."This gonnabe neat"
Dochas notices the Dibbuns who want to stay behind. "You can guard Zolomon an' make sure he doesn't escape. But you still have to keep your promise!" She leads them to the HQ, through the tunnel, and outside into the rain. She hops into a mud puddle and spreads her paws wide. "See? This is gonna be fuuuuuuunn!!" The Dibbuns start splashing in the mud. Even Gracie smiles as she waddles through the mud and water puddles.
A couple moles and a vole smile and quickly go to spash in a muddy puddle and giggle at the fun of it
Kelp falls backwards in the mud and chuckles as he just roles around in the mud as it still rains slightly.
Ciana is carefull of the wet puddles, but does spin around a little in the rain"Thisisfun"
Dochas smiles and ignores the whisper in the back of her mind that says this is probably a very bad idea. Most of the Dibbuns get very muddy very quickly. Gracie has broken away from the group and is swimming around on the surface of the pond, her blanket trailing behind her in the water. A couple of Dibbuns, though, have gotten into an argument. One picks up a pawful of mud and throws it, hitting the other square in the face! After a few moments, the now-muddied Dibbun gives a tiny roar and chucks a pawful of mud...but misses and throws it towards Ciana, instead! Within minutes, the air is filled with mud as the Dibbuns start a very messy battle.
Kelp is very muddy and joins in on this mud fight as he laughs and slips once, but it's fun and luckily he isn't hurt.
Ciana eeks as mud hits her and she cries a little as she rubs it out of her eyes and sniffs.
Dochas spots Ciana crying and hurries over to her, trying to guide her to hide behind a tree. "Hey, are you okay? Do we need to rinse your eyes?" Gracie looks over, then paddles to the far side of the pond. No way is she going to get smacked by mud! The mud fight has turned from a fight to just having fun, much like snowball fights do. A mouse tries to pounce on Kelp and tackle him to the ground!
Meanwhile back in the dibbun's room the 3 dibbuns guarding Zolomon...fell asleep on the job.Sister anna gasps and checks around the room,a whimper is heard and the other beast with the dibbunm caretaker opens the door to find.."Zolomon?" Thehare coughs as the sock is removed "Hey(coughs...Abbot..B..."Thehare ends up barfing , luckly the squirrel backs up."I am not even gonna ask..." Anna gets a healer as the hare is left in the room, least till what ever healer is on duty shows up.
Kelp is tackled ashe chuckles and wresles in the mud.It then starts to rain harder
Ciana sniffs and gets the muf away from her eyes,just then it thunders and she screams loudly
All the Dibbuns freeze and scream as thunder booms. Gracie swiftly paddles her was across the pond, honking in alarm. "Everybeastie get inside, quick! Lightning is dangerous!" The Dibbuns hasten back to their tunnel, the rain getting heavier and heavier as the wind suddenly picks up. Dochas stands at the entrance, shepherding the Dibbuns into the tunnel, waiting until the last one (the goose) enters. "C'mon, Gracie, hurry!!" "I'm comin' as fast as I can!"
A few dibbuns are a little faster, some slow. Meanwhile a surprise is waiting on the dibbuns when they will exit the tunnel back inside....none other than Benar waits for them.
Kelp shakes his fur some when he gets inside and frowns "Ok thatwas fun, till it wasn't." He decides he just wants back inside, find a towel and maybe warm tea. He pops his head out and looks around, he blinks and frowns suddenly.
Ciana cries still, her eyes hurt and the thunder was scary and how the lightning went across the sky, louder thunder and a couple, including her, scream and sped ahead.The young hare bumps into the abbot and then clingsonto him as she shivers.She doesnt care at the morment they are likely in a lot of trouble.
Gracie follows the last of the Dibbuns in, then Dochas rushes in behind her. The reach the other end of the tunnel and leave the DAB HQ...only to be faced with the Abbot. "Uh-oh..." Gracie whispers, clinging to her sopping blanket as the soaked and muddy Dibbuns huddle together in the one corner of the room. Meanwhile, Angela has come to check on Zolomon. She is obviously displeased with him. "A big 'are like you, with all your Long Patrol trainin', got overpowered by a bunch of babies and got a dirty sock stuffed in your mouth. You oughta be ashamed o' yerself..."
Benar folds his arms over his chest."All of you need to explain yourselfs. Also baths are in order,this will be reported to Mother Krisha."
Zolomon looksup at Angela and just sighs, he is too tired, feels ill to arugue with the old mouse.He throws up again and frowns.A couple novice slowly untangle the poor hare but will leave him to what ever fate Angela has for him.
Kelp frowns, "Ummm...hi..ummmswe..wanted to" He gulps and tries to back up only to slip and fall onto his back.
Angela sticks a cup of weird (but not yucky) smelling tea in Zolomon's face. "Drink this." Dochas goes to quickly help Kelp back up. She stands in the front of the group, defiantly looking up at the Abbot, although her tone is respectful. "We wanted to go out and play. We even promised to take baths afterwards! But Zolomon wouldn't even ask if we could with supervision, an' then he called us all brats! So we stuck him in there and went out to play. We came back in when the lightning started 'cause we know that's dangerous." Gracie pipes up. "I don't see why we can't play in the rain if we agree to baths' I'm a goose, I c'n get wet an' be okay, right?" A murmur of agreement ripples through the Dibbuns.
Benar sighs,"I will have a chat with zolomon, but if your told to stay so,there is a bad storm now and you could of been hurt....baths now."He looks at Zolomon and shakes his head as he makes sure the dibbuns get those baths and get to bed.
Kelp frowns, "I am sorry.."He just frowns, great he is in trouble and its hisown fault
Dochas hides her scowl until the Abbot has left. But the Dibbuns all head off to their baths, eat a plain supper, and go to bed early without complaint or argument. But Dochas isn't ready to just let this go, and her mind is working on what to do next...
~*END...or is it?*~
Thanks for reading!