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#1 2021-05-28 05:07:54 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

The Gulls Agree On One Thing.,Zoltar TP

Shadowlight was placed in charge of making sure the captive  met his fate.

The couple vermin tightly tied the other's paws to the spears they placed in the ground and then backed off.

Errapel frowned, pain in his wrists from rope burns, also cuts and bruises on his body,he was weak and the hot sun was not helping him at all.

Rufus landed on a bit of drift wood and watched the vermin closely.

Other seagulls circled overhead. A flock of likely 50 or more, led by a rough looking seagull with the tip of his beak gone and jagged scars on his chest and head.

Shadowlight smirked as she looked at the old otter." Seems your death is coming soon. "

Errapel took a shaky breath." Perhaps,  perhaps not….but so is your Master's death."

Rufus puffed up, fixed a messed up feather " Why Rufus do this….less  bad idea,very bad...but Rufus do." He took flight and soon got near the other gulls bowing his head." Rufus..ask favor.."

The gulls start  circling,  one dives close and then back up to the sky. The leader looks at Rufus  " No fave...we hate you go way yark!"

Shadowlight chuckles as she backs off to watch from a distance.

A couple hares on sentry duty have now noticed what is going on.

Errapel is barely conscious as the sea gulls seem to get excited. A frown as he is dizzy and looks ready to pass out.

Rufus speaks to the gulls. " No kill old him...we both hateum  badfurs ya ya, you could help bunnies badfurs die instead ..badfurs eat eggs, eat..gulls...only gets worse if badfurs win."

The large sea gull thinks on this, signals for the gulls to follow him as he gives a couple orders. Then the gulls land by the otter and look ro peck at him,they peck at the ropes...others flap around and make loud barking noises. When the otter ropes are cut loose,the gulls go to lift him,without trying to hurt him further and fly off, they circle towards the mountain and lower him to the crater before all, but the leader, stay.

Rufus lands by the lager gull, he is not even sure how he managed this, but it worked.

Qinten comes walking up the stairs a few minutes after the gulls drop the otter off on the top of the mountain. An excitable   Corporal has summoned the General and Quinten has brought several healers with him. Moving over toward Errapel he kneels down and lets the healer move in as well. "Can you hear me? Are you ok?"

Rufus watches the larger gull and backs off." Rufus only bunnies fight badfurs...badfurs if stay willa kill all gulls, take eggchicks."

The rough gull seems to think on this and glances at the hares.

Errapel is not fully conscious but can make out the voices .His eyes blink a few times as he focuses on the General.."Where is..this?" He sounds weak, he was a captive for the past several hours of the horde.

Quinten says, "You are in Salamandastron, the Mountain of the Badger Lord, I am Quinten and this is Marabel, one of our healers," The healer hare smiles and offers Errapel some water.

Quinten nods to Rufus, "I am glad to see you Rufus and your fellow friends, thank you for coming to our aid."

The large rough gull speaks." I am Swift...notta friend of Rufus...but will help agaist badfurs and cat.Badfurs needa stopped."

Errapel sits up some and coughs as he drinks the water. He nods his thanks as he clears his throat, still weak.."Errapel"

"Welcome to the mountain Errapel, you are safe here," Marrabel says as she makes him take slow sips and then pours a tonic out of a clay bottle, "Drink this too, it will help with the dehydration."

Quinten meanwhile walks over and bows to Swift, "Thank you Swift, the long-ears and the Stripedlord thank you for your help against the badfurs and cat."

Rufus keeps an eye on Swift as the gull nods and flies back to the flock.Rufus speaks." was hood show respect."

Errapel sips the liquid and coughs as he becomes a little more awake."The..horde caught I drew attention away from a friend.."

"Well you are safe now," Quinten says softly, "They won't breach the mountain any time soon, so you are safe with us here." The hare then bows to Swift as they depart and turns to Rufus, "I have met many birds in my time, offering them respect and politeness is always sensible"

Rufus nods. He replies." Rat maid have otter tied to post...trya make him lunch of sea gulls, Rufus talk the other gulls ouutta it, say to help good beasts instead."

Errapel nods as he seems to fucus on something and stays seated, he is still going to need to recover.``The wildcat's death...waits for him, in comes  from an unexpected source." He still sounds weak as he speaks.

Quinten pats Errapel on the shoulder, "You sound like Orel, the Seer of Halyard," He stands up, "He speaks like that.... but news places the people who escaped Halyard out to see on the fishing fleet. But for now you should head to the infirmary and rest." He glances at Rufus and nods, "Well I am glad the gulls and yourself rescued Errapel."

Rufus nods his head." Rufus try find news for Bunny Lord...and then come back Ya"

Errapel tilts his head"Orel...not ever meet. I.."A deep look of sadness comes now.``My holt is gone now, I was not there when the attack happen.I came across it after my travels"

Quinten helps Errapel up and starts down the steps with them, "I am sorry for your loss Errapel, when all of this is over maybe we can help you find someplace new to live after we remember those we have lost"

Errapel nods as he accepts the help up."I had another vision that...the outcome was hazy...."He leans against the hare as they walk."It involved your Badger seems a friend distracted the horde beasts....I later got their attention away from my friend."He has the same cloak..almost, but the otters sleeves are cut off and the cloak is lined with some odd symbols around the hood's lining.

Quinten inclines his head, "Well we are never ones to turn away the assistance of a seer, we known only two now including yourself and Orel has always been reluctant to help the Long Patrol, preferring to stay in the town and help the villagers."

Errapel listens as he is lead further inside,"Perhaps..I can help the patrol.I can speak to your Lord later maybe,but first...I need rest"When they get to where he can rest, he indeed does fall into a good sleep.He will eat and drink something when he wakes up.

A couple hares will bring the otter food and drink and recheck any wounds.


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