Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2017-09-23 08:58:37 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 208

A Healer,A warrior, And A Cook-Redwall Log

Log outside on dirt road and then in Cavern Hole

Leon-Master Healer of Redwall Abbey
Minsc-Warrior in Mossflower Defenders
Chestnut-Cook in Mossflower Defenders

Leon went to find a little Comfrey, Mint and Willowbark for the infirm and double checked the supply list, “Darn still need more Yarrow and Elderberries.”

Minsc walked up quietly “I can help find those, if you are needing help Brother Leon”

Leon stopped his walking and looked over “Oh…hey Minsc, how are you doing?”

Minsc shrugged, as he got closer it was noticed there was blood and dirt on his tunic. Walking beside him was a squirrel that waved slightly. Both wearing their Defender’s cloak and amulet.

Leon quickly was at the hamsters side “Blood…are you injured Minsc, what happen?”

Minsc  frowns “It’s not mine…well maybe a little on my shoulder but it’s only a small cut. Me, TJ and Milo here helped solve some robbery from a storage building. Turns out a couple vermin, both dead now.” The cut in question is small, its fine and just a mild cleaning is all that’s needed.

Leon nods, ok he mentioned 3..”So where is the other beast, Defender base?”

Minsc sighs…”No…TJ..he…” He looks away “Killed…one of the vermin sliced his throat. “ He looks defeated “I..failed my leader, I didn’t keep both beasts safe and…had to tell that otter’s family he died, not a fun thing to do”

Leon frowns”I..I know. I have had to  tell beasts a loved one is dead before. It’s not an easy task and it doesn’t mean you failed Minsc.”

Minsc shakes his head “I failed my whole Abbey before, so what is being new..was only a matter of time before I started failing someone else as well. The squirrel started to speak and just got waved off by Minsc who walked off. ”If anyone be needing me, I will be at Ferravale Tavern” The squirrel just frowns and looks at Leon.

Leon frowns and started to follow and then decided not to. Instead he went on inside the abbey. ”Come along Milo…you can get a bath, and a meal and I am sure Minsc will be Ok” Least he hopes so.

===Short time later==

Leon sat eating some soup, a roll and some cherry cordial as he looked over his lists to be turned into Abbot Benar for the Autumn and Fall storage supplies for the infirm.

Chestnut sat beside him “Hey!..oh sorry am I too loud chap.”

Leon shakes his head “No its fine I was just checking notes was all.”

Chestnut nods “You know some herbs are good for healing and cooking..Cayenne slows bleeding, Peppermint helps upset stomachs and can numb an area for sewing..cloves are blooming good for toothaches. Let’s see…wot else, oh yeah rosemary good for memory”

Leon smiles” I know, not many others do and it’s a good thing to know..Mint can also flavor mixtures if needed, though can’t always flavor it if in a hurry”

Chestnut nods, “Yes one must  sometimes  do wot one must.” He yawns as it is getting late. “I am Chestnut by the way, cook for the jolly Mossflower Defenders”

Leon stands “If your tried your welcome to stay overnight Chestnut”

Chestnut smiles “Thank you kind sir for I will surely take your offer.” He heads to the bunk room “Night”

Leon waves and heads to his own bed.

Last edited by Leon (2017-09-23 08:59:29 PM)

I play
Cota-grandson of Dorarose
Micco-Leader of the Gawtribe


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