Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2021-02-18 05:10:53 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

A guest at the abbey


Krisha- Badger Mother

Caleb-Mouse at abbey

Jamine- Mouse maid, guest of Abbey


Krisha is in her chair, right now asleep, for the moment anyways.
Caleb would be passing through, cleaning the hall a bit. He notices his mom and smiles as he heads over towards her, tugging a bit on her dress.
Krisha mutters something and yawns as she opens her eyes and offers a small smile" Hey."   

Caleb nods and writes a bit for his mom, setting his broom and such down as he hands it to her. "Hello mom. If you need to sleep I can leave you be."   

Krisha shakes her head, " I am fine just didn't sleep well last night and then the dibbuns had a snowball fight."
"Oh... I wish I could have joined in. But at least the feast and such went well." He climbs up a bit onto her lap and sits down, smiling up towards her.
Krisha nods, a small sigh. " I missed part of it. But...well its ok"   

Jasmine makes her way into the Great Hall, she looks around and finds a chair by the fireplace.She doesn't speak to anyone yet she just stays by the fireplace.
"It's okay. It was pretty boring anyways. And I'll make sure to learn all the good food so I can make it for you." He sets his notepad down and looks towards Jasmine, raising an eyebrow.   

Krisha smiles, she then glaces over at Jasmine and clears her voice" Hello there."   

Jasmine jumps slightly and glaces over "Oh..hi"Shesays in a quiet voice "I..didn't mean to, interrupt I was just getting warm, it's cold outside."She decides to sit near them to be polite.
Caleb would nod and write out some more, handing the note towards Jasmine. "It's alright, you're not interrupting anything. My name is Caleb... what's yours?"
Krisha leans back in her chair and smiles a little." You're new to the abbey aren't you?"   
Jasmine blinks and reads the note looking a little confused at the other mouse, she nods to Krisha "Yes..I am, been here a couple name is Jasmine"   

Caleb giggles somewhat and writes some more, handing her another note. "I can't speak. I was born mute. It's nice to meet you Jasmine."   

Krisha nods." Mother Krisha, I care for the dibbuns here and even some novices. " She smiles a little" Welcome to Redwall Jasmine, your welcome to stay a few days if needed."   

Jasmine smiles at Caleb, she then speaks "I..don't really have a place I stay, I use to be part of a travelling show but ..well I left"   
Caleb for now would snuggle against his mom, watching Jasmine with a smile himself.   

Krisha says, "hmmm a traveling show sounds interesting.Would've been nice for the feast, maybe for a future one." She hmms" You can live here at the abbey Jasmine. I will ask Abbot Benar about it""   
"I'm sure Abbot Benar would be more than welcoming for newcomers. He was very welcoming of me when I arrived." Caleb takes a moment to put his things away before looking towards his mom with a note. "I have to clean some more things. I'll be around, mother."
Jasmine nods "That would be nice, thank you. I do need a place to live, and friends would be nice too."She smiles "I can help around here if needed, I even know some healer skills, and how to use a staff."   

Krisha says, "healer skills are always useful, and a lot here can use a staff. The abbey is a peaceful place so not many warriors. There is the abbey champion and like a couple others know some fighting skills. self defense skills a good deal do know, just in case."
Jasmine smiles "My..."She frowns "My mother was a healer.She died during a bad snow storm not too long ago and I got separated from the others from the traveling group. My father is with the show, and a brother. I just wish I could..know everyone is ok"   

Krisha says, "Maybe..I could see if a friend can look,let them know your here and maybe they can even do a show. but why did you leave. you mentioned leaving. My guess before the storm or...after"
Jasmine frowns "It was..after.''She sighs "I started to run away lost, some shrews mentioned Redwall, so I came here but I was so tired I just went to sleep in a guest room. I know I missed a feast but, well everyone here is...strangers to me, and I was not invited so I was unsure of coming or staying long"
Krisha goes over to the mouse and ." Of course you could have come, all are welcome and friends at Redwall. I will see if Silverwing is still around and get a message to your family and friends. "   
Jasmine hugs the badger "Thank you, thank you very much" She sounds happy.   
Krisha smiles and returns the hug." Your welcome."

The Badger Mother even has a novice give the mouse maid a tour, while the mouse gets a tour  the badger gets back to the dibbuns.


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