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#1 2021-02-08 06:57:43 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

One Day At A Time- Redwall Log


Krisha- Badger Mother

Velm- LP Hare, Lt and Healer

Silverwing- Messenger  in Mossflower Defenders


Abbey Infirm:

Velm finally wakes up after a couple days of being in the infirm and looks around the room, he speaks softly." Ah good..I'm not dead...then pain tells me that."   

Krisha was in here just as a checkup and walked over slowly" Hello Velm, glad to see your awake."   

Velm frowns and glaces at the badger" Hallo lass, and yeah..I think de feline is dead. I sort of passed out but she was blooming hurt bad if not"   

Krisha sits in a chair, " Headless..Matilda found you beside her, also Dorarose is safe in case you're wondering."   

Velm listens as he moves slightly to get more comfortable. " I...didn't find out much on..well her friend, just he kicked her off his team could say. But Esmeray did confirm...Zoltar killed your husband and how Zoltar seemed to enjoy it. Also" He looks at her." Zoltar wanted you dead as well."   

Krisha nods as she listens, " Well, not that I plan on leaving the abbey, anything else. Like....about Oz?"   

Velm frown, " Not much lass, sorry but he is alive, that was confirmed just not where they were headed or why, supposed could of tried ta find out more but she seemed to want me dead rather than chat."   

Krisha smiles a little at a sign of hope." Oz is alive then, if Zoltar was going to slay him he would of already or would of in that clearing. "   

Velm sits up, " True lass and tis good to see a smile, never lose your smile"

Krisha smiles more now, " Also you shouldn't try and do too much yet Velm. Recover first. "   

Velm hmmphs" They starve a beast in this infirm most likely..." He can get to Cavern Hole, with help of course." I not ate in 2 days lass..need food and drink ya know"   
Krisha shakes her head but helps the hare. " Such a horrible thing. " She smirks and leads the way to cavern hole.   

Cavern Hole:

Krisha helps the hare sits and gets some lunch . Lunch is salad,a roll, some soup and pie. She also gets some drinks.   

Velm looks up and grins at the food, " A wounded beast needs proper meal"   

Krisha manages a chuckle, small but there, " You hares and food."   

Velm frowns " That hurt lass." He gets a couple helpings of food and enjoys a mug of October Ale and smiles, " Good food but on a more serious note, nothing truly new learned from Esmerey just a basic yeah we guessed right"   

Krisha sits to eat some food, she drinks tea and nods." Stil its something. I have decided to try and not stress over it."   

Later on the badger went over to the kitchen yard to work on the forge.  She was making a couple new garden tools for spring, and the work keep her mind off of things. She earlier had blew the whistle to call Silverwing and now she just waited.

Silverwing flew in and landed, looking at Krisha she speaks." Krisha friendbeast Silverwing is herenow wot need?"

Krisha turns after laying beside something she was working on, she offers a smile." Just to check on things, like the Mossflower son Caleb said he could lead now. The base is alright correct? Also how many members now?"

Silverwing nods, " Base stands tavern in Ferravale….members be...let Silverwing think….10...have Dorarose, have otter Lee, have couple otters Ping and Pong,have couple squirrels,  and 1 ferret, 2 voles and  hamster Minsc...also couple allys..yaya"

Krisha nods as she listens " Alright, thank you. Make sure they know the news. I am not gonna worry about a meeting, not with the weather but a favor." She has a copy of the drawing of Zoltar." Show this to any member, his name is Zoltar and he is the one that killed Xander. The cat Esmeray was slain . Zoltar has my son Oz."

Silverwing nods. " I also told news to mountain of the badgerlord they will look plenty good too."

Krisha nods, "That's good , as for me I just will keep my hope alive." She sighs and makes sure the forge is off before heading inside when the dinner bell rings. One day at a time,  she will take it one day at a time. There will be good and bad days she knows but she will handle it best she can, one day at a time.


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