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#1 2020-11-04 09:44:03 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 417

Updated LP Uniforms Suggestion/Discussion Thread

So I've been cooking this up for a while now and the main contents of this post are changes I'd like to make to this page on the wiki:
This isn't completely finished yet so take it as a WIP as well as an opportunity to give suggestions - I also am going to be adding images of the uniforms via editing at a later time.

Now, to explain some terms that I used a lot (and the definitions aren't easily found via web searches):
Regimental colours/colors refer to the special colours that each regiment in the Patrol has - that appear on the facings (the cuffs, collar and sometimes jacket hem). For example, I've asked Varus a few times about this and his suggestion for the main regiment (meaning the one that he and Terrence and Greg and Dom etc... are all IC'ly a part of) is a shade of blue, and honestly I've become fond of the idea.

Other regiments have other facing colours: for instance, the Homeguard that is vaguely controlled by Quinten (or at least mentioned by him the most) will have their own (which I think Quinten should pick), though I think that both the main regiment and homeguard should have the primary colour of a khaki/beige to better blend in with the beach around Salamandastron.
Another example of regiment colours is what I admittedly already have Lossow wearing in game: for the 68th Fur and Foot Fighting Patrol Regiment (which has been vaguely mentioned in RPs up to this point and I really really want them to be a thing), the primary uniform colour is a deep green for Mossflower Woods with Scarlet Facings for Redwall Abbey (this could also work really well as the Resident Redwall Hare's uniform colours too).


Anyway, here's what I suggest replaces the wiki uniform page:


All hares of the Long Patrol are issued at least two uniforms, save for recruits: one field uniform (for practical use in the day to day business) and one dress uniform (for ceremonial use for formal events). The only regulated difference between the two uniforms is that the dress uniform's primary and facing colours are inverted from the field uniform's (i.e; if the field uniform had the primarily beige with red facings, the dress uniform would be primarily red with beige facings) and knapsacks or any other sort of bags are prohibited for dress uniforms for NCOs and below.

Field Uniforms
Rank and File

The uniform is a fairly plain style tunic dyed solid beige with neatly folded back facings (cuffs and collar) undyed and devoid of any regimental colors. The shoulders are fairly flat with little cloth bars seated there to give it more of a formal look. A single line of five brass buttons run down the center, with a black leather belt with a brass buckle at the waist between the fourth and fifth button. Underneath the jacket is a loose white shirt with a pair of high waisted beige overalls that tuck neatly into a pair of black boots over which puttees are wrapped from ankle to below the knee.

Fighter- Private
The uniform is a fairly plain style tunic dyed solid beige with neatly folded back facings (cuffs and collar) dyed the regimental colors. The shoulders are fairly flat with little cloth bars seated there to give it more of a formal look. A single line of five brass buttons run down the center, with a black leather belt with a brass buckle at the waist between the fourth and fifth button. A simple canvas knapsack is slung on the back with black shoulder straps to carry the private's field kit. Underneath the jacket is a loose white shirt with a pair of high waisted beige overalls that tuck neatly into a pair of black boots over which puttees are wrapped from ankle to below the knee.

The uniform is a fairly plain style tunic dyed solid beige with neatly folded back facings (cuffs and collar) dyed the regimental colors. The shoulders are fairly flat with little cloth bars seated there to give it more of a formal look. A single line of five brass buttons run down the center, with a black leather belt with a brass buckle at the waist between the fourth and fifth button. A simple canvas knapsack is slung on the back with a single black strap from the right shoulder to the left side, just above the belt. Underneath the jacket is a loose white shirt with a pair of high waisted beige overalls. The lack of boots in warm weather allows for the runner to take advantage of the better grip of their hare feet on the ground. The overall legs are specially hemmed to be comfortably loose for running and are kept tight and out of the way with puttees wrapped tightly from ankle to below the knee.

The uniform is a fairly plain style tunic dyed solid beige with neatly folded back facings (cuffs and collar) dyed the regimental colors. The shoulders are fairly flat with little cloth bars seated there to give it more of a formal look. A single line of five brass buttons run down the center, with a black leather belt with a brass buckle at the waist between the fourth and fifth button. A simple canvas knapsack is slung on the back with a single black strap from the right shoulder to the left side, just above the belt. Sometimes seen on the belt, depending on the wearer's preference, are attached pouches and such to hold various herbs and bandages. Underneath the jacket is a loose white shirt with a pair of high waisted beige overalls that tuck neatly into a pair of black boots over which puttees are wrapped from ankle to below the knee. A band on the left arm in the color of the regiment with a red cross on it shows that this is the uniform of a healer.

Non-Commissioned Officer Uniforms
Corporal, Sergeant, Colour Sergeant, Master Sergeant
The uniform of NCOs is the nearly the exact same as their given specification with the addition of their rank on the left sleeve. 
Starting at the Sergeant rank, a scarlet sash wraps around the waist over the belt.

Commissioned Officer Uniforms
At this level hare officers are given specially tailored uniforms, forgoing the NCOs' and rank and file's more simple uniforms for something that better represents their rank and authority.

The uniform is a double-breasted military style jacket dyed solid beige with neatly folded back facings (cuffs and collar) dyed the regimental colors and highlighted in silver lace. A single Golden or Silver Epaulet on the left shoulder show junior officership. Two lines of ten brass buttons run down the center with a black leather belt and matching brass buckle at the waist covered by a scarlet sash. A brass gorget with the symbols of the regiment and battalion hangs from about the neck. A black cross belt from the right shoulder down to just above the sash holds a small black pouch to hold stones, spyglass, or papers. Underneath the jacket is a loose white shirt with a pair of high waisted beige overalls that tuck neatly into a pair of high black hessian styled boots. A lack of rank insignia and officer’s saber shows that this is an Ensign.

The uniform is a double-breasted military style jacket dyed solid beige with neatly folded back facings (cuffs and collar) dyed the regimental colors and highlighted in silver lace. A single Golden or Silver Epaulet on the right shoulder show junior officership. Two lines of ten brass buttons run down the center with a black leather belt and matching brass buckle at the waist covered by a scarlet sash. A brass gorget with the symbols of the regiment and battalion hangs from about the neck. A black cross belt from under the right shoulder Epaulet down to just above the sash on the left side holds a small black pouch to hold stones, spyglass, or papers. Pinned into the cross belt at the center is the company’s badge. Underneath the jacket is a loose white shirt with a pair of high waisted beige overalls that tuck neatly into a pair of high black hessian styled boots. Starting with the Sub-Lieutenant rank, an officer’s saber and scabbard hangs at their side.

The uniform is a double-breasted military style jacket dyed solid beige with neatly folded back facings (cuffs and collar) dyed the regimental colors and highlighted in silver lace. Golden or Gold Epaulets on both padded shoulders show officership.  Two lines of ten brass buttons run down the center with a black leather belt and matching brass buckle at the waist covered by a scarlet sash. A brass gorget with the symbols of the regiment and battalion hangs from about the neck. A black cross belt from under the right shoulder epaulet down to just underneath the sash on the left side holds a small black pouch on their back to carry stones, spyglass, or papers. Pinned into the cross belt at the center is the company’s badge. Underneath the jacket is a loose white shirt with a pair of high waisted beige overalls that tuck neatly into a pair of high black hessian styled boots. An officer’s saber and scabbard hangs at their side.

The uniform is a double-breasted military style jacket dyed solid beige with neatly folded back facings (cuffs and collar) dyed the regimental colors and highlighted in gold lace. Golden Epaulets on both padded shoulders show full officership.  Two lines of ten brass buttons run down the center with a black leather belt and matching brass buckle at the waist covered by a scarlet sash. A brass gorget with the symbols of the regiment and battalion hangs from about the neck. A black cross belt from under the right shoulder epaulet down to just underneath the sash on the left side holds a small black pouch on their back to carry stones, spyglass, or papers.  Pinned into the cross belt at the center is the company’s badge. Underneath the jacket is a loose white shirt with a pair of high waisted beige overalls that tuck neatly into a pair of high black hessian styled boots. An officer’s saber and scabbard hangs at their side.

The uniform is a single-breasted military style jacket dyed solid beige with neatly folded back facings (cuffs, hem, and collar) dyed the regimental colors and highlighted in gold lace. Golden Epaulets on both padded shoulders show full officership.  Three lines of ten brass buttons run down the center with a black leather belt and matching brass buckle at the waist covered by a scarlet sash. A golden gorget with the symbols of the regiment and battalion hangs from about the neck. A black cross belt from under the right shoulder epaulet down to just underneath the sash on the left side holds a small black pouch on their back to carry stones, spyglass, or papers. Pinned into the cross belt at the center is the battalion’s badge. Underneath the jacket is a loose white shirt with a pair of high waisted beige overalls that tuck neatly into a pair of high black hessian styled boots. An officer’s saber and scabbard hangs at their side.

The uniform is a single-breasted military style jacket dyed solid beige with neatly folded back facings (cuffs, hem, and collar) dyed the regimental colors and highlighted in gold lace. Golden Epaulets on both padded shoulders show full officership.  Three lines of ten brass buttons run down the center with a black leather belt and matching brass buckle at the waist covered by a scarlet sash. A golden gorget with the symbols of the regiment and battalion hangs from about the neck. A black cross belt from under the right shoulder epaulet down to just underneath the sash on the left side holds a small black pouch on their back to carry stones, spyglass, or papers.  Pinned into the cross belt at the center is the regiment’s badge. Underneath the jacket is a loose white shirt with a pair of high waisted beige overalls that tuck neatly into a pair of high black hessian styled boots. An officer’s saber and scabbard hangs at their side.

General Staff
At this level, while officers' uniforms are still issued (and made with the nicest fabric the Patrol can afford), the uniform becomes a guide rather than a strict rule.

The uniform is a single-breasted military style jacket dyed a colour of the brigadier’s choosing with neatly folded back facings (cuffs, hem, and collar) dyed yellow and highlighted in silver lace. Golden Epaulets on both padded shoulders show full officership. Three lines of ten silver buttons run down the center with a black leather belt and matching silver buckle and a shoulder sash the colour of the brigadier’s choosing which reaches from under the right shoulder epaulet down to the left hip are partially covered by a scarlet sash about the waist. A golden gorget with the symbols of the brigadier’s brigade hangs from about the neck. Two small, golden ropes tip down from the right shoulder into a little pocket on the chest, giving a small curve, and on the opposite side of the chest over the heart is a silver pin in the shape of a badger's head showing the rank of Brigadier. Underneath the jacket is a loose white shirt with a pair of high waisted beige overalls that tuck neatly into a pair of high black hessian styled boots. An officer’s saber and scabbard hangs at their side.

The uniform is a single-breasted military style jacket dyed a colour of the general’s choosing with neatly folded back facings (cuffs, hem, and collar) dyed a colour of the general’s choosing  and highlighted in gold lace. Golden Epaulets on both padded shoulders show full officership. Three lines of ten gold buttons run down the center with a black leather belt and matching gold buckle and a shoulder sash the colour of the brigadier’s choosing which reaches from under the right shoulder epaulet down to the left hip are partially covered by a scarlet sash about the waist. A golden gorget with the symbols of the army hangs from about the neck. Three small, golden ropes tip down from the right shoulder into a little pocket on the chest, giving a small curve, and on the opposite side of the chest over the heart is a golden pin in the shape of a badger's head showing the rank of General. Underneath the jacket is a loose white shirt with a pair of high waisted beige overalls that tuck neatly into a pair of high black hessian styled boots. An officer’s saber and scabbard hangs at their side.

Uniform Examples:
Basic Recruit Uniform

A sergeant of the main regiment's field uniform

An officer of the EDIT 67th 68th Fur and Foot Fighting Patrol's field uniform
forgive the lack of actual proper epaulets i'm not artistically talented enough yet to even try to draw them rip

An officer of the main regiment's dress uniform
also i'm aware there's only five buttons per line not ten - i'll fix it at some point, or leave it as is and edit the main post because tbh I kinda like the look

A private in the main regiment's uniform

Last edited by Ol'random (2020-11-17 11:16:35 PM)

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


#2 2020-11-04 09:53:17 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,659

Re: Updated LP Uniforms Suggestion/Discussion Thread

think ya mean Quinten tongue

I play:
Oz-  Badger-young adult-Wanderer


#3 2020-11-04 09:56:56 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 417

Re: Updated LP Uniforms Suggestion/Discussion Thread

Yeah, I did, whoops!
Fixed, plus I added some images to the end

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


#4 2020-11-05 07:30:34 AM

Registered: 2017-06-24
Posts: 256

Re: Updated LP Uniforms Suggestion/Discussion Thread

Nice images and nice uniform designs
You are going to have me re-writing Quinten's description.

As for the home guard
I'd say their primary colour would be red?
I went and dug out my copy of the Long Patrol and the cover art has hares in Blue and Red uniform jackets.

I updated Quinten's description based off your new ideas to see what it looks like:

Your normal run of the mill hare, tall, lanky, sandy coloured fur that is quite short, well groomed and tidy. His ears are tall straight and slanted forwards slightly. Eyes of a deep hazel colour and a small pink nose to top the equation screams of the southern blood.
Somewhere toward the end of his middle seasons he is lanky but keeps himself trim, he takes care of his body and maintains his exercise routine. His eyes have a dark, aged look to them. He watches the world through a gaze that has seen many things come and go.
He is currently dressed in the uniform of the Long Patrol, a waist length, double breasted red military jacket, with three lines of golden buttons running along its length. The shoulders feature golden epaulettes. A small, golden rope tips down from the right shoulder into a little pocket on the chest, giving a small curve. On the opposite side of the chest, is a silver pin, in the shape of a badger's head, showing the rank of General.
The cuffs of the sleeve are folded back neatly, clasped on with a golden button that hold them into place. Along the edges, the bottom, the collar, and where the jacket does up, are all lined with the same golden cloth. At the waist, is a black leather belt, with a brass buckle. Lower yet, is a pair of beige trousers that tuck neatly into a pair of black boots. Beneath the jacket Quinten is wearing a burgundy shirt. A velvet sash across his chest. Pinned to the sash is a simple silver emblem, the family crest of the Tof'marole De'lenae, It is embossed with a spreading oak tree crossed by a javelin.
Quinten currently holds the rank of General of the Long Patrol, the nominal head of the patrol under Lord Ciocan. Whilst his role is mostly to offer advice and help with planning and strategy he tries to always take the time to speak to every patrol before they leave the mountain. He is also in charge of the Home Guard Mountain Corp; which remain on duty in the mountain and if the Long Patrol takes to the field he tends remain at home leading the hares who remain behind so the patrol's home always has a light burning.


#5 2020-11-05 01:56:59 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 417

Re: Updated LP Uniforms Suggestion/Discussion Thread

Honestly I was hoping you'd pick red, so I may or may not have experimented with the colors already.

A Homeguard Private Uniform I made that's simply red/beige

A cleaned up updated Homguard Private's uniform I made today based off of the red/gold scheme you mentioned in Quinten's desc, Elmef


Here's a red/beige private uniform with gold outlines also based off of the desc

Last edited by Ol'random (2020-11-05 02:05:57 PM)

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


#6 2020-11-06 10:40:10 AM

Registered: 2017-06-24
Posts: 256

Re: Updated LP Uniforms Suggestion/Discussion Thread

Looking good to me!


#7 2020-11-06 06:10:14 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Updated LP Uniforms Suggestion/Discussion Thread

am i missing the description of the sergeant uniform, or do you not have it up yet, or is it in the wiki page, or....yeah, I'm confused.  I'll go look at the wiki page and return to this afterwards.


#8 2020-11-07 12:30:45 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 417

Re: Updated LP Uniforms Suggestion/Discussion Thread

Oh yeah! For the sergeant uniform, it is nearly the exact same as the private uniform of their specification with the addition of a a red sash around their waist and their rank on their left sleeve.
I'll add the rank names to the NCO section to clarify it better.

Last edited by Ol'random (2020-11-07 12:35:52 PM)

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


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