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Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#201 2020-06-29 06:11:37 PM

Registered: 2020-06-14
Posts: 53

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

I will have Keifer on then


#202 2020-06-30 01:48:49 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

I have my LP DAB character (Julia) on right now.  I shall also probably have another character on (Dochas, at least for now).  Page me when you log on, and I can get the DAB shenanigans started! big_smile


#203 2020-07-01 08:52:52 PM

Registered: 2020-06-14
Posts: 53

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

Yeah sorry wasn't on...I  will try and be on Saturday and should be...though only till like 7 est


#204 2020-07-02 10:21:17 AM

Registered: 2017-06-24
Posts: 256

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

I am thinking the next and final rat event will be on Tuesday 7th?
I can't get on until then as I am busy on Saturday and Sunday


#205 2020-07-02 12:14:53 PM

Registered: 2020-04-29
Posts: 621

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

Sounds good

I play:  Xavier ( Log-A-log of GUOSIM) Elbio (Lt.,Archer, and Fighter in Long Patrol and RW Residential Hare)


#206 2020-07-02 12:42:49 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

Okay!  I think that will work for me.  I will most likely arrive between 1:30 and 2 PM Central Time, and then I'll have to leave at about 5:50 or 5:45 (I really need to work harder at leaving at that time).  However, you guys can start without me, and I can join in when I arrive. 

And just so everyone knows, I may be here on Saturday.  I'm not 100% for sure, but I'm thinking I will be.  So we'll see.


#207 2020-07-02 08:11:28 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,659

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

Should be able to be on Tuesday

I play:
Oz-  Badger-young adult-Wanderer


#208 2020-07-04 03:29:51 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP


Okay, so, it turns out my finals week (July 19th-25th)will probably actually be pretty open, for the most part.  It's the week before (July 12th-18th) that will be crazy jam-packed and full and stupid and requiring me to write like 2 or 3 papers.  I feel really terrible because we rearranged the entire final fight around my schedule, and now I need to mess it up AGAIN.  I'm really sorry.  Oh, yes, and I won't be on on Tuesday the 21st because of a doctor's appointment.

I don't need to be on for them arriving at Terramort, but I would like to be on for the final fight.  I have no idea how to do this.  Maybe I can still make it on the 18th?  IDK.  I will try to figure it out.  But can we discuss how to arrange this if it doesn't work?

RL is so frustrating :'(


#209 2020-07-04 03:33:09 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,659

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

Let's hope 18th as I am spoofing the main baddy GORAX.....and only I spoof him.

I am away july 26th-august 1st so not back till august 2nd so lets hope we can do the final on 18th and I would be fine with being Matilda also on 18th if needed.

Last edited by oz (2020-07-04 03:33:35 PM)

I play:
Oz-  Badger-young adult-Wanderer


#210 2020-07-04 04:05:24 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

Yeah Oz could be Gorax and Matilda in final on 18th.....and it can be assumed that Felicity and Dorarose is fighting somewhere in background. I will help make sure no one spoof them

Also I will be busy from like 25th July-Auguest 3nd so yeah 18th is best for me too


#211 2020-07-04 05:44:24 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

I will update everyone when I am more sure.  Sorry; this is confusing for me, too ><


#212 2020-07-05 02:05:51 AM

Registered: 2020-04-29
Posts: 621

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

Yeah stick with 18th please

I play:  Xavier ( Log-A-log of GUOSIM) Elbio (Lt.,Archer, and Fighter in Long Patrol and RW Residential Hare)


#213 2020-07-05 10:08:29 AM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

Timeline as of now :

Heros and Crew arrive: July 14th-Tuesday
Final Fight at Island=July 18th-Saturday

Now there can be some small battle on 14th still...

And then they rest a week at the island, tend to whatever needed and head back to Western shores.

On the way back to Western Shores they will meet the dolphins again and be able to update them on the news.

So the Final battle is yes, the 18th as got a message that Oz can be both Matilda and still play his evil main baddy Gorax and of course, Gorax is for sure needed for the final.

I may or may not have Mistclaw at the battle, as there is a plan for her and Gorax to have a bit of a ...disagreement before that. I will have Donica my healer hare around of course to tend to injuries ect.

I will become very busy the last week of July and the first week of August, as are a couple of others I know, so the few days after the 18th they can use for resting, recovering ect...any repairs of the ship if needed and be ready to sail back towards home around August  25h or 28th.

Once we sail back towards western shores I can post a timeline saying when to be expected back on the western shore and then when to head back to abbey....when get to the abbey and once back at abbey we for sure need to plan a welcome home feast!!!!!


#214 2020-07-05 10:11:15 AM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

Elmef wrote:

I am thinking the next and final rat event will be on Tuesday 7th?
I can't get on until then as I am busy on Saturday and Sunday

Thought I bump this down so people can see when the event at the abbey is happening

The abbey can get back to getting ready for the dibbuns return home and some cleanup........also a small little role play I am  hoping to do involving Mother Krisha


#215 2020-07-05 10:55:19 AM

Registered: 2020-06-14
Posts: 53

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

All this sounds good to me smile. I shall have Keldorn on a good deal between 14th-18th in fact smile

Today hoping to have the boat the vermin stole show up again, the one they turned into a small slaver ship and left on the river moss? Yeah that one....if all goes well that ship will no longer be around after today as who would want to reuse it....not Keldorn, he in fact asked a couple of hares to burn it for him that it was tainted with evil now.


#216 2020-07-06 10:24:10 AM

Registered: 2020-06-14
Posts: 53

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

And....Keldorn's boat, the one the slavers used to get down gone now, its a mix of burnt bits of wood, bent and ash. The cuffs on the sides slavers used and what little bit of chains there was, was left behind. Some random beast cam along and took them to be melted down into whatever.....

So there ya go The boat the slavers used to get downriver is 100% gone, it's no more but a horrible memory and trust me Keldorn will NOT miss it.

Will Keldorn have something for water travel? Yes...he is in the GUOSIM..he has his own log boat,that he made himself! Of course that's likely at the GUOSIM camp.

Speaking of log boats what happen to the 2 log boats the heros used ? Guessing somewhere thats super safe.


#217 2020-07-07 09:26:31 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP


I think they shall arrive at the island on 11th July

The final battle  on island is either 14th July or 18th July....(Basically either is fine.)

A couple smaller things will happen before the final battle like Mistclaw likely will...not be around for final battle, there is also Kash and his small group of about 22 various beasts(moles, hamsters, couple voles,a couple otters) in tunnels around the island(or rather under island ha ha) And there is 11 seals also. Leigh has jioned the beasts in the tunnels and by sheer luck managed to save one of the redwall dibbuns, but others still need saved. For now Gorax has no idea of these tunnels whether it stays that way will leave up to oz as he plays Gorax.

Other things :

The rats have packed up and left and so Redwall is safe once more...sooo

The plot where Mother Krisha goes missing starts thursday July 9th smile


#218 2020-07-08 11:52:35 AM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

This is the Letter Benar will find from Krisha.
~~~~~~To Abbot Benar ~~~~~~


To Benar,

I am sorry, but I feel I don't belong at Redwall Abbey anymore. I am sorry for not doing my job as Badger Mother. The dibbuns should never of been taken captive in the first place, I should have done something, anything and not let myself be tricked into drinking whatever the cider was or maybe it was in the cookies. I should of paid better attention cause I could of seen something was wrong, but I didn't and because of that I failed you,I failed the dibbuns. The Champion and others would not even of had to leave if it had not been for my failure, the gatekeeper would not of had to leave, and the rats would not of come at all had they seen the champion there.

My mate left to try and find the dibbuns too so I placed him in danger.

My son was taken by those slavers along with the dibbuns, all but one Gracie, and she seems happy enough with Sister Anna and Brother Rick.

I also took a life, I know in killing the rat I saved your life but still I  took a life, maybe two as another rat was dead too. I wasn't even supposed to be out,I only wanted to get you in safe and I saw the rat behind you and....and just acted before I had time to think, and what if I had missed in my foolishness and hit you instead?

I am sorry but I am leaving..I'm so sorry for all this,I..I blame myself and I have lost hope the dibbuns, my son, my mate..the others will even come back at all, they could be dead and it is all my fault....




This letter is placed on Krisha's neatly made bed, she left before sunrise out the gate when a couple of beasts(Maybe from Ferravale?) went on a short patrol around the outside of the walls. She was cloaked and quickly got to the road and went up it. She took a small few things from her room that was her's and a couple of days food and drink from the kitchens. By Breakfast Benar should notice her missing and most likely check her room....

So there you go...the Mother Krisha is missing ! Plot has begun!

Last edited by Mother Krisha (2020-07-13 09:39:28 PM)


#219 2020-07-08 12:19:52 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

I can probably make it July 11th.  I will have a better idea here soon if I can make it the other days.  Sorry for being so unclear about it; college is absorbing and difficult ><


#220 2020-07-08 08:59:08 PM

Registered: 2020-06-14
Posts: 53

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP


It was mentioned that Quinten is gonna make the hare left at the mountain do some cleaning and not the fun kind of cleaning tongue

So when does this start? Guessing very soon. I know Keifer will help best he can and now that the infirmary is empty of beasts needing a healer...they can for sure clean that room, the herbal room and the recovery room too! And yeah other rooms.

And would add to some role play to do, basically no hare can claim to be bored!


#221 2020-07-09 10:32:03 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,659

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

I don't know bout the clean up of the Mt. That's Elmef/ Quinten little plot...

As for the island where Gorax is looks like some small role plays will happen between 11th -14th as Krisha said final may just be 14th so others can join in.

Should be fun.

As for at the abbey:

Gorvenalus will be worried krisha is missing. Guessing benar should find the letter first though. 
Patch knows where Krisha he tells anyone...different story,saddly though the Ferravale head guard did find out the badger mother is somewhere at least,  just not a 100% yep this location.

I play:
Oz-  Badger-young adult-Wanderer


#222 2020-07-09 01:12:20 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

I think it would be fitting for the Salamandastron DAB to be forced to help clean since they messed up the Infirmary.  Maybe I can make them cause even more chaos while they're at it xD


Since Dominik is usually not on on Tuesdays, I had an idea for if the final battle is on the 14th.  Dom and DoraRose could run off to go find the Dibbuns and other slaves and captives (since there's a plan for Gorax to snag one of the heroes and take them prisoner), and then Dom, I, and whoever else is on on Saturday the 18th can finish the RP and just say it happened during the finale.  This would give me fewer chars to keep track of, and also allow Dom to get some bad-guy-smashing in smile


I am planning on having Blisa on on Saturday the 11th! smile


#223 2020-07-11 01:20:57 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

I'm going to be late logging on today because I'm having a severe panic attack.  It's getting some better, but I'm still going to be late.  Just thought y'all should know.


#224 2020-07-12 07:23:17 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,659

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

The heros have arrived at the Island. They meet Tenzin(Sea Otter) and Kash(hamster) Who showed them the entrance to hidden tunnels under the island.
Suddenly the hero were noticed and see by monitor lizards, or Gorax choosen friends or pets as he calls them. There was a fight and then a retreat back to the ship. Kash was killed before the got back to the ship. Also Felicity was taken captive when Gorax himself appeared.
Ciocan had a brief OMG moment when he saw Gorax but he made sure no others got captured, he made sure all the heros made it back to the ship and watched as 2 monitors decided to try and climb up on the ship.....but the LP hares greeted the lizards with sabers, dirks and dead lizards smile
Now as for the brief OMG moment with Ciocan seeing Gorax is this...Gorax is the one who killed Ciocan's mate Martha. This was right before Ciocan got to the Western Shores to be Badger Lord. Ciocan thought he killed Gorax  those seasons ago and to find out Gorax is still alive is a bit of a shock
So now Ciocan needs to plan what to do next, one important thing will be to have Tenzin help since Tenzin know of the tunnels and no one else does, those tunnels will come in handy in the final battle that looks to be planned for July 14th! Some of the fight maybe on July 18th!

I play:
Oz-  Badger-young adult-Wanderer


#225 2020-07-12 07:50:41 AM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Re: Dibbun Slavers TP

Yeah Final Fight is 14TH July and I know some will be on 18TH July...Should be fun.

Another Update:
Mistclaw is dead and her few helpers have joined with Gorax...Gorax basically has a couple dozen  rats and a weasel  now


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