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#1 2020-06-16 09:31:21 PM

Registered: 2020-06-14
Posts: 53

A Healer Gives Advice-LP LOG

my First Log with me Healer Hare..Keifer!


Keifer-Private and Healer in LP

Xander-Badger Recovering in Infirm

Dorarose-Redwall Abbey Gatekeeper

Varus-Major and Fighter in Lp


Xander lays on the cot staring up at the ceiling and frowns, he didn't say to leave but its fine, alone time is good right now.
Keifer enters the infirmary, not like he is gonna ask or say Hallo, he just simply enters "Hallo chap"Yes he knows the badger is still here, not like he could leave that easily."How is your day?"

Xander looks over and sighs"It's a day...or maybe its night,I have no clue,nor have a clue wot's been going on the past few one update me."   

Keifer hmmms "Well...maybe they are busy, his Lordship did have a meeting, your friends may of been at the meeting,I do not know, I was not thar.And I would be staying here anyways don't ya know, keeping the infirm in order"

Xander sighs and lifts his paw, which still shakes badly,"Any idea why my paw wants to shake so badly?"   

Keifer replies "Well one I can't see how bad it's shaking but it must be enough to upset you..perhaps the poison affected nerve ending, or some other side effect which will hopefully ease, is it as bad as before?"   

DoraRose was released from the Infirmary last night with strict orders to come every single day until the group sails off to chase after the slavers. The arrow wound in her left shoulder had become infected, and while the infection is completely cleared up, the Healers still want to make sure it's healing right. So the mouse now enters, trying to not scowl as she fidgets with the sling her arm is in.
Xander sighs as he just closes his good eye and snorts, but he does reply"Still shaking really bad...maybe a tiniest bit less"
Keifer nods "Well a..improovemnet perhaps but the poison was...well usually one be 6 feet under by now..your lucky"
DoraRose discovers that she has just walked in on a conversation! She usually isn't one to interrupt a Healer, but this is a special circumstance. She gives a little cough. "I agree, you're very lucky, Xander. I'm happy you're still here." She smiles, genuinely. She also doesn't mention her arm. Maybe she can leave without talking to the Healer about it? Although all the Healer hares probably know about it, so not mentioning it to the blind hare probably won't get her out of having it checked out.
Xander sighs, he holds out his right paw, least he can show Dora how bad it shakes, fairly bad as he slowly lowers it , it stops after a morment, he frowns "I also can't feel my right leg, well once maybe there was a sharp one second pain..I think when a healer checked it."He frowns "Any updates, anything I should know of?"   

Keifer tilts his head as he hears Dorarose "Greetings, the mouse maid I assume, your arm is ok right?No pain or anything...your need to be careful with that a couple weeks and let the healers on his Lordships ship check it every couple days"
Curses! Of course the hare would know about her. Dora tries to not be grumpy, although it probably comes through in her voice. "I will keep that in mind and do my best to abide by those instructions." Seeing the badger's shaking, she frowns a little more. "I was only released yesterday, Xander, and I've been int he training room most of the time, working out -- but being careful with my injured arm, don't worry," she's quick to reassure the Healer. "I'm sorry, I haven't really heard much of anything."   

Xander frowns as he closes his eyes again and is quiet, " I wish I could help and now...I am no good to anyone, not anymore...not this"   

Keifer frowns, he clears his throat "Your recover and your friends are not going off alone...they will have help and a ship to sail on"   

DoraRose sighs and walks over. She goes to sit on the edge of the badger's bed and look him in the face. "Xander....even if you can't fight or struggle to walk, you still have great good you can do. You are my friend, first of all, and I treasure all of my friends in my life, even when they can't do what they used to be able to do. have a family. They need you, no matter what." Nodding to the hare, she adds, "And we won't be alone. We have each other. I think with how long you've been separated, you need to make sure to spend time with Oz, reconnecting as a family."   

Xander nods "I..I know..."He gets worried "Where is he anyways?" Likely safe with who ever watches dibbuns here, he looks to Dora as he clears his throat "I....I have made a..decision....I am .."He has though a long while on this "I am no longer a warrior, for...more than one reason and....I am laying aside my blade, maybe one day train oz if he...wants to be a warrior but me I...maybe join the order or ...something, make pottery and teas at the abbey"   

Keifer lets the two talk as he stays off to the side, he won't interrupt a chat with friends and he can check that arm wound before she leaves, in fact everyone will get a checkup likely, he checks the sipplies as he can still tell how much of what is here, he hmms "Need more here, yes."He will have a recruit get some things in the gardens, gonna make sure its supplied well here not just that long sea trip.   

DoraRose smiles slightly. "He's here and safe..." but she trails off as he reveals his plans. Her smile widens some, and she goes to rest her free paw on his shoulder. "I think if that is what you really want to do, then that is the choice you should make. You are no less of a friend in my eyes, and if anybeast thinks less of you...well, that is their loss. You are making a brave choice, and I will support you in it." She grins. "I'll help train Oz and Caleb, too, if you need it." Although she's starting to show her age, so by the time Oz is an adult, she may have partially retired. Although it's hard to know something so far into the future.   

Xander smiles "So you...think me setting aside my warrior days good and ..wise?"   

Keifer speaks now "One can choose what ever path in life they want good sur, no one else can choose fer them or least..shouldn't anyways"
DoraRose nods. "Aye, I think it is. If you don't have the heart to fight anymore, then you shouldn't. Just think of Zork -- he had a similar experience to you. Had a health issue and lost his desire to fight, so he put up his sword. I think it is a good decision." She then lets the hare look at her wound, deciding that is a good choice, as well.   

Xander thinks on her words and nods " issues..."Like will he walk again? And the shaky paw might bet better but he isn't sure.   
Keifer sits down after checking on the supplies and the mouse maid, "We shall have a very long road to recovery, as for health issues...the posion after effects may way cause other probelms"   

DoraRose nods. "Hey, I'm gonna head out, Xander. I'll go find Oz and check on him. I'll come visit you again soon." She smiles and waves, ready to get outta there! She will visit him right before she heads to bed with an update on baby Oz, and with any news she hears of about the group leaving and whatever other things she hears of.   

Xander nods as he looks at the healer.."What other...problems"As if not feeling his right leg and a shakie paw wasnt enough.   

Keifer frowns " Might get out of breath faster, and laying aside a warrior life would be good....any fight could...well, even if somehow you are able to fight again...could turn bad if you get out of breath faster, and...if battle turns to anger...turns to...something called bloodwrath, that makes breathing and heartrate higher..faster...could lead to...well.."he thinks, well one word is easy enough"Death"   

Xander frowns at this, he has been in Bloodwrath more than once, he was fighting the fox and kurgan made everything go totally red mist, he remembers sudden pain and burning when the crossbolt hit him, then...blackness till he woke here days alter truely lucky to even be alive.   

Varus makes his way into the Infirmary, and heads straight toward the badger being tended to by the healer. "Ahem," he announces his presence by clearing his throat. "Keifer."   

Keifer nods a hello, a salute is given the majors direction "Greetings Major Varus, did ya need something sur?"   

Xander looks over at the hare, a small nod is given as he stays laid down, he has yet to try and sit up...prehaps in a few days he can sit up, for now he can't just yet.   

Varus mmms. "Just checkin' up on our guest 'ere. 'E was quite bad off..." He looks over at Xander. "Yahr lucky t' be alive, Lad..."   

Keifer says, "He is..very much, he still has a long road ahead of him an will be staying here while the others go ojn the sea voyage to stop the slavers and rescue those dibbuns"
Xander nods "Yeah.."He is upset he cant go but he understands"I just hope when they get back I can...go on back to the abbey with them"
Varus nods his head. "'M sorry t' hear tha', lad... I mahself will be goin', an' promise y' we won't be back till yahr dibbuns 're fully rescued, wot..."   

Keifer nods "I think its likely a 4 week trip one way...maybe a little less or more, suppose your all find out."
Xander nods "Thanks...I know they will be found and hope all goes well and everyone returns safe and sound"He is concerned, beasts do die on these sort of missions and get hurt, but he will try to not worry, he thinks 8 weeks or more total then, thats a while...almost a season in fact.   

Varus humms. "It *will* be some time. Truth be told, I welcome th' challenge, wot. Blood 'n' vinegah, 'n' all that rot..."   

Keifer says, "I am sure the most skilled beasts are going and of course some healers, the Long Patrol is always good in a fight, I just hope no one gets sea sick...hmmms maybe I will suggest something for that, a tea maybe though once your back I am sure if no one has those who dont have sea legs will surely have em' by the time your all back here"


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