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Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2020-05-12 10:16:09 AM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Plans Form-Dibbun Slavers TP Log


Mistclaw- Evil vixen, Slaver

Kurgan- Assassin and slaver

Jet-A hare

Ciana- A dibbun hare

A few vermin gang beasts spoofed


Mistclaw studies the walls from the woods. The past couple of days she has slowly and carefully walked around the building following the walls and studying them, she mutters to herself and walks back to the camp where a group of vermin is. Not a large group, maybe 10-15 with ferrets, weasels, and a couple of rats mixed in. There is a campfire and they are cooking wood pigeon. The vixen sits on a log that's acting as a bench, paws cross over her chest.

"I wouldn't give up yet Master" A greyish black ferret speaks in a gruff voice, he is sharing a dagger with a stone."No rush after all."

Mistclaw glared at the ferret "Don't start kurgan, I have a job to do and no clue how to do it without having who knows come after me and failing before I barely started, this isn't so simple task where one just walks in and out carefree"

Kurgan chuckles "It isn't? Oh but it could be ever so simple, one just needs to think and learn. I have learned they hardly have any guards on those walls and this place is welcoming to all.Its also been peaceful lately, another important thing. Have you learned much these past couple days?"

Mistclaw half growls as her ears flatten" Its a wall around it and not like they would let just any beast in without somehow keeping an eye on them, for sure a vermin they don't know."She does bring up on thing "There are a couple of side gates, small ones and of course the large main one all go in and out of. I think the main locks of the side gates re inside thought, the side gates as said small and older...they seem to take a lot better care of the main gate it seems and hardly use the small side ones, if at all."

About the same time not to far off on a small path is heard voices, one is a dibbun and the other is an adult that's speaking" Don't wander off the path "Now Ciana, not too far off the path my dear or we won't visit the abbey". The other voice sounds out "Ok daddy, but I want the orange and black flowers they look like lilys"

Kurgan smirks " just...."He listens to the voices and slowly stands"We have guests close by perhaps we should offer them breakfast so we don't see rude" His voice is creepy right now as he gets out a blade.

Mistcalw ears perk and listen, she motions the others to be quiet as there is no way she is getting discovered that soon.

The father sighs and smiles.Soon its clear it's a short hare and his daughter.The daughter is fairly far off the path like most dibbuns will do when playing or being curious. The flowers are picked as she hums to herself so happy dibbun tune.

Kurgan waits in the shadows till the time is right, he is trained and can be still for over an hour if needed.Once the hare dibbun walks a little further to where he is by some more flowers he springs and grabs the dibbun,quickly a paw is cuped over her mouth so less chance of a scream for help. Knowing there is likely some noise he comes out and lays a dagger at the dibbuns throat as he makes eye contact with the other hare"Please scream I have not killed a beast in a while or ya can be wise and not scream, understood as there is more 'ere than just me and you"

Mistclaw slips out, a move of her tail and half the vermin surround the two hares so they can't run off as she smiles coldly "I would listen if I was you, he might get into a bad mood and I for one rather he not, we were also talking and you interrupted us so now a question....of what ta do with you"

The father gasps and stays still, his daughter whimpers in fear.."P..please don't harm her, she is all I Bally well have left. My mate died this past winter, we were just on our way to the abbey.

"Abbey ya say, what's your name and the little one's here name as well?" Kurgan asks "And we were just discussing the abbey, maybe you can help us...your pay would be simple, you get to live and if you don't help die and so does the dibbun.You help and her would have freedom, but freedom comes with a price...nothing is free in life. your answer? And don't think too long, I grow bored fairly quickly."

Mistclaw tail puffs a little more but then relaxes and lets the ferret speak as she looks around for anyone else"Least he doesn't look like a Long Patrol those hares I hate with a passion, their stripe hound as well"

The hare shivers "My name is Jet...and Long Patrol? not part of that, that is my daughter Ciana..please..I..wot do you want,I will do anything to keep her safe and we won't tell any beast your fact we will head south to make sure we don't go near where the Long Patrol is."

Kurgan chuckles and smiles at Mistclaw,"Seems you have a way to study the inside of the abbey"He looks at the hare"You..Jet was it, you are to go in the abbey and find out what you can about wall guards,when they post and change, find out about 2 side gates..small things maybe even hidden by vines if not used much, see if the lock can be picked or hinges loosened slowly over time and report to us but don't let the others know  what you are doing, and this is a few day thing. You can drop a scroll over the south wall, one of us will fetch it as for little Ciana.....well I will...take care of her, not to worry"

Mistclaw smirks"Yeah real good care of her"Yep her first slave, and she is telling the truth somewhat she will make sure the slaves she gets stay healthy and feed...semi-well as what good is ill slaves,she wants healthy strong ones.

Ciana sniffs and whimpers she just wants to get away from here.

Jet gulps "I..I agree...I will do this.I wont tell the abbey beast..beast just please don't harm my daughter"

Kurgan nods "I promise, long as you don't mess this up I won't harm a hair on her. I expect a report every night, a couple hours after the sun is down...even if its a small report..something."He grins "Also study the beasts there"

Mistclaw nods "Find out who watches the dibbuns.Find out leaders and be..friendly, maybe offer to help in the orchards or gardens."

"Are..are you planing on invading Redwall?" Jet asks

Kurgan shakes his head "Oh nothing like little happy group is here"He hands the dibbun hare off to a ferret and weasel as he spreads his paws "We are no horde just a group of traveling friends who want to learn things is all and then we will be on our way and your never see us again after this."

Mistclaw watches the hare and clears her throat"Get inside...oh and mention us, your a dead me..mention your daughter...she dies and you as well and trust me we will know if you said anything"Cause duhh beast would be out looking for them.The beasts of this abbey are always helpful in missing beasts, as is allies and she knows of some of them.

Jet gulps again and nods "I..I.."He calms down and walks off quickly.He will wait a couple hours till he is calm and then get inside the abbey.He is just a simple traveler visiting, this was true anyways. Just the true reason he is here makes him feel horrible but he doesn't let it show,he has to protect his daughter and will do anything for her, and as soon as they are free to go he is indeed getting as far away from here as possible, he doesn't care what happens as he will likely be hopefully miles down a path by then.

Kurgan grins and ties the dibbun up and sits her beside a weasel guard, gives her some bread and juice,even a candy chestnut and walks over to Mist" Part one is taken care of"

Mistclaw sighs "Yeah and how do you expect us to walk out with their dibbuns, they are not gonna just be like oh don't harm them...oh we wont follow whoa whoa me, nope more like any warriors stab us and that's the end"

Kurgan grins "I have my ways..I work with poisons but also powerful sleeping herbs that are hard to detect that can be sliped into food and drink Our hare friend can get the job done I am sure, you will have your dibbuns and if all goes well we will be too far away by the time they wake and notice their precious littone ones are gone as...young ones they wont stay in one place, could be wandering around..beast could sleep in..guards get tried on a nice spring or summer eve, so peaceful.I also have well trained beasts," He nods to 2 rats "They know how to erase trail tracks, they know how to make false ones in another direction. they know things and the sleeping herbs I have will leave even a badger in dream land a good few hours, others little longer prehaps.Now one may have a headache or feel like they want to vomit when they wake but I worry not...perhaps the broth was out to long or bad fizz even,happens sometimes and oh yes they WILL learn the dibuns are truly missing  and will look,but we will be far gone by then to be found...they will give up after a few days,,,,or least after so long....such a sad time it will be"

Mistclaw nods "And what about witnesses?"

Kurgan grins "I will take care of that have no fear my dear, now let us enjoy breakfast, we can also still study things quietly, carefully from outside too and our helper is inside. He will help us as I learned one thing..woodlanders will do anything for a friend...even more so for a family member, say...a child"

Mistclaw sighs and sits back down "Gorax gave me till beginning days of Summer to do this and I have a monitor and hopefully a ship once on the western shores, no worries the river moss is upshore from that foolish MT. I don't plan on going near it and I don't think patrols of hare go past Halyard reason to, they do go into Halyard but where I am to go, isn't in Halyard...close though"

Kurgan listens as he leans back against a tree "Sounds fun, I never liked hares unless they were part of a stew, not had hare stew in a while come to think of it"

Mistclaw just nods "Least we have a plan and more plays so tell me of these...sleeping herbs."

***To be cont....stay tuned ****


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