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#1 2020-04-11 09:20:00 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

So many worries! (IC LP log April 11th, 2020)

Right after this log:

SCENE:  Salamandastron training room

CHARACTERS:  All hares.
Dominik, male.  Felicity, female.  Zolomon, male.

It's a little later in the afternoon, and the last of Dominik's boxing classes had ended...this was evident from the small line of bruised and battered students that filed down the hallway and away from the general direction of the training room and boxing cavern, most of them grumbling in some form or another. Dom, in the meantime, had decided to use the time after his classes had finished to do some more work on fixing up and building some new training dummies...the ones currently in the room could most certainly do with some sprucing up, to say the least. And so that is where the large hare can be found...near the back of the room, his small set of tools spread around him, and a couple of blocks of wood sitting there at his side. He works quietly, carving and chipping away at a block of wood, eyes fixed intently upon his work as he does his best to make it look somewhat like the other dummies. There is a content expression upon Dom's face, however, as the massive hare seemed to enjoy this type of work.   

Well, all the peace and quite is about to be relatively shattered. Felicity enters, still in uniform with sand on her pants legs and a stormy expression adorning her face. So very different from that her friend has. She goes over to one of the other dummies and gives it a twirling, powerful kick with one of her mighty Runner's legs. The dummy gives a slight splintering sound, then more sounds as the Sergeant kicks it again with her other leg.   

Others entering and exiting the room don't seem to phase the large buck; it is something that happens quite often throughout the day, and so as Felicity enters he really doesn't pay any extra attention. His ears perk for a moment and give a twitch, eyes still fixed on his work as he softly begins to hum an old tune that had suddenly decided to pop into his head. Upon hearing the crack of the dummy as Felicity's first kick connects, however, Dom lifts his gaze and shifts it over towards his friend. He watches quietly as she aims another kick at the older dummy...that one was likely on the agenda to be fixed, anyway. He was also aware that the doe's temper would flare up every now and then, though in most cases there tended to be a reason for it. "Erm. Making more verk for Dom, I see?" he replies in a joking tone, the buck giving his friend a smile for a moment. "...everything okay, Felicity?" he says, in a more serious tone.   

Felicity gives the dummy another kick before her friend makes his comments. Standing both feet on the ground again, she turns and looks at him, her mood not having been improved by her attack on the wooden figure. ", nothin's okay." She stalks over to him. "Zeldove 'as left th'Patrol, and Zolomon tried t'find 'er by leavin' th'Mountain while on duty wi' no weapons! If 'is Lordship an' I 'adn't found 'im when we 'ad, 'e'd prob'ly be dead right now!" She crosses her arms, still thoroughly upset. "An' 'e's lost 'is 'appiness agin, an' I dunno if 'e's gonna recover this time, an'..." And she's obviously worried! Tears are threatening now, which is probably better than her kicking things.   

Dominik sits up a little more, more of his attention shifting in Felicity's direction as she explains the reasoning behind her current mood. As she mentions Zolomon, the buck smirks a little...he should've known that one would've had something to do with this. Lifting a large paw, the buck gives a heavy sigh and rubs his forehead slowly, eyes closing. "To me, it seems like Zolomon is alvays doing these things, yes? Vun vould think ve should be used to this by now," he half-jokes, his expression one that seems to say 'here we go again'. "Vun vould think that vun vould have enough sense to at least arm himself if deciding to leave. Or to put together group, to go look for friend. Not alvays using noggin, is that vun..." Dom hrms. "Is sorry is not happy, Patrol, is not alvays place for happiness. Things happen, all the times. It is to be expected. Vun still has to learn to function no matter vat happens." The buck sets his tools down for a moment, paws resting on his legs as he watches his friend.   

Felicity scowls, blinking away the tears. "I know, but....first Zolomon was engaged to Tarsa, an' she was murdered. Now 'is second fiance, Zeldove, 'as run off an' left 'im. Dom, I'm worried 'bout m'friend. I know 'e's really 'ot'eaded an' impulsive, but I'm still worried." This is the kind of worry for Dom she had that she never showed him, but expressed to others. Dom's turn to see it!   

Dominik nods his head slowly. "Yes. Is not bad thing, to be vorried, Lissie. Is showing that you have beeg heart, and care about friends." He smiles a little, eyes shifting down towards his paws, which he flexes. "This vorry is major thing that helped Dom, ven he needed help the most. Some others, did not care. Vanted to ship Dom away from mountain for good. But you did not, you stayed at Dom's side even ven could have been hurt. Is somethink Dom vil not forget." The buck nods. "Is sure Zolomon appreciates friendship as well, is nothink wrong vith vanting him to be happy. As cold as it may sound to say, sometimes ve cannot help things that happen, no? Vat matters is how ve handle things next, vunce that initial time passes. He vil be sad for avhile, but as before, he vil recover."   

Felicity sits down beside the huge mountain hare and buries her face in her knees, hugging her legs close to her chest. She listens, then lets the silence stretch for a bit. "'re right. 'Course y'are. I just don't like surprises like this....I'll stay 'is friend, aye, an' give 'im time, like Lord Ciocan said." She peers out at him. "An' o'course I stayed. Y'm'friend. Whot else was I s'possed t'do?" She believes there was no other option other than to try and help him.   

Dominik leans over as Felicity sits beside him, and he gives her a strong, firm hug with one arm, patting her shoulder gently before releasing her. "Hmm. Yes. Is disappointing Zeldove left, but...if she did not vant to be here, it is likely for the best. Is military, is not vacation home, yes?" he chuckles softly. "If do not belief, ask students..." the buck grins a little, obviously getting some enjoyment out of his reputation amongst them. "But yes, time heals. Look at Dom, as example. Ven was out in swamp, looking for...did you ever think Dom vould end up back here?" The buck tilts his head a little. "Can be honest." As she mentions the reason why she stuck by him, the buck gives a more genuine smile. "Is...not somethink Dom is used to. Northern hares are, vun can say, a bit...flighty, am supposing? Do not form many more a solitary life, despite living vith families. And so Dom is not used to such things. Is still taking time to comprehend. But, is appreciating, yes."   

Felicity is hugged, and that brings back the tears. She doesn't really get hugged by friends, and she really needed that right now. His kindness is threatening to melt her into a teary, snotty puddle. "'Tis true....but she could've left th'Patrol without leavin' th'Mountain an' breakin' Zolomon's 'eart..." She sniffles and rubs her eye with a paw. "Y'old life sounds lonely, t'be 'onest. 'M glad we live 'ere. At least we 'ave friends 'ere, even when they're bein' dumb." She avoids the question about if she thinks he would have ended up back here. She kind of doesn't want to be honest about that.   

Dominik thinks about that for a moment, his ears giving a waggle. "Hmm. Is true, she could have. But, she didn't. Vat vent into decision, perhaps ve vil never know. Perhaps she thought it vas best thing to do, to avoid hurting Zol for other reasons. It is hard to get into others' brains and know vat is going in there, yes?" He chuckles, obviously referring to himself to a certain extent with that comment. "Zolomon has kind heart, bit of soft heart. Falls in love too easy. Is never good thing, alvays result in things like this. Dom...vil never fall for things like this. Is...also part of living solitary life..." The large buck chuckles, eyes lifting to fall on Felicity. "Yes, vas very quiet life, but...ven it is all vun knows, vun has nothink to compare to, to realize is lonely." He shrugs. "Had plenty of time to build ships, barrels...other things. Time vas vell spent, vil say." He nods to her comment about having friends here. "Hmm. Dom does not seem to have many friends, besides Lissie. The more Dom thinks about, the more Dom understand vhy..." he chuckles. "But is okay. Dom has leverets, has Lissie. Does not need much more than this."
Felicity snorts derisively, then pulls out a hankie and blows her nose. "Aye, I've been tryin' t'get int'Julia's mind foh /seasons/, wi' no luck." She looks at him curiously. "Y'don't want t'get married an' 'ave leverets o' y'own someday, Dom? I thought f'sure y'would, y'like 'em so much." She accepts his comments about having her as a friend and not needing much else at face value. "Sometimes I wish I 'ad th'quiet life of a fahmah. Then m'parents an' brothah'd still be 'ere, an' I wouldn't always be worried I'd be doin' wrong by Julia."
Dominik cannot help but grin at the mention of wanting to know what's going on inside Julia's brain. "To be honest, Lissie, getting into brain of leveret would probably make one's own brain explode..." he chuckles. "Am sure there are so many thoughts and ideas running around inside at all times. Hard to keep up vith. But, Julia is meaning lots to Dom. Even vith misbehavings sometimes, she is sveet...and cares very much for her sister." He gives Felicity a warm smile. "Lissie has done wonderful job vith raising. Of course, there are bad times, but...vun has to take bad vith good, and in this case, is more good than bad, yes?" The buck's head tilts as he peers down at the doe, as she mentions him not wanting to be married. "Heh, vell, vil just say, is not life Dom ever thought he vould live, is fine vith vat he has. Already has many leverets to vatch, having own vould only make it more difficult..." he laughs. The buck nods as she mentions wanting to be a farmer, "Hmmm. Yes, sometimes ve do look back and vish things vere different, if ve had only chosen a different vay to live. But...instead of lives lost, think of all the lives that have been saved..." He reaches a paw over to gently rest it on Felicity's shoulder. "Made right choice, Lissie. Vas meant to be here."   

Felicity chuckles. "Tha's true....may'ap I /don't/ want t'know what all she's thinkin'..." She smiles really, really big at the compliments he is giving her about her 'parenting'. But instead of questioning him, she just goes on to the next topic. "Well, if 'tis not somethin' y'evah wanted, then 'tis alright. Me, I dream 'bout gettin' married someday, so I'll keep 'opin' f'r it." She lets him rest his paw on her arm. "Aye, I do. I can think o' many creatahs who've been able to live 'cause o'my bein' in th'Patrol. Just...sometimes my 'eart gets weary, y'know? I get tired. 'Tis 'ard sometimes. But I won't give up. I just really miss m'fam'ly, is all."   

Dominik gives Lissie a nod, his paw giving her arm a squeeze. "Yes, and Dom is hoping this happens, too, someday, for Lissie. Vould make good mother, and vould make husband proud." The buck gives her a smile. "Is fine to have dreams, gives vun things to look forward to beside Patrol duties. Dom is knowing this vil happen. And vil be expecting invite to wedding," he jokes. As she mentions being exhausted and missing her family, he sighs softly, ears folding back. "Yes, is normal things, missing families, is normal, to be tired. Ven seeing things ve see, constantly, having to do things ve do, every day, it definitely vears on one's brain and makes it hard. only shows vun's strength ven they are able to put the feelings aside, and put velfare of Western Shore, of other innocent creatures, ahead of their own. It takes special kind of brain, special kind of heart to do this." The buck gives Lissie a warm smile. "Lissie has both of these things, in abundance."   
Felicity chuckles. "Oh, aye, y'bettah be at m'weddin'. Could make y'th'flowah buck." She laughs at that idea. Then blushes, her ears drooping to cover her eyes at his compliment. "Oh....well.....'m just doin' th'right thing, y'know? 'Tis nothin' special..." So embarrassing! After a few seconds, she tries to lamely change the subject. "Why'd y'come t'th'Mountain? I feel like ye've told me befoh, but I can't remembah foh sure. I was born 'ere, so I didn't 'ave t'travel fah t'join, unlike some o' these Recruits."
Dominik cannot help but laugh at that. "Hmm. Vould accept gracious offer, but...has Julia for this, vould make much better flower-girl than Dom. Besides, vouldn't be able to find dress that fits..." he jokes with a playful grin. As Felicity modestly deflects his compliments and changes the subject, he can see her getting a little embarrassed, and so he goes right along with the subject change. He falls silent at the question, the big buck's mind turning as he tries to think of the best and most simple way to explain it. "Dom came to mountain to one day find and end lives of vermin who did the same to family," he finally replies, his tone shifting into one slightly chillier than it had been, previously. " main purpose. Other things have come into picture since arriving, but...if is being honest, is main reason Dom is here." He picks up the hammer and chisel he had previously set down, and once again begins to carefully chip away at the block of wood in front of him.   

Felicity silently chastises herself for bringing up such a hard topic into their conversation. Oh, well, too late now. "They couldn't've been a 'uge 'orde marchin' down the shore. Were they seafarin' vermin?" She shifts and gets more comfortable(ish, since she's sitting on the hard floor). "'Twas searats whot killed m'fam'ly."   

Dominik continues to quietly work on the block of wood, the buck taking his time answering Felicity's question. Finally, he nods in response. "...yes. Vas vermin horde, searats. Moved up and down coast, looking for most vunerable places. Dom vas avay during attack. They somehow knew. Ven Dom returned, family vas gone. Village vas gone." He frowns, taking an extra large chip out of the block of wood as he strikes the chisel a little harder than he intended. He takes a deep breath, before continuing.   

Zolomon picks now to walk in and go to the far back of the room to do some sit ups and push ups. He is out of uniform and has a somple outfit on to do some simple exercise.   

Felicity frowns. "'M sorry. We....we don't have t'talk 'bout it anymoh, if y'don't want to." She stuffs her hankie back into her pocket. "Th'searats who killed m'fam'ly are all gone, thank goodness. They shipwrecked just south o' 'ere. M'brothah was out collectin' shells foh me an' Julia. We wear 'em every day." She holds out the shell she always wears to show him. "They attacked 'im an' o'erpowahed 'im, even though 'e put up a good fight. M'parents led the charge the next day t' 'unt th'vermin down. They slayed 'em all, no survivours, although both m'parents an' a numbah o' othah brave 'ares lost their lives in th'process. We gathahed the wood from their ship -- the /Bladesail/, 'twas called -- an' th'Smiths an' Cooks used it t'fuel their fires." She notes Zolomon's entrance and waves to him.
Dominik listens quietly as Felicity speaks of the vermin that had taken her own family's lives. His ears perk as the large buck listens, his attention focused on his work as he continues to carefully chip away at the block of wood in front of him with the hammer and chisel. As Felicity mentions the name of the ship, Dom tenses up almost immediately, his paw clutching the hammer tightly til his knuckles are white. His stare almost seems to bore holes right into the wood in front of him, and his jaw clenches tightly. The massive hare begins to tremble, a little, as well, and from the look within his eyes, he is likely not in a very good place. Slowly, his eyes fall on Felicity. "...vat...vas name of ship, again?" he asks, his voice quiet, but rather tense at the same time.   

Zolomon doesnt wave he just sits there after sit ups and push ups   

Felicity frowns at Zolomon's lack of reaction, but that is very quickly overwhelmed by her going on guard as Dominik starts to react rather poorly. Her paws raise slightly in an instinctive placating gesture. "Um, th'/Bladesail/, love. Why? Is it familiah?" She's keeping a wary eye on him, just to make sure he doesn't start freaking out. She glances at the weapons....I mean, carpentry tools he has in his paws, her brain rapidly jumping to how she could get them away from him should he go all Erg on them again.   

Dominik goes silent once again as Felicity repeats the name of the ship involved in the incident she mentioned. He rolls this information around in his brain, that name most certainly all too familiar to him, and the mention of it brings back a few not so pleasant memories. Namely, of the buck standing there watching as the ship sailed off, unable to do anything about it as by the time he'd arrived they were already too far out to sea to pursue. "The...Bladesail," he repeats, his voice still quiet. "...Bladesail. say...all...on ship...are dead? All vermin...are gone?" His voice trembles a little as he asks the question, and although he already knows what the answer will be, he still dreads hearing it. Erg is likely not going to appear, but it also doesn't necessarily mean that Dom is taking the news well.   

Felicity hesitates, then points to the tools he's still holding. "I'll tell y'only aftah y'put those down. Please?" She waits to see if he complies with her request, not really fancying what could happen if he doesn't.   

Zolomon finally looks over curious but stays quiet.No emtion at all, blank faced.   

Dominik gives the chisel one last strike with the hammer, and it embeds the spike deep into the wood. A moment later, he drops the hammer to the floor, his gaze training on Felicity once again. He doesn't speak, the large buck simply waiting for her to answer his questions. His expression twitches a little, his paws clenched at his sides as he stares at the doe.   

Felicity swallows. "Aye, all th'vermin from th'/Bloodsail/ are dead. Every one was 'unted down an' accounted foh. Some actually got eaten by toads, if 'tis any consolation. Now y'tell me: why is this such a big deal t'ya? An' don't tell me 'tis not." She meets his gaze steadily, not showing any fear, and not looking away.   

Zolomon frowns a little and stands walking over to them slowly.
Oooh. That little bit of information about the toads more than likely did not help things at all. "They are...dead. All of them? Every...vun?" he repeats. "None are left?" It is most definitely a different Dom than the one Felicity had been speaking with not a few moments before. His trembling increases, his ears both folding back against his head. "No. NO!!!" With a growl, the large buck strikes out at the dummy he'd been working on, and he breaks it clean in two with a blow of his paw. He rises to his footpaws, picking the two halves up and flinging them across the room. "NO! Is not true! CANNOT be true!" He seethes, tears springing to his eyes as his expression is incredulous.   

Felicity hops up and gestures for Zolomon to stay back. "Aye....I'm sorry. They were th'ones who killed y'fam'ly, weren't they?" She's not dumb, she can make educated guesses. "Oh, Dom, I'm sorry." She has compassion in her voice, her expression. She stands there, waiting to see what he does next, knowing words probably won't help just yet.   

Zolomon stays close but not to close as he watches Dom closely in case he gets out of control.   

Dominik can really think of nothing else to do in that moment of time but simply turn away. His head lowering, chin touching his chest, the buck's shoulders heave, and he lets out an anguished growl/cry. It likely was a good thing Zolomon wasn't standing in his path...he likely would have gotten unintentionally bowled over as the large hare strides over in the direction of the door. He ducks out of the room, his footsteps heard echoing loudly down the corridor as Dom exits swiftly, and more than likely makes his way back down in the direction of the caverns.   

Zolomon watches him head off and then salutes Felicity and heads on out to likely just sleep.

"Wait, Dom!" Felicity can guess where the huge buck is going, and she rreeeaaaaalllllyyy doesn't want to have to deal with Erg again, which is where she's afraid his mind might be headed. "Oh, crap," she mutters. Then Zolomon salutes her and leaves. The doe just stands there in the room, alone. Tears well up in her eyes. "Whot 'ave I done?" She quietly asks herself. As tears course down her cheeks, she quietly leaves the room, abandoning the chaos and hiding somewhere secluded to cry while she gives Dom some space to do the same...


Thanks for reading!


#2 2020-04-11 09:30:29 PM

Registered: 2018-10-28
Posts: 56

Re: So many worries! (IC LP log April 11th, 2020)

This was so much fun!  big_smile You get both Philosophical Dom and Angry Dom both in the same scene...hee. This ought to be interesting! Thanks for the RP!

“You will find joy, frustration and sorrow in your quest. Never forget that friendship and loyalty are more precious than riches...Happiness can be brief, but it knows no time in the land of dreams.”

Owner of: Monty, Dominik, and Grau


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