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#1 2020-02-27 05:51:21 PM

Elbio Hare and Alts
Registered: 2019-06-22
Posts: 188

Let's Study A Map



Texo- Architech of Ferravale

Gorvenalus- Recorder of Redwall Abbey

Minsc- Champion of Willowbark Abbey/Warrior


Vilfred was looking over a map, it looked a bit old but not too old, mainly old from being in a chest for a while. The map looked to go into some woods near a village, and there was tunnels under ground and some mines, also some old building of sorts.   

Texo looks over the map curious "I mean its..possible the village is Ferravale..there is a river and the mines are in the right place, if those are mines that is "He studies it more "And, possible tunnels as well."   

Minsc walks over sitting at a table "A map? What is the map being for my friends?"   

Vilfred speaks "Me and Nardo found it in a tunnel cavern area, a creepy skeleton of some sort held a key, the key went to the chest and that held this map"   

Texo nods "He is correct. I do believe its Ferravale it begins at....and goes to some place in the woods,like an old shack but I know of no old shacks in the woods..some cabins here and there though"
Minsc looks at the map and frowns "I know those tunnels."He leaves it at that not explaining further how he knows them and shrugs " Never know what will find in the woods, abanded paths and such..caves even, maybe old dens"
Vilfred tilts his head "Is knowing tunnels, how is this Minsc? Most do not know of them it seems."   

Texo says, "Well maybe they been around, tunnels depending on how well built can be around many seasons after all, or maybe its old mines those have been found around this area,"   

Minsc just sits quietly letting the others look over the map and discuss things, he then speaks "Been in part of them, if it's the same ones."
Vilfred waves as Texo heads off and watchs the hamswer curious "Been in them maybe? How tell as maybe there is clue to what map is being for"
Minsc sighs but replies "An insane squirrel had me and father captive in a cell and there was tunnels, when we escaped it led to a mine near Ferravale, some of those tunnels are likely fell in, I know one is being collaped anyways"
Vilfred says, "Well it does also lead to some old..building maybe? I am unsure. Not one to explore in woods much, usualy along the river or somepaths yes...but not this area of woods"
Minsc sees unintrested and then shrugs " You will need help and I have not had good adventure in while, even if this just be a small one, its still something to slove my good friend so I am going to be helping you Log-A-Log"   

Vilfred grins "Help i much good Minsc and advrenture will get my mind off things of saddness"   

Gorvenalus steps out of the library about this time carrying a few books as he seems to be looking for something, he looks close to droping the books in fact.   

Minsc nods,he then smiles and goes to get some of the books off the top " Allow me to assisit you" He lays the books on the table and offers a smile.
Vilfred nods "Glad for help....helllo Gorvenalus"He lets Minsc help the beaver.   

Gorvenalus smiles "Thank you-----"He then about drops the rest but manages to lay them down on the table, one falls to the floor but he picks it up and lays it on the table as he notices whom is in front of him"Minsc!" He goes to hug him and is happy to see him "I was not expecting a visit, a letter was not sent, all is well right, at Willowbark?"   

Minsc hugs him in return"Hello father, no sort of a..just want to visit and it seems I even alwready have something to help with, finding where a map leads to"   

Vilfred nods "Yes tunnels and mines and some possible old building somewhere in the woods or maybe..elsewhere"   

Gorvenalus asks, "Tunnels?..Not one for tunnels but there may be something here or even Ferrvale if its close to that village, ask thier recorder prehaps for ideas on how to go about quest thing"

Minsc says, "dont worry you dont have to go"   

Vilfred says, "We can find someone else as well and yes we can look up things or just follow the map"
Gorvenalus decides to look at thier map and studies it"It seems simple enough, likely a way to go from where ever the chest was to...another location and the tunnels are just there, maybe in case one wanted to go from underground or above ground but yes a couple tunnels collaped..this one"He points to one and hmms "This other one may be open still...but bith ways one can be above ground as wel, though what ever it leads to sees there is only a tunnel route..maybe"   

Minsc nods"Maybe we can find something of vaule even, or another clue to another place"
Vilfred says, "well gold and tresure can be useful, or just placed somewhere to look nice"
Gorvenalus says, "All I can say is you both need to be careful if your going exploreing and take supplies with you just in case, and flint and steel would be wise as well"
Minsc says, "We of course would be carefull father, I know to be careful not to worry"

Vilfred says, "Yes very careful and being ready is always being good friends,Brother Gorvenalus is correct"   

Gorvenalus nods, he gives Minsc a look of concern as he is of course concerned "Just..dont go raceing off on possible adventure, you only just got here"He smiles"Tea and chatting,time tocatch up on things we both have missed , lets go into cavern hole"   

Minsc nods after a brief morment "Alright"He smiles as a chuckle starts "Much to catch up on I am the seals and sea lions...let me tell you about it father" He goes to lead them to the cavern hole

Vilfred decides to roll up the map and check on his son, and talk over things with his shrews.

I play
Elbio-LP Hare


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