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#1 2019-12-06 08:43:26 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Updates For The Abbot-Redwall Log


Krisha-Badger Mother

Ewan-LP Redwall Hare, Private and Fighter in LP

Benar-Abbot of Redwall


Krisha is sitting at the table finishing a late dinner, she looks like she rather just not be here but she has work to catch up on now so she been fairly busy with Badger Mother duties as well as any Abbot duties that need done while Benar is still recovering.
Ewan enters the room from the kitchens, he has a mug of tea and a small plate of scones, and some cheese before he sits."Hallo Mother Krisha, how are you doing?"   

Krisha smiles a little "I am, fairy well now that those herbs Nardo gave me seem to be done effecting me."She frowns "I didn't like being unconscious 3 and a half days and then feel like I want to vomit a day and a half, 5 days all together. He says he didn't mean to use such a strong sleep aid herb..I forgave him but still, he should be careful next time"   

Ewan says, "I heard, I am glad your ok. I also noticed Xander up in the infirm"   

Krisha sips her tea and leans back in her chair,she has finished her soup and rolls. "Yeah, Xander got stuck in the cold weather too long and didn't see a healer right away for a wound on his arm, he should be fine and he got needed rest. I think he is still in the abbey for a couple days, though he is avoiding Benar...for now." She sighs "Those two need to sit down and just chat already"
Ewan shrugs "I am..sure they will chat sometime soon, well maybe...I mean one never knows" He decides to eat his snack, yes he is a hare but he seems to not eat like a normal hare and most are use to that by now.   
Ewan nods "Yeah, I could maybe be thar as well and chatting is always good for any beast"   

Benar walks into the room and takes his time to get to a chair,he nods to Krisha and Ewan and tilts his head "What are we speaking of?Something I should know of or is Mother Krisha taking care of it?"   

Krisha looks over at Beanr and helps him to his chair "I..can help anyways"She takes a deep breath "You and Xander need to talk. He was in the infirm 3-4 days recovering from being outside too much in this cold, and he got a slight case of frost bite, he is ok and ....he is still in the abbey but staying in me and his old room, the one I had before I was Badger Mother. He will still avoid being in the same room as you...he mainly wont leave the one room he is in."
Ewan listens as he sits there, then speaks "I can be there, when you chat and you can like have Matilda too if your concern Benar, but Xander has behaved while here and has expressed being sorry for the issue where you were hurt"   

Benar allows the help to his chair and sighs, he holds up a paw "I never said Xander couldn't come to the abbey, nor did I say I wouldn't speak to him. At the time...yes I didn't want to see him."He frowns in thought. "I can figure out a good time and place for me and him to speak but I am unsure when"   

Krisha nods "Ok, and thank you Benar." She decides to change the subject "Other news is Brother Caleb is heading to Halyard. Also a baby sparrow was born in the loft this morning, the parents have yet to name it,it's a girl"   

Ewan says, "A future Sparra warrior most likely, how are the Sparra I wonder as they seem to stay inside the loft"

Benar nods "I heard of Caleb's trip...I wish he would of stayed here but after Cynthia's..death I understand. I heard you did well with the funeral?" He then smiles as he hears of the baby sparrow "A egg has hatched? That is wonderful news indeed and we need good news like that right now"   

Krisha smiles "Its cute was interesting to see, they had came down to make sure the chick was healthy, which it is and I made sure some of the old cloths we had were sent up to the Sparra instead of tossing the cloths, they can be used by our Sparra friends to warm thier nests, I hope that's ok Benar."   

Ewan stands "I am gonna go to bed early, goodnight" And he heads on to, well bed.   

Benar nods and waves to Ewan, he smiles at Krisha "It was a wonderful idea Krisha. One I should of thought of and didn't, very good use of old bits of cloth. The Sparra have always been our friends for many many seasons in fact, long before any of us were around"
Krisha smiles "I am glad your feeling better Benar, I had been worried. Things have gone fairy well around the abbey, we do have a small group of guests from the grasslands, a family of 8-9 mice, it was warmer in the abbey so they are staying till spring"
Benar says, "That is fine Krisha" He yawns as he feels tried and leans back "It's...good, good to be updated" He soon drifts off to sleep."
Krisha watches the abbot and then stands, goes over to him and gently picks him up and carries him to his room where he will be more cozy.She makes sure is is comfortable in his bed,takes off his glasses and lays them on the nightstand bu his bed and then heads off to bed herself as Sister Ginny did promise to get the dibbuns to bed,then of course Krisha always seems to wake up to at least one dibbun in her room when she wakes up due to maybe a nightmere or maybe they were scared of the wind or they just couldn't sleep well.


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