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#1 2019-10-29 05:03:59 PM

Elbio Hare and Alts
Registered: 2019-06-22
Posts: 188

Updates and Almost Ready For Winter-GUOSIM LOG!




Berwin-Cook and Warrior



3-4 other GUOSIM shrews..


Vilfred is in branches of a tre. Fairly high up as he watches the woods and paths quietly chewing idly on a piece of straw.

Lyra has taught herself to climb the tree and soon sits beside the shew”So..on watch duty are we dear?”

Vilfred smiles “Ya be making much noise on way up, but getting better Lyra”He grins.

Lyra chuckles “Come down ok, time for dinner”

In the newly finished Mess Hall is Berwin sitting out rolls, shrew bread and some smoked fish and salad.

Leigh gets some  juice to drink “I am glad the  roof of the building is done now, less worry for when the snow comes”

Mavis speaks “Snow can take its time, like come later ya know”

Vilfred chuckles as he enters “Snow will come when snow wants to friends”

Berwin grins “Log-A-Log is here, we can eat dinner plenty of smoked fish and dried fish, some normal fish..a lot of apples and pears too.”

Leigh nods and waves “We should be find for winter..even have shrimp, rice cakes even and wild onions and potatoes..we got some wheat from the abbey and sugar,and salt too.We can still trade some fish for something if we want.”

The storage has apples,pears, other fruits and veggies. Smoked eel and pike,smoked fish and even some shrimp.wheat,sugar and other spices and herbs for cooking,maybe not a lot of choices but it's the first winter here.

Mavis smiles “I like this new home, it's nice”

Other shrews in the room agree as they eat dinner.

Vilfred smiles as he sits down “But don't always need to be waiting on me to have meal, info for the next time yes?”

Berwin chuckles “Of course” He sits down as well”Though every so often we should try and get something different for meals, just sometimes.”

Lyra sits and looks around “I say we have done well for the first couple seasons here so far..Summer and's been good even with a couple problems like the Pke and unexpected company one day, we handled it well”

Mavis nods, “And Log-A-Log getting lost one day but he was found and we became friends with Camp allies and allies are good to have all the time”

Berwin chuckles”Friends are always good to have.”

Vilfred smiles and raises a mug of ale “To Allies, friends” He says and takes a sip as he  starts to have dinner.

Lyra smiles “I agree”She gives Log-A-LOg a kiss on the cheek and smiles”I am also glad we found one another and have a new home, and not just any home one by the River Moss again and even Log Boats.”

Leigh smiles, a nod “The river is important to us shrews after all.I also like to let you all know the herbs for the healing needs are in good shape, main ones in storage and the few we may need I am sure the abbey or..if needed Ferravale has, Ferravale is a friend as well right?”

Berwin nods “Ferravale is on the list of friends “

Vilfred nods “Yes they are being friends as well to us indeed. We may not go thar much at all but still are being the friends yes”

Mavis nods in agreement.

Lyra smiles “Life is fairly good right now.Which..brings up news since we are doing all these updates.”

Leigh looks over and listens as she sips some juice “News of what?”

Berwin hmmms “Good news I do hope”

Mavis tilts her head “Good or bad...both maybe?”

Vilfred smiles as he stands “Good….me and Lyra are going to ask Abbot Benar to.perform a wedding, me and Lyra’ some days ago when I asked Lyra to be my mate and she had said yes and a wedding will make it official but a wedding needs one to perform ceremony...a simple one nothing fancy.”

Lyra smiles as she stays beside Vilfred the Log-A-Log.

Berwin grins “Well sounds like a good plan and again many congrats”

Masvis nods “I like it..short..simple...nice”

Leigh smiles at this “Simple is always need to have  anything big and fancy...short and simple and at home is good. Or even a small one at the abbey maybe...well maybe the abbey”

Vilfred nods “Yes, yes it is but as said dont need a lot of beasts, hmmms maybe just me and Lyra ask the abbot to do small ceremony and then shrews celebrate once back at camp ...if anyone else wants to say congrats maybe at Winter feast as knowing they are not having autumn one but that is ok still”

Lyra smiles, a sip of ale as she listens to the others, then speaks “We can ask dear but not today or tomorrow..still some things to do before the cold weather fully sets in”

Berwin nods “Yeah like make the rest of the smoked fish for us and anyone else who wants some”

Mavis speaks “I can see if the abbey wanted any smoked fish”

Vilfred nods “For now we enjoy dinner and chat.Then rest as yes still some things to do before cold weather comes.”

Which might be sooner than the shrews think but for now they are happy, ready for  winter and will have lots of firewood collected soon, they should be ready for colder weather…...right?

Last edited by Elbio Hare and Alts (2019-10-29 05:04:30 PM)

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Elbio-LP Hare


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