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#1 2019-07-29 08:10:04 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Going To Ferravale A couple days-Redwall Log


Krisha-Badger Mother

Xander-Leader of Mossflower Defenders


Benar-Abbot of Redwall


Krisha walked up to Xander and cleared her throat and waited for him to replay or least notice her.

Xander quickly stood up and frowns "Hey..s..sorry I was just making sure Benar had enough clay for the pottery and maybe I will make some as ok?"

Krisha  nods "I..I will be...I told Benar, about Northstar. He also suggested a day off, a real day off for me and I am gonna go visit father and your gonna stay here...ok. I just wanted to tell you and  i want us back to telling each other when we will be away and an idea of how long...Like me..2 maybe 3 days with Father. Do not worry Father is picking me up and walking me there after...after this."

Xander frowns and nods as he listens as he goes to follow her once she leaves the room.

Ferro stood off to the side and frowns, they stood by a small grave freshly made.

~~~~~~~~Here lies Northstar~~~~~~*
~~~~~~~A Life taken much too soon~~~~~~
~~~~~~~Named after her Aunt~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~She will be missed~~~~~~

Krisha wipes away some tears and leans agaist Xander.

Xander holds her close and frowns "I'm..s..sorry this is my fault, isnt it? She died cause, I should of been the one to...die"

Ferro speaks "No it wasssssssss not your fault, it wasssssss the wildcat'sssssss mate whom killed her. One can not alwaysssssss ssssssstop thingssssss like thissssss."

Krisha sighs and nods "He's...right its not your fault, its not. "

Xander frowns as tears go down his face "Who else..who else is gonna.....die, I lost Uncle Zee, Then Uncle Oz..lost Hawkeye and now we lose Northstar." He looks at the grave in another row and walks over, tracing the letters -OZ- and sighs"She's with care of her for me, please"

Ferro follows him and looks at the grave" Oz Winters wasssssss a good friend, one of the few whom didn't seem jumpy around me, he is missssssssed"

Krisha watches them and sniffs, she lays a rose on the grave of Northstar and one on Oz's and goes to stand by Xander "Your talking to Benar and its not a request, talking is good for stress. Also just a warning he is not happy you cam into the abbey injuried and was in a fight, be lucky I didn't mention it was 10-12 vermin who attacked you."

Xander sighs and nods "Yes..madam...I will. This last fight has made my..memories all, like holes all in it, part of me wants to remember things abd part of me doesn't, but I remember wot is  important and was updated on least main important things....most of them" Yeah Keldorn being a novice is new, least to him right now "And if I don't get the memories of the last 3-4 seasons, so be it, tis fine." He looks at Ferro "Just keep her safe to and from and while at Ferravale"

Ferro nods "Of coursssssssssse, I would alsssssswayssssss but Krisha can fight, sssssshe was tight to use a ssssssshort ssssssssword, she can sssssswing a long chain, but yessssss I will alsssssso keep her sssssafe, sssssshe is my daughter and your also my ssssssson ssssssince sssssshe is married to you."

Krisha smiles and just listens "I need to update Benar"

Benar walks in with a light  as it is starting to get dark, "Update me on what?"He glaces at the grave and sighs"I am sorry to hear of your daughter dieing so young, too young..."

Xander stays quiet and lets them chat for now.

Krisha answers "Father is gonna walk me to Ferravale in the morning and I will be back in 2-3 days and he will walk me back. I have the couple Sisters and some novices to help with the dibbuns and Sister Ginny wanted to go with me, she will get back safe as well..promise"She adds "And Xander is to talk to you, told him it was not a request."

Ferro bows to Benar and stays where he is letting them finish talking.

Benar nods "Alright"He smiles a little "I think Sister Ginny will enjoy sometime away."He looks at Xander studying him a moment before he speaks "After lunch meet me in the kitchen yard or you can be early if wish, by the potters wheel, we could even have a light lunch and chat, work on some pottery."

Xander nods as he speaks "I..yes sir, I will be there" He still has the eye patch, and a hidden bandage under his tunic sleeve.

Benar nods "Good, now lets head inside...I have not had my tea yet and you all can join me before bed."

Krisha tilts her head "I have sort of gotten a liking for Coffee, but I can drink tea."

Ferro makes a face "Coffee? You drink....I wouldn't have an enemy drink that sssssssstufff."

Xander blinks "isn't that wot...Brother Gorvenalus drinks? I tasted it, its..odd...I can make this cucumber mint tea...if want"

Benar shakes his head "Tea tonight and some berry scones" He leads the way inside where the friends chat a long while, have tea and mixed berry scones before its time for sleep.


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