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#1 2019-04-30 11:04:13 AM

Registered: 2019-03-14
Posts: 25

Gardens Of Different Kinds-FERRAVALE LOG


Melvina-Healer beast of Ferravale and Mossflower Defenders

Ferro- Blacksmith in Ferravale

Mudjaw-Guard in Ferravale

Rubblethorn- Guard in Ferravale

The Log:

Melvina was out collecting herbs in the woodlands and even got some in the market that just opened like..well today and she has seeds she is planting in an area close to the orchards. She has cleared some area and placed like a sort of small fence around it that is knee high and has small wooden poles showing the kind of herb it is, ¾ is for healing and ¼ area for cooking,though a couple in cooking herbs can be used for healing like Cayenne Pepper and Lemongrass.

Mudjaw was on duty and grew curious of this new garden, “What tis...this?”

Rubblethorn peers over Mudjaw's shoulder “It looks like some sort of garden Mudjaw, gardens are nice. I like flower gardens myself.”

Melvina looks at them as she adjusts some peat moss around a cutting of an herb she found “An Herb garden, most are for healing and a couple for cooking, it will be nice to have so the healers do not need to always go to the market or the woodlands, now some are just in the woodlands like Willowbark and Pine and some herbs are hard to grow in a garden and one must be extra careful so they stay in the woods..also is a poison but in very very small amounts it can heal certain things also.

Mudjaw nods as, well that's interesting to know “So..herbs are helpful and yes I agree less walking into the woods is good, good work..yes I can let the chieftain know of this good good work”

Rubblethorn  speaks “Can we see about a flower garden too? We can have a couple maybe, one in town center and one like at the entry of the graveyard, graveyards shouldn't  be..totally creepy”

Melvina just listens as she works and soon stands and dust off her pants.”I can inform the chieftain of the herb garden and if you want flower gardens you can ask, am I right?”

“Flower Garden would be different to sssssssssssssee”Comes a voice and it's Ferro the Blacksmith as he nods a hello “It'sssssssss finally warmer, enough to walk around enjoy the ssssssssssssssssssssssun”

Mudjaw backs up and then nods “Ello, I am glad we have a monitor on our side, hate to have one as an enemy.”

Rubblethorn grins “One as an enemy would eat you for dinner”

Melvina nods a hello, she has meet the lizard before so she is not too edgy around him as she was when she first came to the village.”Hi..”Is all she says.”Also I plan to see if I can help the village acquire more healers, healers are needed.”

Ferro nods “I do not eat meat...”He keeps it simple and to the point as he glaces at Melvina “There isssssssssss you, and another and the one that callsssssssss themselfsssssssss masssssssster healer and ssssssstays inside the infirm mossssssssssst of the day and night unlesssssssssssssss they venture out for food and drinkssssssssssss.....”

Mudjaw shrugs, ok so a non meat eatting lizard but he is unsure that's totally true but he is not asking.”The woods are safe at least and the roads clear, it's peaceful and I like peace. Anyone know when the tavern will finally be open?”

Rubblethorn thinks “Ummm..soon? You can ask Patch or Xander they know but its soon or least hope its soon..yeah ale is good”

Melvina nods “A good drink in the village would be good to have, I am sure the tavern is open soon they have worked on it a lot I have noticed, maybe the chieftain knows”

Ferro stands off to the side, he will go to the tavern most likely when it is open, “I may take a ssssssssmall walk to the abbey of Redwall to sssssssssssee my daughter, so do excussssssssssse me pleassssssssssssse”

Mudjaw nods and waves “Ok..enjoy a visit and then come back of course.”He hmmms and looks at Rubblethorn “Let's go see if the chieftain will let us make a couple flower gardens, it will be fun and flowers smell nice.”

Rubblethorn nods, he had to agree flowers do smell nice “Ok..fine but it is your idea not mine, but I will help if she says ok to the idea...”

Melvina shakes her head and chuckles, of all the things to discuss in a vermin village..flower gardens, she looks to the herb garden she is working on, almost down with in fact.

The village has recently checked the orchards and planted crops in the fields to be later checked in Autumn harvest, the village is doing well and things are basically normal. The tavern soon done, that Mossflower Defenders base done soon as well, a couple new houses are being built in the housing area and small repairs here and there.

Ferro walks on to the gate, he will first let the chieftain know where he is going, then head off for that visit and return in a few days time.

Melvina yawns and smiles, she heads back to her hut for a nap, then will check on some drying herbs she left on the tables in the infirm, it's been a good day today.

My Alts since seems all post them......
Reva-My LP hare
Melvina-My healer rat maid,she lives in Ferravale and helps out the Mossflower Defenders sometimes so...goodish


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