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#1 2019-04-24 12:16:53 PM

Registered: 2019-03-14
Posts: 25

River Rescue-LP LOG

** AN LP Log with Reva!!!**

Who is in the log:

Reva-Recruit in the jolly Long Patrol

Zolomon-Private First Class and Runner, As well as Archer in the Jolly Long Patrol

Millie-spoofed dibbun

Flip- cloaked spoofed brother to Millie

A evil spoofed Rat

The Log:

Somewhere along the river moss and slowly getting to the western shore=
Zolomon was just glad they were making good time, they might end up at the mountain a good few days sooner than planed, well he did leave earlier after all and they have traveled a lot, rested a little. Of course he didn't really send news he was on his way back but then again it's not like they won't see him like a day before they get there, one can see fairly far once they get to the shoreline, they still have a bit of space between there and here.

Reva sighed, "March and stop to eat and sleep, isn't thar something else we can do and also your quiet...too quiet, last grumble bout something, ya the mud, this mud I hate it, your thoughts?""

The mud was thanks to the rain the night before, which may them have to go go a little inland as there was some flooding, not too much just a little..Not many have been along the river,but that was about to change as...was that..


Zolomon good ear perked up a little but he keep going and then slowed when he finally spoke"Could quiet a just a few seconds."

Reva rolls her eyes "Oh now ya speak and tell me to..."She then hears the crying and looks around trying to find the sound"Someone is...crying but, not sure where it's coming from sur"

The crying was sort of soft and then got louder, sort of wailing of a dibbun. It was coming from boat, a sort of log boat like a group of shrews might have but,One the boat was a tall rat with a good ear full of gold rings in both ears, a torch he has just let in paw and speaking to clearly a dibbun hiding in the small storage compartment "Ok brat..I won't kill ya...the fire from de torch will!!"He drops it and starts laughing and jumps off the now flaming log boat.

Zolomon rushes to the edge of the water and frowns "There is a dibun..."He takes off his pack, his longbow and dives into the water swimming towards the log boat before it gets all the wall engulfed in flames

Reva gasps as she was not sure what to do, she looked around "Sur!!! What about the rat!!" Ok ok there is the kid, on a flaming log can a boat fricking flame in the middle of the river!!Its on water for crying out loud!

The rat of course resurfaced and caught sight of Zolomon and had a look of, what the on his face and then anger seemed to flash "Oh no way longears."He took a deep breath and then went under the water to get under the hare and try and pull him under the water as well.

Zolomon felt something under the water and kicked at it and looked around, the boat was.....sinking now as he tried to figure this all out and got to the other side where the storage area was and busted a burning board off to look inside"Kid...kid?!" Where was the dibbun at, he heard a dibbun right?

The wailing dibbun had stopped, but then seemed to start crying again as she was under a blanket in a corner, like that would help as water sipped in and she screamed more now . The water was helping the fire go out, course some of the log boat still burned some near the edges."I want daddy!!!"

Reva seemed to panic and then dived in also, she looked around for the rat, where was the darn rat.

Zolomon decided to break more boards and grab the dibbun, blanket and all and hold them close. He untangled the cover a little and looked to the river"Ok your gonna hold onto to me and we get to shore."

"Ta shore dead!!" Came a voice and then a scream of the dibbun as they wiggle and get free of the blanket and Zolomon and wail louder. The rat goes to stab the hare as it's very possible he might tumble onto his side or back as the boat turns sideways and sort of tips over from fire damage and water logging..sort of a mess of flaming bits of board and other bits of boat..and a sinking blue...blanket, any supplies sink too.

Zolomon gasped as he raised a paw to block the cutlass, he felt the boat turn over and a pain in his arm when the cutlass cut into him a little. He looked around for the dibbun as he felt himself sink a little and forced his legs to help him to the surface and coughed up water as he looked around and to his arm, lucky it was not much of a slice but he will need a new jacket..the cut mainly from a sharp bit of chain mail he had in his jacket...hmmmm...oh yeah so that's why the extra jacket was a bit bulkier and heavier. He looked around trying to find any signs of the dibbun"Where the rat...where is the dibbun?"

Reva frowns "I don't know sur!!" She is close by and frowns. She takes a deep breath and goes under, a quick to find the dibbun, find the dibbun.

So much was going on at once....but there was a small figure sinking down..down...the dibbun! Small and very much needing saved. The rat meanwhile had somehow made it on shore and coughed, gagged up water and looked around, he lost the cutlass but he has a dagger in his boot that he pulls out.

Zolomon swimed to shore and help his arm and frowned, he looked to the river and concerned showed. He scanned the riverbanks but didn't see the rat.

Reva saw and quickly grabbed the dibbun and got to the shore as quickly as she could and gently shakes the dibbun and slapped her back as she laid her on her side "Come one..come on come on.....don't be dead, please don't be dead"

The dibbun suddenly coughed up a lot of water and shivered, it was then clear...she was either a mouse or..wait was she a rat with a tail that looked like a..mouse?She was maybe the size of a mouse dibbun just about to enter her teen seasons or a still very young rat. Meanwhile the rat who had set fire on the boat was unseen due to coming out of some cat tail plants, but he was not about to walk away, he aimed to kill the dibbun but first the hare maid as he went to slip behind her, he would then kill the dibbun and flee, maybe if the other hare was around still he could make him run into a trap, even if it took a little while.

Zolomon was tried, sore arm but still he saw the rat, quickly got his longbow and set an arrow in it, pulled back and released towards the rat's backside,he might be a bit far but his aim was good, he rarely missed...usually.

Reva smiled " ok, wot is your name, I am Reva..."Yeah let's not pay attention to your possible soon to be death.

The rat grined and then a gurgled sound as the arrow hits him in the throat and he falls over dead. The dibbun blinks "I am..Millie..."She then screams and latches onto the hare maid for dear life and shivers.

Zolomon walks up and studies the dead rat, the dibbun and Reva as he speaks "Wot de I said...always pay attention to your surroundings at all times, you almost had the shortest carreeer as a long patrol...or least think so"

Reva spins around and gasps...."Oh...errrr...sorry sur, so wot do we do with the dibbun?" She sits the dibbun down if she can and stands, she looks at Zolomon's arm "And your should get something on that and bandaged...also cleaned up."

Zolomon looks at his arm and nods as he sits down and tilts his head to look at the dibbun "I..don't bally well know"He clears his throat "You...have a family..anyone ummm...whats ya name?"

The dibbun sniffs "Millie...the bad beast wanted daddy dead and to take over ...."She doesn't finish "I want my daddy...I want Flip....."

Reva nods "Where is daddy and who is Flip?" She gets out some small rice cakes and water for the dibbun and then tends to Zolomon's arm after a camp fire is started to dry them all off."So..wot now sur?"

the dibbun sniffs and frowns"On way home near Halyard, "Flip is my brother....big brother...."

Zolomon hmms , his arm now tended to he nods "Good job Reva, maybe look into more healing as a skill"He smiles a little and nods "Ok then we travel to find them, they are likely worried about you lass, but first..dinner"Dinner is simple, some fish and wild greens and dried fruit and water.

Reva smiles "Food is always jolly well good"

The dibbun chuckles "Jolly Jolly wot wot" She smiles.

It is a couple days of traveling with the dibbun that they come upon a cloaked figure. Of course its right away a reflex to scoot the dibbun behind them but she peeks around them and suddenly runs to the cloaked figure who bends down to scoop them up saying something clearly in a different speech not one the hares would likely know, but they seem to know some common "Thank you for finding my little sister the tribe was worried.."The younger dibbun is just happy "Flip...Flip, hee hee"

Zolomon smiles as he relaxing "Your welcome glad to help, the rat vermin that was after her is dead by the sure you don't need help may be more of those rats around"

Reva says, "Lets hope not, that rat was insane""

Flip just smiles "We will be fine and he was the only one, a couple others were taken care of...come on Millie, father is very very  worried..."The little dibbun waves as she is carried off to where ever the camp of her tribe is.

Zolomon waves and sighs "Well that was....nice, helped a dibbun, now let's get home shall we that did set us off by a day"

Reva smirks "A day oh no wot will we ever do"She grins "And we left like 4 days early too so we are still making good time so stop ya worry sur. Maybe we can find some wild strawberries along the way, those would be good"

Zolomon shrugs "We will see..let's just hope the rest of the trip back goes well, that's all I want."

Reva salutes and the two hares head on towards...home.

What might happen next? Will they get Home? Lost? Will they find strawberries!

Stay Tuned!!!!

Last edited by Melvina (2019-04-24 12:18:12 PM)

My Alts since seems all post them......
Reva-My LP hare
Melvina-My healer rat maid,she lives in Ferravale and helps out the Mossflower Defenders sometimes so...goodish


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