Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-08-07 10:57:59 AM

Registered: 2018-08-07
Posts: 151

Flags, Permissions, and Vehicles

When creating a ship, I wanted certain rooms to be controllable as a vehicle while others are not (i.e. you shouldn't be able to, say, steer and look out to sea from the brig). I'm using @lock here=Vcontrol=$~anyone on rooms where control is an option. This works at first, but I've noticed that I have to re-do it from the ship builder (Seigrave) almost every time someone else wants to use a +vc #control command. Is there another command I should be tacking on to make that change permanent, or is this just a bug? To note, rooms that are locked to where NO control is an option remain properly locked to players outside of the builder, which is good.

Lutea, Aden, Samara, Mary, Nautch, Jinora, Kympa, Isla, Rionach, and Jion
Avatar is a free base from Ace_Coyote on FA that I edited over


#2 2018-08-07 04:26:09 PM

From: North Woods
Registered: 2016-11-18
Posts: 113

Re: Flags, Permissions, and Vehicles

Have you tried +lock instead of @lock? I think they do the same thing, but might be worth a shot. :p

If I set

+lock here=vcontrol=$~anyone

on the boarding room of a vehicle, it appears to allow various alts to pilot it.

Maybe set

+lock here=vcontrol=!$~anyone

on the vehicle parent. That'll turn off driving by default for all rooms under the parent/in the vehicle. Then do

+lock here=vcontrol=$~anyone

for each room that should allow characters to pilot the vehicle.

Not sure why the lock would unset from character to character. They can be finicky though.


#3 2018-08-07 04:46:00 PM

From: North Woods
Registered: 2016-11-18
Posts: 113

Re: Flags, Permissions, and Vehicles

And as for whether the "From outside:" crud is displayed:

Rooms parented to Vehicle Listen Parent will show that text. Rooms parented to Vehicle No-Listen Parent will not.

Ya can switch a room's parent with @tele...

@tele here=#dbref of correct parent


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