Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2018-04-23 12:31:07 PM

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 102

Alone In The Pitch Black Room-Redwall Dibbun Roleplay


Kenya- sea otter dibbun

Atvi- vole dibbun

Book binding room

Exploreing gone wrong

What time:

After lunch time


RW Abbey: Bookbinding Room
This is a moderately sized room with a table that runs the full length of the
wall. It's rather stuffy, as there are no windows and only one door. The table
is neatly arranged with all the tools necessary for binding books, stacks of
spare parchment and spools of thread, as well as several clay ink pots and
quills made of pigeon feathers. There are some books set at one end in a neat
stack, all of which seem to be damaged in some way. A stack of scrolls, barely
readable do to water stains, are on a shelf near the door. A chair is sat by
the table and a small desk close to the doorway.

Kenya looks around the room, someone didn't shut it all the way maybe or maybe she just fiddled with the old door knob and got inside. The room is..boring to her but there is some interesting bottles of ink and feathers drying for quill making maybe, she grins and gets some paper and ink and makes paw prints on a blank sheet and sticks a couple feathers on the paper for fun.   

Atvi wanders inside. Yes he escaped the teacher as it was math class and math is horrible and..well hard, who needs it anyways. He sees the otter and of course is curious "What ya doings?"   

Kenya frowns as she looks at the vole "Go is making arts."Well its art to her, she even has some rocks in her pocket to add to it and sticky honey to make a sort of glue, but it glues blank paper to her paw and a feather to her head.   

Atvi tilts his head "Looks more intrestings than math...math is dumb."   

Kenya rolls her eyes and knocks over the ink bottle, oh well it was only 1/4 of the way full anyways so not much of a lost right? As for blank paper she has 4 stuck to her and one with her..well work of art on it! "Go aways!" She goes to punch him towards the door. "Do dumbs math"   

Atvi manages to slip away sideways and stick out his tongue " gonna stay in here"He looks around "What this place...looks like books with no cover" He points to a couple books being fixed, "And stuffs"   

Kenya blinks and then goes to shove the other dibbun to the door "Leaves!!"
Atvi feels himself go towards the door and slams into it and starts crying "Me gonna tell Papa Oz!!!!!!" He sniffs and stands. He slammed into the door and now it's shut..and stuck! Panic happens now as he wails!!   

Kenya frowns "I no hurt you that bad ya is like a cry baby and I not let you tells Papa Oz no no"   

Atvi goes to try and open the door, he can't and he cries more and is at that point where you cough and have snot all over your face."Stuck!..Door no open!!!!!" He looks at her "You is fault...your did it!!!!!!" He sniffs.   

Kenya sighs and goes to try the door just to get him to shut up and when it's very much clear it's stuck she frowns and rattles the doorknob and looks around for something like to hit the doorknob with. She finds an old metal book end not in use and bangs it into the knob and just ends up bending the knob and now she starts to cry but refuses to let panic set in, not yet.   

Atvi watches, he hopes and then it's shattered as he sniffs and starts to wail again "We is gonna die up here and be all bones and it's your fault!!!!!!!!"   

Kenya frowns "If we die it gonna be your fault and I will tell Papa Oz that tooos!" She kicks the door and then sits down and hugs the book end to her as tears go down each cheek.
Atvi frowns "Hows you gonna do that if your all like deaded?" He rubs his eyes and curls onto a pillow in the corner."We gonna die and then we won't be able to go to feast!!!!"   

Kenya just glares at him "Shut up!!!" Ok maybe she can't tell on him if she is dead, then again "My ghost will tell on ya...I will get Martin warrior and me and him will tell on ya!!"   

Atvi just frowns and hic ups once "Me wants outta like it in here....we need out!"   

Kenya looks at the door and frowns "Well door knob all there! And why you will just have ta face Math again" She wipes her eyes and kicks the door and then after a little while she sits in a chair and just stares at the door. "It no opens...ever ever.....maybe we will get deaded and never have cookies again, NEVER EVER"

Atvi eyes no wide, cookies never again! This must not happen! He looks around as no windows and that door is the only way out and in as he goes to pond on it"Help!!!!" Of course most are likely elsewhere and he tries like a minute before going to curl under the table and cry again. “I wants wanna die and never have cookies gain....will even do math...."He sniffs "No like it..."And then the worse happens..the only light of a small candle. It needed replaced anyways...goes out when a couple things fall and dust makes it go out. Least it was nothing too major that fell, just a book that was upright and now its flat, and no candle means no fire and that’s good...what is bad? light, and it's pitch black.....and now a whimper is heard from the vole.   

Kenya gasps, it's pitch dark and her heart starts racing as she whimpers and closes her eyes, as it that will help "I wanna Papa Oz now...wanan out!!!!!"   

Atvi sniffs, "We stucks in here forever...they will find us in like 10000000000000000000000000 seasons!"   

Kenya now starts to cry, "Not wants be here that long, no!"   

Atvi just sniffs as he curls up under the work table and whimpers
Kenya crawls over to him and somehow gets lucky and finds him and lays down beside him, she sniffs and coughs a little."Maybe when we ghosts we can go through the door?"   

Atvi had calmed down and now....she just had to say that and he once more wails "No wanna be ghost!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Kenya tenses up and holds her ears, well that was a bad idea. Hopefully someone comes looking for a couple missing and most likely in a lot of trouble...dibbuns.

**Will they get out? Maybe..Maybe not....look for the next exciteing log!!***

Last edited by warrior_Otter_maid (2018-04-23 12:31:57 PM)


#2 2018-04-26 03:24:41 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Alone In The Pitch Black Room-Redwall Dibbun Roleplay

Oh my goodness x'D

We SERIOUSLY need to have a DAB RP here soon....y'all can meet Squirrelbabe, dastardly leader of the DAB.  And maybe we can destroy something, too xD


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