Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2018-04-11 10:41:42 AM

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 102

A Message To All-Black Rose Log(Happen 3-6-18)

******* I volunteered to log this and my marten would have been there anyways ***

*****Another quick note this ICLY happen later in the evening of this log  ******

Kakarauri- Assassin and archer in the Black Rose

Melantha- Leader of the Black Rose

Stormfang-Fighter in the Black Rose

A mysterious cloaked beast- In charge of something big and possible warlord (either way he is above the Black Rose leader)

Spoofed beasts include- Stonestripe, a dead Sunrose….assorted slaves and guards
Where: A field by the Black Rose Base
Why: A meeting called to show why you don’t try to escape and fight the Black Rose or the mysterious cloaked beast either


Kakarari was standing near the doorway, it had been a long evening and she was looking forwards to punishing some slaves, they would so pay for thinking they could stab her in the shoulder.

Melantha came walking in, her cloak swirling slightly as she looked at the marten and cleared her throat “Have all the slaves and Black Rose members in the field soon, that’s an order”

Kakarari nods “As you wish my leader” She heads off to do so.

Stormfang is already in the field and grins as he makes the slaves sit down and chuckles “Gee…I wander what all this is about.”

A rabbit slave just glared at them.

Soon a tall cloaked figure came marching in, he lead another beast…taller than him, into the area. The beast’s paws were tied behind their back and they had a sack cloth over their head. He grinned coldly as he spoke “Bring in the other escaped beast….” So there is 2 beasts.

Melantha just stands nearby as this beast brings in not one, but two escaped slaves it seemed and frowns. She didn’t like having a boss, but she agreed to join forces with this beast, this most likely dangerous beast and it did bring the Black Rose new slaves and some new fighters, and vermin working together was always good…right?

Kakarari just quietly watches and smiles, “Sir…master…may I do the honors?”

Stormfang just rolled his eyes, “Little too eager are we?”

The cloaked beast just gave a look, “This one…no.” A couple tall foxes bring in a female badger, one dead female badger and lay her on the ground. A few gasps are heard from the slaves and one beast starts sobbing. The sack cloth is removed from the other captive…also a badger, a male as the cloaked beast speaks in a cold voice “You failed stripedog…you lost. You think you won, you won nothing but my wrath…I may of keep you a slave, your strong and strong beasts are worth a lot….your mate still would of died…the cub however would of lived, but no matter now seems it has died as well.”He growls” My cub! It belonged to me!”

The rabbit frowns “No….no way”He shakes his head..”Sunrose….”Then he sees, oh he had a bad feeling who was the other captive “Stonestripe!”

The badger known as Stonestripe snarled, he had cuts and wounds all over him, then once he seen his mate and thought dead unborn child great pain and sorrow hit him, he dropped to his knees in defeat, he finally managed to get out “ I am glad my child died…its better than being a slave to you vermin scum.” He then turned and spit in the vermin beast face.

Kakarauri growled “How dare you spit in my master’s face! Your punishment should be death…am I right oh master, he escaped after all.”

Melantha   frowned, she then looked at the ground…yeah the badger most likely was doomed or whatever punishment he was getting was gonna be worse.

Stormfang just stayed off to the side, making sure the slaves and guards paid attention.

The badger gets a hard slap to the face as the cloaked beast growls deeply and then draws out a deadly blade, “Pay attention all who even think they can get the best of me, that they will one day be free. That DARE lay a paw on me or worse…spit on me. I am the one who decides who lives and who dies!” He then in one swift motion slices off the badger’s head and steps back. “Let this be a message to all..” He then walks back to his personal quarters.

Kakarauri just chuckles as the badger dies, she then grins to the slaves “Show is over…now back to work the lot of ya!! Or more heads will come off!”

Melantha  keep her eyes on the ground, but she did look up in time to see the badger beheaded and then makes sure the slaves go back to their work duties and the guards and Black Rose members go back to what they were doing before this rather…eventful meeting.

Last edited by warrior_Otter_maid (2018-04-11 11:53:41 AM)


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