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Hey, guys. So, I just found out that Benar at least ICly had no idea about the Willowbark TP.
This is not the first time Benar has been left out of the loop.
I'm not on very many days throughout the week, so I can't really keep him updated. He can't check on the forums or read logs like most of the rest of us can, and I'm never sure what to tell him since I sometimes don't get all the logs read before I have to log off the MUCK on Thursdays, and I then spend an hour afterwards getting all caught up, in addition to the time I spent in between my poses reading them. I also stink at summaries.
Benar is a shared character, so sending pmails to there isn't necessarily the best thing. Elmef is better because he belongs to Benar's original player only, so maybe we should send updates and summaries to Elmef and then pmail Benar that we pmailed Elmef. But keeping Benar updated on anything that could affect Redwall, Benar, or any of the characters Benar ICly knows by sending him summaries would probably be really kind and helpful. Can you guys please do that for me, and for Benar's player? It would mean a lot. (Also, he has no idea I'm doing this. I'm not meaning to be patronizing or making him seem like someone to pity. If our positions were switched, I think I would want someone saying something like this....although I'm pretty sure most of you could say it in a much nicer way than I'm probably managing I actually kind of wish someone had spoken up for me like this during the Thorns of Steel TP that I was co-leader of; I basically was never updated and there were usually at least 10 or so logs to read every week....)
If some of you would like to do this with me for Ferravale, that would be appreciated, but I'm honestly okay if you don't; I can read the logs and get caught up
Also, some of you are REALLY good at summaries, so could you please give me some advice so I can start doing this, too? Summaries are one of the things I'm awful at, so any advice on that would be welcome
And I'm sorry if this is confrontational. It's an important thing to me, and I'm a little frustrated at being the only one who tells him stuff like this, but it's not worth hurting people for. I wasn't meaning to attack any of you, and I'm truly sorry that I didn't word this in the best way; diplomacy and gentleness are not my strong suits Sorry....
True Elmef would be best and I have gotten on as Benar a couple times, not too often unless its needed or someone is like can they speak to the abbot now and its maybe late, for him anyways, and so I will connect him. I usually page mail elmef hey this happen today ect ect.
I play:
Oz- Badger-young adult-Wanderer
hmmms thought he was told....well guess he knows now. Least there was no danger and no one died. All wil come back alive and well and those that don't are staying at Willowbark and are alive still !!!
Ok Sister Elma died but she lived at Willowbark
My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose
I agree. Also Willowbark group can say return between April 4th-7th. It can still of been about a 3 week trip, maybe a little less if caught a good wind or water current. Also no plans to stop just droped off at River Moss where Rupert would of made sure they had a boat of some sort waiting even if he had to send word with Moonbeam to have it ready as I know she mentioned ICLY still being around as messenger so message sent to have boat ready and then they get to Ferravale first and then can go to the abbey from there to let all know...Hey we are back and look we are safe and sound and they can learn any missed news from Mossflower area they need to know....
Sounds cool...Karth's first mission will be get some abbey hoot root and quickly, so he may miss any news at first as he goes to the kitchen and looks for hot root soup.
My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose
Pages: 1