Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2018-09-10 11:29:45 AM

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 102

Question the Squirrel-Fate Of Marek TP

===Well I had time so conencted my insane marten====


Kakarauri- Assassin, insane, archer....evil

Ironbark- Mossflower Defender archer/figher

Where/when/why: Vermin campsitre near Redwall Abbey, afternoon,..I dont know why she is evil? yeah that works:)


Kakarauri sat in front of the squirrel and drank her ale slowly and ate some bread, cheese and even some mixed greens, and of course wood pidgion but it was still food " are you slave?"

Ironbark snorted, he was wet from the rain and a little cold, his paws tied behind his back and sat in some mud.

Kakarauri smirks "I could just kill you but I am sure my Lord and Master Ormax wants some info first.Does the abbey have weakness? Also where is that stripe dog leader of your? You know leader of the Defenders that you wear the uniform of...I know the otter wasnt the true leader and he said how he the badger would be back and oh we would be so so where is he?"

Ironbark just looks away seems he is not saying a word.

Kakarauri sighs and then goes to slap him across the face.Not like he could move much and chuckles coldly"I know you speak woodlander,you spoke a lot to me a couple days ago...remember?"

Ironbark just opens his eyes after being slapped "I don't talk to slime bag vermin ya pest and your friends will pay fer killing Karth one way or another, in fact your all pay"

Kakarauri just laughs "And your slowly starve...ya know that? Stupid woodlander.I bet your friends be willing to save your life, you have friends in the abbey right, oh and some elsewhere right? Like those slaves you and the otter rescued with help and you also rescued the chieftain of Ferravale, not that it matters I think she is too broken to do much,  she supposely muttered insane things in her cell"

Ironbark shrugs "How should I know what one does or doesnt do and I will never tell where the now freed slaves are so stop asking and go saok ya head in that flooed ditch"

Kakarauri just screams and goes to slap him again, she chuckles "You know...a soak in the ditch be fun...or a drowning, maybe I can see if Ormaz will let me drown you, or maybe a little game how long can the squirrel hold its breath before it dies. Oh and tied up by the way."

Ironbark snorts, he is slapped and just glares at the marten. Seems he is not careing right now."Your insane..."

Kakarauri smirks "Well..thank you I am insane and proud. my Lord and Master Ormaz will get into the abbey, he wil kill everyone.The horde will help...the young, the old, anyone else...healers....maybe he will let the leaders be chained to a chair to watch..or maybe not, kill them frist and watch the panic happen"

Ironbark shaked his head and just sighs, he hasnt had food in a couple days...water yes thanks to rain, but the rain saoked one to the bone and he has no way to get dry.

Kakarauri watches him closely "You know a beast can only go so long without food and we can make sure you get no water if needed, oh there is ways...and the rain won't always be around, besides how much water can one get from rain anyways...enough?"

Ironbark frowns, he knows rainwater isn't much and he has only caught a little in his mouth, he knows she is right but tries to not show it.

Kakarauri chuckles "Your slowly grow weaker, then maybe your talk..hmmm? see my master has killed a couple badgers, not from this area....see he will likely kill your leader if he returns, maybe he was smart and left the area..hee hee....I myself plan to kill the old stripedog thats inside the abbey..blind fool got lucky with this" She shows her misshaped paw"So I plan to seek him out..and kill him....then kill anyone he protects."

Ironbark snorts "Like he would let ya lay a paw on anyone in his care"

Kakarauri listens "Oh so he cares for some one?" She grins "Who?"

Ironbark just looks away from her.

Kakarauri shrugs "No matter...I could care less, they can watch him die before I kill them as well, it will and enjoyable.Now you sit there and do have a bad day.."She chuckles and walks away from the squirrel...


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